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《Rhyme of Tang》Episode 2 Synopsis

Original and innovative style

Since the Ming Dynasty, people who study Tang poetry have traditionally divided Tang poetry into four periods, namely the early Tang Dynasty, the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the middle Tang Dynasty and the late Tang Dynasty.The early Tang Dynasty lasted nearly a hundred years from the founding of the Tang Dynasty in 618 AD to the early eighth century, before Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty Li Longji ascended the throne of emperor. The time span was the largest, but the achievements were the lowest.The source of the Yangtze River, a world-class river, is also narrow, shallow, and winding. But without this narrow, shallow, winding river, there would be no majestic rolling waves downstream.

Original and innovative style

The poetry world of the early Tang Dynasty was still under the influence of the Southern Dynasty's decorative style that pursued formal beauty. Needless to say, the court poets, even those like the Four Heroes who strongly demanded a change in trends, had obviously more ornate poetry styles.For powerful figures like Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, they also sang "Playing in the Fangtang together, hand in hand on the eagle sail, the boat moves and divides the fine waves, and the wind disperses the floating fragrance".This kind of poetry is almost indistinguishable from the Southern Dynasty poets who followed the emperor's hesitation.

The four heroes Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin and Luo Binwang are commonly called Wang Yang and Lu Luo in literary history.They were mainly active in the second half of the seventh century and before the 1980s.This is a group of young talents, talented and full of energy, and they are full of heroic spirit when they appear on the stage; this is a group of short-lived poets, Wang Bo, who lived the shortest, was only twenty-seven years old; this is another group of miserable poets, Wang Bo drowned,Lu Zhaolin committed suicide by drowning due to long-term paralysis, and King Luo Bin was killed.Although they were in bad luck and lived a difficult life, they were all determined to clean up the filth in the poetry world and eradicate Chen Chen Xiangyin's court literature. They demanded to write their true feelings, create a true self in their poems, and change the relationship between poetry and poetry.Times are like oil flowers floating on the water, so poetry must be passionate and alive.Although their energy was limited, they took the lead and responded to each other. After some galloping, they finally prepared the necessary scenery and appropriate atmosphere for Tang Shi's appearance.The achievements of the Four Heroes were limited, and they did not completely get rid of the influence of the Qi Mi style of writing in the Southern Dynasties, so they were criticized by future generations.Du Fu was very dissatisfied with this, and once pointed out categorically: "Wang Yang Luluo was a frivolous and frivolous scholar at that time."Both your body and your name will be destroyed, but the eternal flow of rivers will not be wasted!“.

Wang Bo, the most accomplished among the Four Heroes, only lived to be twenty-seven years old.When he was twenty-six years old, he wrote the "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion", which is a famous article that has been passed down through the ages.It is said that Yan, the governor who was guarding Nanchang at that time, decorated the Tengwang Pavilion. On September 9th, when the guests were gathering, he asked his son-in-law to write an article describing the Tengwang Pavilion, and then pretended to be an improvisation to show off to the guests.During the banquet, the host pretended to let everyone present write.Everyone in the know declined knowingly, but Wang Bo didn't know the bounds of heaven and earth, so he actually took the pen and started writing, which made Governor Yan furious.However, people in the Tang Dynasty were broad-minded. When Wang Bo wrote, "The setting clouds and the lonely birds fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky," Yan was shocked. Not only was he not angry, but he also took the initiative to ask Wang Bo to continue writing.”The setting clouds and lonely birds fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky“. This autumn scenery by the river at dusk is so vast and inspiring!《Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion》Although it is not a poem, it is a prose poem with a rich poetic flavor, and its aesthetic effect will never decay.The article ends with a poem: ”The king of Teng has a high pavilion near Jiangzhu, and he wears a jade mingluan to sing and dance.The painted building is flying toward Nanpu clouds, and the bead curtain rolls into the west mountain rain at dusk.The shadows in Xianyuntan Lake are long, and things change and the stars move several autumns.Where is the emperor's son in the pavilion now?Outside the threshold, the Yangtze River flows freely.“”Chengque assists the Three Qin Dynasties, and the wind and smoke look forward to the Wujin.I want to say goodbye to you, we are both eunuchs.There are close friends in the sea, as if we are neighbors at the end of the world, we are on the wrong road by doing nothing, and our children share the same fate!“Breaking up with a friend is usually a bit sad, but this poem goes against the grain and believes that as long as we are close friends, we are still like close neighbors even if we are separated by the world.There is not a word of explanation in the poem, but the world is at peace and there is a sense of security everywhere, which is used as a solid background to set off the back of the poem.Only when the times are open, peaceful, and transparent, and neither the one seeing off nor the one being seen off can think of any unexpected harm, will they be in such a cheerful mood when they break up.”There are close friends in the sea, and there are neighbors as far apart as the world%. It expresses this universal desire of mankind, so it has been passed down through the ages and has become a famous saying that is quoted at any time.

