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《Loverly Runner》 Summ

The Korean drama - Loverly Runner - was adapted from the popular online novel - Tomorrow's No. 1 - by Golden Bread writer. It was later adapted into an online comic written by - The Goddess Arrives - screenwriter Lee Si-eun.The plot tells a time-travel fantasy romance between a top male star who regretfully ends his life and a woman who travels back in time to save him.The male and female protagonists will play two different ages at the same time, 19 and 32 years old.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Ren Sui, who lost the ability to walk due to an accident, lay in bed, living helplessly and sadly every day, and even thought of extreme choices.Later, taking an anecdote as an opportunity, Im Sol fell in love with Ryu Sun Jae and became a passionate fan of Ryu Sun Jae's Eclipse.

Although Ryu Sun Jae saved Im Sol, he expressed his intention to retire to his agent expressionlessly.During the concert held after five years, Ryu Sun Jae could not hide his tired face due to conflicts with the members.

On the day of the concert, Ren Su suddenly received a call for an interview. He went for the interview 2 hours before the entrance, but the company was confused by Ren Su who was riding an electric wheelchair.As a result, Im Sol couldn’t have a good interview because it was a two-story building that didn’t even have an elevator. The entrance time was very late, and the ticket fell off on the bus. In the end, Im Sol could only hear Ryu Sun Jae’s voice outside the concert venue..

After being snowed outside for several hours, and with the battery of his mobile phone dead, Ren Su headed home in the heavy snow.It was Liu Shanzai who was looking outside in the car on the way back when he noticed Ren Sui shivering from the cold.Yoo Sun Jae smiled and handed the umbrella to Ren Sol, who was wearing a headband with "Loverly Runner" written on it. Although Ren Sol was startled, he hurriedly handed Liu Sun Jae his favorite candy from the bag.

After receiving candies from fans, Yoo Sun Jae returned to the hotel with a confused look on his face, lost contact with the people around him, and jumped directly from the hotel.

After the news of Yoo Sun Jae's extreme choice spread through the media, Im Sol pushed a wheelchair to the hospital where Yoo Sun Jae was rushed to.But news of Yoo Sun Jae's death came immediately. Ren Sui, who was wearing Yoo Sun Jae's watch, recalled the voice of Yoo Sun Jae who saved him and cried loudly.

At this time, Yoo Sun Jae's watch in Ren Sol's hand glowed and time stopped.The first time Ren Sol opened his eyes was in high school before the accident.Im Sol cheered up and walked towards Yoo Sun Jae at the school in front of him. Seeing Yoo Sun Jae safe and sound, he hugged Yoo Sun Jae and cried, etc., causing a commotion.

Back to Ren Sui in 2008.Knowing that he had returned to the past, Ren Sol looked at Liu Shanzai and shed tears again.Liu Shanzai found Ren Sol and walked over again to hand over the umbrella.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

In the rain curtain, Lin Sol's tears intertwined with the rain. Shan Zai silently approached and held up a sky for her.He asked softly the reason for her sadness, but Lin Su's heart was flooded with memories of the future, when he had also asked so gently.This memory made her burst into tears and attracted the attention of those around her.In order to make her calmer, Shanzai decided to take her away from this noisy place.

They took temporary shelter under a building in the rain. Lin Sol's embarrassment and confusion were palpable, while Shan Zai hoped to share some of the burden with her.She finally spoke and revealed that she was a fan of his swimming, and his figure reminded her of the otter, her pet dog that once accompanied her.This dog is as vigorous as Shanzai in the water. Whenever she recalls that time, her heart is always filled with warmth.

However, Lin Sol's story left Shan Jae a little confused, and he couldn't completely believe her words.He handed the watch back to her, but it brought back embarrassing memories of the day before.In panic, she grabbed his umbrella and fled the scene.

When Lin Su returned to the classroom, she tried to remain calm when facing the concerned eyes of her classmates, but the turmoil in her heart could not be calmed down.Her best friend Hyun Joo is worried about her unusual behavior.

At the same time, Fushun was busy at home, chatting with his neighbor Ms. Quan.She was worried that the vacant house next door would be difficult to rent, and Ms. Quan suggested that she consider selling the property and buying an apartment in Banqiao.The two also talked about the fact that a DVD rented by Liu Jiande was not returned. Although Jiande denied it, Ms. Quan was still a little dissatisfied.At this time, Lin Jin interrupted their conversation. He was preparing for his upcoming role as a monk. His dream of being an actor has never been extinguished.

