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《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》 Summ

During Wu Zetian's period, the imperial court issued official appointments and dismissals. At this time, Di Renjie, who wanted to make a difference, had to embark on the road to a remote town in the east.Relying on his talent for solving crimes, he solved the problems again and again, but as he continued to deepen, he found that the cases became more and more complicated. He himself traveled throughout the Tang Dynasty, solved countless strange cases, and finally returned toIn Chang'an, I met my father, and the father and son joined forces to solve the imminent crisis in Chang'an.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Dee Renjie cleverly solves the case of stealing pearls from the inn

Sunset in Chang'an City, the night is dark, thunder is booming, and rain and fog form a cage.The harem was in turmoil. Someone wanted to use the Queen's help to eradicate dissidents, and falsely conveyed that Yi's decree was to poison Chen Zhuliang, the governor of Yangzhou, and wipe out his entire family.At the same time, the sky fire burned the ancient sycamore tree, causing an uproar.

Nowadays, the imperial examination is different from previous years. The queen has changed the system and there is no restriction on family background.Therefore, many students in white clothes went to Beijing with ultimatums in their arms and stayed in the post house where Di Renjie had lived for a long time, which was very lively.As Chang Ke Ming Jing was about to come, Di Renjie was still in low interest and had no intention of taking the exam. His father's former subordinate Hong Liang couldn't sit still at all and hurriedly went to the scholar Wei Wuji to ask for floating tickets to persuade Di Renjie to take the exam and seek a future.However, Di Renjie still wanted to travel around and had no intention of becoming an official.

While they were talking, a group of Wuhou rushed into the post house to catch the thieves who stole the pearl.Since it was difficult to identify the disguised identity of the thieves, Wu Hou decided to take everyone away for interrogation one by one.Di Renjie was good at observing, and based on everyone's living habits, he first eliminated deserters who were eager to miss their mothers, old students who were dying soon, and men with families.In the end, he locked in on the two most suspicious people and deduced from clues that the thief was the accountant.

Sure enough, the fake accountant confessed and the case was successfully solved.Di Renjie remembered that the deserters had guarded the border for the Tang Dynasty and had both merits and demerits, so he begged the leader to be lenient.Although the leader did not respond, he actually gave the answer, which made Di Renjie feel devastated.After this incident, the residents of the post house saluted and thanked Di Renjie one after another, showing great respect for him.

On the other hand, Ma Rong set up a village on the streets of Chang'an City and used the incident of burning trees to attract people to watch, speculating whether it was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.Qiao Tai deliberately went against everyone and chose man-made trouble. As a result, he won several games in a row and made a lot of money. In the end, it was discovered that the two of them had conspired to cheat.

On one side, Ma Rong and Qiao Tai fled in embarrassment, while on the other side, several people were chasing a scholar, who turned out to be Di Renjie's young best friend He Dajing.Di Renjie acted righteously to save his friends from danger. He defeated those seemingly difficult guys with three punches and two kicks. He also met his followers Ma Rong and Qiao Tai. As a result, they were arrested and sent to the county jail.

Fortunately, his mentor Wei Wuji came to the rescue and even persuaded Di Renjie, hoping that he would take the scientific examination tomorrow.Di Renjie returned to the posthouse with his entourage, and loudly warned Ma and Qiao that they should be cautious in Chang'an and not talk about palace affairs at will.Unfortunately, the two of them were not worried. After eating and drinking, they sneaked into the dilapidated Di Mansion and became curious about Di Renjie's life experience.

Until this moment, Di Renjie was still not sure whether he should take the exam.Hong Liang imitated Ma Rong and set the colors of the chess pieces to help him make decisions.Although Di Renjie insisted that his fate was in his own hands, he was still touched when he saw a plate full of white pieces.Finally, he decided to enter the venue with everyone to take the test.

When night falls and the scientific examination is over, the students feel like they have been reborn and can't wait to go, swim around the lake, admire the lanterns, drink under the moon, immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the festival and feast, and find a place to talk freely for solace.He Dajing took Di Renjie to the tavern for a drink, but found that the tavern had been reserved by Captain Chang Sun and no one was allowed to enter.

A familiar Bingzhou tune suddenly sounded in the distance, which attracted Di Renjie to follow the sound and go straight to the front of Ju Shui Tower.When the owner saw officers and soldiers patrolling nearby, he had to let them in, claiming that he was closed today and could not wait for customers.But He Dajing insisted on staying and drinking, drinking happily with Di Renjie.

During this period, He Dajing revealed a piece of news to Di Renjie: Wei Wuji served the queen and was commissioned to compile a "surname record" based on the "Zhenguan clan annals", which included five surnames and seven looks.Therefore, in Di Renjie's opinion, the order of the world may undergo great changes, and the old noble clans may find it difficult to move forward.

As the two drank more and more, He Dajing gradually fell into unconsciousness, and Di Renjie was also drunk. Only the host was so anxious that he sneaked into the dark room unprepared and told his sister Yaxin to hide and not let Jin Wuwei find her trace.When Di Renjie was looking for the locker room, he accidentally saw a secret door, but the building owner made excuses and took him out of the building.During a thunderstorm that night, a fire broke out in Ju Shui Tower for no reason. Di Renjie witnessed He Dajing being buried in the flames, which made him wake up instantly.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 2 Plot Introduction: Wei Wuji steps in to protect Di Renjie

Ju Shui Tower, a theater with a plaque given by the Queen, was suddenly devoured by fire overnight. Eight of the nine people died. Only Di Renjie survived, so he became the biggest suspect.Hong Liang discovered that Di Renjie had not returned all night, so he and Qiao Tai went to the streets to search. They happened to see Di Renjie being dragged all the way to the county government office for interrogation by officers and soldiers, and hurriedly went to Wei Wuji for help.

The Ming government forced Di Renjie to sign a signature acknowledging that Ju Shui Tower was a natural disaster, otherwise he would be considered the arsonist.Di Renjie recalled the events before and after and refused to sign, insisting that it was caused by a man-made accident.When the Ming Dynasty ordered Di Renjie to be tortured, Wei Wuji came forward as a guarantee and revealed that Di's father was Zuo Cheng Di Zhisun.

With this relationship, the Ming government naturally did not dare to neglect Di Renjie, but it was also worried that he would take the opportunity to escape and be unable to explain to the saint.Wei Wuji proposed to put black iron shackles on Di Renjie to eliminate the concerns of the Ming Dynasty.In the end, the Ming government agreed that Di Renjie should prove his innocence by investigating the case, and he had to report the progress every day and find the real culprit within ten days.

On the first day, Di Renjie and others came to the morgue.Seven of the eight corpses were charred, but Yaxin's body was intact.In addition, Di Renjie discovered that Yaxin had the palace key on her body and the sachet on her waist was very exquisite and could not be owned by ordinary people, so he immediately asked Qiao Tai and Ma Rong to investigate the people who bought this spice.

Later, Di Renjie returned to the Ju Shui Building to investigate the scene and found the burned knot used to lock the door. Based on various signs, it was speculated that Yaxin was hiding in the secret room and was unable to escape and was killed by the thick smoke.Qiao Tai found out that the sachet contained a mixture of myrrh, sandalwood and tulip, both of which were the queen's favorite spices. From this, he could conclude that Yaxin was Si Bao's palace maid beside the queen.Di Renjie personally went to the Jinwu Guard Yamen to inform him of the discovery. Sure enough, the queen's confidant general Kang Zhiyi came to confirm his identity and ordered a thorough investigation of Pingkangfang.

That night, the senior ministers headed by Captain Changsun put pressure on the saint. Yaxin was in charge of the stolen phoenix seal. All because of the queen's negligence, the imperial power fell aside and was used by evil people to kill Zhongliang. The whole court and the public were panicked.The saint had concerns and did not make a decision, while the queen knocked on wooden fish in the harem to calm her mind, saying nothing the whole time.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and until the third day, Ju Shui Tower was still guarded by officers and soldiers, making it impossible to get close.Qiao Tai and Ma Rong collected information on the street. Ma Rong could not change his past bad habit of stealing things. He always grabbed something when passing some stalls, and ended up packing a whole bag of snacks and fruits, which left Qiao Tai speechless.

At this time, Di Renjie was drinking alone in the yard and was in a daze. He Dajing's voice and smile appeared in his mind, and he felt extremely heavy.During this period of time, all the things or people that the queen loved were met with misfortune one after another, which made everyone suspect that it was a punishment from the wrath of heaven, and rumors spread in the city of Chang'an.

Wei Wuji was worried about Di Renjie's safety and asked about the progress of his investigation.Di Renjie did not want to believe the news in the newspapers, but analyzed the situation based on what he saw and heard.He believes that the reform of the Queen's Imperial Examination is to break the monopoly of the clan, and the reform of agricultural affairs is to no longer pursue the crime of deported refugees, allowing them to settle nearby and arrange land, so that the people can cultivate and prosper. All these benefits are for the people.common people.

Therefore, in Di Renjie's view, the real culprit was someone from the hostile forces targeting the queen, and there must be many of these people in high positions.Wei Wuji acquiesced to Di Renjie's view, and also explained the stakes involved. They were not the real masters of Chang'an City, and they would be in trouble if they were not careful.

Hearing these words, Di Renjie felt distressed, returned to the room and locked himself up.Upon seeing this, Ma Rong set up a plate of pastries and sent it over. By the way, he asked Hong Liang about Di Renjie's life experience. He learned that his parents had died when he was a child, and he suddenly felt sympathy for the same illness.Although Hong Liang was a loyal servant of the Di family, he only knew that Di Renjie was nosy, and his specific thoughts were unclear.

After a thunderstorm, another murder occurred in a silkworm shed outside the city. Four people died in the fire, which seemed to be another natural disaster.Di Renjie took Ma Rong and Qiao Tai to the scene to watch. Hearing that they had a sudden illness and could not come, he took the initiative to ask for an examination and determined that the deceased were all men. The calluses on their palms may have been farmers. The clean mouth meant that they died before the fire.

Later, Di Renjie, with the help of Ma Rong, found the token from the fire scene.The Ming government stopped Di Renjie from continuing the investigation and reminded him in a low voice that there was something fishy about the fire and that he might be fighting for the gods, which meant something.Di Renjie felt like a mirror, so he had to leave first with Ma Rong and Qiao Tai. He found four tall horses on the roadside in the suburbs, one of which looked familiar to him. After careful reflection, he determined that the four dead were all members of the Imperial Guard.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 3 Synopsis: Chang’an City’s clouds and clouds reveal hidden secrets

On the fifth day, Di Renjie and the others disguised themselves as handymen and sneaked into the archives to look for the list of people who left the capital nine days ago.Ma Rong was unable to participate because he was illiterate, but Qiao Tai found the book in time and confirmed that the four deceased were from the Royal Forest Army.As Di Renjie guessed, they were ordered to falsely convey Yi's decree and poison Chen Zhuliang before being silenced.

The three of them split up and searched the market for clues related to the badge.When a merchant from the Western Regions saw the badge in Di Renjie's hand, he immediately recognized that it had belonged to Emperor Taizong's Xuanjia Army, the former unit of the rebel general Kang Huai'en.On the other side, Qiao Tai accidentally discovered Kang Zhiyi's case documents that Ma Rong brought back from the case documents library, and hurriedly handed them over to Di Renjie, and accidentally discovered that Kang Huaien was Kang Zhiyi's father.

Di Renjie suddenly realized that he immediately found Wei Wuji and reported to him the progress of the investigation. He believed that the cases in the suburban silkworm shed and Jushui Building were related to Kang Zhiyi.When the Xuanjia Army went on an expedition to the Tuo Khanate, Kang Huai'en rebelled and defected to the Xue Yantuo tribe. This was supposed to be a major crime that implicated the nine tribes, but Changsun Qing came forward as a guarantee. It was not until the death of the late emperor that Kang Zhiyi was able to return to Chang'an and join the Jinwu Guard, and later becameThe queen's bodyguard.

Therefore, Di Renjie thought of the night when the Ju Shuilou incident occurred, when Chang Sunqing had a secret meeting with Kang Zhiyi in a private room in Pingkangfang.Combining various clues, he suspected that Kang Zhiyi had stolen the phoenix seal, forged an imperial edict, ordered the Yulin army and set fire to death Yaxin, the palace maid who held the seal.Wei Wuji's face became more solemn when he learned that Di Renjie was planning to report to the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, requesting a joint trial by the three departments to rectify the queen's name.

Wei Wuji pointed out that Di Renjie only relied on speculation and it was difficult to establish a case without conclusive evidence.What's more, Changsun Qing has joined forces with Sikong Xuyuan and Zuopushe Sun Zhining to write to the saint, so the abolition of the queen is probably inevitable.Although the Queen was protected by her ministers, Changsun Qing held a high and powerful position. As the leader of the noble forces of the Tang Dynasty, most of the anti-military faction obeyed his orders. He was like a big tree, covering the entire city of Chang'an, and everyoneIt's hard to shake.

Although Di Renjie believes that if Changsun Qing threatens the officials of the government and the public, he can also endanger the authority of the saint, and his great achievements will inevitably be counterattacked, but he is not yet sure of overthrowing the opponent, and may even implicate Ma Rong and Qiao Tai.Di Renjie stood in a pavilion and was deep in thought. He suddenly heard a Bingzhou tune and recalled the scene where his grandfather jumped into the river and died. He realized that the government affairs were far more complicated than imagined.

As a result, Di Renjie went to drink and talk with his brother and sister. His words were full of confusion and made some inexplicable words.Hong Liang took the wine bottle and blamed Di Renjie for being half way through the promise period. There was no evidence yet, but he didn't think about how to deal with it.Di Renjie did not respond, but persuaded Ma Rong and Qiao Tai to leave Chang'an.Ma Rong suspected that Di Renjie was in big trouble and thought it might be a good idea to leave Chang'an and observe secretly.On the other hand, Hong Liang saw that Di Renjie was confused and encouraged him to follow his heart to find the answer and give it a try.

In a blink of an eye, the sixth day came. In order to fight against the queen, Sun Qing worshiped the national cypress and held the national cypress in a procession to plead guilty. He claimed that the queen had caused the wrath of heaven and harmed the people. He decided to personally offer 30,000 incense sticks to the peace and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.His words and actions won the hearts of the people.Di Renjie suddenly appeared and predicted that the sky fire would come at least five times. The first three times had burned down the parasol trees, the troupe and the silkworm farmers, and the next time it would burn the surname record because it was the queen's biggest political move in recent years. If the sky fire came, it would be a natural disaster., if the fire from heaven does not come, it will be a man-made disaster.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.Di Renjie glanced at Changsun Qing and Kang Zhiyi on the second floor, and left meaningfully.Obviously, Di Renjie was risking his life and fortune by doing this, aiming to anger Changsun Qing and Kang Zhiyi and force them to surrender.Wei Wuji acquiesced to Di Renjie's approach and decided to stay and watch “天火”. If he could see the true face of the person who controls destiny, he would have no regrets in this life.However, when Di Renjie and others acted as planned, the horse suddenly lost control and the stirrups were tampered with, making it difficult for him to break free.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 4 Plot Introduction: The case turns around and the murderer is someone else

Di Renjie could not break free from the stirrup. At the critical moment, Ma Rong showed up and cut the leather rope with a knife, and worked with Qiao Tai to save him.Later, Di Renjie took everyone back to Di Gong's Mansion and was surprised to find that Ma Rong had cleaned the mansion.Di Renjie told them not to light lamps after dark, and not to make any noise, so as not to find out who was hiding in the house.

In a corner of the main hall, there is the Yulong Sword owned by Father Di during his lifetime.As if he had found a treasure, Qiao Tai looked at it carefully and lamented that if he was destined to die by the sword, he would rather shed his blood on this sword without regrets for the rest of his life.That night, a thunderstorm swept through Chang'an. Di Renjie reflected that obtaining clues along the way was too smooth, as if someone was deliberately guiding him.

Soon, Di Renjie found Wei Wuji's old Zhu Pi in the Wei Mansion, as well as the stone in the wine pot that could spontaneously ignite.He suddenly remembered that wine was leaking from the bottom of He Dajing's wine flask, and the smell was unusual. He didn't pay attention to it at the time, but now it seemed that all this was carefully set up by someone.Di Renjie went to Wei Wuji alone and pointed out that he was the real mastermind behind the scenes.

Wei Wuji was deeply influenced by patriarchal thoughts and deeply resented the saint's connivance with the queen's involvement in politics, believing that he had made a mistake of reversing yin and yang.Therefore, he wanted to use He Dajing's hand to set fire to the examination room and disrupt the imperial examination.However, this year's imperial examination was specially monitored, and wine bottles were no longer allowed into the examination room.

In order to prevent He Dajing from getting into trouble due to drunkenness, Wei Wuji smeared coptis on the wine pot and diverted him to Jushui Tower to drink.As long as he could frame the queen and create public opinion about the wrath of heaven and bring disaster, he would not hesitate to sacrifice He Dajing.As for the reason why Di Renjie was able to survive, it was all because he played a vital role in the investigation process, which was to lead the charge to Chang Sunqing's faction.

Faced with the various evidences listed by Di Renjie, Wei Wuji frankly admitted that Empress Wu had brought disaster to the country and the people. If the Tang Dynasty fell into her hands, the consequences would be disastrous.Wei Wuji criticized Di Renjie for being young and energetic, saying that "new" is the right thing, but "new" does not mean good, but means change, chaos, and even the change of imperial power and the loss of life.

To this day, Wei Wuji has no regrets for what he did. He immediately set himself on fire and died in the sea of ​​fire.On the other side, a large number of men in black broke into the inner courtyard and started a fierce battle with Hong Liang and Qiao Tai.Di Renjie arrived in time and chased a man in black to the top of the mountain. He was shocked that the man was Kang Zhiyi in disguise.On the other hand, there was a person standing next to her, who seemed to have been waiting for Di Renjie for a long time, and she was none other than the Empress of the Tang Dynasty.

When Di Renjie woke up, he learned that Chang'an City had undergone earth-shaking changes after he had been sleeping for three days.Kang Zhiyi confessed during the interrogation of the three divisions, admitting that he was ordered by Changsun Qing to steal the Phoenix Seal. Before he was about to kill Yaxin, he discovered that someone had arrived first, so he followed the same method of committing the crime and killed four Yulin who had falsely passed down the imperial edict.Army soldier.The saint ordered a thorough investigation of Changsun Mansion, but the Phoenix Seal was never found. Considering Changsun Qing's identity as a royal relative, there is no conclusion yet.

