Home TV Moon in The Day
《Moon in The Day》Finale

In the vast space of time, Daohe is like an eternal star, silently guarding Han Rita.His existence seems to exist for her destiny.And Jiang Yinghua, the woman who was involved in this complicated entanglement by fate, always had Dao He in her heart.

Dao He understood that the entanglement between him and Han Rita had gone beyond simple love and hate.He once thought that his existence was to avenge Han Rita, but now he understands that the real purpose is to keep her alive.This profound understanding made Daohe more determined.

Su Lifu, this existence that has always left a shadow in Han Rita's life, seems to exist to extend his own life.Whenever Han Rita is about to celebrate her thirtieth birthday, Surifu will kill her to ensure that he can continue to survive.And the root of all this turned out to be that Han Rita once killed Su Lifu's younger self.

The showdown between Dao He and Su Lifu is an inevitable fate.He found a way to destroy the meaning of Shurifu's existence, but it also meant that he himself would cease to exist.However, for Jiang Yinghua and Han Rita, he was willing to pay such a price.

Under Daohe's procrastination, he and Jiang Yinghua spent an ordinary and warm day.However, Jiang Yinghua's birthday is coming, which is a turning point in their fate.At the critical moment, Han Minwu appeared and saved Jiang Yinghua, but Daohe followed closely.He knew that he didn't have much time left.

Before Dao Ha left, he left a letter to Jiang Yinghua.In the letter, he expressed his deep attachment and reluctance to Jiang Yinghua, and at the same time told her that he existed to keep her alive.This sincere emotion made Jiang Yinghua heartbroken.

Dao He left, but the real Han Junwu came back.However, he has forgotten everything about the past.Only occasionally, his tone would become as ancient as historical drama, and Jiang Yinghua's name would come to his mind.He knew that there was some deep connection between himself and Jiang Yinghua, but he couldn't remember it.

Under Han Junwu's arrangement, the entanglement between him and Jiang Yinghua gradually became clear.He left Jiang Ying with a letter written by Daohe, hoping that she could live a good life according to Daohe's wish.For Jiang Yinghua, although Daohe has left, his presence will always remain in her heart.

Decades later, a new life comes again.When she was a student, Jiang Yinghua raised her head and took a picture of the bright “Moon in The Day” in the sky.At this moment, a hand gently supported her to prevent her from falling.The owner of that hand was Dao He when he was a student.Their fates seemed destined to be intertwined under this sky.

Although Daohe has left, his spirit will always remain in Jiang Yinghua's heart.She understood that no matter how time and space changed, the emotions between her and Dao He would remain eternal.She will find comfort in the image of dying with Doha in her dream, and in reality, she will live well according to Doha's wish.