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《Black Books Season 3‎》 Summ

Fran, who came back from vacation, was shocked by what he saw as soon as he walked into Blake's Bookstore.The bookstore was dark and dirty, with books and garbage mixed together to form hills.What surprised her even more was that there wasn't even a single customer in the store.It turned out that during this period, the relationship between Bernard and Manny completely deteriorated, and Manny ran away in anger and chose the bright and clean newly opened bookstore next door.Bernard, on the other hand, can only live with garbage because he cannot take care of himself.

Despite the excellent environment of the new bookstore, Manny's heart was always with Blake's Bookstore.He expected Bernard to take the initiative to apologize so that he could return to the bookstore as a matter of course.However, Bernard had a stubborn character and never bowed his head.Seeing this, Fran couldn't bear the deadlock and decided to act as a mediator.

However, Fran's own life is also a mess.She needed to clear her mind and start over.In the process, she not only had to mediate the conflict between Bernard and Manny, but also faced her own inner struggles and confusion.This bookstore, once full of laughter and warmth, is now in unprecedented trouble.Can Fran successfully mediate the conflict and restore the bookstore to its former glory?This became her biggest challenge.

《Black Books Season 3‎》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

When Bernard returned from his trip, he found that a new bookstore had opened next to his Black Bookstore.The interior of the bookstore is neat and orderly, full of modern technology, and equipped with all automatic equipment.Customers were attracted one after another and were willing to go to that bookstore to read and buy books, but Bernard's used bookstore became deserted.Bernard didn't seem to care about this. He sat in the bookstore doing nothing all day, letting the garbage pile up and books scattered in the store.

Fran returned to the bookstore and was surprised to see Bernard like this.She asked Bernard about Manny's whereabouts, but Bernard told her that Manny had broken up with him and went to work in the bookstore next door.Fran then went to the bookstore next door and persuaded Manny to return to Blake's Bookstore, but Manny firmly refused and said he would not forgive Bernard.Fran was very angry about this and left angrily.

In order to monitor Manny's activities in the bookstore next door, Bernard cut a hole in the wall of the bookstore.Through this hole, he could clearly see Manny's every move in the bookstore next door.Fran once again persuaded Bernard to apologize to Manny, but Bernard insisted that he was not wrong and refused to apologize.Manny was also resolute and unwilling to reconcile with Bernard.

Even though Manny works in the bookstore next door, he still lives in Black's.Fran tries to bring the two together in the hope that they can reconcile.On the surface, Bernard promised well, but when he apologized to Manny, he was rude and angered Manny.Therefore, Manny decided to stay in the bookstore next door, and Bernard couldn't even make coffee because he lost Manny's help.

One day, the owner of the bookstore next door forced Manny to cut his hair, but Manny firmly refused.This sudden change frightened Manny. He hurried back to Blake's Bookstore and apologized to Bernard.Seeing Manny's fear and uneasiness, Bernard also realized his mistake, and the two finally reconciled.

《Black Books Season 3‎》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

On this day, the bookstore welcomed a little boy. He walked up to Bernard and seriously told him that smoking would cause the lungs to blacken and cause diseases.Bernard thought the little boy was nosy, so he sent him aside to play and warned him not to eat ice cream in the bookstore.At this time, the little boy's mother came over. She thought the child was too naughty, so she decided not to buy him any more books and took him out of the bookstore.

Meanwhile, Manny is wearing a caterpillar outfit and reading a children's book to a group of young children.He found the books boring, and dressing like this made him feel like a fool.Bernard disagreed. He confidently stated that whatever he wrote was better than these books.Just at this time, Fran came back from outside and heard their conversation, so she made a bet with Bernard to see if he could actually write a book.

In order to win the bet, Bernard and Manny started talking about interesting things from their childhood.Manny shared a silly story about how he used to build a castle out of useless items as a child, and the two laughed endlessly.However, even though they talked a lot, they still couldn't find the inspiration to write.Time is running out and Fran may come back at any time, but Bernard is still at a loss.

At the last minute, Bernard suddenly came up with an idea - to use drawing to create their children's books.They acted quickly and finally completed the work within the specified time.At this time, Fran was partying outside with her friends. They chatted and drank, shared the strange men they met, and spent a pleasant night.

《Black Books Season 3‎》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Bernard received a message from a friend inviting him to a party, but he found it boring and deleted it.Soon, Fran walks into the bookstore and asks Bernard and Manny if they have received the same invitation to the party.Bernard said he knew nothing, but Manny suddenly remembered the message from his parents that he had not replied to.It turned out that his parents planned to visit him, mistaking his silence as acquiescence, and were on their way there at the moment.

Manny suddenly panicked, worried that his parents would be furious when they found out that he was working as a small trade union at Black Bookstore.Moreover, the bookstore was in a mess. If parents saw such a scene, the consequences would be disastrous.So he, Bernard, and Fran hurriedly started cleaning, trying to restore the neatness of the bookstore before Manny's parents arrived.However, time was tight and there was no time to tidy up many places. Fran came up with a quick idea and suggested covering the messy parts with cloth.

When Manny's parents arrived at the bookstore, they saw an area covered with cloth.Fran hurriedly explained that this was an Italian decorative style.Everyone sat around eating and chatting. Manny's father praised Manny and the bookstore he opened to Bernard, and called Fran his girlfriend.Fran and Bernard look at each other, but Manny pleads for their help in telling the lie.