Currently, Changsun Qing is staying at Qinglong Temple, offering 30,000 incense sticks as promised to pray for peace.The saint decided to take the queen to confront him. Many ministers and people had surrounded the temple, including Di Renjie.The queen proposed to negotiate with Changsun Qing in person, and when passing by Di Renjie, she cast a meaningful look.

Before Di Renjie fell into coma, he had a long face-to-face conversation with the Queen. He learned that she cared about the people of the world and would do whatever it took to achieve her goals. She used Yaxin, Kang Zhiyi and others as pawns to deal with Changsun Qing's group. Her knowledge, resourcefulness and even cruelty were beyond ordinary people.The queen told Di Renjie that some things were not determined by fate, but by man. As long as he was smart enough to see through the truth, he could take control of the fate of others.

Changsunqing made no secret of his dislike of the queen and insisted that the ethics of heaven are always above all else.He firmly believes that if the world is not allowed to judge right and wrong, justice will be lost.The queen repeatedly confirmed that Changsun Qing had no intention of turning around, and waited for the opportunity with a firm gaze.As the surrounding fire gradually heated up, the giant candle directly above Qinglong Temple suddenly collapsed, and the phoenix seal was revealed, shocking everyone present.

As the Queen said, Changsun Qing and his followers represent the decadent power of noble families. They are colluding together and pose a potential threat to the future of the Tang Dynasty.They are not the enemies of the Queen, but the enemies of the entire Tang Dynasty.In the end, Changsun Qing lost to a woman, who became the chosen queen in the eyes of all people and the future mother of the world.

The Ming government ordered people to remove Di Renjie's shackles and asked him to carefully identify the evidence. At the same time, he was reminded that if he wanted to make a difference in his official career, he should not mention Wei Wuji again in the future to avoid unnecessary trouble.Di Renjie entered the palace examination list, and the queen personally supervised the examination. When she saw Di Renjie writing an article about “新”, she decided that he was the talent she was looking for.Although Di Renjie did not take the imperial examination to high school, he obtained the post of Penglai County Magistrate, and he appointed Hong Liang to join the army, followed by Ma Rong and Qiao Tai, who took office with him.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 5 Plot Introduction: Dee Renjie encounters a male corpse on his way to office

In Penglai, Di Renjie found a male corpse just as he reached the boundary of Penglai, so he took the corpse with him and arrived just when the city gate was about to close. The soldiers guarding the city thought that the time had come and refused to allow entry. Qiao Tai tried to argue with him, but people surrounded him.After getting up, Di Renjie immediately identified himself and entered the city smoothly.Ma Rong bought cakes on the street, and Di Renjie found that the prices here were much lower than those in Chang'an and the order was very orderly. Although the previous county magistrate was imprisoned for three months for smuggling, Di Renjie was amazed that the county town was still orderly.At this time, Ma Rong noticed that the woman was applying powder on her face, and she couldn't help but be curious. She quickly asked the store to find out, and unexpectedly learned that it was for beauty, and she couldn't help but remember it in her heart.

Teng Kan's poem was the leader of this session. Unexpectedly, he also came to Penglai. Di Renjie was very excited to see his old friend in a foreign land. He was invited to attend Teng Kan's banquet. When he saw Cao An, he felt very friendly. He didn't want to hear Cao An singing again later.In Bingzhou Minor, Di Renjie became suspicious and left the banquet in the middle of the banquet. He originally wanted to ask about the four-painted screen he heard at the banquet, but Tengkan refused to mention it more because of family matters.Di Renjie noticed that Tengkan wanted to vomit and stepped forward to pat his back, but Tengkan would not let anyone touch his body, and Tengkan's wife Anemone also retreated into the house in panic after seeing a sneaky and ugly man.Di Renjie became suspicious.Hong Liang took the man's body back for inspection. When Di Renjie returned, he judged the situation at the time based on the deceased's injuries and accurately calculated that the deceased had been stabbed seven times and died, and that the deceased was also a patient who had been cured of leprosy.Ma Rong hired a painter to paint a portrait of the deceased. The painter refused to do it when he saw that it was a dead person, but Hong Liang did not give him a chance to refuse. He directly asked the painter to polish the ink and watched the painter start working. Soon the portrait of the deceased was posted, but because the deceased had passedLeprosy disfigured his face, and no one recognized him for a while.

Cao An sat in the room and looked in the mirror, listening to the lightning and thunder outside and the pouring rain. He recalled that when he was young, he was almost humiliated when he was chased by others. It was Master Heiyan from the Penghai Gang who saved her.Di Renjie always felt that Cao An seemed familiar, so he asked Hong Liang whether Di Zhisun had interacted with an official named Cao before, and learned that Cao Hean was killed for secretly minting private coins.Hong Liang knew that Di Renjie would never do useless work, so he asked Di Renjie about the reason for this, but Di Renjie kept silent.Ma Rong saw someone on the street mocking Di Renjie for posting a portrait to find out the identity of the deceased. He was so angry that he deliberately stepped on the corner of the man's clothes to make him fall. Seeing that he was about to harm the girl standing next to him, Ma Rong took action to kill the girl.He rescued him and took away the man's money bag at the same time, hoping to teach him a lesson.

Ma Rong brought the newly bought boots back home to look for Di Renjie. He was very disappointed when he saw that Di Renjie was not in the house. He did not want Di Renjie to sit in the pavilion. Di Renjie heard that Ma Rong had guessed that the rain would fall in an hour, so he said it would be half an hour.Later, he also made a bet with Ma Rong. If he won, Ma Rong would be arrested for theft. At the same time, he reminded Ma Rong, who was wearing powder on his face, that those people on the street who were wearing powder on their faces were all because of leprosy.Ma Rong was so frightened that she quickly wiped her face and quietly returned the money bag to the man. However, as soon as she stepped off the wall, she was beaten with a black stick and put in a sack.Ma Rong immediately struck back. The people who came to arrest him were very frightened when they saw that they were in trouble, but they still stated that everyone must abide by the rules of the Ba Zong.Ma Rong thought of Penglai County, which had no backlog of cases, and immediately cooperated to have her tied up in Ba Zong. Seeing that Ma Rong was just a little girl, the head of Ba Zong asked people to loosen her bonds. He learned that Ma Rong was Di Renjie's person.Let Ma Rong leave, but it is easier to ask the gods than to give them away. Ma Rong wanted to get back the power of the county magistrate for Di Renjie. This move made the overlord of the sect sneer, and he insisted that things should be done according to the rules of the world, so he and Ma Rong drank together, but they didn'tThinking of a group of people being stunned by Ma Rong, they drank him down.

In Teng's mansion, Yinlian was concentrating on writing. There was a man with ten sharp nails lying on the window peeping. He suddenly entered and attacked Yinlian. Yinlian was stabbed several times and fell in a pool of blood. Tengkan's white clothes were stained with blood and fell to the ground. The housekeeperHearing the screams and realizing something was wrong, he quickly called someone to check and found that Tengkan was still breathing. He asked someone to save Tengkan first, and at the same time ordered the ladies to guard the study and prevent anyone from entering.After Tengkan woke up, he recalled the tragedy and felt that he had killed Anemone, so he came to surrender. Di Renjie immediately went to the scene to investigate and judged the circumstances of the murder through clues. He found that Anemone also died from seven stab wounds, andThere were traces left by the screen, so he asked the housekeeper about the whereabouts of the screen, and saw that the screen in the warehouse that was supposed to be a couple embracing each other turned into a picture of the murder of his wife. Combined with Tengkan's sudden madness and the footprints at the murder scene, he determined that the silver screen had been killed.There is another person in Lian.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 6 Plot Introduction: The theft of the calligraphy and painting shop leads to the mysterious man

Tengkan wanted to die, admitted that he had killed Anemone due to a mania, and begged Di Renjie to sentence him to death.However, Di Renjie examined Anemone's body and found that his hair, ears and even the back of his hands were stained with white powder. Combined with the fact that the body had been moved, he believed that the case was highly suspicious and persuaded Tengkan to stay in the house and patiently wait for the truth.

Ma Rong returned home with a happy face and told Di Renjie that he competed with Ba Zong last night and finally won a large sum of money.Ba Zong gave Ma Rong three copper dice, promising that each copper dice could do one thing for them. At the same time, he asked whether Di Renjie could solve the unknown corpse case as a bet. If the case was solved, he would act in accordance with official rules.Unable to solve the problem, from then on the officials and the Jianghu did not interfere with each other.

Because Ma Rong had great confidence in Di Renjie, he immediately agreed to the matter and bought Di Renjie a pair of boots with the money he won.Di Renjie did not shirk, and happily went back to the house to change his boots. He knew Ma Rong's habit of stealing things, and suggested that Ma Rong should change it as soon as possible, but Ma Rong did not understand what he meant.

Now Tengkan is still suffering from the pain of losing his wife and wishes to die to atone for his sins. To this end, he mentioned his deep friendship with Di Zhisun and hoped that Di Renjie would fulfill his wish.Di Renjie was slightly shocked when he heard this, but insisted on acting in accordance with the law and asked in detail about the incident.Tengkan elaborated that he purchased the four-lacquered screen because of its rich content. The background depicts the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The process of the couple getting to know each other and falling in love closely resembled the story of him and Anemone.

Recalling the scene five days ago, Tenkan knocked over the study room due to a mania attack. A bowl of medicine was spilled on the four-painted screen, and the picture suddenly changed, forming the current picture of killing his wife, which shocked and horrified everyone present.Tenkan knew that his madness was difficult to control and was worried that the prophecy would come true, so he locked the four-painted screen in the warehouse, but the tragedy still happened.

Di Renjie thought of the strange similarity between Anemone and the male corpse with seven stabs in his body, and suspected that the two were related, so he showed Tengkan the portrait of the male corpse. Unfortunately, Tengkan had no impression of this person.During the investigation, Di Renjie discovered that four sisters from Yinlian's family before she got married personally took Hong Liang to visit the Lai Mansion. At present, only the second lady Lai was left in the Lai Mansion, dressed in white. After hearing Di Renjie's intention to come, she proposedAnd Anemone looked disdainful.

In Mrs. Lai's view, Anemone's murder was purely retribution because she was born with a promiscuous nature. She had an affair with Li Han before marriage. Later, she got bored and designed to send her to the Yamen. After marriage, she did not abide by women's ethics.On the other hand, Mrs. Lai has always been obsessed with Xu Kai, and her room is full of his paintings. However, Xu Kai later contracted leprosy and was disfigured, and his whereabouts are unknown. She decided not to marry in order to wait for Xu Kai.

After Di Renjie left Lai Mansion, he planned to start with old files, suspecting that the male corpse was Xu Kai himself, and Li Han became the main suspect.At this time, the county government received a report that someone broke into the calligraphy and painting shop and posted a notice and portrait of the unknown corpse and a hanging portrait of Xu Kai's woman.Di Renjie quickly rushed to the scene to investigate. No property was lost in the calligraphy and painting shop, but the painting scroll was stained with the same white powder as the anemone and the male corpse.

Therefore, Di Renjie combined the characteristics of the ragged clothes, dirty body and beggar-like appearance and thought that the powder most likely came from the quarry.Based on the words of Mrs. Lai, Hong Liang found Li Han's file, which confirmed that Li Han was imprisoned for a crime and was sentenced to hard labor in a quarry on the outskirts of the city.Di Renjie immediately took Qiao Tai there, and before leaving he took a copper dice for emergencies.

The person in charge, Chen Guard, refused to cooperate with the investigation and asked Di Renjie to leave immediately unless there was an official document from the governor.Di Renjie cleverly deceived Guard Chen into cooperating to find Li Han, but learned that Li Han had died of leprosy.Di Renjie asked to see Li Han's grave and found that the grave was full of new soil, so he deliberately showed the copper dice to attract the attention of the soldiers.

As expected, Xiaobing recognized the token because he had been favored by the overlord, and took the initiative to help Di Renjie and the others.As a result, there was no body at all in the grave, and a bundle of straw mats was left empty. Di Renjie directly led Qiao Tai to subdue Guard Chen and threatened him to tell the truth.Chen Guardsman became angry and questioned Di Renjie, who was more like a bandit than an official. Di Renjie responded domineeringly: He is an official when he sees an official, and he kills bandits when he encounters them.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 7 Synopsis: Anemone meets her lover and gets into trouble

Di Renjie's appearance as both an official and a gangster really frightened Guard Chen. In a panic, he revealed that he had taken money from people and released Li Han privately ten days ago. As for the person who spent money to redeem Li Han, he was wearing long clothes and a bamboo hat.And with the black veil on his face, it was impossible to identify his appearance.After confirming that what Chen Guards said was true, Di Renjie took Qiao Tai and left first. Qiao Tai felt that Li Han had the motive to kill because he hated Anemone.

Later, Di Renjie stepped into Mingyuefang and asked Cao An about Fengyue.Cao An lit a stick of incense for him and played a pipa song. In just one song, he understood the heart of an infatuated man and a resentful woman.When Di Renjie woke up and rushed to Teng Mansion, he saw that he was completely white. Seeing this, the housekeeper hurriedly asked Di Renjie for help, saying that Teng Kan had locked himself in the anemone room and had not had any water or rice for a day.

Di Renjie gradually learned that Anemone and Tengkan slept in separate rooms during his lifetime, and found that Anemone was good at writing poems. In comparison, Tengkan's revised poems were slightly inferior.Tengkan invited Di Renjie to the side hall to talk on the grounds that he missed people after seeing things.Di Renjie noticed the riding whip hanging next to him and heard that Tengkan had given up martial arts and followed literature in his early years.

During the conversation, Di Renjie revealed to Tengkan that Li Han had pursued Anemone, and because Anemone hated him and was a nuisance, he designed to have him wrongly imprisoned.It is speculated from this that the evil spirit that has appeared frequently in Li's house recently is Li Han, and he is the most suspected of killing Anemone.Tengkan was very angry about this and expressed his gratitude to Di Renjie, hoping that he could find out the real murderer so as to comfort his deceased wife's spirit in heaven.

Because Tengkan was obsessed with writing poetry, he often didn't leave his room for several days, and he didn't know much about the whereabouts of Anemone.The housekeeper revealed that his wife and Mrs. Lai have been in frequent contact recently and often return to her parents' home.Di Renjie noticed something strange and recalled that Mrs. Lai had looked down on Anemone. The two had long been at odds and had completely broken off contact.

Thinking of this, Di Renjie asked Ma Rong about a place specifically for lovers to meet.Ma Rong took him to the Flower House and showed Ba Zong's token.The landlady admitted that there were indeed rooms for concubines.Di Renjie observed the writings on Anemone and the lotuses painted by Xu Kai on the wall, and even found sharp claw marks outside the window. He speculated that Li Han might have witnessed the sexual intercourse between Anemone and Xu Kai, leaving traces of anger.

After Di Renjie confirmed that Yinlian had met Xu Kai before leaving the cabinet and truly fell in love with him, he visited Lai Erniang again and told the truth of the matter.Mrs. Lai denied that she was wishful thinking and emotionally tore up Xu Kai's paintings, further confirming Di Renjie's suspicion.

Di Renjie asked Ma Rong to use the third token to ask Ba Zong to release the news that Anemone was not dead, so as to lead out Li Han who was hiding in the dark.As soon as this news came out, the people in the city were talking. That night, Li Han sneaked into Teng Mansion to look for Anemone. When he found out that he had fallen into a trap, he was attacked by Di Renjie and others and had no time to escape.

At the critical moment, Tengkan appeared and killed Li Han, claiming to avenge Anemone.Di Renjie noticed that Li Han was chanting Anemone's name before he died and put his hand on the cloth bag on his chest. He personally checked his nails and was surprised to find that they did not match the scratches on the window frame.This major discovery shocked Di Renjie. In order to verify his guess, he went to Cao An for confirmation, and he found a new breakthrough.

Di Renjie hurriedly returned to the autopsy room and analyzed the existing clues to believe that the murderer was someone else.Early the next morning, Di Renjie came to Teng Mansion and saw the servants busy carrying boxes. After asking, he learned that Teng Kan was preparing to leave Penglai City.He found Li Han's left purse in the flower garden. There was a lock of hair in it, which was the severed hair on the top of Anemone's skull, which was enough to show his deep love for Anemone.

Tengkan hadn't noticed anything strange about Di Renjie yet, and still looked sad, so he ordered his slaves to throw away the four-painted screen.Di Renjie subconsciously asked the name of the person who made the four-lacquer screen, but failed to get an answer.As night falls, Qiao Tai practices boxing shirtless, with the whip marks on his back fully exposed, reminding Di Renjie of the riding whip hanging in Teng's mansion.At this time, Hong Liang made a major discovery - he found the poisonous plant pyrene vine in the stone soil at the crime scene.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 8 Synopsis: The case of the unknown corpse is solved

Cao An gave Di Renjie a collection of Teng Gong's poems with deep meaning and promised to sing for him in his spare time in the future. The tender look on his face made Ma Rong dissatisfied.After Cao An left, Ma Rong asked Di Renjie about the reason for their acquaintance with Cao An, but Di Renjie avoided answering. Instead, he entrusted Ma Rong with a crucial task, and there must be no mistakes.Qiao Tai and Hong Liang were full of suspicions, but Ma Rong remained tight-lipped.

Early the next morning, Di Renjie confronted Tengkan and used a long knife to scrape off the special paint on the surface of the screen, revealing the real reason why the four-paint screen changes when exposed to hot water.Therefore, Di Renjie exposed Tengkan's pretense of madness in public, designed to kill Anemone, framed Li Han, cleverly manipulated public opinion, and won the reputation of loving his wife as much as her life.

In fact, Tengkan was not a talented poet. Those popular poems were all written by Anemone, and he won the first prize in Gyeonggi Province based on these poems.However, Tengkan had already known that Yinlian had cheated on Xu Kai. In order to maintain his position in the poetry world, he could only suppress his anger and let him have trysts with Xu Kai up to seven times.In the end, Tengkan swung his knife angrily and stabbed Xu Kai and Yinlian seven times to vent his anger.