Lin Su, who returned to school, tried to concentrate, but the mystery of traveling through time and space always troubled her.Suspecting the watch to be the key, she accidentally pressed the button.Although she expected a new time jump, everything turned out to be surprisingly peaceful.At this moment, the teacher asked her to come forward to answer a math problem, but she avoided it because of a stomachache.The teacher sent her to the infirmary, but she took the opportunity to come to Shanzai's school.

In the gymnasium, Lin Su saw Shan Zai's figure from a distance.However, the smell of cigarettes caught her attention and she found three boys smoking.Just as she was about to step forward to question, Taicheng appeared and he quickly subdued the boys.Despite Tae Sung's performance, Im Sol couldn't help but intervene.Unfortunately, more gangsters appeared, and Tae-sung grabbed her arm at the critical moment and urged her to escape.They successfully evaded the pursuit of the gangsters and hid in a safe place.

In this shelter, Tae-sung lights a cigarette and Im Sol tries to stop him.In the process, she recalled that she had a crush on this handsome but naughty boy.Taicheng is a member of the band. His handsome appearance and rebellious character attract many girls.He noticed something strange in Lin Su's behavior and recalled their encounter the morning before.While they were arguing, a teacher walked into their hiding place.Taicheng quickly fled the scene, leaving the cigarettes and lighter in Lin Su's hands.Faced with the teacher's questioning, Lin Su was unable to explain the truth of the matter and was eventually forced to kneel in front of the school to accept punishment.

Shan Zai met Lin Su by chance and mistakenly thought she was a smoker.He sternly warns her to quit smoking and reveals that the surveillance cameras are just for show, implying that she can leave with impunity.However, on the way out, Lin Su met Taicheng again unexpectedly.Tae Sung tells her in a tough manner to stop interfering in his affairs.The dispute between the two was interrupted by a girl who was very interested in Taicheng, and Taicheng left in a hurry to avoid her.The girl and her friends turned to threaten Lin Sol, warning her to stay away from Tae Sung.

Back home, Lim Sol seeks advice from his friend Hyun Joo on how to approach someone.Hyun-joo reminds her of the importance of first impressions, but then jokingly says that Im Sol is hopeless.Still, she suggested that Lim Sol send friend requests to his crush on social media.Hyun-joo's teasing reminds Im Sol to recall that she wrote a love letter to Tae-sung the morning before, but was rejected.Due to the influence of time and space travel, Lin Su has forgotten this experience.She found the dusty love letter at home and was laughed at by her brother Lin Jin.

Meanwhile, Sun Jae is working on improving his swimming skills.He saw Lin Su's friend request, but chose to refuse.Early the next morning, the two met at the bus station, and Lin Su looked a little depressed.She hopes to return Sun Jae's umbrella and tries to talk to him.While riding the bus, Shanzai extended a helping hand in time to prevent Lin Su from falling.However, when parking at the station, Lin Su was pushed by the crowd and his umbrella accidentally slipped.She was unable to get off the bus in time, so Sunjae decisively chased the bus and asked the driver to stop.His heroic actions attracted the admiring eyes of the girls around him.However, Sun Jae insisted that he did not act out of concern for Lin Sol, but just wanted his umbrella back.

Despite this, Lin Su was still moved by Shan Zai's words and attitude.During the conversation, Sun Jae hinted that he rejected Im Sol’s friend request because he thought she was a smoker.In order to prove his innocence, Lin Su asked him to smell his fingers to see if there was any cigarette smell.However, Sun Jae refused her request and was accidentally poked in the nose by her.This scene was witnessed by Renhe, who couldn't help but laugh at Shanzai.Like Hyun-joo, In-hyuk is also surprised by Im Sol's excessive attention to Sun-jae.

In Hyuk told Shan Jae that Lin Sol had actually been secretly in love with Tae Sung and even secretly left him chocolate.Shan Jae knew nothing about this and had no impression of Tae Sung.However, after learning the news, his mood seemed to fluctuate.At the same time, Lin Su saw a banner about a swimming competition, which reminded her of an important event that was about to happen in the future.It was this race that ended Sun Jae's swimming career.He discussed his decision to retire in a television interview.Lin Sol is determined to prevent Sun Jae from participating in this swimming competition.

