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《Tarot》 Summ

It is a suspense series about cruel fate, in which the protagonists fall into the twisted Tarot curse due to a momentary choice.The seven different horror stories surrounding the concept of “Tarot” are a collection of mysterious events in everyday life that can happen to anyone.

《Santa Claus is visiting》, 《safe deposit box for 1 person》, 《fishing》, 《please throw away》, 《late-night taxi》, 《rental mom》and《couple agentHuman》and other units will bring thrills and mystery.

In particular, the symbolic Tarot appears in every episode. The Tarot has a double meaning depending on how it is interpreted, and its charm is expected to stimulate the audience's reasoning instinct.

《Tarot》Episode 1 Details

Santa's visit

The turning point of fate begins with a forgotten Tarot, which quietly falls into Yuren's hands, like opening Pandora's box, releasing an indescribable curse that tightly entangles Yuren's life.

On Christmas Eve, a close friend of a single mother resolutely stepped into the supermarket interview site in order to give her daughter a more stable future.However, getting this job is not easy, and the rigorous test of interviewing managers is as chilling as the cold wind in winter.Between the warmth of the festival and the pressure of work, she faced an unprecedentedly difficult choice.

There is an elf named Mina living in the heart of her best friend, who is the embodiment of her endless longing for her daughter.Even though reality has announced Mina's departure, she still stubbornly weaves the web of fairy tales, firmly believing that Mina, like Peter Pan, will always live in a carefree dream island.This belief, although beautiful but fragile, is her only shield against loneliness and despair.

Until one Christmas Eve, when Mina gently shook her head in her dream and denied the existence of Santa Claus, at that moment, the color of her best friend's world seemed to be stripped away.She finally realized that those fantasies about Mina were just an escape from reality that she didn't want to accept.After waking up from the dream, she faced a more cruel but real world, but she knew that for the sake of the smile her daughter once had, she had to go on strong.

Santa's visit

《Tarot》Episode 2 Details

late night taxi

As night fell, a plump fat man accidentally picked up an ancient Tarot on his way home. The bloody pattern on the card heralded ominous fate.He was worried, but he didn't expect that this was just the beginning of his bad luck.

In order to dispel the haze in his heart, Fatty decided to go to the suburbs to relax.He stopped a taxi, and the driver's eyes flickered, revealing a hint of strangeness.The vehicle drove towards a remote mountain road, and Fatty gradually felt uneasy, but it was too late. He had been taken to an illegal wildlife trading den.

Here, Fatty accidentally got involved in a misunderstanding and was mistaken for a suspect in a murder case.Faced with heavy siege, he quickly used his wits and took advantage of the chaos to disguise himself as a driver and escape.However, this escape put him on a more dangerous path.

After escaping from danger, Fatty was filled with fear and self-blame.He tried to find the truth, but unexpectedly found himself in a remote hotel.Alcohol and exhaustion made him lose his mind. In an unexpected conflict, he accidentally killed an innocent woman in the hotel.At that moment, Tarot's curse seemed to become a reality.

late night taxi

《Tarot》Episode 3 Details

please throw away

In 2024, unknown secrets and conspiracies are hidden in the future city where technology and society are advancing at the same time.

A hard-working and simple delivery boy saved 100 million won through his unremitting efforts, dreaming of creating a better life for his family.His life was originally ordinary, until an unexpected takeout order completely changed the trajectory of his destiny.

Within one day, I received two takeaway orders delivered to the same address - Room 816.This unusual repetition made him curious, and he decided to pay more attention when the food was delivered.

After arriving at Room 816, I was shocked by the meat and professional cutting tools all over the room.These scenes were so different from what he saw every day, that he couldn't help but have deep doubts about the identity and behavior of the residents.

In order to find out the truth, he began to secretly observe Damei and use the convenience of delivering food to collect clues.He found that the residents often went out late at night and behaved sneakily, which seemed to be related to some illegal transactions.His behavior gradually attracted the attention of the residents, but he did not realize that he was in danger.

By chance, while delivering food, I accidentally discovered an illegal activity being carried out in Damei - selling rare wild animal meat.

Just as he was about to leave quietly, he was discovered and caught by Damei, and eventually turned into a dog that could not bark.

please throw away

《Tarot》Episode 4 Details

couple agent

In a corner of the bustling city, Lao Pu and Yin Mei were originally a seemingly loving couple, but for the sake of their future, they worked hard and planned to get married.With the pressure of life and uncertainty about the future, Yinmei began to feel anxious and decided to seek help from an emotional counselor to stabilize their relationship.

Surveillance software reveals his girlfriend's true thoughts By chance, he installed a covert surveillance software on his mobile phone. His original intention was to learn more about his girlfriend's thoughts so that he could communicate better.Unexpectedly, this move caused him to overhear the private conversation between Yinmei and her best friend.

During the conversation, Yinmei revealed her dissatisfaction with the current situation and even mentioned that she wanted to find a richer boyfriend again.This discovery was like a bolt from the blue, making him deeply shocked and angry.

Her boyfriend stalked Yinmei and her clients. In anger, he lost his mind and began to secretly follow Yinmei.He discovered that Yinmei had frequent contact with a seemingly wealthy client. The two not only had intersections at work, but also had frequent dates in private.His jealousy and uneasiness reached its peak, and he decided to listen to his agent and destroy Yinmei.

On the top of the mountain, the customer suddenly became angry with Xiaomei and pushed her down the cliff.Fortunately, Xiaomei was stuck in a big tree and did not die directly, but her legs were seriously injured and she was almost disabled.

Her marital status has dropped, so she will naturally stay with her boyfriend.Because of her boyfriend's promotion, the female colleagues around him were flirting with each other intentionally or unintentionally, which madeYinmei felt uneasy.