In addition, Di Renjie found blood stains on the riding crop and speculated that Tengkan whipped himself every day in order to suppress his inner demons.Later, Tengkan couldn't bear it anymore, so he teamed up with Lady Lai to redeem Li Han and fabricated stories about ghosts and evil spirits.On the day of the incident, Tengkan took the hallucinogenic pyrene manzi, deliberately creating the illusion of being possessed by a ghost, and killed Anemone.Unexpectedly, Li Han appeared at the scene. He was so distraught that he cut off his hair and kept it.

Since both Li Han and Xu Kai were destined to die, Di Renjie did not have enough evidence to convict him, so Tengkan was very proud.Just when Tenkan ordered his servants to move the last box in the study, he was surprised to find that the box that was supposed to store the Anemone poem manuscript was filled with stones.It turns out that Di Renjie secretly ordered Ma Rong to sneak into Teng Mansion at night and take away the poem manuscript. At this moment, the poem manuscript has been sent to Chang'an.Although Tengkan could not be sentenced for murder, his forgery of poems was a crime of deceiving the emperor, and he could not escape death.

Seeing that the situation was over and there was no chance of recovery, Tengkan slumped on the ground, feeling sad and crazy, and finally drank poisonous wine and ended his life.Hong Liang and Qiao Tai hurried to Lai's house, but Lai's second wife had trapped herself in the building and set herself on fire, which was sad.As the truth of the case came to light and everything settled, Ba Zong accepted his bet and accepted defeat, and Penglai City has been governed according to law since then.In order to thank Cao An, Di Renjie chose a piece of redwood wood with inscriptions on it and gave it to Cao An. Cao An liked it very much.

A few days later, a storm rolled up the waves, and a large ship was struggling to move forward in the dark night.Sailor Wang Lide changed the route without authorization and reassured the leader not to worry.The leader turned back to the cabin and was shocked to see the crew members died tragically. By the time he realized the murderer, it was too late.Wang Lide brutally killed everyone except the Baekje sailors who smuggled in hidden cabins.

Envoy Liu Zhong came to Penglai to buy goods. Seeing the gold and silver treasures prepared by the Gu family for him, Secretary Yi couldn't help but be jealous and mocked the Gu family for treating one thing over another.Gu Mengbin's confidant Bai Kai was well versed in the world and could resolve the resentment of Secretary Yi in a few words, leaving him speechless.

Di Renjie met his friend Hou Yu by chance at the pier. They had not seen each other since the capital, and they met again today. The two were extremely happy.Now that Empress Wu was the regent, she had carried out a purge of civil and military officials, and Hou Yu was inevitably implicated and deposed.Di Renjie revealed to Hou Yu that the purpose of his trip was to block a shipowner named Gu Mengbin.He summoned the other party for three days for a small case, but each time the other party avoided seeing him.

At the same time, Gu Mengbin appeared at the dock with a group of people, and Ma Rong was surprised by the grandeur.Qiao Tai said that Gu Mengbin is the largest ship owner in Penglai. Hundreds of ships coming in and out of the port are from the Gu family, which shows that his family is strong.Gu Mengbin ordered people to quickly put away the gold and silver treasures, and specifically reminded Secretary Yi not to mention gold, especially the word Baekje gold.

That night, Gu Mengbin held a banquet for Ambassador Liu Zhong to cleanse himself from the wind and dust, and Secretary Yi and Hou Yu accompanied him.Ambassador Liu revealed that he loves two things most in his life: karaoke and gold.Even though Secretary Yi was a eloquent person, he couldn't help but be stunned when he heard these words. In addition to being surprised, he lied that Penglai never produced gold.

Di Renjie failed to meet Gu Mengbin and decided to take people to find him.Coincidentally, they met Cao An holding a pipa on the shore.Later, Di Renjie and Cao An entered the painting boat together.Ambassador Liu treated Di Renjie with contempt and indifference, but he was quite interested in Cao An.On the other hand, Qiao Tae took the initiative to talk to Baekje singer Ok So, but felt bored because of the language barrier.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 9 Plot Introduction: The mysterious ghost ship involves the former organization

Storms and storms were coming, and the roar of the waves was terrifying. Under such extreme weather, it was extremely difficult for the fleet to move forward. Some criminals even secretly damaged the mast and rudder, causing casualties.As the fleet was separated, everyone was left alone and helpless. Fortunately, there was still enough food on the ship, and they were still looking forward to rescue.Di Renjie delivered the news to Hong Liang through a carrier pigeon. If something unexpected happened, he asked Hong Liang to submit the letter to the court as evidence to ensure that the truth would be preserved in the world.

Yu Su was bullied by officers and soldiers, and Qiao Tai came to the rescue in time. Ma Rong was deeply moved by this hero saving the beauty.While Di Renjie and Hou Yu were talking, they suddenly thought that Wang Lide was good at observing the stars and would check the nautical charts wherever he went. Therefore, they suspected that the nautical charts they obtained might not be authentic because there were no marks on them.

While he was talking, Ambassador Liu summoned everyone on board to the cabin to check for the traitor.Jin Sang revealed that Wang Li De had a close relationship with a singer from Baekje, suggesting that Yu Su may have clues related to gold.Liu Zhongshi tortured and interrogated Yu Su. The scene was so cruel that Cao An couldn't bear to look at it.Di Renjie persuaded Yusu to reveal the whereabouts of Wang Lide and Huang Jin, but Yusu only said that Wang Lide had promised to come back to redeem himself, and knew nothing else.

Unable to get any useful clues from Yu Su, she was taken away by officers and soldiers.Di Renjie stabilized Cao An's emotions and signaled her to stay calm with his eyes.Later, Di Renjie revealed in public that Mr. Yi had personally led a large ship to sea in the dark, which happened to be the same day as Wang Lide's accident. This was too coincidental and made Mr. Yi's sophistry seem weak.

Soon, heavy fog began to appear on the sea surface, and Hou Yu informed everyone to return to the cabin to rest in case of an accident.Di Renjie and Hou Yu jointly analyzed the case and believed that it was most likely that the Baekje people used gold to smuggle arms from the Tang Dynasty.After the fog cleared, everyone found that sexton Yi was dead and his body was hung on the mast.

This incident caused Gu Mengbin to feel extremely panicked and ordered his followers to guard him at all times.It is precisely because the inner ghost is still lurking on the ship that it makes people panic.Liu Zhongshi suspected that everyone might have ulterior motives, and even threatened Di Renjie that he would personally interrogate Cao An if the murderer could not be found.

Qiao Tai was worried about Yu Su's safety, so he quietly sneaked into the bilge to check on her condition, and personally fed her water and applied medicine, while Ma Rong kept a careful lookout outside.After nightfall, Gu Mengbin used a star board to observe the stars. This action inspired Di Renjie. He believed that the ship was traveling along the ocean current, which coincided with Wang Lide's route.

In order to prevent Yusu from revealing Baekje's secrets, Bai Kai decided to kill her personally, but was discovered and stopped by Qiao Tai and Ma Rong in time.Bai Kai's assassination attempt failed and he was forced to the deck by everyone, and he simply admitted that he was the flag captain of Baekje's Tiger Army.Although Di Renjie speculated that Wang Lide had the support of high-ranking officials in the court, Bai Kai remained tight-lipped about this.

During the day and night, many changes occurred on the ship.Yi Pan was suspected of being murdered, and Bai Kai jumped into the sea and died after being arrested.According to the measurement of the star board, they have been drifting along Wang Lide's channel, and the clues to the gold case have gradually become clear.With the pleading of Di Renjie and others, Yu Su was able to return to the cabin to rest, with Cao An taking good care of her.

Di Renjie found Cao An and asked her why she insisted on boarding the ship, and asked Yu Su about Bai Kai's other situation.Cao An remained silent, and Yu Su also said she knew nothing about it.After Di Renjie left, Yu Su took the initiative to tell her story with Wang Lide, and realized that the relationship between Cao An and Di Renjie was unusual.

During the investigation of this gold case, Di Renjie deeply felt that Hou Yu had an extraordinary understanding of tides and astrology.Hou Yu smiled and explained that he learned this knowledge from his grandfather, but rarely mentioned his grandfather's affairs to the outside world.At the same time, Gu Mengbin sent gold to honor Lieutenant Liu, and falsely claimed in front of him that Di Renjie intended to protect Wang Lide. He was afraid that the two would conspire to secretly control the smuggling of gold.After hearing this, Ambassador Liu was thoughtful and said that if Di Renjie was really like this, he would have committed a serious crime that would implicate the nine clans.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 10 Synopsis: The gold case involves disputes between the two countries

Encountering extreme weather while out at sea, some gangsters secretly destroyed the mast and rudder of the ship, causing heavy casualties to the sailors, and many people were separated from the fleet.Fortunately, there was enough food on the ship, and they only needed to wait for rescue to arrive. On the other hand, Di Renjie relied on carrier pigeons to deliver news to Hong Liang. If something unexpected happened, he would ask him to submit the letter to the court as evidence so that the truth would remain in the world.

Yu Su was bullied by officers and soldiers, and Qiao Tai came to the rescue in time. Ma Rong was deeply moved by this hero saving the beauty.Di Renjie and Hou Yu suddenly remembered that Wang Lide was good at observing the stars and would check the markings on the nautical chart wherever he went. However, the navigation chart they obtained did not have any markings, so this map was really full of doubts.

While they were talking, Zhongshi Liu summoned everyone on the ship to the cabin to check for the traitor. Jin Sang revealed that Wang Lide had a good relationship with a singer from Baekje, implying that Yu Su knew clues related to gold. Zhongshi Liu tortured Yu Su and interrogated Yu Su. The scene was cruel.Cao An couldn't bear to look at it.Di Renjie persuaded Yusu to explain the whereabouts of Wang Lide and the gold. Yusu said that Wang Lide promised to come back to redeem himself before leaving, and no one else knew about it.

Because he failed to find any useful clues, Yu Su was taken away by the officers and soldiers. Di Renjie stabilized Cao An's mood and motioned her to be calm.Later, Di Renjie questioned in public that Mr. Yi had personally led a large ship to smear the sea. It happened to be the same day as Wang Lide's accident. It was really too much of a coincidence. Mr. Yi's sophistry was a little pale.

Soon there was heavy fog on the sea surface, and Hou Yu came over to tell everyone to go back to the cabin to rest to avoid accidents.Di Renjie and Hou Yu analyzed the case and believed that the Baekje people used gold to smuggle arms from the Tang Dynasty.At this time, the fog dissipated, and everyone found that Secretary Yi was dead, hanging on the mast.

Because of this, Gu Mengbin was frightened and ordered his followers to stay by his side.Currently, this mole is lurking on the ship, causing people to panic. Liu Zhongshi suspects that everyone is harboring evil intentions, and even threatens Di Renjie that he will personally interrogate Cao An if the murderer cannot be found.

Qiao Tai was concerned about Yu Su's safety and quietly sneaked into the bilge to check on her condition. He personally fed her water and applied medicine while Ma Rong kept a careful lookout outside.After dark, Gu Mengbin brought a star board to the enemy to observe the stars. Di Renjie was deeply inspired by it and felt that the ship was traveling along the ocean current, which coincided with Wang Lide's route.

In order to prevent Yusu from leaking Baekje's secrets, Bai Kai decided to kill him personally, but was discovered by Qiao Tai and Ma Rong.Bai Kai's assassination attempt failed and he was forced to the deck by everyone. He admitted that he was the flag captain of Baekje's Tiger Army. Although Di Renjie guessed that there must be a high-ranking official in the court behind Wang Li De, he refused to reveal anything.

One day and night, something happened on the ship. Yi Pan was suspected of being murdered, and Bai Kai was arrested and jumped into the sea to his death.According to the measurement of the star board, they have been drifting along the Wang Lide Channel, and the clues to the gold case have gradually become clear.Because of the intercession of Di Renjie and others, Yu Su was able to return to the cabin to rest, and Cao An stayed by her side to take good care of her.

Di Renjie came to Cao An and asked her why she wanted to get on the ship. He also asked Yu Su about Bai Kai's other situation.Cao An was silent when he heard this, and Yu Su didn't know anything about it either.After Di Renjie left, Yu Su took the initiative to tell her story with Wang Lide and saw that the relationship between Cao An and Di Renjie was different from ordinary people.

Di Renjie's biggest impression of handling the gold case this time was that Hou Yu actually knew the tides and astrology. Hou Yu responded with a smile that he had learned a thing or two from his grandfather, but he rarely mentioned his grandfather's affairs to the outside world.At the same time, Gu Mengbin sent gold to Ambassador Liu as a tribute, and also falsely suggested in front of him that Di Renjie intended to protect Wang Lide. He was afraid that the two conspired to secretly control the smuggling of gold.Liu Zhongshi was thoughtful and said bluntly that if Di Renjie really acted like this, he would have committed a serious crime that would implicate the nine clans.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 11 Synopsis: The official ship was surrounded by black flames and almost destroyed

After nightfall, several small boats moved forward in the dark, gradually gathering to surround the official ship in the middle of the sea.The leader was wearing a black robe and mysterious armor, and a beast-headed mask, with a pair of black eyes staring into the distance, as if he was ready to give orders at any time.Jin Sang took the opportunity to bite the porcelain bowl, used the fragments to open the shackles, escaped from the cage, and held the soldiers hostage to question Yu Su's whereabouts. Then he took Hou Yu as a hostage and ordered Di Renjie to hand over Yu Su in exchange for his safety.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, someone suddenly shouted "A ship is coming", and Jin Sang hurriedly blew the whistle.Di Renjie realized that the situation was not good, and just as he was about to warn everyone to take precautions, he saw a rain of arrows coming from the sky. The officers and soldiers were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.Regardless of his own safety, Hou Yu urged Di Renjie to inform the Yulin Army.Di Renjie had to turn back and found that Gu Mengbin was seriously injured. When he was about to die, he blew himself up and was plotted against him. He and Yi Shi should not have ended up like this after trying to supply gold to Wang Lide.

There was still chaos on the ship, but Di Renjie quickly regained his composure and commanded the Yulin army to defend against the enemy.For a time, the enemy ship's offensive gradually weakened. The officers and soldiers brought Yu Su in time, and Jin Sang's hostage changed from Hou Yu to Yu Su.At this time, Hei Yan led a group of people to rush to the official ship, during which they discovered Cao An hiding in the corner.Although Cao An looked panicked, Black Flame did not kill him, which made Cao An unable to help but fall into memories.

Di Renjie personally negotiated with Jin Sang and tried to rescue the hostages.Jin Sang believed that the situation was under his control and no longer had any worries. He admitted that he was a member of the Black Flame Organization. His purpose was to trick Wang Li De into helping him plunder the gold, pretending to be a survivor of Baekje to divert their attention, and deliberately left behind.The missing navigational charts and damaged masts left the official ship isolated.

At this moment, the masked man suddenly appeared and kidnapped an officer and soldier, thanking Di Renjie for revealing the secret of gold.The golden mulberry knife reached the jade element and asked about the location of the gold. Hou Yu took the opportunity to grab an arrow and kill the jade element, which surprised everyone.In the chaos of the scene, Jin Sang was killed by an arrow, and the masked man jumped off the boat and fled. Cao An followed the masked man with his eyes the whole time and only felt relieved after confirming that he was safe and sound.

However, Hou Yu never wanted to stop. After Liu Zhongshi arrived, he slandered Di Renjie on the spot for colluding with foreign enemies and insisted on killing him.Since both Ma Rong and Qiao Tai were subdued and could not get even half a step closer to Di Renjie, dozens of arrows flew out at Hou Yu's command.

At the critical moment, Di Renjie grabbed Cao An and jumped into the rushing water.Ma Rong and others were distraught and shouted Di Renjie's name loudly, but the two of them had disappeared into the vast sea, as if the shocking scene just now had never happened.Di Renjie sank to the bottom of the sea and had difficulty breathing. The scene of his father jumping into the river appeared in his mind, just like the revolving door of life he saw before he died.

Fortunately, Cao An was proficient in water skills and swam ashore with Di Renjie.The two survived and made a fire to keep warm on the shore while waiting for rescue.Di Renjie guessed that Cao An boarded the ship to meet someone and chat with her about life insights.Cao An was worried, silently looking at the dark sea and humming a Bingzhou tune.

Early in the morning, Di Renjie found Wang Lide's corpse that had been rotting for many days on the shore. Hong Liang and others also rushed over quickly and reported to him about Secretary Yi's night patrol to the sea.Di Renjie combined the clues provided by Yu Su before her death and cleverly used piano music to solve the mystery, and finally locked in a key figure - the mysterious guest who holds one of the three navigation charts.As for the other two navigation charts, they are in the hands of Hei Yan and Wang Lide respectively.

According to the records of "Tide Chronicles", a strange large tide will occur in Penglai every hundred years. When the tide occurs, the water level will retreat more than ten miles to form a trench.Now that another hundred years is approaching, Di Renjie speculates that the tide will occur today. He rides alone to the trench and meets his former friend Hou Yu who is disguised as a mysterious guest.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 12 Synopsis: A loyal hero later became a political outcast

The Hou family was a loyal family, and after three generations of ups and downs as officials and generals, it finally declined at the hands of Hou Yu, all because Empress Wu controlled the government and deprived him of his power.Over the years, there has been an endless stream of ministers in the DPRK and China who opposed Empress Wu, and they even started smuggling arms.Hou Yu became the middleman sent by these powerful people, mainly responsible for negotiating with Wang Lide to jointly establish a navigation channel.

It happened that Heiyan also targeted Wang Lide and threatened him to rob the gold.Wang Lide knew that the exchange of gold for arms would involve the powerful people in the DPRK and China. The Black Flame Organization was powerful and cruel. Neither party should offend hastily. He had no choice but to turn to Hou Yu for help, but he did not expect that he would be doomed.

Hou Yu followed his plan, and after Wang Lide killed all the crew members, he killed them with his own hands.Although Wang Lide jumped into the sea to escape and hid on a small island for several days, he could not escape death.Originally, Hou Yu thought that he would be able to sit back and relax as long as he got rid of Wang Lide, but he did not expect that there was also a stowaway from Baekje hidden on the ship.Black Flame suffered heavy losses and was wanted by the court because his whereabouts were exposed. He simply sent Jin Sang to pretend to be a survivor in an attempt to frame the big shot in Penglai.

Later, Hei Yan deliberately left the navigation chart behind to lure Di Renjie and others to go to sea.This exposed the truth to Secretary Yi, so Hou Yu simply strangled him to death and pretended to commit suicide.Although Gu Mengbin did not know Hou Yu's secret, he was terrified all day long because he was afraid of Bu Yi's death. Unfortunately, he was shot dead by Hou Yu.