In order to convince Sun Jae to give up the game, Lim Sol tries to reveal his future destiny to him.However, every time she mentions the future, time freezes.So she changed her strategy.She learns that Sun Jae is recovering from an operation and that his teammate Hyun Goo is jealous and taunting of his comeback.Im Sol persisted in persuading Sun Jae to give up the game, even suggesting that he check the condition of his arm before the game.

On the other hand, Sun Jae's father and Lim Sol's mother continue to argue over a rented DVD.Taicheng was also in trouble and was reported to the police for fighting.His father, a lieutenant officer, personally came to take him home.It can be seen from the conversation between the two that the relationship between them is not harmonious.

Lin Li's danger came. When she was walking home and facing the danger of an imminent car accident, she tried to keep calm.Although she panicked the first time she tried to cross the street, she didn't give up.Just when she was about to be hit by an oncoming car, Shanzai appeared in time and rescued her from danger. This time she broke the bad luck of being paralyzed.

Shanzai's feelings for Lin Sol have long gone beyond simple friendship.From the first meeting, he silently did many things for her, although Lin Su knew nothing about it.When Lin Su started to notice Shan Zai and confessed to him, Shan Zai's inner surprise and joy were beyond words.His refusal was not out of malice but out of concern for his identity and concern about fans' reaction.

Drama review: The comedy elements and emotional entanglements of this episode complement each other, and the superb acting skills of the actors add a lot to the plot, allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding of the inner world of the characters.

The second episode, while keeping it light and interesting, also delved into the emotional entanglements and growth processes between the characters.Whether it is the comedy elements or the emotional scenes, the audience can enjoy watching it.Looking forward to seeing more exciting stories about Lin Sol and Sun Jae in the upcoming plot, and how they face various challenges in life together.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Sun Jae and Lin Sol were in the rain, and after arguing, they finally found a place to sit down.Sun Jae apologized for his previous misunderstanding about Lin Sol and promised to win the gold medal, hoping that Lin Sol would believe him.It turns out that Sun Jae had previously revealed to his friend In Hyuk that he would win the gold medal and confess to Im Sol.As the cupid of love, In Hyuk advises Sun Jae to find the right time.

After winning the gold medal, Sun Jae decided it was time to confess his love and even found the perfect restaurant.However, Im Sol thought he was hungry and in a bad mood and chose a different restaurant because she was more concerned about Sun Jae's health.She is very happy that Sun Jae won the competition without getting hurt and thinks that she changed his destiny.

During the meal, Shan Jae asked Lin Su if he liked Tae Sung, but Lin Su firmly denied it.Sun Jae begins to hope that he can win her heart.They later took photos together and had a sweet time together throughout the day.All day long, Sun Jae was looking for the right moment to confess, but something always happened.Even on the bus, when Lin Sol wanted to get off, he was considerate and wanted to help, but the timing was wrong.

After returning home, In Hyuk created the perfect opportunity for Shan Jae to confess, but Lin Sol misunderstood his intentions and asked to be friends before he even finished speaking.Nonetheless, In-hyuk points out that Sun-jae hasn’t been rejected yet.Technically, he hasn't confessed yet.

Meanwhile, Im Sol is happy that Sun Jae is doing well and she even had dinner with him.She considers herself a successful fan and we all envy her.

Far away from the budding couple, we see Keun Suk.He secretly returned the movie Shan Jae borrowed and even paid a fine.Fushun didn't see him, but knew it was him.

The next day, Lin Sol sneaked into Sun Jae's school to watch him swim, but didn't see him.Instead, she meets Tae-sung, who starts to develop feelings for her.Initially, he rejected her, but that has changed now.On the way home, she meets another student who tells her that Sun Jae has been admitted to the hospital and something happened to him.

Unfortunately, doctors told Sunjae and his coach that he would need another surgery.The condition of his arm worsened and he will need 2-3 years of rehabilitation after surgery.Sunjae is heartbroken because this means his swimming career is over.He later returns home and is surprised to find his father throwing a party to celebrate his latest victory.His father also paid for his training abroad.

Sun Jae cannot tell his father the truth.He scolds Jiande for planning everything without his consent.He said he was considering giving up swimming and they got into a heated argument.His father slapped him and threatened to kick him out if he ever mentioned giving up swimming again.Lin Su heard their quarrel on the way to Shan Zai's house to comfort him.She had been trying to find him all day.

Unfortunately, Sun Jae is gone and she still doesn't know what to do.Sun Jae cried and went back to school to pack his things.Lin Su realized that she had not changed her fate.She tried to mark her calendar, but every time she wrote something about her future accident, the writing disappeared.She begins to question why she wants to go back in time if she can't change anything.

