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《Love Supremacy Zone》 Summ

29-year-old Taiminghe suddenly fell into a game adapted from the novel, and met his favorite novel character Che Ruyun at the age of 19.In the dark period of his life, his first mission is to make Che Ruyun happy, otherwise he will be greeted by death...

The drama is a TV series adapted from the online novel of the same name with an average rating of 4.7. The webtoon currently being serialized has a rating of close to 4.9, and its popularity continues to rise.

《Love Supremacy Zone》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Taiminghe is desperate for life, and his only pleasure is reading novels written by his predecessors - Love for Love -.However, when he discussed his feelings after watching the movie with his seniors, he frankly expressed that he did not like the ending of the story.The protagonists all got happy endings, but the supporting character Che Yunhe has been living a life of poverty and lovelessness.Taiminghe complained and drank.Under the influence of alcohol, he fell into a deep sleep.

However, when he woke up, he found himself in a game called Love Supremacy Zone.A mission popped up in front of him: “Make Che Yunhe feel happy”.Taiminghe was surprised by Che Yunhe's real existence in this world, but also worried about how to complete the task.Taiminghe found Cheyunhe as instructed and began to formulate his own plan.However, since Che Yunhe's favorability value towards him is negative, Taiminghe will be punished with debuffs whenever he gets close to him.At the same time, the distance that could not increase the favorability value confused Taiminghe.Task windows kept popping up, leaving him in confusion.

《Love Supremacy Zone》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

The stalemate between Taiminghe and Che Ruyun still exists, and they will be affected by debuff penalties once they get close.Che Ruyun began to feel confused and confused by Taiminghe's disturbing behavior.He didn't understand why someone would show up out of the blue and claim to be a fan of his, start being nice to him, but at some point start moving away from him.

When Che Ruyun approached him, he kept avoiding it.Although the relationship between the two has not improved, when facing new tasks, “making friends” becomes a necessary condition for “Happiness Plan”.Therefore, Taiminghe invited classmates An Jingxun and Che Ruyun to have dinner in the restaurant.However, the debuff penalty due to proximity occurs again.After the dinner party was destroyed, Taiminghe continued to chase Che Ruyun, but Che Ruyun seemed not interested in humans and remained unmoved.Just then, a character who looked like a villain appeared, and he observed the two of them with interest.

《Love Supremacy Zone》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

With the appearance of Qian Shangyuan, he seems to be involved in a triangle relationship with Taiminghe and Che Ruyun.On the other hand, Taiminghe wanted to give Che Ruyun a new pair of running shoes as a gift, so he asked An Jingxun's sister An Shiya for help.However, Che Ruyun didn't know when he learned about this and misunderstood the relationship between Taiminghe and An Shiya.On the one hand, Che Ruyun felt sad that Tai Ming He, who was once only good to him, was liked by the people around him. On the other hand, Che Ruyun was confused about Tai Ming He's growing feelings, but Che Ruyun didn't seem to realize this.At the same time, the date of the track and field competition has been determined, and the two are still completing their own tasks and training. Although Che Ruyun warned Taiminghe not to come to watch the competition, Taiminghe still went to the competition site.When he saw Che Ruyun hesitant and lacking confidence on the starting line, Taiminghe stood up and cheered loudly to Che Ruyun.Hearing the sound of Taiming River, Che Ruyun finally rushed out of the starting line.

《Love Supremacy Zone》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Che Ruyun was disappointed with finishing third in the competition, but he also confirmed his love for Taiminghe.However, he lacked confidence in his feelings, but Taiminghe walked into his difficult life for no reason and gave him support and love, leaving him no choice but to run towards Taiminghe.At the same time, Taiminghe remembered what a senior writer said to him: “All the standards of happiness you realize are set by yourself.”In the chaos, Che Ruyun gave Taiminghe two tickets to the amusement park and invited him to go with him.However, when Taiminghe saw the actual location of the paradise, his face became stiff - his mother had run a cafe there since he was a child, but because he didn't want to hurt Che Ruyun's feelings, he could only harden his face.Scalp agreed to the invitation.So, the two began their first trip. Against the background of the beautiful beach, they gradually gained insight into each other's feelings...

《Love Supremacy Zone》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Unlike Taiminghe, who was scared but eager to see his mother, Che Ruyun felt very happy during the trip.However, when they arrived at the coffee shop run by his mother, Taiminghe subconsciously avoided facing his mother.When Che Ruyun pressed, Taiminghe had to confess the truth to him.After the journey, Che Ruyun mustered up the courage to ask Taiminghe about their relationship on the way home.However, Taiminghe replied that they were just friends, which confused Che Ruyun.He couldn't accept that the two were just friends.Unfortunately, Che Ruyun's alcoholic and violent father came home. He had never attended her grandmother's funeral, but once he came home, he messed up the whole family.Che Ruyun suppressed his inner anger and endured his father's violence.At this time, he realized that his life had nothing but the Taiming River.In order not to let others know about his plight, Che Ruyun began to deliberately avoid Taiminghe.Taiminghe noticed something was wrong with Che Ruyun and went to Che Ruyun's home without contacting him.When Taiminghe saw the chaos at home, Che Ruyun ran away because he didn't want others to see him in such a mess.However, when he looked directly at the Taiming River, Che Ruyun could no longer control his love, so he mustered up the courage to kiss the Taiming River.