Di Renjie gradually revealed Hou Yu's modus operandi and was angry with him for killing many people in order to cover up the truth about the gold.Hou Yu claimed that he did this for the sake of the people of the world. Only by mastering gold can he win over the courtiers, stabilize his official career, and prevent the Demon Queen from taking over and causing trouble in the Tang Dynasty.

Hou Yu had great talent but no great virtue, and eventually went astray. He begged Di Renjie to give him a way out, but Di Renjie's hesitation gradually made him feel cold.Therefore, Hou Yu decided to strike first and sneak attack Di Renjie to the death.Di Renjie defended himself, unwilling to harm his friend's life.Finally, a big wave hit, and Ma Rong and Qiao Tai fled with Di Renjie. Hou Yu had lost his mind and was buried at the bottom of the sea holding gold. And he was a poor man and became a victim of political struggle.

With the gold case completely solved, Ambassador Liu returned to Beijing to resume his duties.Di Renjie promised Empress Wu that there would no longer be smuggled gold.A few days later, Di Renjie accompanied Cao An to the temple to offer incense, and ventured to climb the cliff to pick cherry branches for her, winning the beauty's smile.That night, Hong Liang hosted a banquet for Cao An in his mansion to create an opportunity for them to be alone, but Cao An stood up and left after thinking for a moment.

In the days that followed, the Penglai County government often took on minor cases that were insignificant.On this day, someone complained that Zhongji Zhiqiang would not redeem the pawned items. Di Renjie said that he would find out the reason and deal with it impartially.At this time, the county government received a report again. It was said that someone had witnessed “Zombie” with his own eyes, and the person who witnessed it was a young child.

Under Di Renjie's questioning, the child described that he and his friends were playing hide-and-seek and strayed into a reed swamp. When trying to find a way out, they accidentally bumped into a body floating in the lake. His whole body was bruised and stiff.Di Renjie brought Ma Rong and Qiao Tai to the scene to investigate, and sure enough they found many obvious blood stains.

They followed the blood trail to a dilapidated tower. Right in front of it hung a huge and withered birdman - the statue of the Rain Master believed by the people. It was too lifelike and looked extremely absurd and terrifying.Di Renjie found traces of someone living on the second floor. When he turned around, he saw the crazy young woman Ying'er.

A group of soldiers were ordered to patrol nearby. Di Renjie learned that Captain Li had made his own decisions and ordered the soldiers to take away the body, so he decided to meet this man in person.Lieutenant Li dismissed Di Renjie's arrival. Di Renjie insisted on seeing the body, but he did not expect that he had already burned the body.

At the same time, Ma Rong and Qiao Tai discovered erotic pictures in the soldiers' camp.Then, they heard footsteps outside and hurriedly hid.Several soldiers helped each other into the camp. They were severely whipped on the chest, front and back, but they did not regret their actions last night and thought it was worth it.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 13 Synopsis: The infatuated shopkeeper pretends to be a rainmaker for love

Seeing that Di Renjie was so obsessed with the corpse, Lieutenant Li asked him to take it away and reminded him that the plague was prevalent recently and he needed to be extra careful.Di Renjie asked Lieutenant Li why he found the body this morning and didn't burn it until noon.Lieutenant Li was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and said frankly that the four child soldiers who were on patrol last night went out to fool around and lost their sabers, and he found a pawn ticket of “Zhong Ji Qi Si Si ” on the body.

Di Renjie and his party returned with the corpse. Ma Rong guessed that the child soldiers were most likely going out to have fun. Qiao Tai also agreed with Ma Rong's guess, saying that the teenage boys in the military camp were energetic and it was inevitable to miss women.But regarding Zhong Ji Zhi Si, Ma Rong immediately thought that someone reported it to the official, and the ticket stub was still in the hands of the shopkeeper, so he speculated that the deceased was probably the missing shopkeeper Zhong Fang.

Di Renjie and Cao An then watched a shadow puppet show. The plot tells the story of the love between the Rain Master and a mortal woman. When the woman takes off her mask, the Rain Master turns into a bird and hovers in the sky forever, unable to land. The audience laments the twist of fate.Cao An knew that Penglai was very humid and was about to usher in a month of misty rainy season, so he personally sewed a fitting coir raincoat for Di Renjie. Di Renjie was filled with joy and wanted to express his affection for Cao An, but he could not express it in words.

Shopkeeper Lin came to identify the deceased. After seeing the body, he was very sad and confirmed that he was the owner Zhong Fang.On the way to Zhong Ji Zhi Si, Di Renjie unexpectedly learned that someone witnessed Zhong Fang turning into a birdman and flying away, and he became suspicious.Shopkeeper Lin described Zhong Fang as kind-hearted and simple, and his dream was to run the largest quality restaurant in Penglai. However, since he watched the shadow puppets of Baixi Troupe, he has not thought about food and drink since he came back. He often goes out in the middle of the night and comes back early in the morning.Not only that, Zhong Fang also did a lot of money-losing transactions. He was always moved by the love stories of those scammers, and he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy fakes.

Di Renjie found a stack of scrolls at Zhong Fang's residence and took them back to the county government for careful study. After comparison, he confirmed that the painting was exactly the image of the rain master in the shadow play.At the same time, the maid sent a coir raincoat, but Di Renjie was not there. Ma Rong came forward on his behalf, returned the coir raincoat, warned Cao An to restrain his thoughts, and revealed the news that Di Renjie was about to be transferred.

Di Renjie thought of Huang Ying'er and went to Qiao Tower alone. When he saw that she looked crazy, crying and laughing, and wearing the valuables of Zhongji Zhishi on her wrist, he quietly left and went to Mingyuefang.Cao An felt sad because of Ma Rong's words and had a cold attitude towards Di Renjie.When asked about Huang Ying'er, she revealed that she had met Huang Ying'er in a theater troupe, but Huang Ying'er was obsessed with Rain Master and would ask how to resurrect Rain Master every time. It seemed that she couldn't tell the difference between the inside and outside of the play.

Ma Rong returned home late at night and was discovered by Qiao Tai. He admitted that he went to see Cao An and took out a conch from behind. Qiao Tai realized that she had gone to steal something again.Just when Qiao Tai was about to criticize Ma Rong, Di Renjie came back from outside, clearly heard the conversation between the two, and angrily reprimanded Ma Rong for not changing his bad habits.Ma Rong felt uncomfortable and stood in the yard in the rain, unwilling to enter the house.When Di Renjie finished sorting out the clues of the case in the middle of the night, Qiao Tai couldn't bear it and reminded him tactfully before he remembered to call Ma Rong into the room.Seeing that Di Renjie was willing to forgive him, Ma Rong couldn't help crying.

In order to find out the truth, Di Renjie, with the help of Hong Liang and others, successfully restored the Rain Master's image equipment and appeared in front of Huang Ying'er wearing it.At first, Huang Ying'er recognized the wrong person and hugged “Yushi”, but when she saw those eyes, she realized that someone was pretending to be her loved one.

Di Renjie stopped pretending and took off his mask to question Huang Ying'er's relationship with Zhong Fang and the cause of Zhong Fang's death.Huang Ying'er seemed to be stimulated and screamed, picked up the dagger and stabbed Di Renjie, but was easily subdued by Di Renjie. Upon closer inspection, the dagger turned out to be a saber.Then Di Renjie found Wang Sanlang hiding in a corner and peeped, and immediately took the man back to the county jail.After interrogation, Wang Sanlang admitted to killing Zhong Fang with his own hands.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 14 Synopsis: The Rain Division case involves corruption in the military camp

Although Wang Sanlang has confessed, Di Renjie firmly believes that the real murderer is someone else.He personally drew the portraits of the four child soldiers and asked Ma Rong to find Ba Zong to track down their specific whereabouts.Hong Liang investigated the official procurement documents of the military camp for Di Renjie. Recently, the supplies were quite abundant, indicating that the corruption problem was huge.

Di Renjie was very angry about this. He went to Mingyuefang in the rain and told Cao An through the door that he would talk to her after the investigation was completed.Then Di Renjie came to Qiao Tower and saw Huang Ying'er had put on her feather clothes and was about to jump off the building.In desperation, he stopped Huang Ying'er in the name of Rain Master, and asked Zhong Fang again about the cause of his death.

However, Huang Ying'er was so excited that she not only did not answer Di Renjie's question, but even jumped down while he was unprepared.Almost at the same time, an eagle hovered in the night sky and screamed, which seemed to confirm Huang Yinger's wish came true. Di Renjie looked at Huang Yinger's body and further confirmed his guess.

Back then, Zhong Fang met Huang Ying'er at the theater and fell in love with her at first sight.Because Huang Ying'er was obsessed with Rain Master, he disguised himself as Rain Master and had a private meeting with her.Over time, the two fell in love, but Zhong Fang never let Huang Yinger see his true face.Later, Zhong Fang was killed and his body appeared in Qiao Tower. Because he was not wearing a mask, Huang Ying'er saw Zhong Fang's true face for the first time and couldn't believe that the Rain Master she loved so much was actually a mortal.In anger and collapse, Huang Ying'er picked up the saber left by the murderer and stabbed the dead Zhong Fang, mistakenly thinking that she was the real murderer.

On a thunderstorm night, Cao An was worried about Di Renjie's safety and hurried to the county government office, where he learned that Di Renjie had not returned yet.Hong Liang revealed that Di Renjie was about to be transferred to Lanfang and hoped that Cao An would accompany him.At this time, a soldier told Di Renjie to go rescue people quickly. By the time Di Renjie arrived at the military camp, it was too late and he saw that the child soldiers had been hanged by Captain Li.

Di Renjie angrily accused Lieutenant Li of sacrificing human life and should wait until he found out the truth before drawing any conclusions.However, Lieutenant Li said that these four people were beggars he picked up from outside. He finally taught them to change their bad habits and become soldiers. He did not want the dignity they accumulated to disappear due to other crimes and their achievements fell short.

Lieutenant Li warned Di Renjie not to interfere in this matter anymore, because the military camp is his territory.Di Renjie felt powerless after witnessing the death of Huang Ying'er and the soldiers. He came to Mingyuefang alone and confessed his feelings to Cao An through a door. He laughed at himself and could not save anyone, which made Cao An feel uncomfortable.

The shop owner knew that Cao An was interested in Di Renjie, but Cao An did not dare to take that step.Facing the unknown environment and ending, she felt uneasy. Following without hesitation did not mean that she would have a good ending.The next morning, Di Renjie woke up and found himself in Cao An's room. Cao An left his maid to take care of him, but he disappeared.

Ba Zong's investigation results showed that the four child soldiers did not go out for fun, but went to a restaurant.From the confession of the restaurant owner, Di Renjie learned that they did not carry swords. Instead, Lieutenant Li and the owner of the salt shop, Xie, were discussing matters upstairs and later took them away.This clue completely overturned Lieutenant Li's statement and proved that he was deliberately lying to conceal something.

Because of this, Di Renjie followed Shopkeeper Xie all the way to where the stolen goods were hidden, and found a large amount of supplies requested by the army.Di Renjie led Qiao Tai and Ma Rong to arrest Lieutenant Li, but was counterattacked by the other party. He was the first to find out that Qiao Tai was a deserter, and tortured him to extract a confession, leaving him with scars.

Qiao Tai breathed a sigh of relief, and Ma Rong told Di Renjie about his past, revealing that he was once a subordinate of General Meng. He eloped because he fell in love with the deputy lieutenant's young lady, but he returned because the young lady could not adapt to the hard life, and he was burdened with it.The crime of desertion.Just when Ma Rong was angry and accused Qiao Tai, Lieutenant Li prepared to kill Qiao Tai in public.

At the critical moment, Di Renjie was so anxious that he yelled about Li Xiaowei's misdeeds, until Hong Liang came to expose Li Xiaowei's corrupt behavior.In the end, Lieutenant Li was brought to justice for his crime, and Qiao Tai was safe and sound. When he woke up, he was worried that Di Renjie knew about his past. Fortunately, Ma Rong was willing to hide it for him.Ma Rong lied that Qiao Tai was framed in the military camp, and Di Renjie believed it.

The owner of Mingyue Square saw that Cao An and Di Renjie were in love, so he deliberately released the news that Di Renjie was in danger, causing Cao An to go looking for him anxiously.Cao An later learned about the good intentions of the owner of the workshop. When he returned to Mingyue Square, he saw her playing the pipa solo. A new recruitment notice had been posted outside. The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 15 Synopsis: Failure to love completely creates tragedy

After returning from the military camp, Di Renjie visited Zhong Ji Zhi's shop and found that shopkeeper Lin had transferred the shop and was packing his bags to leave Penglai.After identification by the clerk, Di Renjie confirmed that the writing on the dagger ticket stub was written by Zhong Fang.Previously, shopkeeper Lin and Zhong Fang had a fierce quarrel. Later, Zhong Fang went out and did not return until the news of his murder came back.

At this moment, Shopkeeper Lin was stroking the wooden sculpture as if possessed by a demon, murmuring to himself, it would have been great if Zhong Fang had not believed Yushi's story.Shopkeeper Lin was slightly surprised by Di Renjie's sudden appearance. He subconsciously covered the wood carving with a cloth and pretended to be busy sorting out the ledgers, but he could not hide the panic in his heart.

Di Renjie analyzed that shopkeeper Lin had murderous intentions because Zhong Fang was not interested in his career and a crazy woman destroyed their nearly 20 years of hard work.Although shopkeeper Lin once persuaded Zhong Fang, Zhong Fang was deeply attached to Huang Ying'er and even misappropriated the store's funds to support her. This persistence made shopkeeper Lin feel frustrated.

Shopkeeper Lin has been working hard with Zhong Fang until now, and has given his all for this. There is no lack of bitterness and suffering. Faced with all kinds of difficulties from the guests, he still has to smile and do his best.But who would have expected that all of this would be wiped out by Zhong Fang. Shopkeeper Lin complained bitterly about what Zhong Fang did, and painfully admitted that what he did was forced by the situation.

In the end, Shopkeeper Lin was taken to the execution ground.The people along the way threw rotten vegetable leaves at him, but he ignored them. He only saw Zhong Fang's back, as if he was seeing the person he respected and loved in the past.At the same time, Di Renjie cleared Wang Sanlang's suspicion. The reason why he admitted to killing Zhong Fang was because he liked Huang Ying'er and wanted to take the blame for her. However, Huang Ying'er was just a pawn in this murder case.

There is no Rain Master in the world, it is just a story derived from people's imagination, but some people are trapped in it and cannot extricate themselves.The Yushi case came to an end, and Di Renjie was a little confused.Ma Rong couldn't help complaining, thinking that the three men were cowards and did not dare to confess their love.Their unrequited love completely created this tragedy.

On the occasion of parting, Ma Ronglai said goodbye to Ba Zong, gave him the wooden dice carved by himself, and agreed to invite him to Lanfang for a drink one day.Di Renjie went to Mingyuefang to look for Cao An and expressed his feelings through the door, but no one responded in the house, making him disappointed.

The next morning, Di Renjie insisted on walking out of the city.Ma Rong was confused about this, but Qiao Tai and Hong Liang knew it well.Fortunately, Cao An has been waiting at the teahouse for a long time. She is dressed in black and carrying a pipa and luggage. She has obviously made a choice and is determined to go to Lanfang with Di Renjie.

After several days of marching, the group passed through the desert, which evoked the memories of Di Renjie, Ma Rong, and Qiao Tai.Back then, three “starving ghosts” met here.Di Renjie clearly remembers that the wind and sand almost buried him, and even worse, he ran into Ma Rong and Qiao Tai who came to rob him.Having not eaten for many days, they were already so hungry that their legs were weak and their mouths were dry. When they saw the kettle in Di Renjie's bag, they took the opportunity to get close to seize water and food, and gradually became Di Renjie's personal followers.

While they were talking, a sandstorm suddenly blew up in the desert and swept toward them quickly.Di Renjie led everyone to hide behind the rocks. Due to the confusion and rush, the briefcase accidentally fell on the desert and the closed case files were scattered everywhere.After the storm gradually subsided, when Di Renjie got up to pick up the files, he unexpectedly found a mahogany sword - the same wooden sword he had lost when he jumped into the river to save his father.Di Renjie has always worn the mahogany sword as a talisman. Now he picked up the wooden sword again in the desert, which indicates that the future of this trip is uncertain and the trip to Lanfang will be full of danger.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 16 Synopsis: The heroes in the borderland are divided into chaos

The golden crow is sinking in the west, the dusk clouds are gathering in all directions, and Lanfang, located on the border, is far more complicated than Di Renjie imagined.This town is not like an ordinary bustling town, but more like a ghost village in the wilderness. Hungry ghosts are everywhere, stealing food and evil ghosts committing crimes.Obviously, the Lone Wolf sect is regarded by everyone as evil spirits. They monopolize water wells and even play tricks and beat people who ask for water. Such things are not uncommon.

Just when Di Renjie wanted to intervene, a veiled young man came to stop him.Although his voice was weak and his body was weak, he still protected the suffering people by himself, and handed over a bag of silver so that the gang could leave with satisfaction and no longer make things difficult for those who fetched water.Upon seeing this, Di Renjie continued to lead the horse forward, and found that there were many people around him who were blatantly observing them with aggressive eyes.

Ma Rong and Qiao Tai went to explore the bottom first and came back to report that the county government office had been burned down last night and was now a charred ruin.Di Renjie couldn't believe it. He went to check it out in person before accepting the reality.Since the public security here is far different from Penglai, and many forces are divided in the city, they have to choose to settle in Hongtingzi.

Compared with the chaos outside, the Red Pavilion is rare and elegant. There are rows of embroidered pavilions and red towers, the sound of sandalwood, silk and bamboo can be heard endlessly, and there are also beautiful kabuki operas. It seems like a paradise in the world where you are alone.The proprietress Biyu led everyone upstairs, briefly introduced the situation of Hongtingzi, and revealed to them the distribution of power in Lanfang.

Nowadays, there are three major gangs in Lanfang: Qinglong Gang, Lone Wolf Gang and Xuanhu Gang, in addition to more than ten other gangs.In the past seven years, a total of five county magistrates have taken office, but they have been unable to manage Lanfang. The situation is still a chaotic scene where you sing your praises and I come on stage.Di Renjie asked Lanfang if it had always been like this. The landlady said that Lanfang was once led by Heiyan, but then Heiyan was suddenly hit hard and then all disappeared.

