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《The Ferry Man 2》 Summ

On a quiet night, Xia Dongqing sat alone in front of the window, staring at the city under the moonlight.His eyes are different from ordinary people, they can see through life and death and see another world.This world is full of love and sorrow, pursuit and yearning, which are his unspeakable secrets.

Once, he got acquainted with Zhao Li and Wang Xiaoya because of these special eyes.Zhao Li is an evil soul ferryman, while Wang Xiaoya is a beautiful and kind girl.Their appearance brought about earth-shaking changes in Dongqing's life.He almost fell in love with Xiaoya, but fate was like a drama, causing them to separate in a hurry after meeting.

A year later, Holly started his life again.He was admitted to graduate school, had new friends around him, and the smile returned to his face.But no one knows that there is a huge secret hidden in his heart.He could no longer find the convenience store that was his soul stop, and Zhao Li and Xiaoya seemed to have disappeared from the world.

However, fate is always full of twists and turns.On the day when the moon turned red, Xiaoya appeared in front of Dongqing again as the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl.At this time, Official Zhao was seriously injured and lying in a mental hospital.Faced with such changes, Dongqing did not back down. He and Xuannv rescued Zhao Li, and the three came together again.

They bought a villa on the beach and embarked on a strange journey filled with laughter and tears.They meet a variety of people, each with their own stories and secrets.At the same time, they also have to face the evil forces lurking in the dark. In order to protect the world, they must continue to fight.

In this world full of mystery and danger, Holly sees more truth with his eyes.He understood that in a place where good and evil are ambiguous, and when good and evil are at war, only by cultivating a kind heart can one defeat thousands of evils.Together with Zhao Li and Xiaoya, he used their courage and wisdom to constantly explore the mysteries of the Yin and Yang realms and pursue the origin of the universe.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 1 Details

red moon

On the university campus late at night, the graduate building is famous for its mysterious "haunted" rumors.Rumors abound, but few know the truth.Holly, an ordinary graduate student, lives in this historic building.Every night when the moon was full, he could always feel an indescribable strange aura.

That night, the moonlight was like water, and the silver glow filled the earth.Holly was walking alone in the corridor. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew by, as if something was peeping at him secretly.His heart tightened and he quickened his pace.However, just around the corner, a vague figure suddenly appeared and disappeared into the darkness.

red moon

Holly's heart beat faster, and he knew that he might be getting closer to the core of this mystery.He thought of Zhao Li, the man who once said to him that when the moon turns red, I will come to you.Zhao Li, a mysterious and wise man, seems to be inextricably linked to all this.

At this moment, Xuannv appeared.With a firm light shining in her eyes, she said to Dongqing: During the red moon period, Zhao Li did not come as promised. Something must have happened to him.%These words made Dongqing's heart sink. He knew that he must find Officer Zhao as soon as possible and uncover the truth of all this.

However, things are not that simple.After all the trouble, the two finally found Mr. Zhao in a remote mental hospital.But the Zhao official in front of him was already unconscious and unable to provide any help.Faced with this dilemma, Xuannv decided to use the power of the Goddess' Blood to force Dongqing's soul to stay in her body, so that he could continue to live and continue to look for clues about Zhao Li.

In the days that followed, Dongqing and Xuannv embarked on a journey to find Zhao Li.They visited every corner of the city and questioned countless people, but there was still no news about Official Zhao.However, they did not give up because they knew that only by finding Mr. Zhao could they reveal the truth about the haunting of the graduate student building.

Finally, on a stormy night, they got a clue about Zhao Li.It turns out that Zhao Li has been secretly protecting Dongqing, and his confusion is precisely because he is fighting against some mysterious force.After learning all this, Dongqing and Xuannv decided to go to Zhao Li's last location to find out.

In that abandoned building, they finally met Zhao Li again.At this time, Zhao Li was exhausted, but he still stuck to his faith.With the help of Dongqing and Xuannv, Zhao Li gradually regained his sanity and revealed to them the real reason why the graduate student building was haunted.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 2 Details

Come again

On a dark and windy night, Dongqing and Xuannv entered an ancient mental hospital.The atmosphere here is oppressive and strange, and it seems that every inch of the air is filled with an ominous atmosphere.They felt a powerful and evil force lurking in this seemingly abandoned hospital for many years, waiting for its prey to take the bait.