Soon after, Sun Jae's father learned of his son's condition and felt very sad.He finds Sun Jae and apologizes to him.Sun Jae also apologizes for hiding the truth and they reconcile.Jiande suggested that his son should at least have surgery first and decide his future later.

Elsewhere, Lin Sol goes to school and meets In Hyuk.She is angry with him because she knows that in the future, his Lim Sol fans will bully Sun Jae.When she talks to In-hyuk about Sun-jae, she gets hit by the ball.The blow triggered her memory because it had happened before.She remembers it being the day her home burned down and her mother was injured.She tried calling her mother and brother, but no one answered.

Lin Jin forgot to turn off the gas while cooking and followed his mother's instructions to clear the toilet.He later gets into an argument with Hyun-joo and doesn't notice until the fire gets too intense.At this time, Xianzhu fainted due to smoke inhalation, and Lin Jin carried her outside.He was about to give her CPR when she woke up and hit him in the face.He was hit and lost his teeth.

Fortunately, Lin Sol persuaded Tae Sung to send her on a motorcycle to stop the fire.They arrived in time and put out the fire quickly.This time, Lin Su's mother was not injured, and the fire did not destroy the family portrait.Lin Sol was grateful and took the initiative to treat Taicheng to dinner, but he thought she was still trying to seduce him.

A few days later, Shan Jae had surgery. Although Lin Sol did not appear in front of him, she found various ways to take care of him.She delivered meals to his family and other patients in the ward.Once, Sun Jae saw her crying sadly and marveled that she cried more than him.Things were tough for Sunjae, and even after surgery, doctors didn't think he would ever be able to return to swimming.

A week later, we see Im Sol delivering food to Seon Jae’s house after he is discharged from the hospital.To thank her, Jiande gave her schisandra syrup.Lin Su drank it all in one breath, but he didn't know it was wine.She then sees Sun Jae leaving home and follows him to school.He is surprised to see her drunk, but finds her cute behavior charming when she tries to humor him.

He asked her to sit down and since she was drunk she suggested they listen to music.She started to fall asleep and he pulled her close, letting her rest on his good shoulder.However, she moved closer, forcing him to distance himself.She was startled and woke up.

Unfortunately, she was still drunk and thought he was the poster in her room.She nearly fell over and he pulled her closer.He confessed his love to her and she made him smile forever.She promised to be by his side no matter what.Sunjae couldn't control himself after hearing these sweet words.He pulled her closer and they kissed.

The next day, Sun Jae missed the bus and couldn't sit with Lim Sol.Our little girl was hungover and couldn't remember what happened the night before.Shanzai hurriedly caught the next bus.Meanwhile, Im Sol realizes that her iPod recorded her conversation with Sun Jae last night.She felt so ashamed when she heard the recording of Sun Jae confessing to her and kissing her.Unfortunately, Tae Sung cuts her off before she hears the best part.

Tae Sung is on a mission to prove a point to his ex-girlfriend Choi Ga Hyun.He invited Lin Su to go out with him.At the same time, the recording continued to play, but Lin Su did not wear headphones.She's stunned by Tae-sung's proposal, and even Seon-jae, who manages to catch up, seems caught off guard.

Suddenly, the watch jumped and another time jump occurred.Im Sol briefly returns to the future, where she is still in the river, watching the news of Sun Jae's death.

Once again, a time jump occurs and she goes back in time.Surprisingly, she agreed to Taicheng's proposal.No one was more shocked by this than Sun Jae.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

It turns out that Shan Zai saved Lin Su after her car accident.However, when Lin Su's reaction was anger and rejection, she showed no appreciation for Shan Zai's life-saving grace. She believed that death was the best choice.

The scene shifts to the day of the concert, and through Shan Zai’s perspective, we experience that heart-warming moment again.While Shan recognized Lin Su, he was also deeply attracted to her.Although Lin Su did not realize that he was her savior, the subtle emotional exchange between the two had quietly begun.Shan Zai handed Lin Su an umbrella, and Lin Su gave her her favorite candy in return.

Sun Jae’s actions demonstrate his gentleness and thoughtfulness as a true gentleman.Not only did he ensure that Lin Sol got home safely, he also missed her in the hotel room.This kind of affectionate waiting and concern makes people unable to help but be moved by his sincerity.

