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《1923 Season 1》 Summ

《The Dutton Family: 1923》 is a historical drama depicting the legendary story of this family.In this work, the audience will follow in the footsteps of the Dutton family and experience that magnificent historical period.The western expansion brought new opportunities and challenges to the family, the prohibition movement tested the moral bottom line of family members, and the Great Depression almost pushed the family to the brink of collapse.

In this era of change, the Dutton family has always maintained unity and faith.They support each other and face difficulties together.During the process of western expansion, family members actively participated in various business activities and worked hard to expand the family's sphere of influence.During the temperance movement, they upheld moral principles and refused to participate in illegal activities, earning the family a good reputation.During the Great Depression, they survived those difficult times with tenacious perseverance.

《1923 Season 1》Episode 1 Details


In the vast land, a lonely figure flashed past in the dusk, like a bolt of lightning piercing the silent night sky.This is Kara Dutton, a brave woman and guardian of the Dutton family.Her eyes are firm and her steps are decisive, and she will not hesitate to pursue anyone who threatens the peace of her family.

On this day, Kara tracked down a man who attacked the Dutton family.The man sneaked into the family's property at night and attempted to wreak havoc.However, his actions were discovered by Kara in time, and a life-and-death chase unfolded under the night.With extraordinary courage and keen intuition, Kara finally caught up with the man and killed him, eliminating a potential threat to the family.


On the African continent far away from Yellowstone Park, Kara's nephew Spencer is performing another important mission.As a big game hunter, he tracks rare animals across this vast land.He is agile and skilled, and every hunt is a reverence and challenge to the natural world.

When Kara and Spencer reunite at the family ranch, they face a new crisis.A group of shepherds led by Banner Clayton trespassed on the territory of the Dutton family. They desperately broke into the family pasture in order to feed their hungry sheep.The sheep were roaming unsupervised and attacked Jacob Dutton while he was out in the pasture.

Faced with this sudden attack, Jacob did not flinch.With his extraordinary courage and wisdom, he successfully protected himself and his family's territory.Kara and Spencer quickly arrived on the scene, fought alongside Jacob, and eventually drove the shepherds from the family land.

In faraway India, Teona Rainwater is suffering physical and mental abuse in a Catholic boarding school.At the hands of Sister Mary, she was forced to endure physical and mental torture.However, Teona did not succumb to this abuse. She began to resist bravely and tried to escape from this dark life.

《1923 Season 1》Episode 2 Details

nature's empty throne

Rescued trapped Jack Dutton from herdsmen.

These herders illegally invaded Yellowstone Park and attempted to attack Jack Dutton.Faced with such a threat, Jacob Dutton and his cowboys stood up without hesitation, and they bravely launched a fierce confrontation with the herdsmen.During this battle, the cowboys relied on their extraordinary courage and wisdom to successfully capture the herdsmen and hang them for trespassing and attacking Jack Dutton.

During this battle, Banner Creighton managed to escape.His escape brought a sense of unease to Yellowstone and made Jacob Dutton and his cowboys even more wary.They know very well that the responsibility to protect their homes and families is heavier than Mount Tai, and they must not relax in the slightest.

nature's empty throne

Elsewhere in Yellowstone, Teyonah Wren continues to be abused by Sister Mary.She was lonely and helpless in this strange world, enduring mental and physical torture.However, she did not give up hope. She firmly believed that one day she would be able to escape from the predicament and regain her own freedom and dignity.

In Kenya, far away from Yellowstone Park, Spencer Dutton unexpectedly met a woman named Alexandra.They met by chance, but were deeply attracted to each other because of their sincerity and kindness.In this foreign country, they explored the meaning and value of life together, and gradually fell in love.

Alexandra originally had her own fiancé, but her heart was occupied by Spencer Dutton.She bravely made the choice to leave her fiancé and follow Spencer Dutton.Their romance blossomed quietly in Kenya and became a beautiful scenery in this foreign country.

And this relationship brought endless happiness and strength to Spencer Dutton.

《1923 Season 1》Episode 3 Details

War resumes

Banner Clayton stumbled home, filled with rage and a desire for revenge.His eyes were firm and cold, as if he wanted to pour all his anger on the Dutton family.He knew that he had to call all the shepherds together to plan an act of revenge against the Dutton family.

Elsewhere, Jacob Dutton comes into town to discuss the shepherds with the Sheriff.They sat around a wooden table in the Sheriff's Office, talking about recent tensions and possible conflicts.Jacob knew very well that the grievances between him and the shepherds had reached an irreconcilable point, and a war was inevitable.

The next day, on their way back to the ranch, Jacob and the Sheriff were ambushed by herdsmen hiding in the dark.Gunshots resounded through the valley and dust flew into the sky.In the fierce exchange of fire, Jacob was unfortunately injured, and blood-red marks dyed his clothes red.His eyes showed determination and unyielding, and he knew he had to live for the sake of his family and land.

