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《Chinese bamboo slips》Episode 1 Synopsis

Episode 1: Hua and Lu

In the ancient Qianling County, two county magistrates, Hua and Lu, jointly shouldered a mission - to create a peaceful and prosperous home for the people of Qianling.They are not only partners in governance, but also spiritual confidants.Hua means gentleness and wisdom; Lu means bravery and courage.The two like-minded people regard the prosperity of Qianling as their own responsibility and vow to make this land a paradise for people to live and work in peace and contentment.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances.At the critical moment when Lu was quelling the banditry, he unfortunately sacrificed his life for the sake of peace in Qianling.Hua lost his best friend and was heartbroken with grief, but he knew that Lu's last wish had not yet been fulfilled, so he turned his grief into strength and continued to shoulder the important task of managing the Qianling Mausoleum.

One day, Hua was walking alone among the mountains and rivers of Qianling. The beautiful scenery in front of him aroused his deep longing for Lu.Suddenly, he seemed to hear Lu's voice, which traveled through time and space and echoed in his ears.

“Hua, look at the landscape of Qianling, how beautiful and peaceful it is.Although I am no longer here, my soul still protects this land.”Lu's voice was gentle but firm.

Hua turned around, only to see the wind blowing over the hills and the leaves rustling.He knew that this was Lu's soul talking to him.

“Lu, I will never forget your sacrifice.Every inch of the Qianling Mausoleum is engraved with your bravery.”Hua's voice was filled with endless respect and sorrow.

Although the two are in different time and space, their hearts are closely connected.They looked at the mountains and rivers where the mausoleum was moved and recited ancient poems to express their love for this land and their longing for the future.

Hua recited in a low voice the verses from - The Book of Songs, Qin Feng, Wu Yi -: How can it be said that there are no clothes?Be in the same robe as your son.The king raised his army and repaired my spear.I share the same hatred with you!“His voice was full of nostalgia for Lu and firm belief in the future.

Lu was at the other end, responding with《Chu Ci·Nine Chapters·Ode to Oranges》: ”The empress and the emperor are good at growing trees, and oranges are everywhere.He was ordered not to move, but was born in the southern country.It's so solid that it's hard to move, but it's even more determined.%His voice seemed to have crossed the boundaries of time and space, intertwined with Hua's singing, and together they composed a hymn of moving to the mausoleum.