However, when Lin Su woke up in the hospital, he found that he had returned to 2023, and Shan Zai had passed away.This huge change made Lin Su deeply shocked and sad.The police's questioning and the appearance of the old photo made Lin Su start to doubt the relationship between his memory and reality.

Lin Su's sadness and despair reached its peak, and she tried to change her destiny by going back to the past.But the reality cruelly told her that even if she went back to the past, she could not change the ending.Shan Zai's death is in sharp contrast with Lin Su's powerlessness, making people feel sorry for the star-crossed lovers.

At this time, Lin Sol received a call from Renhe, revealing Shan Zai's inner guilt and regret.However, the sudden interruption of the phone call and the difficulty of being unable to contact Renhe made Lin Su fall into despair again.

When the clock struck midnight, Lin Su's watch jumped again, giving her hope of returning to the past.Without hesitation, she pressed the button and returned to 2008.But this time, she finds herself in an exorcism ritual and encounters her past self.Facing his past self and Shanzai, Lin Su began to realize his mission and responsibility.

However, Shan Zai was confused and dissatisfied with Lin Su's sudden appearance.In the past, Lin Sol had been pushing away Sun Jae and focusing on his relationship with Tae Sung.This made Lin Su start to reflect on her actions and choices, and it also made her more determined to save Shan Zai.

Elsewhere, Fu Shun and Liu Jiande argue over a borrowed DVD, in which Fu Shun claims that Shan Zai's father still owes her three dollars.Hyun-joo, on the other hand, feels stressed because Lim-jin keeps asking about his broken tooth, which causes her to become constipated.Lin Jin kept pestering her, hoping that she would return his teeth.During an embarrassing day, Hyun-joo is cornered in the toilet and even becomes incontinent in front of her friends, and Lim-jin happens to save her.

At the same time, Lin Sol found In Hyuk and warned him not to introduce Sun Jae into the music industry, let alone let him participate in auditions.In Hyuk is angry at Lin Sol for hurting Sun Jae and asks her to stay away from Sun Jae.But Lin Su pursued Shan Zai even more persistently, and even blocked a bully's attack for him.

Later, Im Sol and Ga Hyun had a quarrel because of Tae Sung.Lin Sol promised to break up with Tai, but Jiaxian did not believe her promise.At this moment, Mr. Jin suddenly appeared, stopped their quarrel, and let them know that he was Sun Jae and In Hyuk's manager.Lin Su recognized him and decided to follow him, hoping to find an opportunity to take Shan Zai's business card to prevent him from entering the music industry.

Lin Su found Shan Zai's home, but learned that Shan Zai had gone to a drug rehabilitation center.Under Liu Jiande's inadvertent revelation, Lin Su learned that Shan Zai just went home to change clothes.She immediately realized that the business card was still in Shan Zai's uniform, so she came up with a plan to use her “freezetime” superpower to sneak into Shan Zai's room and try to take the business card before he could use it.

Unfortunately, Lin Su fell asleep while waiting for his chance.Sun-jae is surprised and confused when he finds her sleeping under his bed.He thought he was hallucinating, but then discovered that Lin Su was really there.He looked at her lovingly and even tried to swat away mosquitoes for her sake.However, his actions accidentally woke up Lin Su.

Sun Jae asks Im Sol to explain her behavior, and Im Sol tells him that she accidentally fell asleep while giving him books and other things to help his shoulder.During the conversation, Im Sol is confused by Sun Jae’s anger since that fateful day.At this time, Shan Zai realized that Lin Su had lost his memory and could not remember his confession and kiss.Although he felt embarrassed, he was also relieved.

Im Sol tries her best to comfort Sun Jae with the words she said when she called him before after her car accident, knowing that he is struggling with the end of his swimming career.She pleads with him to give her a chance to make amends in the hope that they can become close again.However, the longer they stay in the room, the harder it becomes for Shan Zai to let Lin Sol get close to him.He wrapped her in a blanket and secretly sent her out.

Shan Jae tells Lin Sol to keep her distance because her actions hurt him.He was confused and humiliated by her back and forth.However, Lin Sol said that this was the only thing she could do for him, which made her feel suffocated.Before she sternly shoos him away, Sun-jae notices her bare feet and gives her his slippers.His words broke Lin Su's heart and she cried in bed all night.