Finally, she also found the couple's agent and used the same method to Park stayed with him.

couple agent

《Tarot》Episode 5 Details

Mom in the rental area

At the beginning of the story, the subtle relationship between Ami and Yingzhi’s mother caught the audience’s attention.The two seem to be familiar with each other, but in fact there is an undercurrent, which foreshadows the subsequent plot.

The friendship between Eun San and Young Ji becomes an important clue in this episode.The two talked about everything and spent many good times together, but behind this innocent friendship, there was hidden the ulterior purpose of Yingzhi mother and daughter.

In this part, the doll appears as a key prop, revealing the secret plan behind Yingzhi mother and daughter.Yingzhi's mother's birthday became the trigger point of the whole conspiracy, and a series of strange events followed.

As the plot progresses, Yingzhi's true face is gradually exposed.The scene where she threatens Ami and two other people with a knife not only shows her ferocious side, but also foreshadows the coming tragedy.

Mother and daughter Yingzhi successfully killed multiple targets, including Eun-san, and skillfully escaped from the scene.This sudden killing caught everyone off guard and added more suspense to the story.

After escaping, the Yingzhi mother and daughter did not stop. They continued their hunting plan in the new community.This plot not only makes the audience curious about the true purpose of the mother and daughter, but also makes people think: How distorted can human nature be?

Mom in the rental area

《Tarot》Episode 6 Details

Those who wish to take the bait/fishing

It describes a female live broadcast host who runs a 《 those who take the bait/fishing 》 channel and is loved by netizens for her pungent themes and pranks. However, one day after she disobeys her partners and breaks up the team, she must complete the work in front of and behind the scenes alone.Work brings terrible dangers and accidents.The Tarot corresponding to this story is “Chariot”, the upright position is “motivation towards success”, and the reverse position is “collapse and frustration”.

《Those who wish take the bait/fishing》 This story is generally quite ordinary. The screenwriter and director also put the most shocking moment at the end. The director used modern live broadcast pranks as the basis of the story of this episode, but in terms of the charactersIn terms of story design and story design, the writer and director are quite able to match the meaning of the “Chariot” brand. Although I still feel that it is a pity that the explanation of the meaning of the brand in this drama is too short and too general. But thinking about it from another angle, maybe the director wants the audience toYou can understand the meaning of the cards through the plot in the opposite direction, instead of understanding the story through Tarot. After all, there are many things that may limit the audience's imagination due to the director's excessive explanation, right?

At the beginning, the heroine is buying a car. This scene represents the success of her live broadcast career. It should mean that she is prospering on the road of live broadcast, otherwise she would not have paid the full amount with her card at once.In the first half of the plot - those who wish to take the bait/fishing - the director portrayed the heroine's ambition in live broadcast work, which is also in line with the enterprising spirit represented by Tarot, just like the dramaNakaya himself explained that it means the momentum of rushing towards success. The Tarot card looks like a prince standing on a chariot. However, the origin of this prince is not from a hereditary noble, but from a hereditary noble.She has achieved today's status by herself, so she echoes the heroine in "Those Who Want to Take the Hook/Fishing". She also relied on slowly accumulating to have the number of fans, viewers and sources of income she has today.

However, this story is not to say that the heroine’s live broadcast content and achievements deserve recognition, because Tarot is in the right position. In fact, it is very important to know how to reconcile balance and emotions in order to continue to conquer the next world., as shown on the card, the mountain forest behind the prince symbolizes his home or the place where he has just fought, and also represents the glory of past efforts, and the fact that he will turn his back to this place represents the progress he is taking.On a new journey, the stars on the crown symbolize ideals and hopes. The chariot in the “ upright position is a good sign, representing victory and success.

However, I feel that this story is quite consistent with the twists and turns of some people who become successful and then fall from the altar, because although the Chariot card represents success if it is in the upright position, it gives people a very important reminder that they mustTo balance everything, especially inner emotions and thoughts, be alert that people need to learn to control their emotions so that they can guide themselves to success with their own will and spirit. In other words, they must have ”wisdom“ and ”thinking“Only then can we have the momentum to rush towards success bravely.

Therefore, in the plot, the audience will always see the heroine really cursing people like crazy (and her temper is not ordinary). I believe this is also the director's metaphor that the heroine's success is not success, but short-term luck (thisPart of it comes from - those who wish to take the bait/fishing - in the ending, fans can know that after seeing the heroine being counter-attacked and immediately becoming fans, this kind of success is not success, it is just a short-lived craze and luck), the one on the car”Chariot Brand“ symbolizes that the heroine has the ability and strength to be a live broadcast host, but because she is too tough and aggressive in pursuing her goals, this is a sign of unnecessary trouble, which is why there will be a reaction later.Killing the male fans of the heroine is like the heroine not listening to her partner's advice to stop such a show, so that she does not consider others in the process of pursuing the success of the live broadcast program. Therefore, when her partner decides to leave in the plot, the heroineShe still uses her own radical approach to pursue the success she wants.

The prophecy of the chariot for such a person is hidden in ”reversed%, because when a person originally has the strength, ability and momentum to achieve success, but lets the chariot deviate from its original track, it will overturn.In the story of "The One Who Will Take the Hook/Fishing", the heroine's partner actually symbolizes the sphinx in front of the chariot on the card. The sphinx, one black and one white, symbolizes the issue of binary opposition.On the other hand, just like the carriage across land and water mentioned earlier, how to make a good decision among these dual choices will be the problem this card will face.This is also why the partner is the first person to ask the heroine whether to stop. He is giving the heroine an important reminder in her destiny that she can control herself and stand up. But in the end, the heroine still chooses to destroy this balance and doMake a decision that you regret.