《Love Supremacy Zone》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Taiminghe admitted that he actually liked the seemingly indifferent Che Ruyun.After confirming their feelings for each other, they slowly established a romantic relationship and began to spend quality time - going on dates to the cinema together, going to school together, like a pair of happy lovers.They also gradually show their possessiveness towards each other.Suddenly, Taiminghe received a task called Please Let Me Become a Fan of Che Ruyun“.The goal of the mission is to make Che Ruyun have 100,000 fans.In order to complete the task, Taiminghe created a social account to promote Che Ruyun.However, due to Taiminghe changing his original plan many times, errors began to appear in the game world and the server became unstable.The instability of the server triggered a series of events, including Che Ruyun's ardent fans starting to stalk the two again.

Taiminghe ran around asking for help, trying to solve the stalker problem.However, for Taiminghe, he is about to face a desperate choice... Taiminghe feels that he has lost hope in life, and the only pleasure is to read novels written by his predecessors - Love for Love -.However, when he discussed his feelings after watching the film with his seniors, he frankly expressed that he did not like the ending of the story - the protagonists all had a happy ending, while the supporting character Che Yunhe lived in poverty all his life and did not get love.Taiminghe complained and drank, and finally fell asleep.However, when he woke up, he found himself in a game called Love Supremacy Zone.

The mission of the game popped up in front of him - ”Make Che Yunhe feel happy%.Taiminghe was surprised by Che Yunhe's existence in this virtual world, but was also troubled by how to complete the task.After finding Che Yunhe according to the instructions, he began to implement his plan.However, since Che Yunhe's favorability value towards him is negative, when Taiminghe is close to him, he will receive a debuff penalty, and if the distance is too far, the favorability value cannot be increased.In addition, the constant pop-up of task windows has plunged Taiming River into chaos.

《Love Supremacy Zone》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Due to server instability, the system requires Taiminghe to delete the characters of Grandma or Che Ruyun within 24 hours to stabilize the server.The Taiming River is very important to both people, and he feels devastated because he cannot make a choice.While taking care of his grandma, Taiminghe was forced not to make the right choices, resulting in a 20“ reduction in game time.Now he only has two weeks to make Che Ruyun happy.The sudden situation made Taiminghe feel nervous and dangerous, and the distance between him and Che Ruyun widened again.When he sensed something was wrong, the game mission popped up with an error message informing him that it had been deleted.Due to the impact of debuff penalties, the relationship between Taiminghe and Che Ruyun is still at a stalemate.Che Ruyun began to be confused about Taiminghe's behavior, and did not understand why a person suddenly appeared and claimed to be his fan. He was unconditionally good to him at first, but later stayed away from him.When the relationship between the two did not improve, a new task emerged - ”making friends“ was a necessary condition for ”Happiness Plan%.Therefore, Taiminghe invited his classmates An Jingxun and Che Ruyun to have dinner together in the restaurant, but the debuff penalty due to proximity occurred again.After the dinner, Taiminghe continued to chase Che Ruyun, but Che Ruyun seemed not interested in humans and remained indifferent.At this time, a seemingly villain appeared, and he was very interested in observing the two of them.

《Love Supremacy Zone》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Due to a system error, the Taiming River completely disappeared from the world.His friends, including Che Ruyun, have forgotten his existence, as if he never existed from the beginning.However, there has always been a sense of emptiness in Che Ruyun's heart. When he is alone, he always feels that there are some vague memories emerging in his mind.During a phone call, Che Ruyun suddenly recalled everything about Taiming River.

Che Ruyun, who recovered his memory, finally found out what happened in Taiminghe's room. He decided to go to the world where Taiminghe was to find the real way to make them happy.On the other side, Taiminghe realized through the phone that he and Che Ruyun were in different time and space, and agreed to meet Che Ruyun two days later on the day of Che Ruyun's competition.The two checked each other's location and time, constantly running around.Finally on the day of the game, the two reunited at the beach, and the game also ended successfully with a happy ending.However, the appearance of Qian Shangyuan plunged them into a triangle relationship.At the same time, Taiminghe asked An Jingxun's sister An Shiya for help in order to give Che Ruyun a pair of new running shoes as a gift. But at some point, Che Ruyun learned about this and was suspicious of his relationship with An Shiya.A misunderstanding occurred.

On the one hand, Che Ruyun is sad that Tai Ming He, who was once only good to him, is now more and more popular with people around him, and at the same time, he is confused about his feelings for Tai Ming He, but Che Ru Yun himself does not seem to realize this.At the same time, the specific date of the track and field competition has been determined, and the two are still completing their tasks and training respectively. Although Che Ruyun warned Taiminghe not to watch the competition, Taiminghe still went to the competition site.When he saw Che Ruyun, who lacked confidence, hesitating on the starting line, Taiminghe stood up and cheered Che Ruyun loudly. Che Ruyun finally rushed out of the starting line after hearing Taiminghe's voice.