The Xuanhu Gang and the Lone Wolf Gang fought over the water wells. Qian Hao, the leader of the Xuanhu Gang, brutally killed the leader of the Lone Wolf Gang and eventually occupied the entire Lanfang water source.Di Renjie and others witnessed the bloodbath in the attic and gained a deeper understanding of the chaos in Lanfang. At the same time, they realized that these gangs were deeply entrenched and might be difficult to deal with. They decided to hold their troops on hold until the city defense arrived and drew based on their impressions.Map.

Later, Di Renjie went to Biyu to inquire about something, and happened to meet the singer Qiuyue.Qiuyue has always taken care of Li Tao's food and daily life, but today she discovered that Li Tao had cut his wrist and died.Di Renjie took a closer look and found that the deceased was the young man who rescued people during the day.Qiuyue revealed that Li Tao once proposed to her but was rejected, which meant that he was trapped in love and committed suicide.

Di Renjie wanted to continue asking, but Biyu came in from the outside and interrupted the conversation. Her eyes signaled Qiuyue not to talk nonsense. She even blocked the scene and issued an expulsion order to Di Renjie.That night, Di Renjie and his party sneaked into the room to examine Li Tao's body.They noticed that the location where Li Tao cut his wrists was inconsistent with the blood stains on the ground, and that there was an inconspicuous pinhole on his neck. From this, they concluded that Li Tao did not commit suicide but committed homicide.

Several people found some manuscripts under the carpet, many of which were IOUs given to Li Tao by others, and there were even notes about not repaying the borrowed money.At this time, Biyu and Lieutenant Li caught them, and Di Renjie had to reveal his identity. Biyu looked stunned, while Lieutenant Li was respectful.

Biyu was eager to characterize Li Tao as a suicide, which aroused Di Renjie's suspicion.After repeated questioning, Biyu realized that she had said something wrong and said that Li Tao had lived in Hongtingzi for forty-seven days, but she still knew nothing about this person.However, Di Renjie did not believe Biyu's explanation, but could not find out her doubts, so he asked Li County Lieutenant for information, and learned that Biyu had met an infatuated Mr. Lu, but the man hanged himself in the red pavilion because of a failed proposal.She became famous in Lanfang, and many girls followed her example.

Di Renjie saw at a glance that the inscription on Li Tao's painting was extremely special. After investigation, it was confirmed that the seal was from the hand of the former governor Li Jingwei, so he followed Li County Lieutenant to visit him.Li Jingwei didn't know that his son had been killed, but he eloquently described that his son was kind-hearted and tolerant. Di Renjie felt pity for him, but he didn't say a word for fear that Li Jingwei would not be able to accept the news of his death.

Because of this, Li County Lieutenant decided that Di Renjie was different from the previous five county magistrates and admired his compassion. If he was determined to change Lanfang, he would help him.Di Renjie led people back to the Red Pavilion and saw people spontaneously paying homage to Li Tao on the street. There was a lot of crying, which made everyone present feel sad.Cao An lamented that Li Tao benefited so many people. This case may be an opportunity for Di Renjie, an opportunity to break the situation in Lanfang.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 17 Synopsis: Governor Lee turns a blind eye to avenge his son

Di Renjie built a simple court on the ruins, intending to clear up order in Lanfang and reestablish the legal system.However, his behavior was not trusted by the people. Although there were many onlookers, no one was willing to come forward to complain.A boy hurried over and accused someone of breaking his grandfather's leg, but the man firmly denied it.

Di Renjie repeatedly asked to no avail and was unable to do anything. County Lieutenant Li had no choice but to reveal that the fire in the Yamen was not man-made but a natural disaster.Originally, the fire could have been avoided, but everyone had no intention of extinguishing it even after it started, because the county government was full of variables for them and was by no means a place to uphold justice.

Nowadays, there are overlords everywhere in Lanfang. Di Renjie knows that he is weak and weak, but he still pulls out the blackened flag in public and declares the sovereignty of the county government to the people.Hong Liang was worried that Di Renjie would get into trouble, but Cao An understood and supported his decision, which made Hong Liang very happy and relieved that Di Renjie had such a confidante.

By sorting out the documents, Cao An learned that Di Zhisun had been threatened by Black Flame and committed suicide by jumping into the river in despair.Later, the saint found out the truth and rectified Di Zhisun's name, but people could not be resurrected after death. This incident still cast a considerable shadow on Di Renjie. At the same time, Black Flame was also exposed due to Di Zhisun's death and was destroyed again.Cao An was confused about the reason why Di Renjie's cousin “Huaiying” was engraved on the peach wood sword, but Hong Liang avoided talking about it because “time was long ago”.

When Hu Wuzuo examined Li Tao's body, he kept talking crazy and nonsense, which exhausted Di Renjie's patience.Di Renjie sternly asked Hu Wuzuo if he saw signs of poisoning in Li Tao, but Hu Wuzuo always found excuses to avoid the topic, insisting that Li Tao died of suicide.At this time, someone came to get the medicine. Hu Wuzuo made a random note in his notebook, which caught Di Renjie's attention, and he looked a little guilty.

The investigation reached a deadlock. Di Renjie ordered someone to count the number of people in Hongtingzi, and then went to Qiuyue alone to question her imitating Biyue in killing Li Tao. Only because the blood on Li Tao's hands was not dry and the ink on the table was still there, it was inferred that Qiuyue had turned it over.crime scene.Qiuyue refused to admit it and told Di Renjie about her past and her relationship with Li Tao.

That year, Qiuyue went out on business with her father and encountered a storm while passing through the desert. She was the only one in the entire caravan who survived.During this period, a total of five groups of people passed by but they all refused to save her. Only Biyue took her back to Hongtingzi, and she has stayed in Lanfang ever since.Therefore, when Qiuyue faced Li Tao's confession, although she was moved and longed for her, she was also unspeakably timid. She could not believe that the beautiful feelings in this world would come to her.

But since Qiuyue rejected Li Tao, Li Tao's temperament changed drastically, and his attitude of being respectful at first and then arrogant made Qiuyue think that the so-called deep love was all illusion.Although Qiuyue knew that Mr. Li was seeking death, she did not stop him. She even searched for his suicide note after his death. On the one hand, she wanted to prove her innocence, and on the other hand, she also wanted to use this to increase her own worth.

At the same time, Hong Liang checked the personnel in the Red Pavilion and found that Wei Cheng, the guardian of the hospital, had disappeared.Everyone tracked to Weicheng's house and found Weicheng himself who was seriously injured.He was injured by Qian Hao and his life was in danger. On his deathbed, he stated that he would not kill his benefactor Li Tao. Instead, someone released a secret to find the real culprit.

Di Renjie immediately thought that the person who released the hidden flower was most likely Li Shi, and immediately rushed to Li's Mansion to persuade him not to break the law.Li Qishi admitted that he was suffering from tuberculosis and did not have much time left to wait for justice for Di Renjie, so he wanted to personally find the murderer and avenge his son.Di Renjie was deeply saddened by what happened to the Li family and his son. He promised on the spot that he would never let good people die in vain and would definitely find justice.

At this moment, Hu Zuozuo's residence was set on fire, and Li Tao's body was burned.After hearing the conversation between Lieutenant Li and others, Di Renjie suspected that there was a mole in the team, so he asked Ma Rong and others to act with him in a play, and let the public know that Hu Wuzuo had woken up and provided important clues.As expected, someone from the Yamen secretly reported to Qian Hao, and Di Renjie immediately arrested him.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 18 Synopsis: What happened to the Lee family and his son is regrettable

Di Renjie went after Qian Hao alone and asked him to give up the secret flower mission.Unexpectedly, before the words were finished, a cold arrow was shot from the darkness. The two cooperated tacitly to subdue each other, and found out that it was actually the remaining members of the Lone Wolf Gang who were trying to take revenge.Although Qian Hao was grateful for his life-saving grace and let Di Renjie go, he firmly stated that he would continue to accept the secret mission and would hunt down all those he investigated.

Then Di Renjie returned to Hongtingzi, Qiuyue had left without saying goodbye, and Biyu refused to disclose Qiuyue's whereabouts.Everyone speculated on where Qiuyue might go, and Di Renjie focused on Hongliu Village, not far from the city.However, when they arrived, Qiuyue had been taken away by the Xuanhu Gang, leaving obvious traces on the ground.

But the Xuanhu Gang was able to know in advance, which meant that there was still a spy in the yamen. The disappearance of Master Bai just illustrates this point.Di Renjie deliberately told Lieutenant Li that he had no choice but to give him a letter to forward to Governor Li.However, Lieutenant Li Xian opened the letter without permission and found that it was Di Renjie who was testing his strategy.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Li County Lieutenant admitted that in order to protect the safety of his family, he had to obey Qian Hao's orders, which was really a forced and helpless move.Lieutenant Li believes that Di Renjie should not blame them. If he is really capable, he should immediately start changing the situation in Lanfang, otherwise more innocent people will be affected.

On the same day, Di Renjie went to court again, but the court table was sawed off.He found Qiuyue's favorite hairpin from Hongliu Village, combined with existing clues, inferred that Biyu had concealed the truth about Qiuyue's disappearance, and directed and acted in a play.In order to force Biyu to tell the truth, Di Renjie warned that if she did not reveal Qiuyue's hiding place, Qiuyue might be in danger soon.

Although Di Renjie's words were clear, Biyu still refused to tell the truth.Di Renjie had no clue and asked Cao An to answer his questions.Cao An suggested that Di Renjie try another way of thinking: if Qiuyue and Li Tao truly love each other, then Li Tao would most likely choose to commit suicide for some reason.

Di Renjie was deeply inspired by what he said. Hearing that Hu Wuzuo woke up and was writing and drawing like a demon, he hurried over and saw that he had drawn a portrait of a sand flea.Hu Wuzuo said that he saw a group of sand fleas running out of the red spots on Li Tao's neck, so he set fire to the body in desperation to avoid infecting others.

Li Qishi firmly believed that Qiu Yue had killed his son, so he rushed into the red pavilion with a knife and took Qiu Yue hostage.Di Renjie tried his best to stabilize Li Cishi's mood and publicly revealed the truth that Li Tao had died soon after being infected with sand fleas. As for the sand fleas, they came from tulips raised by Li Cishi.Because of this, Li Tao deliberately lost his temper with Qiu Yue so that she would no longer miss him. He even left a suicide note before committing suicide. Unfortunately, the suicide note was blown away by the wind and disappeared, but it still showed that he was infatuated with Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue burst into tears when she heard this, and Governor Li was even more grieved. He apologized to her for misunderstanding Qiu Yue, and felt guilty because he killed his son by mistake.In full view of everyone, Li Qishi begged Di Renjie to give him some dignity. After saying this, he walked to the room and ended his life tragically. A group of servants knelt in front of the door and cried bitterly, which made everyone present feel uncomfortable.

Soon the city defense army arrived in Lanfang, and the gangs that once dominated Lanfang were wiped out. Ma Rong and Qiao Tai teamed up to subdue Qian Hao, burned the gang flags, distributed food and water to the people, and returned to the local peaceful life..During this period, a masked man was sitting on the street, staring closely at Di Renjie's figure, quietly plotting a new conspiracy.With the establishment of the county government, Di Renjie's prestige in Lanfang increased day by day, and legal order was restored.However, beneath the surface calm, another complex murder quietly occurred.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 19 Synopsis: Dee Renjie was scolded for his unfair judgment

The court accepted a case that day. The complainant used to work as a servant in the Han Mansion. On the day of the incident, there was a banquet in the house. Due to the shortage of manpower, he called his daughter Han Wangrui to help.However, the owner of the palace, Han Yongnan, actually assaulted Han Wangrui while drunk. Since she was underage, it was a felony according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty. However, Han Yongnan claimed that the Jin family voluntarily sold her daughter into the palace, and there was even written evidence.

Qiao Tai found three thousand coins from Jin's house, proving that what Han Yongnan said was true.Han Yongnan excused himself, saying that he only had hallucinations after taking Wushi Powder, and that such things happened that were beyond his control.Although no one believed Han Yongnan's words, Han Yongnan took advantage of the loopholes of the law and became arrogant and arrogant since he was well-known in the local area. It was expected that Di Renjie would have no way to deal with him.

In the end, Han Yongnan's case of assaulting a young girl was released on bail pending trial due to insufficient evidence, and he would make a decision at another date.The people watching outside the door were furious. Suddenly a boy rushed out to assassinate Han Yongnan. After interrogation, he was Han Wangrui's younger brother Han Wangdong.Han Yongnan asked Di Renjie to deal with him impartially on the grounds that Han Wangdong committed a murder on the street. Di Renjie had no choice but to put him in prison. Everyone was dissatisfied when they saw this and cursed him as a dog official.

Ma Rong knew the situation of the Jin family and was very sympathetic to this. Di Renjie said that as an official, one must remain rational and always remember that reason can never be greater than the law.Cao An saw that Di Renjie was in a bad mood, and personally made him a pot of tea and reminded him not to care about what others thought. Taking Han Wangdong into prison today was a kind of protection, and he believed that he would be able to find out the truth in time.

Hong Liang and Qiao Tai inspected the body of the deceased and confirmed that this person was Yungang from Chongshanfang. He was also a famous prostitute in Lanfang who deceived countless girls and young women.Not long ago, a woman had a secret affair with Yungang and hanged herself. Not long after, Yungang's body appeared outside the city. Qiao Tai suspected that the woman's relatives paid for the murder.

Di Renjie then went to visit Han Wangdong in prison, and unexpectedly heard Ma Rong declare that he would never stop Han Wangdong from doing anything next time, and even gave him a dagger.Han Wangdong is still angry and arguing, thinking that Heiyan is the one who truly redresses the injustice of the people.Di Renjie became more and more annoyed as he listened, and scolded Ma Rong, asking her to bring out the dagger and criticizing her behavior.

Han Yongnan held a banquet at home and invited two female actors to take Wushi Powder to enjoy the ecstasy.The next day, the maids discovered that the actress died tragically and Han Yongnan's whereabouts were unknown.Di Renjie took people to the scene to inspect, based on the clues to infer Han Yongnan's murder process, and immediately went to the silver mine to request a search.However, the other party refused to let him go because the silver mine was the lifeblood of the country. Di Renjie searched the stables carefully and found the robe that Han Yongnan took off and the box that the carriage knocked over, guessing that he had driven away.

Ma Rong, Qiao Tai and others informed everyone in the village that if anyone knew any clues, they would provide them in time.Han Wangdong regretted that he should not report to the official, but should go directly to Hei Yan.Di Renjie did not explain this, but promised Jin that he would catch Han Yongnan and bring justice to everyone. Unexpectedly, Jin was disappointed with him and drove him away. The villagers nearby were filled with indignation and cursed and accused him.

At this time, the guards came to report that a carriage from the silver mine had indeed left the city. Di Renjie used the map to guess Han Yongnan's whereabouts, followed it all the way to the inn, and accidentally bumped into the masked man.After a confrontation, the masked man pulled off his mask to reveal a young face. He claimed that his surname was Diao Ming, a small official. He had met Han Yongnan before and was willing to help them find this person.

Everyone noticed that there was something fishy about the inn, especially the door behind Yi Cheng was closed tightly, as if something had been closed.Yi Cheng lied and claimed that he was hunting prey. Di Renjie didn't believe it at all and ordered Qiao Tai to kick the door open. Only when he saw several young girls inside did he find out that he was secretly doing human trafficking business using the Yi Cheng as a cover.

Because Yi Cheng was in possession of the girls' sales contracts, he could prove that these girls were sold to him voluntarily by their parents, so there was no violation of the laws of the Tang Dynasty.Di Renjie had no right to arrest people, so he could only buy the girls with his own money, and warned Yi Cheng not to do such things again in the future, otherwise he would never be lenient.A group of horse bandits suddenly surrounded the inn, and Di Renjie and the others could only rush out to fight. Ma Rong saw Diao Xiaoguan shooting arrows at Di Renjie and it was too late to stop him.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 20 Synopsis: The officer has many evil deeds and the soldiers guard the mountains and rivers

Ma Rong couldn't stop her and was shocked. It wasn't until she saw the two horse bandits beside Di Renjie killed by arrows that she breathed a sigh of relief.On the other hand, Diao Xiaoguan reacted quickly, pulling the bow, aiming, and shooting the arrow, saving Ma Rong from a sneak attack from behind.During this period, the horse thieves fought more and more, and Di Renjie and others could no longer hold on. Fortunately, officers and soldiers arrived in time.

After leaving the inn, Diao Xiaoguan followed Di Renjie and Ma Rong, seemingly guiding them to a certain place.Soon the three of them arrived at the lively market, where business travelers from all over the world gathered.Diao Xiaoguan is good at trading goods and is good at Western dialect. Di Renjie noticed an old man grieving on the street, so he asked Diao Xiaoguan to help inquire about the situation. As a result, Diao Xiaoguan answered the question incorrectly, lying that the old man's daughter was killed by Han Yongnan and that he knew Han Yongnan's whereabouts.

Later, everyone met Huo Huaili in the desert, and followed him to Zhenxi Fort, which was located in the city defense area. Soldiers stayed here all year round to face various dangers, just to protect the peace of the surrounding people.However, Di Renjie learned that Han Yongnan was dead and wanted to lift the shroud to confirm his identity. The soldiers reminded him not to lift it easily because Han Yongnan had the plague, but he found that Han Yongnan's face was damaged and he could no longer recognize his original appearance.

According to Huo Huaili's story, they were kind enough to take Han Yongnan in, but the other party wanted to retaliate. Not only did they want to steal horses to cross the border, they even killed a soldier, Zhou Changyi.Diao Xiaoguan heard the name and gave Di Renjie a meaningful look. Di Renjie was shocked when he heard Huo Huaili describe Han Yongnan's accent. He clearly remembered that Han Yongnan was born and raised in Chang'an and did not understand Lanfang dialect.

On the other side, Ma Rong inspected the situation in the army and always felt a little strange.It happened that Diao Xiaoguan was drunk and bumped into the ordnance. When the soldiers helped pick up the ordnance, Ma Rong found that these people's wrists were whipped to varying degrees.As a result, Di Renjie and Ma Rong concluded that the deceased was probably not Han Yongnan, but Huo Huaili's weapon was a three-section whip.