Manny's parents planned to stay in the bookstore for a few more days to take good care of Manny.However, Fran, Manny and Bernard don't want them to stay long.Manny had no choice but to confess, but his parents thought he was joking.Manny explained that he just didn't want to cause trouble to them, and eventually his parents understood and decided to leave.

《Black Books Season 3‎》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Manny enthusiastically recommended horse racing gambling to Bernard. Although Bernard thought it was a boring game, he reluctantly participated at Manny's insistence.After the game, Manny announced that Bernard had won. When he learned that the amount he won was only one dollar and a half, Bernard, although a little disappointed, was still happy for the small amount of money.

At this time, Fran came to the bookstore to seek help from Bernard, hoping to find a job.Bernard told her bluntly that it was impossible.However, Fran offered to make a twenty-dollar bet with Bernard that she would not be able to find a job.For these twenty dollars, Bernard actually agreed to hire Fran.So Fran and Manny worked together in the bookstore, and both felt quite comfortable without Bernard's supervision.

However, Bernard gradually became addicted to gambling and even invested all his savings in it.Soon, he lost all his money.He returns to the bookstore and tells Manny and Fran that he can no longer hire two people due to financial problems.He issued a challenge: He would hire whoever sold the most books within a week, and the money from selling the books would be handed over to him.In order to stay in the bookstore, both Manny and Fran worked hard to sell books and compete for customers.

Meanwhile, Bernard took the remaining money and continued gambling, but soon lost it all.In desperation, he mortgaged the bookstore and borrowed 20,000 yuan.However, he still lost completely.He told Manny and Fran that if he couldn't come up with the money, his legs would be broken.After learning the news, Fran and Manny decided to help Bernard pay off his debts and asked him to promise not to gamble again.With the help of the two men, Bernard was able to get out of the predicament, and he solemnly promised to stay away from gambling.

《Black Books Season 3‎》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Manny walked into the bookstore holding a letter. Bernard glanced at it and was too lazy to pay attention to it, so Manny put the letter in the cabinet as he was told.This cabinet seems to be a tomb of letters, and the mountains of letters inside seem to tell forgotten stories.Bernard had no choice but to pick up the letter and read it. He put on his glasses, took out his magnifying glass and read it carefully.It turned out that this was a rent payment notice, coming from Hanley upstairs.

Bernard had always resisted paying rent, so he decided to go upstairs and negotiate with Hanley face to face.However, it was Hanley's lawyer who opened the door.The lawyer informed Bernard that Hanley had died last night and that his property had been transferred to a man named Benson.Bernard wanted to see Benson, but the lawyer pointed to the bakery cabinet nearby and said that Benson was inside.Bernard took a closer look and saw that the so-called Benson was actually a cat.

Bernard made it clear to Benson that he was determined not to pay the rent.However, Benson didn't seem to care about his words and was just enjoying his time leisurely.Bernard had no choice but to come up with the absurd idea of ​​finding someone to kill Benson, so that he would legitimately not have to pay rent.However, after seeing Benson's cute appearance, the specialist couldn't bear to do it.

Meanwhile, Manny hosts a book party at the bookstore and invites a well-known person named Jason to attend.As soon as Jason stepped into Blake's Bookstore, he was attracted by the unique atmosphere here. He praised it as a cool place.Jason has traveled to countless places, but feels that Black Bookstore is the most special. He is full of love for this place.

When Jason saw Fran, he was full of praise, saying that she was a charming woman, just the type he liked.Fran was so praised that Manny also developed a great liking for Jason.As long as Jason is in the bookstore, Manny and Fran will serve him tea and water diligently and treat him with great respect.

Jason also revealed his plans to take a trip to the jungle and asked Fran if she wanted to go along.Fran readily agreed and made a detailed travel list.However, after the book club ended, Jason left quietly without taking Fran with him, nor did he return to the bookstore.Fran and Manny's expectations were disappointed, but they also understood that the encounter with Jason might just be a beautiful episode in life.

《Black Books Season 3‎》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Bernard, Manny and Fran stayed in the bookstore for a long time and felt that the atmosphere was dull.Manny suggested going to a friend's party to have fun, and Fran readily agreed.Bernard asked about the distance of the place, and Manny said it was only two minutes away, but Bernard refused to participate because it was too far away.So Bernard suggested drinking wine and admiring the moon in the garden behind the bookstore.

The three moved to the garden, but found that the environment was messy and the back was full of debris, which disappointed Manny and Fran.Still, they wanted to go to the party and decided to leave Bernard behind.However, Bernard felt bored if left alone and eventually joined them.

During the party, the three of them drank freely and returned to the bookstore drunk.Manny drunkenly confessed, telling Bernard that he liked a girl but was sad that he couldn't date her.Bernard didn't take it seriously and shared that he once had a girlfriend named Emma. The two almost got married, but Emma eventually passed away.Manny sympathizes with Bernard's plight, but Fran reveals a shocking secret: Emma is not actually dead, but lives across the street.Fran asks Manny to keep it a secret, but the next day, Manny accidentally reveals the truth to Bernard.

In disbelief, Bernard picked up Fran's phone and called Emma.On the phone, he heartbrokenly told Emma that he was dead.With the end of this conversation, the whole play also comes to an end.