Whenever it is late at night, there will be a sound of heavy footsteps at the end of the corridor.A group of mysterious Japanese soldiers appeared out of thin air. Their eyes were cold and ruthless, and the swords and guns in their hands shone with cold light.The patients were killed one by one by them, and the screams and cries echoed in the night air, which was terrifying.

Come again

Dongqing decided to investigate the truth behind all this.He traveled back to the spring of 1937, that turbulent era.There, he met Daxue, a singer who was imprisoned in the hospital by the Japanese.Although Daxue is behind bars, her eyes still sparkle with the desire for life and the yearning for freedom.She told Dongqing that this mental hospital was once a secret stronghold of the Japanese army. They used various means to torture and kill innocent people to cover up their crimes.

Back to reality, Dongqing and Xuannv encountered many manipulated ghosts in the mental hospital.These ghosts were once patients here. They were imprisoned in this hospital during World War II and suffered endless torture.Now, their souls are trapped here, unable to escape.Whenever night falls, they will be driven by the Japanese soldiers to attack anyone who enters here.

Behind the ghosts, a Japanese doll laughed coldly.Its laughter is heart-stopping, as if coming from the depths of hell.This doll is a tool of the conspirators. It uses laughter to control the ghosts and make them their puppets.

At the critical moment, Zhao Li finally woke up with the help of Dongqing.He is an old man with mysterious powers, and his arrival changes the situation.With the help of Zhao Li, Dongqing and Xuannv began to find a way to relieve the ghosts' pain.They began chanting ancient scriptures to soothe these souls with mystical power.

As the scriptures echo, the ghosts trapped in the mental hospital gradually break free.There was a look of relief on their faces, as if they had finally broken free from hell.Following the sound of the scriptures, they slowly floated into the sky and disappeared into the night sky.

However, the conspirators behind it did not stop there.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 3 Details

Pharmacist (Part 1)

Behind the prosperity of Binhai City, there are many urban legends hidden, and the most talked about among them is the hotel that has been haunted for many years.Some people say that visions often appear there in the middle of the night, accompanied by wailing and strange winds, which is creepy.

One day, Zhao Li took Dongqing and Xuannv into this forbidden land in order to obtain a high reward.I originally thought they would be the only ones with superpowers, but unexpectedly, there were dragons and crouching tigers hidden in the hotel, and several groups of people were secretly competing with each other.

Among this group of mysterious characters, Xuannv accidentally discovered a special girl - Jade.She is young, but she gives people a strange feeling.There seems to be some kind of powerful power in the girl's body, which is called “Yao” by Xuannv, and she also has the power of “Yao”, and can control this power at will.

Xuannv became very interested in Jade's identity.She discovered that Jade's appearance was strikingly similar to her old friend from thousands of years ago - “Amber” who wandered from Kunlun to the world.This couldn't help but remind her of ancient legends. Is Jade the legendary goddess Houyi?

Pharmacist (Part 1)

Just when everyone was having their own thoughts, Pluto Chacha also suddenly appeared. Her figure appeared on the hotel TV, and the atmosphere became even weirder for a while.Chacha knew the relationship between Zhao Li and Dongqing very well, and she discovered that Zhao Li had reached some kind of contract with Dongqing behind her back.This move made Chacha very dissatisfied, and she decided to intervene personally to uncover the mystery behind it.

As the investigation deepens, the secrets of Binhai City Hotel gradually surfaced.The true identity of Jade, the content of the contract between Zhao Li and Dongqing, and the purpose of Pluto Chacha will all become the key to this contest between superpowers.And in this seemingly chaotic contest, who will be the final winner?Can this hotel in Binhai City regain its former tranquility?

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 4 Details

Pharmacist (Part 2)

The hotel late at night was a bit eerie in its silence.On the TV, a girl combing her hair suddenly appeared on the screen. Her eyes were empty, as if she had traveled through the boundaries of time and space.And under the dining table not far away, a child was picking up scraps. His movements were mechanical, as if being pulled by some force.What's even more disturbing is that there is a man hiding in the corner of the room, peeking at the sleeping guests.