The next day, Lin Sol decided to meet Tae Sung and break up.However, that day was Taicheng's birthday, and Lin Wei from the past prepared a sweet song for him.In an awkward atmosphere, Im Sol explains that she has two personalities and doesn't like Tae Sung's relationship with her other personality.Although Tae Sung isn't keen on dating Im Sol, he's using her more to push Ga Hyun away.However, he began to develop feelings for the future Lin Su.

During the in-depth conversation, Tae Sung accidentally mentioned whether Sun Jae had given up swimming.Apparently, the news has spread, and someone even leaked that Sun Jae and In Hyuk planned to audition.After hearing the news, Lin Su immediately stood up and eagerly searched for Shanzai, hoping to prevent him from entering the music circle.She ran into In Hyuk and learned from him that Sun Jae left in a hurry after receiving a call from his father.Lin Su didn't dare to neglect and immediately chased him out, but accidentally fell down on the stairs.However, knowing that there was no time to waste, she struggled to stand up.

In Hyuk promptly called Sun Jae, who was helping out at his father's restaurant.Knowing that Lin Su was looking for him, Shan Zai immediately left the restaurant.He found Lin Su sleeping soundly at the bus stop.When Lin Su woke up and found that she had already passed the stop, she got off the bus in a hurry and waited anxiously for the taxi.At this time, a man with ill intentions approached her and attempted to do evil to her.Lin Su threatened to call the police, but the man snatched her phone away.In the chaos, Lin Su accidentally fell into the water.

At this critical moment, Shan Zai arrived in time and jumped into the water to rescue Lin Su.As Lin Su watched Shan Zai swimming toward her, her memory of the accident gradually returned.She finally remembered that Shanzai was the one who saved her back then.After swimming to a safe area, Lin Su expressed his heartfelt thanks to Shan Zai and regretted that he had forgotten such an important thing.She tearfully hugs Sun-jae tightly, and Sun-jae lovingly returns her hug, thanking her for being safe.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Last night, Ryu Sun Jae bravely rescued Ren Sui who accidentally fell into the water and gently sent her home.Ren Sol's heart was filled with emotion, but what she cherished even more was being able to be with Yoo Sun Jae every moment.This kind of companionship is the greatest happiness and satisfaction for her.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the balcony, and Ren Su excitedly called out Liu Shanzai. She held a watering can in her hand, creating beautiful rainbows, hoping to add a touch of color to this new day.However, this move aroused criticism from his mother, and Ren Shu was chased and beaten in a hurry.Liu Shanzai looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile happily. He knew that Ren Su could always bring him small blessings in life.

On the way to school, the two buried a time capsule together.Ren Sol mysteriously told Liu Shanzai that the gift she gave him was hidden in the capsule, which could only be taken out on January 1, 2023.She also agreed that at 12 o'clock that night, the two of them would meet on the Han River Bridge and see you there.Although Liu Shanzai felt that this was just the work of his willful childishness, an inexplicable expectation surged in his heart.

When they arrived at school, Ren Su suddenly realized that he had forgotten to tie his tie. Liu Shanzai took off his tie without hesitation, put it on for her, and took the initiative to accept the teacher's punishment.Seeing this, Kim Tae Rae deliberately joined the punished team, hoping to compete with Yoo Sun Jae.However, as an athlete, Ryu Sunjae was naturally no match for him and won the game easily.

At this time, Liu's father was watching the Beijing Olympics games at home, especially Park Tae-hwan's games.He was worried that his son Liu Shanzai would feel sad after seeing it, so he hurriedly turned off the TV.Similarly, Ren Sol also noticed Ryu Sun Jae's emotional changes. She didn't want him to be sad about his retirement.So she cleverly invited Yoo Sun Jae to watch a movie together in an attempt to divert his attention.

However, their plans were interrupted when the cinema's fire alarm suddenly rang.The two people hurriedly escaped from the cinema. The Olympic Games were playing on the big screen in front of the door.Ren Su looked at Liu Shanzai, feeling full of guilt, but Liu Shanzai comforted her, saying that he had let go and would not affect his current life because of the past.

On the way to send Im Sol home, Ryu Sun Jae came across an intimate conversation between Im Sol's mother and a middle-aged man.Ren Su suspected that his mother was in love, so he took Liu Shanzai to hide. The two looked at each other and smiled, and the little secret in their hearts increased.