The two groped their way to a thatched hut and found Huo Huaili's weapons and the tragically dead soldier Zhou Changyi.At this time, “Huo Huaili” led the soldiers outside the thatched hut. Di Renjie revealed that he was the real Zhou Changyi. Because Huo Huaili often abused soldiers and even tortured and killed his younger brother Zhou Changyong, he and everyone launched a mutiny to kill Huo Huaili and disguised himself as a traitor.Fugitive prisoner Han Yongnan.

Zhou Changyi accused Huo Huaili of all kinds of bad behavior, which made them want to surrender and have nowhere to complain. If they didn't resist, they would have to endure more severe persecution.In order to prevent the Dong Chuang incident from happening, Zhou Changyi imprisoned Di Renjie and Ma Rong, while Ma Rong felt that Huo Huaili deserved his death, and if he were one of the soldiers, he would probably want to kill him.

However, Di Renjie still insisted on the laws of the Tang Dynasty and the so-called etiquette. He believed that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty should not rebel because of the so-called tyranny of the officials. In the end, the incident of killing the officials would definitely endanger the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.stable.Diao Xiaoguan heard Di Renjie's words outside the window and disagreed with them, saying that he was just an ordinary person and did not want to think about the laws and rules of officials like them.

So Diao Xiaoguan only knows that no matter how high or low people are, they are all beasts under this skin, and beasts can be divided into ferocious and domineering and weak and incompetent. Han Yongnan was a jackal in Lanfang, but here he is not even a mouse. ReallyIn the cruel and bloody Colosseum, every beast has a value of existence, which is to kill for life, otherwise it will be slaughtered by others.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was the sound of fighting outside. It turned out that horse thieves were attacking Zhenxi Fort with great force.The soldiers resisted vigorously, but were still at a disadvantage. The huge disparity in numbers between the two sides made it a complete fight between trapped beasts.Zhou Changyi personally came to release Di Renjie and Ma Rong, saying that Huo Huaili's death was his own fault and had nothing to do with others. He hoped that when Di Renjie reported the situation to the military government, he would remember the soldiers guarding the border and being loyal and patriotic, without anyfault.

After saying these words, Zhou Changyi rushed out, fought side by side with everyone, and slashed at the horse thief with all his strength.Diao Xiaoguan witnessed everything from a high place and tried his best to protect Di Renjie from harm. However, Di Renjie witnessed with his own eyes the soldiers resisting the horse thieves with their flesh and blood, fighting until the last man, and he was shocked and saddened in his heart.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 21 Synopsis: Han Yongnan was hanged

At Zhenxi Fort, Qiao Tai led his troops and saw rivers of blood. Later, through Di Renjie's letter, he learned that Di Renjie was going to report the mutiny.

Ma Rong asked Di Renjie sadly and angrily why he was like this. The soldiers fought desperately against the horse bandits and defended this territory with their lives. If they were sent back to their hometowns, no one would know that they had been abused and would only regard them as criminals.Even the last trace of dignity will disappear.

Unfortunately, even though Ma Rong begged, Di Renjie still believed that it was their duty to kill the enemy's bandits, and it was their responsibility to kill their comrades. The two should not be confused.So Di Renjie asked Hong Liang to hand over two thousand dollars to Zhou Changyi's house, and leave the barracks to Qiao Tai and Ma Rong, while he went to capture Han Yongnan alone.

Diao Xiaoguan followed him and saw that Di Renjie was deep in the desert, hungry and thirsty, and already somewhat drowsy.At this time, Diao Xiaoguan came to Di Renjie and wondered if Di Renjie's insistence was still meaningful. He should have killed Han Yongnan earlier, so that he would not have let him escape Lanfang and involve so many innocent lives.

Then Di Renjie went to the post house and found that the postmaster was trading and selling little girls. In anger, he was brought to justice, tied to the back of a horse and dragged along.After returning to Lanfang, Di Renjie saw the old man from the Western Regions and apologized guiltily to him for not being able to catch Han Yongnan with his own hands.A bystander heard Di Renjie mention the name Harry, indicating that Harry was an eagle raised by an old man. Di Renjie immediately realized that he had fallen into Diao Xiaoguan's trap. Combining all the clues before and after, he finally concluded that Han Yongnan had not left Lanfang.

At the same time, Diao Xiaoguan kidnapped Han Yongnan and encouraged Han Wangdong to kill his enemy to avenge his sister.Di Renjie rushed to stop him in time, but Diao Xiaoguan was faster than him. The two fought for this, and they fought fiercely.On the other hand, Han Wangdong took the opportunity to plunge the dagger into Han Yongnan's thigh, causing Han Yongnan to scream in pain.Diao Xiaoguan told Di Renjie to stop working in vain. Han Yongnan's evil was not as simple as it appeared. He illegally dug mining tunnels and harmed the villagers. Every piece of land under his feet may be dug through.

Although Di Renjie tried hard to persuade Han Wangdong to calm down and let him handle Han Yongnan according to law, Han Wangdong lost trust in Di Renjie and was about to take action again when he was suddenly knocked unconscious by the two men.Di Renjie's eyes were about to burst, and he no longer showed mercy to Diao Xiaoguan, so he fought fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Han Yongnan broke free from the rope and ran out. Han Wangdong woke up and grabbed Han Wangdong tightly, inserting a dagger into his back until Han Yongnan could not move.Diao Xiaoguan and Di Renjie had the last arrow left. They decided to win or lose with one move. However, after Di Renjie shot the arrow, he found that Diao Xiaoguan was ready to die. He vomited blood and fell to the ground. Before he died, he tauntedThe Tang Dynasty Lu Ling that Di Renjie insisted on was nothing but bullshit, unable to protect the weak and unable to punish the real evildoers.

After Diao Xiaoguan said these words, he crushed the wolf medicine in his hand and attracted wild wolves within a five-mile radius.Di Renjie hurriedly took Han Wangdong away and saw Han Yongnan struggling to hide in the house, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being bitten to death by the evil wolf.Ma Rong and others quickly found Di Renjie. Seeing his tragic appearance as he was seriously injured, they felt distressed and angry, and blamed him for being too one-minded.

Fortunately, Di Renjie's injuries were serious but not life-threatening, and he needed to rest for a period of time before he could recover.Cao An came to visit Di Renjie and said that everything he did was correct, but when he learned that Diao Xiaoguan was Hei Yan, he couldn't help but hide outside the door and cry bitterly, regretting that he could not meet him.

Qiao Tai and others led people to search out the dead bones in the mine, and confirmed that Han Yongnan's over-exploitation had led to water pollution. The villagers were unable to plant and live, so they had to be hired by him as illegal workers, and later died in a mining accident.Not long after, Di Renjie publicly announced that Han Yongnan would be hanged, hoping that everyone would abide by the law and ensure the bottom line of human nature.After this incident, Han Wangdong completely changed his view on Di Renjie. The villagers also supported Di Renjie, believing that he would one day make the laws of the Tang Dynasty more perfect.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 22 Plot Introduction: Dee Renjie Enters Qingchuan Town

Being tired from shopping with Cao An, Ma Rong complained to Hong Liang, but learned from Hong Liang that Cao An and Di Renjie were about to become a family.

On the other hand, Di Renjie and Qiao Tai hunted geese for several days without success, but found the dead geese with the unique mark of black flames still pressed under their bodies.Qiao Tai vaguely remembered that every time Hei Yan summoned troops, it happened to be on the first day of the new moon. Tomorrow happened to be that day. Ma Rong suggested an ambush immediately, but Di Renjie refused.

Di Renjie would never underestimate Heiyan's strength, not to mention that the opponent was mysterious and unpredictable. He was afraid that he would set a trap, so he should stay put.Cao An personally bought handmade clothes for Di Renjie, saying bluntly that the cold wind in Lanfang was raging, and he would need this item if he often drew his bow and shot arrows.Seeing Di Renjie's surprised look, Cao An explained that he made the judgment based on the goose hair on the soles of his shoes and the gravel on his clothes.

Ma Rong felt particularly uncomfortable after hearing this conversation. He felt that no one was doing anything serious now. Even after Di Renjie got Cao An, his mind was not on solving the case.Qiao Tai blamed Ma Rong for Cao An, and if he didn't want to go shopping with her, he would find someone else. However, Ma Rong retorted that everyone was partial to Cao An and decided to follow Black Flame's clues alone.

That night, Ma Rong was good at making the decision to release Chen Xiaoyun and asked him to lead him to the grove where Black Flame gathered his troops. Unexpectedly, Qiao Tai followed her. Although he scolded her a few words, he still brought a team of troops to accompany him.She investigates.Entering the forest, the surroundings were filled with white mist, making it impossible to see too far away. I could vaguely see a shadow moving around.

Ma Rong ignored Qiao Tai's blockage and rushed out, only to find corpses in various shapes hanging from many trees. Then he saw countless arrows flying out from all directions. Everyone fell to the ground before they could react. Even Qiao Tai alsoHe was injured by an arrow and fell unconscious. The poison he received was unheard of by Hu Wuzuo, which made Ma Rong regretful.

Di Renjie returned to the county government office. The official informed Di Renjie that a black shadow flashed across the ground, and then he saw a dead goose on the ground with a note, which contained sixteen words: One day of nightmares, three days of awakening dreams, Boqi eats dreams, Qingchuan dreams come true.Although Di Renjie analyzed that Heiyan used Dayan to invite you to enter the urn, the truth lies in Qingchuan, and he has to go there no matter what.Cao An knew that Di Renjie had decided to leave, so he had to pack his bags for him personally and told him to return safely and not to call himself Mrs. Cao again. The meaning was self-evident.

Di Renjie then rode towards Qingchuan Town. Passing through a forest, he met an old man riding a donkey who called himself Mr. Calabash, and the two walked together.After the old man's guidance, Di Renjie got rid of the bandits as a doctor and successfully entered Qingchuan Town. He found that the bandit who was in the woods that day died tragically on the street.

The people watching were talking a lot, and the leader Xiao Xiaowei came towards them on horseback, extremely arrogant. Di Renjie saved the girl Xiaowei from being trampled by the horse.In order to learn the cause of death of the deceased, Di Renjie revealed his identity to the military camp and personally visited Captain Xiao of Qingchuan. He proposed an autopsy but was ignored. Captain Xiao drank alone and said that the body had been buried and there was no need to dig it out again.

However, Di Renjie felt that the matter was by no means simple. If Hei Yan caused trouble, he hoped Xiao Xiao would send troops to suppress it.However, Lieutenant Xiao once again made excuses due to insufficient manpower, and at the same time refused to apply for the transfer of troops to his superiors. He just felt that Di Renjie was making a fuss out of a molehill.Then Di Renjie went to stay nearby with the medical doctor's identity verification, and found that the girl Xiaowei was the errand boy in the store.Xiaowei is young but prematurely mature and sensible. In order to thank Di Renjie for saving his life, she reminds him not to reveal his wealth in Qingchuan Town, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 23 Synopsis: Judge Dee is looking for clues and is accidentally ambushed

Ma Rong couldn't stop her and was shocked. It wasn't until she saw the two horse bandits beside Di Renjie killed by arrows that she breathed a sigh of relief.On the other hand, Diao Xiaoguan reacted quickly, pulling the bow, aiming, and shooting the arrow, saving Ma Rong from a sneak attack from behind.During this period, the horse thieves fought more and more, and Di Renjie and others could no longer hold on. Fortunately, officers and soldiers arrived in time.

After leaving the inn, Diao Xiaoguan followed Di Renjie and Ma Rong, seemingly guiding them to a certain place.Soon the three of them arrived at the lively market, where business travelers from all over the world gathered.Diao Xiaoguan is good at trading goods and is good at Western dialect. Di Renjie noticed an old man grieving on the street, so he asked Diao Xiaoguan to help inquire about the situation. As a result, Diao Xiaoguan answered the question incorrectly, lying that the old man's daughter was killed by Han Yongnan and that he knew Han Yongnan's whereabouts.

Later, everyone met Huo Huaili in the desert, and followed him to Zhenxi Fort, which was located in the city defense area. Soldiers stayed here all year round to face various dangers, just to protect the peace of the surrounding people.However, Di Renjie learned that Han Yongnan was dead and wanted to lift the shroud to confirm his identity. The soldiers reminded him not to lift it easily because Han Yongnan had the plague, but he found that Han Yongnan's face was damaged and he could no longer recognize his original appearance.

According to Huo Huaili's story, they were kind enough to take Han Yongnan in, but the other party wanted to retaliate. Not only did they want to steal horses to cross the border, they even killed a soldier, Zhou Changyi.Diao Xiaoguan heard the name and gave Di Renjie a meaningful look. Di Renjie was shocked when he heard Huo Huaili describe Han Yongnan's accent. He clearly remembered that Han Yongnan was born and raised in Chang'an and did not understand Lanfang dialect.

On the other side, Ma Rong inspected the situation in the army and always felt a little strange.It happened that Diao Xiaoguan was drunk and bumped into the ordnance. When the soldiers helped pick up the ordnance, Ma Rong found that these people's wrists were whipped to varying degrees.As a result, Di Renjie and Ma Rong concluded that the deceased was probably not Han Yongnan, but Huo Huaili's weapon was a three-section whip.

The two groped their way to a thatched hut and found Huo Huaili's weapons and the tragically dead soldier Zhou Changyi.At this time, “Huo Huaili” led the soldiers outside the thatched hut. Di Renjie revealed that he was the real Zhou Changyi. Because Huo Huaili often abused soldiers and even tortured and killed his younger brother Zhou Changyong, he and everyone launched a mutiny to kill Huo Huaili and disguised himself as a traitor.Fugitive prisoner Han Yongnan.

Zhou Changyi accused Huo Huaili of all kinds of bad behavior, which made them want to surrender and have nowhere to complain. If they didn't resist, they would have to endure more severe persecution.In order to prevent the Dong Chuang incident from happening, Zhou Changyi imprisoned Di Renjie and Ma Rong, while Ma Rong felt that Huo Huaili deserved his death, and if he were one of the soldiers, he would probably want to kill him.

However, Di Renjie still insisted on the laws of the Tang Dynasty and the so-called etiquette. He believed that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty should not rebel because of the so-called tyranny of the officials. In the end, the incident of killing the officials would definitely endanger the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.stable.Diao Xiaoguan heard Di Renjie's words outside the window and disagreed with them, saying that he was just an ordinary person and did not want to think about the laws and rules of officials like them.

So Diao Xiaoguan only knows that no matter how high or low people are, they are all beasts under this skin, and beasts can be divided into ferocious and domineering and weak and incompetent. Han Yongnan was a jackal in Lanfang, but here he is not even a mouse. ReallyIn the cruel and bloody Colosseum, every beast has a value of existence, which is to kill for life, otherwise it will be slaughtered by others.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was the sound of fighting outside. It turned out that horse thieves were attacking Zhenxi Fort with great force.The soldiers resisted vigorously, but were still at a disadvantage. The huge disparity in numbers between the two sides made it a complete fight between trapped beasts.Zhou Changyi personally came to release Di Renjie and Ma Rong, saying that Huo Huaili's death was his own fault and had nothing to do with others. He hoped that when Di Renjie reported the situation to the military government, he would remember the soldiers guarding the border and being loyal and patriotic, without anyfault.

After saying these words, Zhou Changyi rushed out, fought side by side with everyone, and slashed at the horse thief with all his strength.Diao Xiaoguan witnessed everything from a high place and tried his best to protect Di Renjie from harm. However, Di Renjie witnessed with his own eyes the soldiers resisting the horse thieves with their flesh and blood, fighting until the last man, and he was shocked and saddened in his heart.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 24 Synopsis: Dee Renjie doubts Mr. Calabash’s identity

Di Renjie was attracted by the singing in the early morning and saw Xiao Wei singing by the river. He learned that Xiao Wei's mother had promised to take Xiao Wei to Kyoto to become the most popular singer, but Xiao Wei's mother disappeared half a month ago.

At this time, Wei Sheng's scolding came, and Di Renjie made a guess in his mind, so he asked Xiaowei to take the note to Captain Xiao for help.After Xiaowei left, Di Renjie revealed his identity and asked Wei Sheng what the goods he sent last night were. Wei Sheng was vague, which further confirmed that he had something secret in his heart and wanted to hide the truth.

Di Renjie listed the evidence and revealed that Wei Sheng dragged two corpses last night, including Xiaowei Aniang.Wei Sheng's face showed no emotion when he heard this. Instead, he mocked Di Renjie for relying on guesswork in handling the case.As soon as he finished speaking, Lieutenant Xiao and his men hurriedly rushed to surround the inn. Di Renjie immediately went to court to interrogate Wei Sheng. It was only then that he panicked.

Wei Sheng insisted on denying the fact that he committed murder. Di Renjie ordered someone to bring a box of clothes, accusing him of murder and selling goods. They transferred it to Langliu Warehouse, and then dismembered and dumped the body. However, he did not expect that Di Renjie would suddenly come to Qingchuan to investigate the case.Seeing the irrefutable evidence, Wei Sheng had no choice but to admit the crime, but he blamed his wife for everything, and cursed the woman for her misdeeds. Afterwards, he became crazy and crazy, and was eventually taken down and waited.judgment.

Lang Liu watched this good show and took the initiative to say hello to Di Renjie. After rejecting everyone, he bluntly said that he came to Qingchuan to ask Di Renjie to help him obtain the Lanfang Black Flame roster.Di Renjie suddenly realized that he finally understood that Heiyan was leading him to do two things. One was to find out the missing case of the messenger, the man who had a secret meeting with Xiao Wei's mother; the other was to instruct Lang Liu to regain the roster and help Heiyan Qingchuan.Dream come true.

But Di Renjie had never seen the so-called roster. Apparently Lang Liu didn't believe it at all. He said that the leader did not send an order to kill Di Renjie, but it did not mean that Di Renjie would be safe unless he could hand over what he needed.Di Renjie was on guard after hearing this, and as expected, Lang Liu's entourage fought him first, but fell behind after only two rounds.