These ghosts are wandering around this hotel silently, and there are dozens of them.Why do they gather here?This question lingered in the minds of Zhao Li and others.These ghosts gather for no reason, and their existence is like an unsolved mystery that is puzzling.

Pharmacist (Part 2)

After several days of investigation, the three finally located the suspect on the sixth floor of the hotel.There lived a best-selling author-Mr. Tree.His works are famous for their gloomy and ghostly nature, and sales have soared, becoming a trend in the cultural market.However, behind this scenery, Mr. Shu was suffering a lot.

In the luxurious suite on the sixth floor, Mr. Shu sat at his desk, holding a pen in his hand, but his eyes revealed deep despair.His creative inspiration comes from those ghosts, whose existence he can sense and even communicate with.However, this ability also came at a huge cost.His spirit gradually collapsed and his life became a mess.

Zhao Li and others decided to talk to Mr. Shu to try to find a solution to this problem.They discovered that Mr. Shu was not a cold writer, but an ordinary person haunted by ghosts.His works are full of sympathy and understanding for ghosts. Deep in his heart, he is actually a soul longing for liberation.

With the help of Zhao Li and others, Mr. Shu gradually found a way to peacefully coexist with ghosts.He used his own pen to write happy endings for these ghosts so that they could rest in peace.Mr. Shu himself also found inner peace in this process.

The alien space in the hotel gradually disappeared, and the ghosts slowly dispersed.The hotel has restored its former tranquility, and Mr. Shu has also regained the meaning of life.He continues his writing career, but this time, he is no longer haunted by ghosts, but uses words to convey warmth and hope.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 5 Details

Ghost Wife (Part 1)

Lu Zhe and Xiuxiu, the newlyweds were supposed to be sweet, happy and inseparable.However, in this seemingly perfect marriage, there are hidden secrets.

Two newlyweds should trust and depend on each other.However, Xiuxiu went behind Lu Zhe's back and talked with a mysterious figure.This made Lu Zhe feel very puzzled and confused. He didn't understand why Xiuxiu did this, and he didn't know who this mysterious figure was.

As time passed, Lu Zhe began to feel an inexplicable fear.He felt as if he was being haunted by a female ghost, and his fear grew stronger and stronger.One night a month later, Lu Zhe finally couldn't bear the fear, so he found his friend Dongqing and told him his experience.

After listening to Lu Zhe's story, Dongqing decided to help him investigate the matter.He asked Lu Zhe for more information about this female ghost, and Lu Zhe told him that it was all related to Xiu Xiu.A few days ago, Xiuxiu had to drag herself to find a “Master”. It was said that this “Master” had the ability to find ghost wives for dead ghosts in the underworld.Xiuxiu did this because she responded to the request of the mother of a friend who died young and hoped to help this friend find a destination in the underworld.

However, since leaving “Master”'s house, Lu Zhe often encountered evil spirits and was filled with fear.He began to wonder if all this was related to Xiu Xiu, and if she really had any ulterior secrets with that mysterious figure.

Ghost Wife (Part 1)

The originally loving atmosphere between Lu Zhe and Xiuxiu began to become tense.Lu Zhe likes to draw Xiu Xiu's eyebrows. He is very skilled and can always draw Xiu Xiu's eyebrows lifelike.However, Xiuxiu suspected that he was doing other women's eyebrow painting outside, and this suspicion made the relationship between the two more tense.

In order to solve all these mysteries, Lu Zhe decided to follow Xiu Xiu.He found that Xiuxiu often went out to burn paper at night and her whereabouts were very strange.All this seems to verify Lu Zhe's conjecture: Xiu Xiu really has an ulterior relationship with that mysterious figure.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 6 Details

Ghost Wife (Part 2)

The night is dark and the wind is freezing.Lu Zhe walked alone on the path home, but his heart was full of anxiety.Just now, a mysterious male ghost suddenly possessed Dongqing's body and announced in a cold voice: “Tomorrow is your death day, and I will live in your body after your death.” A chill ran down Lu Zhe's spine. He understood that this was by no means a simple threat.