Episode 5

At night, Ren Su passed by the small bridge where she fell into the water alone. People gathered around the bridge and talked about it.Some people said that the murderer hid the body on the other side. At this time, a clear ringing sound came to Ren Sui's ears, which was the sound of the key hanging on it.There seemed to be such a scene in her memory, but she couldn't recall it.She watched the man holding the bell gradually move away, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in her heart.

Ren Sui remembers that her father once wanted to see her learn to ride a bicycle, so she launches the dusty bicycle.However, her riding skills were not very good and she almost fell down several times.Upon seeing this, Liu Shanzai immediately stepped forward to support her and patiently taught her how to ride a bicycle.Accompanied by Liu Shanzai, Ren Su gradually mastered the skills of riding a bicycle, and the relationship between the two also quietly heated up in the process.

Yoo Sun Jae began to realize that his feelings for Ren Sol had gone beyond the scope of friends. He wanted to pursue her, but he didn't know how to start.What's more, Jin Tailai has been standing between them.Yoo Sun Jae decided to solve this “obstacle” first. He began to compare with Kim Tae Rae everywhere, and even bought the same clothes as him, trying to show his charm in front of Ren Sol.

However, love is not a competition, it requires sincerity and sincerity.Liu Shanzai gradually understood that he could not win Ren Su's heart in this way.He began to try to approach her in a more natural and sincere way to understand her inner thoughts and feelings.

Ren Su also gradually felt the changes in Liu Shanzai during this process.She began to realize that her feelings for Liu Shanzai had exceeded the boundaries of friends.She began to look forward to spending more time with him, and began to expect him to become an indispensable part of her life.

《Loverly Runner》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

The next morning, the sun shines into the room through the gaps in the curtains, and the air is filled with a touch of freshness.Liu Shanzai woke up early, but his heart was full of uneasiness.Yesterday, he heard the news that Ren Su was bullied by the girl who had always admired Kim Taicheng. He was extremely anxious and hurriedly ran to check.However, when he arrived at the scene, he did not see Ren Sui.He looked around anxiously, secretly praying that Ren Sui would be safe and sound.

At the same time, Ren Su was in a quiet corner, facing Kim Tae Sung, her eyes were firm and cold.She expressed her determination to Kim Tae-sung word by word and asked for a breakup.She doesn't understand why she was so obsessed with Kim Tae-sung, but now she just wants to get rid of the shackles of this relationship.Jin Taicheng looked confused. He couldn't understand why Ren Su had such a big change.

After teaching Kim Tae Sung a lesson, Ren Sol's mood calmed down a little.She took out her Walkman, which recorded Yoo Sun Jae's confession that day by the swimming pool.When she heard Liu Shanzai say “I like you”, Rensu's heartbeat accelerated instantly. She stood there blankly, as if the whole world had stopped.She has always liked Liu Shanzai, but she never dared to expect him to like her too.Now, this beautiful wish has come true, and she feels both surprised and overwhelmed.

At this moment, a speeding car suddenly rushed towards her, and Ren Sui took a few steps back in panic.Fortunately, Liu Shanzai arrived in time. He rushed forward and stood in front of Rensu, protecting her with his body.Seeing Liu Shanzai's nervous and concerned eyes, a warm current surged in Ren Su's heart.She was once again moved by Liu Shanzai's bravery and kindness, and her feelings became deeper and deeper.

However, the development of this relationship was not smooth.Kim Tae Sung was depressed because he was broken up by Ren Sol, so he confided his experience to his little follower.These words happened to be heard by Liu Shanzai. He originally wanted to teach Kim Tae-sung a lesson, but thinking about Ren Su's feelings, he chose to endure it.Ren Sol also fell into entanglements and conflicts at home. She wanted to accept Liu Shanzai's feelings, but she was also afraid that this relationship would bring more trouble and harm.

By chance, Liu Shanzai came to Renshu's home.He saw Ren Sol crying and mistakenly thought she was sad because she broke up with Jin Tae.He immediately rushed forward to comfort Ren Su, but accidentally took a few mouthfuls of rice wine and became drunk and unconscious.Ren Su and his brother Ren Jin had no choice but to help him to the room to rest.Seeing the drunk Liu Shanzai, Ren Su felt both funny and a little distressed in his heart.

In the days that followed, the relationship between Liu Shanzai and Rensol gradually heated up.They went to watch the Olympic men's baseball final together and shared each other's joys, sorrows and joys.However, Kim Tae-sung did not give up his pursuit of Rensu, and he still tried to save the relationship.But Ren Sol had already made up her mind, and she chose to be with Yoo Sun Jae.