Fortunately, reinforcements arrived in time and drove the herdsmen back.However, Banner Clayton and several other accomplices took advantage of the chaos and escaped.They retreated into the depths of the wilderness, ready to continue plotting their revenge.

War resumes

In the medical tent at the ranch, doctors were busy treating Jacob's wounds.Kara Dutton sat aside, her eyes full of worry.She knew that the family was currently in a precarious situation and someone needed to stand up and protect it.So she decided to write to her brother Spencer Dutton, who was far away, asking him to come home to defend his land.

Kara stood up, picked up a pen and paper, and began to write this all-important letter.Her writing is firm and powerful, and every line is filled with love for her family and expectations for the future.She asked Spencer to put down everything he was doing and return home immediately to fight alongside them.

At the same time, Spencer, who is far away from home, is proposing to Alexandra.He stood in front of her, holding a sparkling ring in his hand, his eyes full of tenderness and expectation.However, when he received Kara's letter, his face instantly became solemn.He knew that his family's honor and land were being threatened, and he had to go back to protect them immediately.

Spencer confessed the situation to Alexandra, asking for her understanding and support.Alexandra looked at his firm eyes and knew that he would face huge challenges and dangers here.But she also knows that this is his responsibility and obligation, and she is willing to bear all this with him.

So, Spencer said goodbye to Alexandra and set off on his way home.

《1923 Season 1》Episode 4 Details

War and the Turquoise Tide

In the vast wild west, an ambush triggered by a shepherd's rifle had irreversible consequences.This tragic conflict not only left Jacob Dutton bedridden, but also cast a heavy shadow within the family and its relationship with the outside world.

Jacob Dutton's injuries were so serious that he had to stay in bed for a long time.This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Dutton family. As a core member of the family, his absence makes the family's future full of uncertainty.At the same time, the relationship between Jack Dutton and Elizabeth Stratford has also been severely tested.There was already a subtle gap between the two of them because of their different positions and concepts. Now the changes in the family have made their relationship even worse.

Banner Clayton also suffered heavy losses during this conflict.Many of his allies were tragically killed in the ambush, which undoubtedly strengthened his determination to confront the Dutton family.In order to seek more support, Banner met with mining tycoon Donald Whitfield and tried to persuade him to side with him in the fight against the Dutton family.

War and the Turquoise Tide

Meanwhile, Carla Dutton attends a meeting of local cattle farmers as Jacob's representative.She used her wisdom and determination to convince the herders to agree to the Dutton family's plan, demonstrating her strength and decisiveness as a member of the family.However, the family's dilemma has not been completely resolved. On the contrary, it is more like the beginning, indicating a more complicated situation in the future.

In a school far away from town, Teona Rainwater finally chose to resist under Sister Mary's continued abuse.She killed the nun and escaped from the prison-like school.This incident not only revealed the dark side that exists in the education system, but also demonstrated Teona's awakening and courage as an individual.

At the family estate, the relationship between Spencer Dutton and his fiancée became increasingly close.The relationship between the two of them gradually warmed up, seeming to bring a touch of warmth to this gloomy family.However, Spencer learned from Carla's letter that a small-scale war was secretly going on, which made his expectations for the future mixed with deep worries.

《1923 Season 1》Episode 5 Details

Soul of Zebrina

Father Renault learned the sad news that the nun had been killed. He immediately sent three priests, vowing to hunt down the murderer Teona.Teona fled in panic and finally came to the wasteland.Just when she has nowhere to run, a stranger named Hank appears.Hank's eyes were firm and he offered to help Teona, and the two began their escape journey in the vast wasteland.

At the same time, somewhere in Africa, Spencer made a major decision - he wanted to return to his hometown.When his fiancée Alexandra heard the news, she decided to accompany him without hesitation.Spencer orchestrated a local tugboat to take them to the Suez Canal, from where he would embark on the journey to the United States.

Soul of Zebrina

In this distant land, shepherds are also struggling silently.They had fierce conflicts with local ranchers, but through unremitting efforts, they finally began to make some progress.At the same time, Jack and Elizabeth, former lovers, are also experiencing spiritual transformation.They finally reconciled and made a marriage vow in private on a warm night.Soon after, Elizabeth excitedly told Jack that she was pregnant, and the news filled their lives with new hope.

In distant Europe, Jacob was lying on a hospital bed, suffering from injuries.However, he did not give up, but relied on his firm belief to slowly recover from the injury.His tenacity and courage won the admiration and blessings of those around him.

On the way to the Suez Canal, the tugboat carrying Spencer and Alexandra accidentally collided with an abandoned French cargo ship and eventually sank to the deep sea.After the news came back, it caused widespread concern and condolences.People feel sorry for their misfortunes and miss the good times they once had.