The appearance of the male ghost is not accidental. He seems to be inextricably linked with Xiuxiu, the woman beside Lu Zhe.Lu Zhe became suspicious. Could this all be a conspiracy between Xiu Xiu and the male ghost?They use ghost marriage as a guise in an attempt to attract female ghosts to harm them.The furious Lu Zhe decided to reveal the truth of all this.

Ghost Wife (Part 2)

He had a fierce battle with the male ghost. Their figures intertwined in the night, and the battle was extremely fierce.However, just when Lu Zhe was about to be defeated, a golden light flashed and Zhao Li arrived in time.He lit the rhinoceros horn incense, and the female ghost that had been haunting Lu Zhe finally appeared.Her face was pale, and her eyes revealed deep sadness.

It turns out that there is an unknown past between this female ghost, Xiu Xiu and Lu Zhe.A grudge dispute many years ago closely linked the fate of the three of them.Even though the yin and yang are now separated, that obsession is still hard to let go.

As the truth was gradually revealed, Lu Zhe and Zhao Li couldn't help but sigh: humans and ghosts are entangled, and their fate is worrying.Even if yin and yang are separated, some obsessions are still difficult to break.They decided to help these three people resolve this entanglement and bring everything back to peace.

As the night grew darker, the trail became quiet again.However, Lu Zhe's heart was full of complicated emotions.He was both grateful that he had escaped danger, and felt sorry for the forgotten past.He understands that many obsessions in life stem from the inability to let go of the past.And if you want to truly get out of the predicament, you need to face the past bravely and release your inner obsessions.

With the help of Zhao Li, Lu Zhe, Xiu Xiu and the female ghost recalled the dusty past together.They faced each other honestly and confided their resentment and reluctance.As the knot in their hearts was untied, the obsession that entangled them gradually dissipated.

In the end, the female ghost was able to rest in peace, and Lu Zhe and Xiu Xiu also regained the peace of life.They understand that every experience in life is a valuable asset. Even if some memories are painful and difficult to let go, they must learn to draw strength from them and bravely move toward the future.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 7 Details

Fugitive (Part 1)

Outside the judgment room of the underworld, there was a gloomy wind, and there was a long queue of ghosts waiting to be reincarnated.They have different faces, some are sad, some are expressionless, and they all seem to be silently waiting for their unknown fate.

Among the many ghosts, Zhou Xiaohui is particularly different.He was originally an ordinary migrant worker on a construction site, hardworking and simple, but his life fell into trouble because his boss defaulted on wages.What makes it even more difficult for him to accept is that his good brother Xiaochun seems to have an unknown deal with his boss, which makes him go to extremes in anger and disappointment.

However, the fateful verdict surprised him.He was sentenced to be reincarnated as a mosquito in the next life. This fate was unacceptable to him, so he decided to run away and return to the earth to seek an explanation for himself.

Returning to the earth, Zhou Xiaohui was surprised to find that his wife actually lived with Xiaochun, and the resentment in his heart surged like a tide.At the same time, ghosts disappeared frequently in the area where he lived, which attracted the attention of the underworld.

Fugitive (Part 1)

Pluto Chacha ordered Zhao Li to solve the matter. Zhao Li is an experienced soul ferryman and he is well aware of the seriousness of the matter.During the investigation, he discovered that another soul ferryman, Murong, was missing, which further complicated the incident.

Zhao Li began to investigate in depth, and he found that the entanglement between Zhou Xiaohui and Xiaochun was far more than what it seemed.The secret hidden behind Xiaochun and the truth that Zhou Xiaohui was instigated to kill Xiaochun gradually emerged.And all of this seems to be inextricably linked to Murong's disappearance.