Yang Jiong, one of the four heroes, once said that he was ashamed to be in front of Lu and was ashamed to be the queen.Obviously, he felt ashamed to be ranked before Lu Zhaolin. He was pretending to be modest, and his real intention was to disobey Wang Bo.He was proud of his talents and called those pretentious court officials "Qilin last", which means Qilin's stuffing.When asked what he meant by this, he said that those who play Qilin usually use cloth to cover the Qilin on the donkey. It looks like a Qilin, but in fact, if you take off the painting, it is just a donkey.What a shame!Fortunately, he was born in the Tang Dynasty, otherwise, this incident alone would be enough to make him lose his head.

Lu Zhaolin suffered a terrible fate. He suffered a stroke and was paralyzed for ten years. Finally, he couldn't bear it and committed suicide by drowning.There are two sentences in his "Chang'an Ancient Meanings", "If you have success, why would you die? If you want to be a mandarin duck, don't envy the immortals". These are famous sentences that are still quoted from time to time.

Parents have probably taught several Tang poems to their children, and this one is probably included among the poems taught: “ Goose Goose, the song is singing to the sky, the white hair is floating on the green water, and the anthurium is stirring the clear waves.”This poem is recorded to have been written by King Luo Bin when he was seven years old.

King Luo Bin is from Yiwu County, Zhejiang Province.When Xu Jingye revolted against Wu Zetian, he wrote an article - "An Admonition to the Wu Family" - in which he revealed all of Wu Zetian's misdeeds.It is said that Wu Zetian didn't care about it, but when he heard that "a handful of soil is not dry, how can a six-foot lone man be supported", he couldn't help being shocked. After hearing that it was written by King Luo Bin, he said: It's the prime minister's fault. People are so talented that they make himIt's no coincidence that he was exiled.“A handful of soil is not yet dry, how can a six-foot patch be supported”? This was extremely powerful in motivating the officials of the imperial court to rise up against Wu Zetian.After Xu Jingye's failed uprising, according to legend, he hid here in Lingyin Temple and became a monk.One day, Song Zhiwen came to Lingyin Temple and walked alone in the temple at night. He wanted to write a poem, but he couldn't finish it as soon as he thought of two sentences.An old monk with a white beard, King Luo Bin, came to him. After asking him the reason, he added a few words to him: "Looking at the sea and the sun from the building, the door faces the tide of Zhejiang."“The gold content of this kind of legend is probably not high.Perhaps Song Zhiwen's poem - "Lingyin Temple" - is very mediocre, with this wonderful couplet sandwiched in the middle, and later generations deliberately deprived him of the copyright to this couplet.Perhaps, Song Zhiwen was a bad character, so later generations made up this story, dug out this couplet, and attributed it to King Luo Bin.

The four heroes of the early Tang Dynasty began to break through the shackles of the court poetry style in the early Tang Dynasty, making poetry jump out of the circle of socializing and singing praises, and took on the mission of singing about life.But they still lack powerful theoretical weapons to enable Tang poetry to summarize the past and face the future.History chose Chen Zi'ang to complete the mission of opening up a new world for Tang poetry. Chen Zi'ang took a clear-cut stand against the aristocratic literature of the Southern Dynasties and the style of poetry that only sought gorgeous words but empty content.He not only pointed out the path for the development of Tang poetry in theory, but also practiced his own theory in poetry creation.His thirty-eight poems - Feelings - either satirize reality, lament current events, or lament his life experience, or express his ideals, all of which reveal his strong self-awareness and enterprising spirit.”If the orchid is born in spring and summer, how green it is!The forest is lonely and empty, with red rhizome sprouting purple stems.As the day goes by and the evening goes by, the autumn wind blows, and the years are falling away, how can the fragrance be achieved!%At the turn of spring and summer, in the lush and green woods, herbs such as orchids and auroras bloom with red flowers on their purple stems, which outshines the vegetation in the forest, but it is still lonely after all.Time flies by, the autumn wind rises again, and there are bursts of fragrance in the air, so what can I do?The lyrical protagonist in the poem has an unappreciated talent, like a red flower in a dark forest, no one appreciates it. It can only fend for itself as time goes by, and its ambition is hard to realize.
At the end of the seventh century, when Wu Zetian became emperor, she sent an expedition to Khitan with Chen Ziang as a staff officer.Due to the general's incompetence and military defeat, he made several suggestions, but not only were they not accepted, he was also demoted.When he climbed onto Youzhou Terrace, he was filled with emotion and sang his eternal masterpiece - the song of ascending to Youzhou Terrace.

No one from the past will be seen before, no one from the future will be seen.Thinking about the long journey of heaven and earth, I burst into tears with sadness!

This poem comes suddenly and stops abruptly, with no beginning, transition, description of scenery, or use of scenery to express emotions.It's as clear as words, pronounced in Mandarin, and doesn't even rhyme.Is this poetry?No, it is just like a long sigh, just like a long roar to vent anger, like the faint but trembling spring thunder calling all things to wake up.The lyrical protagonist stands like a giant on the stage of Youzhou. Looking around, he feels an unprecedented loneliness.No one paid attention to it, and no one understood it. There was only the incurable melancholy that surged in my heart, and finally turned into two lines of tears streaming down my face.His eyes were filled with sorrow that reflected the vicissitudes of history, rather than despair.This is probably the reason why this poem is so shocking and has been passed down through the ages.