Upon seeing this, Lang Liu sent out Eleven Niang, but her martial arts skills caused Di Renjie to suffer from training.Fortunately, Di Renjie is a person who gets stronger when encountering strength. He changes his moves in time to deal with Eleven Years. From being weak at the beginning, the two sides have equal strength in the fight, and Eleven Niang has to pay attention to it.In the end, Di Renjie turned defeat into victory and directly controlled Eleven Niang's fatal point, but he did not take action. Eleven Niang saw that he was compassionate and righteous and should be a good official, so she turned around and left without any further entanglement.

Because of this, Lang Liu became angry and wanted to light the grease box and die together with Di Renjie.At the critical moment, Mr. Calabash appears again and is stopped by a crutch.Before Lang Liu died, he was unwilling to accept it. He mocked Di Renjie's insistence on "benevolence" in his opinion as "stupidity". After saying this, he lost his breath, which shocked Di Renjie.Mr. Calabash was also a little surprised and said bluntly that he could not stop a person who wanted to die.

Cao An delivered meals to Hong Liang, Ma Rong and others as usual, and Ma Rong's view of Cao An had completely changed.Di Renjie suspected Mr. Calabash's identity and deliberately revealed that he had obtained the list of Black Flames. Naturally, he had to hand it over to the court and punish those on the list in accordance with the law.Mr. Calabash used an allusion to describe the present, telling Di Renjie not to look at things in black and white. The reason for the existence of black flames is the fundamental reason. The real crime lies in breaking the law, not the black flames. He also reminded him if he wanted to see the lives of Lanfang being reduced to ashes and blood flowing into rivers.At the same time, Cao An secretly met someone on the pretext of going shopping. After discovering the black eagle feather, his expression became flustered and he walked back in a hurry.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 25 Synopsis: The newlyweds died tragically

Di Renjie was grateful for Xiao Xiaowei's help. In order to solve the problem in Qingchuan, he hoped that Xiao Xiaowei would allow the people to move away. While strengthening the supervision of Qingchuan, Qingchuan Town would be placed under the jurisdiction of Lanfang County and be managed by the army and the county respectively. Xiao Xiaowei agreed.

Then Di Renjie entrusted Xiaowei to the care of Mr. Calabash. Although traveling around the world was difficult, at least she was free and free and no longer dependent on others.But Di Renjie still had a doubt in his mind, that was why Mr. Calabash wanted to rescue him, and he even felt a little familiar.Mr. Calabash smiled but did not answer. What he said before leaving made Di Renjie think deeply.

When he left Qingchuan and returned to Lanfang, Di Renjie sat behind a rock and looked at the firewood in a daze, recalling the past when his grandfather angrily scolded his brother for stealing and practicing heresy, and eventually the father and son broke up and the brother ran away from home.Now, he seemed to understand something and burned the Black Flame List with his own hands.At the same time, Qiao Tai finally woke up, and Ma Rong cried with joy.

The Lantern Festival is here in a blink of an eye. The moon is waning and the stars are sparse. Orchid Square is bustling with lights, and people release sky lanterns to pray.Di Renjie climbed up and looked up, full of thoughts. He didn't speak slowly until Hong Liang came over, guessing that Hei Yan was currently dormant in a corner.In the past, Di Renjie thought that the Black Flame was a huge organization, but when he purged the entire Lanfang, he found that there were almost no people related to the Black Flame. Therefore, he speculated that the real Black Flame tribe had never shown up and had been controlling behind the scenes.

Seeing that the wedding was approaching, everyone in the Ming Mansion was busy making preparations.Di Renjie rarely found time to go shopping with Cao An and others, and even saw the wedding procession.As night fell, everyone in Lanfang set off fireworks and sky lanterns, and a carriage slowly walked from outside the city pulling paper human bones, causing everyone to be shocked.

After Di Renjie's inspection, he found that the deceased was a young and beautiful woman. As for why the murderer hid the skull in the paper doll, it was still a mystery for the time being, but he decided to start investigating the missing persons first.Di Renjie and Ma Rong followed Lao Ma to a house using Lao Ma's method of knowing the way.After entering the door, they followed the blood stains and saw a newlywed couple died tragically. The two were playing chess against each other, and their hearts were missing. The scene was extremely bloody and cruel.

From the crime scene to the case review and reasoning, Di Renjie seemed to see the newlyweds being coerced into playing chess, and being stabbed every time they took a piece.Therefore, in addition to the couple who died tragically, Di Renjie guessed that there was a third person at the crime scene, and he was the initiator of the murder.

Di Renjie took Hong Liang and Ma Rong to do an autopsy and found that the deceased woman had no pierced ears before her death. Apparently, the earrings were pushed in forcibly. The workmanship was exquisite and the materials used were exquisite. I am afraid that this clue was deliberately left.In addition, Ma Rong learned through interviews that the deceased couple were kind and had no enmity with others. They were married not long ago, so the possibility of their relationship changing is extremely small.

In order to find out the origin of the earrings, Ma Rong visited many dark markets but still found nothing.When she was at her wits' end, she heard screams in the distance.He ran following the sound and found a man in the red pavilion.According to Qiuyue's description, the man was Long San, a butcher in the city and a frequent visitor to the Red Pavilion. They refused to accept customers because he liked to abuse women. Who knew that he suddenly went crazy tonight, mutilating himself and cursing himself at the same time.

Ayao, who once served Long Butcher, revealed that Long San seemed to be shouting to someone, begging him to let his mother go.During this period, Ayao noticed something unusual in the direction Long San was looking, so she followed his gaze and saw a man in a cloak and a mask standing on the roof. He turned and left before Ayao could take a closer look.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 26 Synopsis: Cao An was attacked

When Di Renjie and others arrived at Long San's shop, they saw the heart on the table and knew that it was the murderer who deliberately guided it.Due to a murder case in Lanfang, the people did not know anything to protect themselves, and everyone wanted to be alone. Di Renjie was very disappointed.

Early the next morning, Hong Liang, under Di Renjie's instruction, ordered people to post notices inviting craftsmen to the county government to help solve the case. Anyone who came would be rewarded.Sure enough, as soon as the notice came out, many craftsmen came here for the rewards, but their paper figurine craftsmanship was so ingenious that no one in the entire Lanfang could do it.

At this time, Di Renjie noticed that an old man had an unusual expression, so he left him alone for questioning. He learned that the paper man looked familiar, much like Xiao Chunyu, the daughter of Xiao's Dyeing House who had been missing for many years.On the other side, Cao An found Long San's file and saw that Long San testified in Xiao Chunyu's kidnapping case, so that the government could arrest Chu Lei and bring him to justice.

Ma Rong went around with earrings to inquire about the situation. He noticed a dyeing workshop and found that the paper figure next to it looked very familiar. When he went in and asked, he found out that the shopkeeper was Xiao Chunyu's grandfather.Shopkeeper Xiao was very excited when he saw the earrings, so he told Di Renjie and others about his daughter. In his opinion, Xiao Chunyu had been a clever person since she was a child, and her paper figurines were unparalleled. She originally wanted to start a business.Big, unexpectedly, she was kidnapped before the plan was implemented.

It turns out that Chu Lei and Xiao Chunyu were childhood sweethearts, but he was just an ordinary scholar who came from a poor family and was disliked by Shopkeeper Xiao.Later, Chu Lei decided to abandon his literary career and join the army, vowing to make a fool of himself and marry Xiao Chunyu, but he didn't know that shopkeeper Xiao had directly betrothed his daughter to someone else.On the day of the incident, Long San witnessed Chu Lei kidnapping Xiao Chunyu with the intention of doing something evil.

Di Renjie felt that there were many loopholes in Shopkeeper Xiao's words. Firstly, how could Long San see the other party's appearance clearly in the middle of the night? Secondly, Shopkeeper Xiao's room was next door, so why couldn't he hear the sound.With these doubts, Di Renjie and his party came to the mass grave to look for Chu Lei's body. After searching to no avail, they decided to go to the body collector Lin Fan.

On the other hand, when Cao An sent Qin to be repaired, he accidentally met the stonemason Lin Fan, and was entrusted by him to go back and explain to Di Renjie about Lin Fan's begging for flesh. It turned out that the stonemason Lin Fan was the Lin Fan related to Chu Lei.Di Renjie personally came to Lin Fan to deliver sausages, which made him feel uneasy. On the surface, he was obedient and timid. Until Di Renjie revealed his identity as a former border guard veteran, he finally calmed down.

Because both Lin Fan and Chu Lei were scholars and joined the army, they were always bullied by other soldiers in the military camp. They both thought about it many times, but lacked enough courage.Later, they had the desire to escape, but in the end they were captured and punished. Normally ordinary people would not survive seven days, but on the fifth day, heavy rain allowed them to survive.

Since then, Chu Lei's temperament has changed drastically. He will no longer show mercy to anyone and becomes ruthless. He even disregards human life when suppressing rebellion, and even refuses to spare innocent children.In Lin Fan's view, Chu Lei did have good intentions before joining the army, but unfortunately he became so thorough later that he was scared.

Di Renjie was silent for a moment after hearing this, and suddenly asked Lin Fan what he thought of Black Flame.Lin Fan said that Hei Yan was quite prestigious in Lanfang, and the local gangsters and bullies were all afraid of Hei Yan. He escaped from the military camp and thought about joining Hei Yan, but Di Renjie happened to come and defeated Hei Yan.When he said these words, the image of Chu Lei wearing a mask flashed in Lin Fan's mind. Seeing that he had something to hide, Di Renjie did not continue to ask questions and simply left first.

Ma Rong and Qiao Tai called the people in name and distributed sausages and bacon to them. Some people thought that the dead were unlucky and refused to take them.

On the other side, the piano master sent the repaired piano to Cao An. Cao An accidentally saw Lin Fan and followed him out of curiosity, only to be attacked by a surprise attack.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 27 Synopsis: The villagers of Tongkang Village kill each other

When Cao An woke up, she found that Hei Yan was already standing nearby, and she saw Lin Fan lying on the ground covered in blood, thinking that he had been brutally killed.Heiyan said that he wanted to give Lin Fan some punishment, and at the same time, he also wanted to completely disrupt Lanfang and completely control this place.Now Cao An learned the Bingzhou minor tune she sang from Hei Yan, but her mood was extremely complicated. She didn't know whether to worry about Hei Yan or Di Renjie.

Ma Rong and Qiao Tai were sitting on the street listening to gossip. People in the city often complained about Di Renjie's inability to control Black Flame.This sentence, which implies greed, anger, ignorance, love, desire, and hatred, attracted Di Renjie's attention. He believed that only enlightened monks in the world could do this. Even Ma Rong had to close a piece of meat when he took back the meat from Long San's shop.Greedy words.

Then Di Renjie went to shopkeeper Xiao again. During the inspection of the dyeing workshop, he discovered problems and inquired about some details about Chu Lei. He immediately took Ma Rong and Qiao Tai to Tongkang Village, which is Xiao Chunyu's husband's house.But when they arrived at Tongkang Village, they found that the whole village was killing each other. There were corpses all over the ground, and no one seemed to be alive.

Di Renjie was surprised by this and could not imagine the means by which Black Flame achieved this result.Suddenly a woman rushed out with a crazy look on her face. She tried to kill Di Renjie to no avail. She went back to the tree to cut off the rope and reached out to take the earthen pot, only to find that there was nothing inside.Almost at the same time, the surrounding fire ring was instantly ignited, and large fireworks bloomed in the sky, setting off the bloody pile of corpses, which was both shocking and chilling.

Only then did Di Renjie realize the cunning of the other party. If Chu Lei was as elusive as Lin Fan said, it would be very difficult to capture him again.Di Renjie quickly rushed to the stonemason's shop to ask for details, and found Lin Fan who was injured, and Cao An who was controlled by Black Flame, but she fell into a coma due to the influence of the drug.

After this incident, Cao An confessed to Di Renjie about her past with Hei Yan, and admitted that she had met Hei Yan before. The reason why she did not mention it again was because Hei Yan had jumped into the sea before. Although she had doubts about Lin Fan, it was now proved thatLin Fan is not the murderer.Cao An explained clearly, but Di Renjie had a rift in his heart, and a rift developed in their relationship.

That day, Di Renjie took Lin Fan back to the county government office and ordered people to treat his injuries and protect his safety.Although Lin Fan already knew that Chu Lei was Hei Yan, he really didn't know where Hei Yan was. He said that when Di Renjie came to his door, it meant that his life was in the hands of Hei Yan and Di Renjie, and he was no longer timid.

Madam Madam was imprisoned in a cell. Ma Rong and Qiao Tai returned to the scene of the crime. After careful investigation, they reported the truth to Di Renjie and concluded that Lin Fan was an outsider.Di Renjie came to the prison to question Mrs. Lang. He wanted to know what happened in Tongkang Village and why the villagers killed each other.

When Mrs. Lang heard the news that her son was dead, she burst into tears and laughter. After calming down, she slowly told the whole story.The incident started three days ago, when a notice was suddenly posted in the village stating that the well water they drank had been poisoned long ago.At first, everyone didn't believe it. It wasn't until someone died from the poison that panic arose. Later, there was a new notice instructing them to get clues to the antidote. They had to get the earthen pot on the tree stump in the village, and they had to ensure that only half of the people in the village were left in two days.Humans are small, otherwise there is no solution.

From that day on, the villagers began to be suspicious of each other. In order to fight for this glimmer of life, they fought in a stalemate and fought. The desire for life turned each of them into a demon, and they could only kill and seize.Mrs. Lang is the only survivor in Tongkang Village and a witness to this tragedy.

In fact, the villagers were not poisoned at all. The only person who died of poisoning was poisoned with arsenic by his own woman. Black Flame used this reason to create chaos.Di Renjie concluded that Chu Lei was Hei Yan, and the reason why he massacred the village was because the son of the Lang family married Xiao Chunyu.Mrs. Lang was extremely sad when she thought that her whole family and even the entire village had died.

Di Renjie brought snacks to Lin Fan, revealed the Tongkang Village massacre during the chat, and asked to meet Hei Yan.Qiao Tai was ordered to protect Lin Fan's safety, but Lin Fan noticed it and stopped covering it up.At this time, another notice was posted on the street. It was written by Black Flame, warning the people in the county that anyone who did not have the Black Flame logo tattooed on their body would be killed by him in five days.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 28 Synopsis: Dee Renjie knows that Hei Yan is his elder brother

For a moment, everyone in Lanfang was in danger, scrambling to be the first to tattoo black flames on their bodies, fearing that they would die at his hands.Since the small wooden sword and the Black Flame logo appeared at the same time, Hong Liang chose to confess to Di Renjie that his brother was Black Flame, and the English characters engraved on the wooden sword represented the eldest son Di Ying.

Soon two more dead people appeared on the street. The wounds on their bodies were of different sizes and were not caused by the same weapon. Therefore, it was suspected that the murderer was someone else.Sure enough, Di Renjie identified four men with different identities and professions as suspects. The reason for their murder was that the deceased wanted to leave the city. The announcement had stated that if one person left the city without permission, Black Flame would randomly massacre a family.

Therefore, in order to survive and protect the safety of their families, the four people took the lead in attacking the deceased. They felt that they were not wrong, and even the people who were watching agreed. Di Renjie felt that it was quite ridiculous. He slapped the crowd angrily and asked the scholar if he had ever thought about it.If Hei Yan publicly announced that he would kill his entire family in order to save the people of the county, would he commit suicide with his whole family?The scholar was stunned for a moment and angrily blamed Di Renjie for not being able to catch Black Flame, putting the people of Lanfang in danger.

Lin Fan officially stayed in the Ming Mansion, while Di Renjie patrolled the streets with Hong Liang and others, and found that the whole street was deserted, the shops were closed, and occasionally pedestrians passed by in a hurry, with black flame flags on both sides for protection.Originally, Hong Liang advocated asking the governor for help and sending troops to suppress it, but seeing the situation now, he finally understood why Di Renjie rejected this proposal. Not to mention the innocent people who were affected, I am afraid that the entire county jail could not accommodate these people.

Because of this, Di Renjie stayed in the morgue to reason about the case, believing that Xiao Chunyu's case was the beginning of this series. If he wanted to seize the opportunity, he must not be led by Black Flame again.Di Renjie asked Mrs. Lang about Xiao Chunyu. Mrs. Lang confessed that she liked Xiao Chunyu very much. She was beautiful and clever. Unfortunately, she no longer smiled after marrying into the Lang family. She never even consummated the marriage with Lang Zi. She always remembered her.Chu Lei was privately engaged to her for life.

But no matter how angry Mrs. Lang was, she did not choose to break off the engagement. Instead, she cared that the Lang family was a prestigious family in Tongkang Village and could not afford to embarrass this person.What's more, in Mrs. Lang's view, the Lang family had no fault from beginning to end, and it was all because Shopkeeper Xiao had interfered to destroy Xiao Chunyu and Chu Lei. Even if they suffered retribution, it should fall on Shopkeeper Xiao.Never thought that something like this would happen in Tongkang Village. Di Renjie lamented that if Mrs. Lang had married her lover as soon as possible, her son might not have died tragically. Mrs. Lang regretted it after hearing this.

Now, Di Renjie has the answer to the entire case. In order to confirm his judgment, he first went to shopkeeper Xiao to find out. Shopkeeper Xiao admitted that he knew that his daughter and the son of the Lang family were not married.That night, Di Renjie called in Lin Fan, Shopkeeper Xiao and others to help them restore the incident and the truth.

It turned out that Xiao Chunyu was going to go home to pack up Xinruan and run away with Chu Lei on the pretext of visiting relatives, but it happened that Long San saw Chu Lei climbing through the window.In order to protect Xiao Chunyu's reputation, Chu Lei deliberately kidnapped the paper man made by Xiao Chunyu, making people mistakenly think that Xiao Chunyu was being held hostage by Chu Lei. However, Long San had already become greedy and planned to drag Xiao Chunyu back to the shop to occupy, kill and embezzle.He stole all her treasures and reported Chu Lei to the county government, killing three birds with one stone.

However, Long Sanqian didn't calculate that he would be retaliated ten years later. Because he was illiterate, he left Xiao Chunyu's fur bag to wrap the meat and wipe the knife, leaving behind clues that confirmed that he was the real murderer.On the other hand, shopkeeper Xiao knew that his daughter was most likely to have eloped, so in order to save face, he still helped Long San report Chu Lei. Because of his selfish desires, he harmed his daughter, Chu Lei, and Chu Lei.for many years.Shopkeeper Xiao burst into tears after learning the truth. He confessed on the spot and was taken back to the Yamen by Hong Liang and others.