As the investigation deepened, Zhao Li gradually unveiled the mystery.It turns out that Murong took advantage of Zhou Xiaohui's resentment and anger and tried to achieve his own goals by instigating him to kill Xiaochun.And behind all this, there is a bigger conspiracy hidden - Murong attempts to control certain forces in the underworld by controlling ghosts.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 8 Details

Fugitive (Part 2)

Deep in the noisy construction site, Zhao Li's figure appeared like a ghost. His eyes sharply penetrated the dust and chaos and fixed on Murong in the distance.The atmosphere between the two became tense instantly, as if an inevitable conflict was about to break out.

Murong is a man known for his tough tactics on the construction site, and every move he makes reveals a domineering attitude that cannot be underestimated.However, Zhao Li was not someone who gave in easily. His eyes showed firmness and courage, and he was not afraid of Murong's power.When the two people's eyes collided in the air, sparks seemed to fly, and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

Just when the conflict was about to break out, Xuannv suddenly appeared, and her appearance made the situation even more confusing.Xuannv is a being with mysterious power. Her appearance is often accompanied by incredible events.This time, she seemed to be on Zhao Li's side, preparing to use her big tricks to help Zhao Li deal with Murong.

However, in this chaos, Zhou Xiaohui's hatred seems like an unsolvable mystery.Zhou Xiaohui, a soul wandering in the earth, tried to find the truth about his death, but found that his relatives and friends could not see him or hear his voice.He firmly believed that he was betrayed by his good brother Xiaochun, who conspired with the construction site boss to kill him, robbed him of his pension, and married his wife.This hatred burned in his heart like a fire, making him unable to let it go.

Fugitive (Part 2)

After observing all this, Xuannv discovered the fact that everyone ignored.She told Zhao Li these facts, hoping to reveal the truth about Zhou Xiaohui's hatred.It turns out that Zhou Xiaohui's death was not a simple betrayal and murder, but involved deeper secrets and transactions.

There seems to be some kind of secret deal going on between Zhao Li and Murong.These two soul ferrymen are each burdened with heavy obsessions and secrets.Their conflicts and transactions may be the key to unlocking Zhou Xiaohui's hatred.

With Xuannv's intervention and Zhao Li's investigation, a series of shocking truths began to gradually surface.These truths are not only related to Zhou Xiaohui's fate, but also involve the deep-seated secrets of Zhao Li and Murong.In this battle between soul and obsession, who can reveal the truth, and who can let go of obsession and become the winner of this game?

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 9 Details

ghost mother

On a quiet night, Holly and Jade received an unusual business - exorcism.The client claimed that supernatural phenomena occurred frequently in his home, especially the child's beloved teddy bear that moved on its own at night, causing panic among the whole family.Faced with such a strange situation, the two decided to find out.

When they step into the customer's home, the first thing they see is a cute child and a gentle stepmother.However, as the investigation deepened, Holly and Jade gradually realized that things were not simple.The atmosphere in the room was extremely depressing, as if some invisible presence was watching them secretly.

ghost mother

By chance, the stepmother took her child to a ruins.Holly and Jade followed closely, only to find that there was an even stronger sinister atmosphere.At this moment, the stepmother suddenly revealed her incredible true identity - she was actually a witch with mysterious powers.

Jade, on weekdays, is a girl who is addicted to the Internet world and loves two-dimensional culture.Her rich imagination and unique ideas add a lot of fantasy color to this ghost exorcism journey.Zhao Li, Dongqing and others accidentally fell into Jade's mind and started an adventure full of thrills and fantasy.

In Jade's mind, they encountered all kinds of wonderful creatures and unknown crises.They not only have to face their inner fears, but also find ways to crack their imaginations so that they can return to the real world as soon as possible.In this fantasy world, Holly and Jade gradually learned how to use their powers to fight wits and courage with various strange creatures.

After a series of thrilling adventures, they finally found the key to cracking the brain hole.At the critical moment, Holly and Jade relied on courage and wisdom to successfully overcome various difficulties in their imaginations and return to the real world.

This ghost exorcism journey not only allowed Holly and Jade to gain valuable experience, but also made them cherish the good times in real life more.They understand that when faced with unknowns and difficulties, only by uniting as one and moving forward courageously can we overcome all challenges.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 10 Details

Green Snake (Part 1)

On a sunny afternoon, Xia Dongqing walked into a bustling dessert shop.There are a wide variety of cakes in the store, and the sweet smell fills the air.Dongqing chose a piece of cake that he liked, and when he was about to pay, a woman's eyes fell on him inadvertently.