《1923 Season 1》Episode 6 Details

An ocean away from destiny

Spencer and Alexandra cling to each other and barely survive the rough waves.When the Lambridge rescue boat arrived at the scene, the two men were exhausted, but their eyes still had a glimmer of survival.Impressed by their tenacity, the captain decided to take them back to Marseille to provide them with a safe haven.

In Marseille, Spencer and Alexandra decide to seize every moment of their lives.They made a special request to the captain - to hold their wedding in international waters.On the sparkling sea, witnessed by their friends and crew, the two made an eternal vow.This simple and warm wedding not only witnessed their love, but also symbolized their hope of rebirth in the face of adversity.

An ocean away from destiny

Meanwhile, in faraway Montana, Kara and the Sheriff are busy recruiting livestock brokers for a new agency.They hope that through the efforts of these brokers, they can inject new vitality into the development of the local livestock industry.Both Carla and the Sheriff have demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and enthusiasm in selecting the right candidate, and they look forward to a prosperous future for the new agency.

However, not everything goes as expected in this land.Jacob, a man with a deep understanding of the inner thoughts of the mining tycoons, begins to realize their true intentions.They want to squeeze the Dutton family out of this land through a series of means and monopolize local resources.Jacob is well aware of the seriousness of this struggle. He must find a way to expose their conspiracy and protect the rights of the Dutton family.

On the other side, the bailiffs are anxiously looking for the missing Tyenna.Hank, as Tyenna's friend, decided to take action himself.He cleverly dressed Tyenna in men's clothing and gave her a new name - Joe.Through this disguise, they hope to escape the eyes and ears of the pursuers, successfully find Tyenna and reveal the truth behind it.

《1923 Season 1》Episode 7 Details

Five Hundred Rules

On the vast western ranch, Jacob, Jack, Sheriff McDowell and the ranch police joined forces and successfully arrested Clayton, who lived a luxurious life.Clayton, who was once a powerful figure on the ranch, was shocked to find that he had been arrested. What shocked him even more was that Jacob, whom he thought was dead long ago, was still alive.

The news spread like wildfire through the ranch, causing quite a stir.A livestock broker learned of the incident and immediately informed the ranch's owner, Whitfield, of the situation.Whitfield was well aware of Clayton's influence on the ranch and his feud with Jacobs, so he decided to send a lawyer to help Clayton.

Five Hundred Rules

At the same time, the priests who had been looking for Teona finally found her traces.However, their arrival brought heartbreaking news - Hank unfortunately gave his life to save Teona.The news left Teyona devastated and the entire ranch in mourning.

Far away from the ranch in Sicily, Spencer and Alexandra unexpectedly met Alexandra's ex-fiancé.This once familiar figure made Alexandra's mood become complicated, and she couldn't help but start to recall bits and pieces of the past.Spencer was silently observing all this from the side, secretly thinking about the impact this unexpected encounter would have on their future.

《1923 Season 1》Episode 8 Details


In the vast western wilderness, the priests' return has not yet arrived, causing Father Leonard and Marshall Kent to fall into deep worry.Their goal is to find the missing Teona.

At the other end of the wilderness, Pete, a horse racer, accidentally discovered Teona's traces. He took her with him without hesitation and began the journey back to the ranch.Their return brought hope and vitality to the land, but also revealed deeper conflicts and contradictions.

Clayton was freed without bail. What kind of power and secrets are hidden behind this unusual event?Is his return the beginning of redemption, or the harbinger of a new round of turmoil?

On the edge of Dutton Ranch, Zach's family is in crisis.His wife Alice was arrested for interracial marriage, and Zach himself was brutally treated by the police.This series of blows cast a shadow on their future and highlighted the cruelty and injustice of that era.


On the sea far away from this land, Spencer and Alexandra took a ship to London.Their journey is full of unknowns and variables, and the appearance of Alexandra's ex-fiancé Arthur makes the atmosphere tense to the extreme.His duel with Spencer is not only a contest of personal honor, but also a challenge to fate.

Spencer's victory brings a brief moment of tranquility, but Arthur's revenge complicates the struggle.Spencer killed Arthur in self-defense, and although he was not charged, he was taken from the ship at the nearest port.This turn not only made Spencer's future full of uncertainty, but also plunged Alexandra into deep pain and confusion.

At Dutton Ranch, Whitfield's arrival brought a new round of turmoil.He announced that he had paid the property taxes and if they were not returned by the end of the year, the land deed would default to him.The news exploded like a thunder in the ranch, making everyone feel the pressure and urgency.

Elizabeth's unfortunate miscarriage dealt a heavy blow to the family.The news of her pregnancy had brought joy and expectation to the family, but the miscarriage plunged them into pain and sorrow.