In order to deal with the people's fear of Black Flame, Di Renjie asked the county government to give everyone armbands with the Black Flame pattern on them. Di Renjie was the only one who did not wear it. The purpose was to draw Black Flame to him.Cao An was in a depressed mood, playing the piano to relieve his worries. When he heard the noise outside the door, he chased after him. When he saw Lin Fan's figure, he immediately stopped Lin Fan and asked him to take him to see Hei Yan.When Di Renjie saw Cao An's message, he immediately went to Lin Fan and followed him to meet Hei Yan alone.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 29 Synopsis: Dee Ying appears and is killed by Di Renjie

In the dead of night, Di Renjie and Lin Fan went to see Hei Yan.During this period, Di Renjie shared Chu Lei's story with Lin Fan, telling a completely different version.In this version, Chu Lei has been acquainted with a group of sinners since he was young, and has a profound experience of the sinister nature of people's hearts. During their crazy killings, Chu Lei gradually sharpened his will and heart, and eventually went into extreme darkness.

In Di Renjie's narration, Chu Lei forced himself to face death in order to survive.After rounds of killings, all that was left in his heart was ridicule, ruthlessness, and overwhelming anger.Because the daily beatings and humiliations he suffered all came from the Black Flame he once longed for, and for the Black Flame, he chose to break with his father Dixon.

Sure enough, as soon as Di Renjie finished speaking, Lin Fan's expression changed drastically.Just as Di Renjie said, he projected his story onto Chu Lei, that cruel man who took human life seriously, but his true identity was Di Ying, Di Renjie's brother who had not returned home for many years.Di Ying replaced Lin Fan's identity to collect Chu Lei's body, making everyone think that he was Lin Fan, but stabbed herself to clear the suspicion, and staged a scene in front of Cao An of Black Flame teaching Lin Fan a lesson.

But Di Renjie never understood why Di Yingzang hid in Lanfang and refused to show up, and was only willing to come out to meet him today.Di Ying revealed what he had been planning, including the ideas he insisted on.Both sons of Dickson, the two brothers have very different personalities, one is righteous and the other is evil, standing on opposite sides of each other.

Di Ying said that without Di Renjie, he might live anonymously in Lanfang, because he likes Lanfang where the strong run rampant and the weak return.On the other hand, Di Renjie wanted to see the strong in Lanfang abide by the law, the weak living and working in peace and contentment, and the law maintaining order here.

It's a pity that everything Di Renjie said was a joke to Di Ying.Di Ying advocates violence and power, despises human nature and laws, and firmly believes that the law of the jungle is the truth in the world.Seeing his brother being so indifferent between right and wrong, Di Renjie felt a little chilled. He lamented that it was the right thing for him to kick him out of the house back then, but now he looks really pitiful.

These words completely angered Di Ying, and the two began to confront and fight fiercely, and they were indistinguishable.In the end, Di Renjie tried his best and pierced Di Ying's chest with his sword.Before she died, Di Ying joked to herself that the Di family was both his origin and his return.After that, Di Renjie couldn't sleep all night because of the death of his brother. Bits and pieces of the past kept popping up in his mind. He lost his last relative in the world and also lost the wooden sword that had accompanied him since childhood.

As the Double Ninth Festival approaches, Ma Rong invites Cao An to climb up and enjoy the scenery together.After checking the almanac, Hong Liang found that September was an auspicious day for weddings, so he asked Cao An to choose a day to set the wedding date.Cao An hesitated for a moment and suggested letting Di Renjie make the decision.Di Renjie chose the 20th at random, but it happened to be the darkest total solar eclipse.

The two originally planned to get married, but there was a rift due to Di Ying's incident.Hong Liang noticed that Di Renjie had a grudge in his heart, so he persuaded him not to escape.Before Hong Liang could finish speaking, Di Renjie turned around and left.When passing by Cao An's room, the Bingzhou tune coming from the room reminded Di Renjie of Di Ying, and he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

On the same day, Cao An came to Di Renjie and said that there was a Crescent Moon Spring in the south that could relieve his worries. He wanted to take advantage of the Double Ninth Festival to travel together to pray for their future life.Di Renjie readily agreed. After learning about it, Hong Liang told them not to go to temples and to be more careful on the road.

After watching Di Renjie and Cao An's carriage go away, Hong Liang and others returned home and found that Di Renjie had forgotten to bring the Rain Dragon Sword. Hong Liang guessed that he did it on purpose.After the carriage traveled for a while, Di Renjie chose to rest next to the woods, lit a fire and baked cakes for Cao An to eat.The two of them were silent throughout the whole process, and the atmosphere seemed particularly dull.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 30 Synopsis: A strange murder occurred in Chaoyun Library

The two of them passed by the “Tongfu Inn” in a dilapidated village to rest, and met an old woman looking for her grandson Wei Xiaobao. She behaved crazy and did not attract the attention of the people present.Early the next morning, fog and cold shrouded the area. Di Renjie saw that Crescent Moon Spring was only a mountain away from them, so he decided to continue on the road, noting that the trip would be in vain.

Halfway through the journey, the wind and snow gradually became heavier. A group of refugees were walking in front of them. There was even an oxcart stuck in a ditch and unable to get out. The cries of children seemed particularly pitiful.Di Renjie was accidentally injured while helping him. Seeing that the road ahead was covered with heavy snow, Cao An discussed with Di Renjie to return to Lanfang first.

However, Di Renjie suffered from a high fever, hallucinations due to wound infection, and eventually fell into a coma.Cao An could only drive forward and finally found Chaoyun Library in the wilderness.The person who opened the door was a young man named Zhou Li. When Cao An asked to see Mr. Cui Haoran, he refused directly.For this reason, Cao An showed his Mingfu waist badge to explain his intention. Although Zhou Li was worried, he still asked Cao An to wait at the door for a while.Soon, Cui Haoran's student Li Miao followed Zhou Li out. He had some medical skills and expressed his willingness to bandage Di Renjie's wounds.However, since Cui Haoran, the family master, was assigned by the Minister of Rites to compile local history, he could not be disturbed and hoped that Cao An and the others would leave as soon as possible.

When Cao An saw this, he showed his Mingfu waist badge and explained his intention. As expected, Zhou Li had some concerns and asked her to wait at the door for a while.Soon a young man followed Zhou Li out. This man was Cui Haoran's student Li Miao. He had some knowledge of medical skills and said that he would personally bandage Di Renjie's wounds. However, because his master was assigned by the Minister of Rites to compile a local history for this place,It is inconvenient to be disturbed by outsiders, so I hope Cao An and the others will leave as soon as possible.

However, Cao An let Li Miao see Di Renjie's coma. Li Miao also considered that the road was blocked by heavy snow and had nowhere to go. He really couldn't bear the heavy responsibility of refusing to accept the Ming Dynasty and killed the Ming Dynasty, so he put the two of them in a room where old books were stored..At the same time, Ma Rong learned about the snowstorm in the south through refugees and was worried about the safety of Di Renjie and Cao An. He reported the situation directly to Hong Liang and followed Qiao Tai on horseback to search south.

Li Miao checked Di Renjie's body and found that apart from signs of mild poisoning, he was mainly suffering from internal heat accumulation and overwork.Di Renjie woke up and saw Li Miao. When he learned that he was in Cui Haoran's Chaoyun Library, he got up to see him.Because of Di Renjie's persistence, Li Miao had no choice but to guide him and said that if he needed anything, he could just let Cao An give instructions to the disciples in the hall.

Arriving outside Cui Haoran's room, Di Renjie saw him sitting upright through the window, his eyes slightly lowered, as if he was meditating. There was a strong scent of sandalwood around him. Li Miao explained that the family teacher wanted to develop his writing skills and seek historical insights, soAfter studying historical materials, I would retreat and meditate, so sandalwood plays a role in calming the nerves.

Precisely because Cui Haoran was in seclusion, Di Renjie couldn't disturb him, so he simply turned back and handed his collection of agarwood to Li Miao, hoping that he would hand it over to Mr. Cui Haoran for him.On the way back, Cao An saw Zhou Li who was in a panic. Although he said he wanted to bring firewood to Di Renjie to keep warm, he was walking in the opposite direction to the woodshed.

Cao An asked Di Renjie to lie on the bed and have a good rest, and then went to help Li Miao decoct the medicine.Di Renjie couldn't sleep, and suddenly he felt a gust of wind blow open the door of his room. When he dragged his sick body out of bed and closed the door, he saw the boy in white robe running away from him, as if he had encountered something terrifying.However, Di Renjie couldn't bear it physically and passed out in the snow. After Cao An and Li Miao helped him into the room, they briefly explained the strange thing just now.Li Miao believed that Di Renjie was ill and had fantasies, but Di Renjie insisted that he had seen it with his own eyes, so Cao An naturally believed Di Renjie's words.

On the other side, Ma Rong and Qiao Tai rode in circles on the original road, unable to tell the direction, which made their backs feel cold, remembering Hong Liang's warning to them that evil spirits are easy to live in the south.When Cao An was taking care of Di Renjie, he heard a suspicious sound outside the door. He went out to pursue it and saw Zhou Li standing on the roof, shouting and laughing, muttering about monsters and monsters.

Zhou Li glanced at Cao An, as if he had something to say, and finally bit his finger and wrote a word on his palm, then jumped and died on the spot.Cao An checked Zhou Li's palm, and the blood-red word “嬬” stood out in front of his eyes, and he immediately asked to go to Zhou Li's room to have a look.Li Miao told Cao An that Zhou Li was born in poverty and stayed at Chaoyun Library because of his sincerity in learning. He was originally a smart child, but he suddenly suffered from hysteria a few days ago and often talked nonsense in the middle of the night. His disciple Lin Shu was beside him to supplementconfirm this.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 31 Synopsis: Two hundred years of souls enshrined in the underground palace

Di Renjie still had a high fever and was confused and kept talking about “brother”.Cao An therefore asked Li Miao to cook two more medicines.However, as soon as Li Miao left, a gust of wind blew open the door and scattered the old papers and books in the room.One of the albums with ghost patterns caught Cao An's attention. She recalled that Li Miao once described how Zhou Li claimed to have opened his eyes during his lifetime and could see innocent disasters and ghosts who died in vain.

When Cao An was flipping through the album, she felt like there were eyes staring at her, and she felt a chill in her back.Suddenly the door opened slightly, and the sandalwood that Di Renjie had entrusted Li Miao to deliver to Cui Haoran appeared out of thin air.Cao An relied on his memory to search all the way, and was almost discovered by the disciples in the hall, and broke into the hidden underground palace in panic.

The corridor of the underground palace was winding and winding. Cao An followed the candlelight to the end, pushed open the stone door, and saw a huge palace in front of him.Directly in front are various statues of gods and Buddhas, and opposite is the altar for worship.Just when Cao An was confused, Li Miao suddenly appeared and explained the whole story to her.

It turns out that Chaoyun Library was a Taoist temple in its early years, also named Chaoyun.Coincidentally, the current situation was turbulent. In addition to Taoist priests, the temple also took in many civilians and scholars.However, one night, a group of bandits broke into the Taoist temple and carried out a brutal massacre in search of the unnecessary treasure.At this point, Chaoyun Temple was completely abandoned and dilapidated, becoming a haunted house.

It was not until later that Cui Haoran came here by chance, renovated Chaoyun Temple, and placed the remains of the dead in the underground palace.Li Miao told Cao An that the underground palace was built to appease and worship the souls of the dead. He also believed that there were gods, Buddhas and ghosts in the world, so he believed that what Di Renjie saw was not an illusion. It was most likely the condensed anger of the dead and the scene was formed due to his own obsession.Cao An was frightened after hearing this and did not dare to stay in the underground palace for a long time.

When Di Renjie woke up, the sky was slightly bright, and Cao An was nowhere to be seen in the room. When he went out to search, he encountered several disciples who looked panicked, carrying the corpse and walking forward quickly. They shouted several times before they stopped.Cao An and Li Miao came from the side, and Di Renjie asked about the situation. Li Miao did not respond, but asked Cao An to explain the situation to Di Renjie.

Cao An described to Di Renjie Zhou Li's abnormal behavior before jumping off the building, including the man's footprints she found.Di Renjie learned that Sandalwood appeared at the door for no reason. Thinking of the child in white he saw when he was in a coma, he felt that there was a secret hidden in Chaoyun Library.However, Cao An was worried that the solar eclipse mentioned by Li Miao would arouse the ferocity of the dead souls and interfere with Di Renjie's mind. He persuaded Di Renjie not to delve into the matter, thinking that it might be caused by his obsession.

As soon as these words came out, both of them thought of Di Ying.Di Renjie insisted that the dead would not interfere with the living, so he spoke out of anger and mocked Cao An for forgetting Black Flame, but he would never let the other party interfere with him.Before Cao An could speak, Li Miao had already boiled the medicine and delivered it. Di Renjie silently took the medicine bowl and ignored Cao An.

After Cao An fell asleep, Di Renjie searched for clues in Chaoyun Library.He first visited Cui Haoran and found that there was no one in the room, but the huge tung oil jar next to it was extremely conspicuous.Since the disciples were patrolling nearby, Di Renjie was unable to investigate in depth. He could only go to the underground palace to look for clues according to Cao An's description. As a result, he saw a boy in white who turned around and looked like his brother. He then collapsed to the ground., passed out.

At the same time, Cao An was awakened by the sound of broken earthen jars. He followed the sound and found that the medicine jar had been knocked to the ground and a small wooden sword was left beside the bookshelf.Li Miao asked his disciples to help Di Renjie back to the room. When he saw the overturned medicine jar, his expression was gloomy and unclear.Di Renjie was muttering about the wooden sword in his coma. Cao An quickly picked up the wooden sword and looked at it carefully. He noticed that there was a word “WE” on it, and he instantly thought of the other half of the word that was blurred in Zhou Li's palm.

《Judge Dee‘s Mystery》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

Judge Dee’s Mystery Episode 32 Finale Synopsis: Dee Renjie and Cao An escape death

The heavy snow has not stopped for several days, and Di Renjie has been in a coma since he came out of the underground palace.Cao An suspected that Di Renjie was influenced by the altar and proposed to leave the library overnight.Li Miao arranged for his disciples to carry Di Renjie into the carriage, while Cao An drove alone.Di Renjie saw Cao An leaving in his dream. When he woke up, he saw Ma Rong and Qiao Tai, but Cao An was not there. There was only a note saying: “The axle is broken, I will go find him”.

Di Renjie felt something was wrong and suspected that Cao An was in danger.Sure enough, the crazy grandma in the inn recognized the wooden sword that Cao An picked up, and became extremely excited. She shouted the name of her grandson Wei Xiaobao, which attracted Di Renjie's attention.Cao An once saw records about child sacrifice in a sheepskin book. Di Renjie looked up and noticed a strange phenomenon in the sky, and immediately returned to Chaoyun Library with Ma Rong and Qiao Tai.

The library was extremely quiet at this moment. The three of them were hiding in the corner of the main hall and witnessed a group of disciples wearing black robes entering the underground palace, followed by Di Renjie.Disciple Lin Shu stood directly in front, leading everyone to bow their heads in prayer, chanting obscure incantations, and his eyes were full of evil and greed, which was very different from usual.

Di Renjie then used his memory to find the underground palace cell and found the missing boy Wei Xiaobao.Just as he was slashing the chains with his sword, Li Miao came out from the side and admitted that he had killed Cui Haoran and imprisoned Cao An.But before Di Renjie could get closer, he waved his hand and scattered the smoke before snatching away Wei Xiaobao and disappearing without a trace. Only his voice could be heard.

Ma Rong and Qiao Tai fought all the way into the underground palace. They did not see Cao An when they arrived, but they found the old man's body in the tung oil jar in the study.At this time, another group of disciples came to block the way. Ma Rong and Qiao Tai were responsible for cutting off the rear, while Di Renjie rushed to the real altar and interrupted Li Miao's sacrificial ceremony.

Li Miao became angry because of this and refused to tell where Cao An was.Di Renjie's inquiries were fruitless, and Li Miao committed suicide by taking poison. Before she died, she laughed at Di Renjie. Even if Di Renjie found Cao An, it would only be her corpse.Di Renjie realized that Cao An was dying and was extremely anxious, but he tried to keep calm. He deduced the location through memories and finally found Cao An in a hole in the wall.

Fortunately, Ma Rong and Qiao Tai arrived in time, and the three of them worked together to cut through the wall and rescue Cao An. Cao An, who was originally unconscious, gradually regained consciousness.In Cao An's narration, the mystery of the case was finally clarified.In fact, Cao An vaguely knew the answer from the moment he picked up the small wooden sword. Later, he found Wei Xiaobao in the corner and found out why Zhou Li died.

A year ago, Li Miao killed Cui Haoran, occupied the magpie's nest, and continued to recruit disciples in the name of the academy.In Li Miao's eyes, these disciples were all sacrifices, and they would kill people every bad day in the hope of eternal life.Because the disciples have been brainwashed by Li Miao, they don't think there is anything wrong with killing a child.But Zhou Li still had a conscience and secretly let Wei Xiaobao go and took him to Cui Haoran's room, which happened to be the night Di Renjie was going to visit.

In order to protect Wei Xiaobao, Zhou Li carried him back from the outside to the door of the room, leaving deep footprints. Finally, he used a snowball to smash the door to lure Cao An away. Wei Xiaobao took this opportunity to sneak into the house.Zhou Li originally wanted to die to reveal the truth, but unfortunately the clues were hidden by Li Miao, so Wei Xiaobao had to throw sandalwood at the door to attract attention.

Cao An felt that Li Miao was suspicious of him, so he had to pretend to cater to him, pretending to be afraid of the undead, and found an excuse to drive away in a carriage overnight, and agreed to meet Wei Xiaobao at the foot of the mountain.Unexpectedly, Li Miao had already seen through the plot, and not only captured Wei Xiaobao, but also tied her into a hole in the wall and plastered the wall with mud.

As time passes, the air thins, and death approaches.Cao An is not afraid of death, his only concern is that Di Renjie will be safe.Di Renjie was deeply moved after listening to Cao An's words, and carried her out of the underground palace.Wei Xiaobao recognized his grandma and gave Di Renjie a wooden sword as a gift to express his gratitude.After this incident, Di Renjie completely let go of his worries and personally put on the earrings for Cao An. The two hugged each other tightly and cherished this moment for the rest of their lives.