This woman was as beautiful as a flower, but there was a subtle cunningness in her eyes.She couldn't help but feel happy when she saw Dong Qingyoun's youthful appearance and handsomeness.However, this woman is no ordinary person. She is a white snake spirit who has been practicing for thousands of years. She is good at changing and can control the wind and snow.

Just as Dongqing was checking out, White Snake Spirit cast a spell, and instantly there was a freezing cold wind in the store and heavy snow falling all over the sky.Customers panicked and fled.Holly also felt a chill coming over her and couldn't help but shudder.At this moment, the white snake spirit turned into a white shadow, floated over, and gently hugged Dongqing's shoulders.

“ Young Master, it’s not a good time to stay here for a long time. Why don’t you follow me to a warmer place.”White Snake Spirit's voice is gentle and charming.

Green Snake (Part 1)

Holly was attracted by her words and followed her out of the dessert shop involuntarily.In the days that followed, the relationship between White Snake Spirit and Dongqing became increasingly close.She conjured up various delicacies and beautiful scenery just to win Dongqing's smile.Dongqing was also fascinated by her gentleness and beauty, and gradually fell into this unethical love.

However, this romantic affair was not all smooth sailing.In front of a car wash shed, a green snake spirit wearing a green robe and dressed like a grasshopper suddenly appeared.He is well aware of the complexity and fragility of a woman's world, especially a woman who lives a long life and experiences many storms.The appearance of the green snake spirit makes the relationship between the white snake spirit and Dongqing more complicated.

At the same time, the underworld also summoned Zhao Li.Someone accused him of conspiring with the ferryman Murong and getting involved in disputes that he shouldn't be involved in.After Xuannv learned that Dongqing was deceived by the white snake spirit, she became dissatisfied and decided to come to ask for Dongqing.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 11 Details

Green Snake (Part 2)

In the ancient coastal city, there is a legend about the white snake spirit and the green snake spirit.The white snake spirit is very powerful and no one dares to mess with it, while the green snake spirit is relatively low-key and prefers to avoid disputes.However, the tranquility of Binhai City was broken one day.

Xuannv, a mysterious woman who knows the secrets of the world, decided to lobby the Green Snake Spirit to help fight against the White Snake Spirit for the sake of the peace of Binhai City.Although the Green Snake Spirit expressed his willingness to come forward to comfort the White Snake Spirit, he was determined not to participate in the battle.At this time, Zhao Li, a young man with a strong personality, decided that even if he couldn't beat him, he would come to snatch Dongqing back - the innocent boy targeted by the white snake spirit.

Green Snake (Part 2)

Zhao Li's actions were full of wit and courage.He first used strange methods to flatter the White Snake Spirit, and tried his best to flatter him.Then, he unexpectedly deceived the white snake spirit, saying that Dongqing was actually bent and loved him deeply.These words actually made White Snake Spirit shaken. She lamented her miserable life and finally agreed to let Dongqing go.

However, things developed far beyond expectations.The angry White Snake Spirit decided to flood Binhai City to vent his anger.Seeing this, Green Snake Spirit had to intervene to dissuade him.It turns out that both the White Snake Spirit and the Green Snake Spirit have an indissoluble bond with Penglai Island, and their grudges are far more complicated than the people in Binhai City knew.

Faced with the crisis in Binhai City, Dongqing decided to sacrifice herself to save the whole city.However, just when people thought things would develop as expected, the ending took a dramatic turn.It turns out that Green Snake Spirit has been secretly observing. She saw Dongqing's bravery and selflessness, and also saw the unity and courage of the people in Binhai City.In the end, the Green Snake Spirit decided to help and reached a reconciliation with the White Snake Spirit, and Binhai City was able to regain peace.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 12 Details

Immortality (Part 1)

In the ancient world of soul ferrying, there is a legend that whenever the position of the ferryman becomes vacant, a new ferryman will take over.However, this change was unusual. Murong's position was replaced by two mysterious newcomers. The appearance of these two newcomers shocked the entire ferry world.

The new ferrymen, one is handsome and the other is beautiful, their appearance seems to herald something.However, what is even more shocking is that a bizarre murder occurred just after they took office.An entire train of people died at the same time. There was no attack or car accident. Everything seemed so incredible.

Immortality (Part 1)

Dongqing and Xuannv, as Murong's right-hand assistants, quickly rushed to the scene to investigate.In the morgue, a cold atmosphere filled the air, and the corpses were arranged neatly, as if they were telling something.However, when Dongqing and Xuannv investigated in depth, they were frightened by something even more terrifying.The new ferryman was extremely enthusiastic about Dongqing, while Xuannv was jealous and sulky.

Sister Qin, as Dongqing's dormitory manager, usually likes to embroider insoles. Her skills are famous in the entire ferry industry.However, on this day, her behavior was quite abnormal and unpredictable.

Just when Dongqing and Xuannv were unable to do anything, they were imprisoned by a person who looked exactly like Sister Qin.Who is this person?Why did she do this?Holly vows to find out the truth of the whole thing.

As the investigation deepened, Dongqing discovered that there was a shocking secret hidden behind it.It turns out that the new ferrymen are not simple replacements. They were actually summoned by Murong to solve an ancient mystery.Sister Qin's abnormal behavior and the people who look exactly like Sister Qin are all part of this mystery.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 13 Details

Immortality (Part 2)

In an ancient and quiet town, the story of Sister Qin and Dongqing unfolded quietly.Dongqing, a seemingly ordinary young man, was unexpectedly involved in a whirlpool about family secrets and the elixir of life.

That day, Sister Qin released Dongqing from the cell.Her eyes were full of tenderness and expectation, as if Holly was her long-lost relative.She cooked a bowl of fragrant Yangchun noodles. While stirring the noodles carefully, she whispered the familiar recipe: a handful of thin noodles, half a bowl of broth, a cup of water, five qian lard, a spoonful of Qiaotou LaoChen's soy sauce, blanched with two crispy bok choy.%This bowl of noodles seems to carry Sister Qin’s deep nostalgia for the past years.

Under the warm firelight, Sister Qin began to tell Dongqing about the past events between her and her sister.Those secrets buried by time, those emotions polished by time, are slowly rising in the heat of this bowl of Yangchun noodles.Dongqing listened with fascination. He was deeply attracted by Sister Qin's story, as if he had become a part of the story.

However, with the unexpected appearance of Zhao Li, a shocking truth was revealed.Sister Qin and her elder sister, those two people who look alike, are they really sisters?This question lingered in Dongqing's mind for a long time.

Immortality (Part 2)

What are the hidden side effects of the legendary elixir of life?What did those who came back from the dead lose?These mysteries are like mist, hanging over the town, waiting for someone to uncover them.

The mystery of Dongqing's life experience is closely connected with the secret of Sister Qin's family.Every time he explores, he seems to be one step closer to the truth.However, what kind of storm is hidden behind the truth?

As the story progresses, the relationship between Sister Qin and Dongqing gradually becomes complicated and confusing.Are they destined to meet, or is it a coincidence of fate?The answer to this question may be hidden in the mysteries that have not yet been solved.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 14 Details

Old things (Part 1)

On a sunny afternoon, Dongqing, Zhao Li and Xuannu met to go shopping in the old street.The old street has a long history, and the buildings on both sides are antique, which seems to allow people to travel through time and space and return to the prosperous old era.

Zhao Li is a person who has a strong interest in history. He walked into a noodle shop called “Yangchun Noodles”.The decoration inside the noodle shop is full of ancient charm, as if it takes people into another world at once.Just when Zhao Li sat down and ordered a bowl of noodles, something strange happened.

Old things (Part 1)

Suddenly, the entire time and space seemed to be distorted, and Zhao Li found himself in a completely unfamiliar environment.The square was bustling with people, but everyone was dressed completely differently from what he usually saw.Suddenly, a burst of exclamations came, and a man was seen tied to a wooden stake. The executioner raised his sword high, preparing to execute the execution of beheading.Zhao Li's heart tightened and he wanted to step forward to stop him, but found that his body was completely out of control.

As night fell, Zhao Li was sent back to the noodle shop.But this time, he was no longer the only guest.In the noodle shop, there is a mysterious aunt and a girl who is trapped in a brothel.The aunt's eyes are deep, as if she can see everything, while the girl playing the piano plays a moving tune. The melodious sound of her piano attracts ghosts from all directions to come and listen.

At this time, the guy who was on duty walked into the noodle shop. While he was chatting with the shopkeeper about the current situation, he was pestered by the mysterious lady.Girl Wanqin told her story to the noodle shop owner.She is about to break away from the shackles of the brothel, leave her hometown with her beloved lover, and start a new life.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 15 Details

Old things (Part 2)

As night falls, under the mottled moonlight, in a deep ancient alley, the sound of the hurried footsteps of the wake-up call boy can be heard.His face was pale and his expression was tense, as if something terrifying was chasing him.It turns out that all this is due to the appearance of the mysterious lady. She sometimes appears in the alley and sometimes disappears in the shadows, making it impossible to tell whether she is a human or a ghost.

The wake-up call boy's panic is not without purpose. This seemingly ordinary night actually hides many unknown secrets.The aunt is not an ordinary person, and her existence seems to be inextricably linked to this decadent and collapsed society.The watchman is not just a watchman. Although his life is ordinary, his heart is full of fear and curiosity about the unknown world.

Old things (Part 2)

At the same time, the noodle shop owner is also busy.After a girl named Wan Qin and her lover finished their meal at a noodle shop, the shopkeeper gave them a bottle of soy sauce as a gift.Although this bottle of soy sauce is insignificant, it expresses the shopkeeper's best wishes for the young couple.The appearance of Zhao Li made this night even more unusual.He urged the shopkeeper to close the stall quickly, because the shopkeeper's daughter was going to leave the court tomorrow.

The face of the noodle shop owner was filled with a happy smile, and he told Zhao Li that he was about to usher in a new chapter in his life.However, behind this joy, there is deep helplessness and sadness.In this era, there is no way out for the hard-working and kind-hearted people. They can only silently endure the suffering and injustice of life.

The mysterious aunt's sigh expressed the helplessness and sadness of this era: “What a world, people are not like humans and ghosts are not like ghosts.”Although her voice was low, it was like a thunder, echoing in the silent night.

Zhao Li promised the noodle shop owner to meet his daughter. The girl named Fengdie had a tragic fate, but she was optimistic and strong.She said to Zhao Li:“ I think as long as I live, the world will get better one day.”Fengdie's words deeply touched Zhao Li, and also allowed us to see the hope and tenacity that still exist in this troubled world.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 16 Details

Secret (Part 1)

In the hustle and bustle of the city, the lights of the bar were swaying, and Zhao Li was sitting on the sofa in the corner, and his eyes were inadvertently attracted to a unique girl.Her name is Anmei, and she is out of tune with the noisy environment around her. She is sitting quietly at the bar with a glass of boiled water in her hand.

Officer Zhao walked over, and with his usual charm and uninhibitedness, he struck up a conversation and said: “You smell like death.”His words made Anmei stunned for a moment, and then she looked up at the stranger, a trace of vigilance flashing in her eyes.

At this moment, frightened screams suddenly came from the bathroom of the bar.According to rumors, there is a monster called “獬” that appears. It can know the secrets of people's hearts and feed on their secrets.Xie is formless and incorporeal, just like a human's secret, invisible to the sun and a mass of darkness.Only when people voluntarily tell their secrets will Xie leave.

What kind of secret is hidden in Anmei's heart that makes Xie keep tracking her?Zhao Li was full of curiosity about this, and he decided to investigate in depth and uncover the mystery of all this.

Secret (Part 1)

At the same time, a ghost of Lu Di appeared next to Anmei.Lu Di was An Mei's manager and was promoted to a dazzling star by her.However, there seems to be an unknown secret between them.Lu Di's ghost has been following An Mei, as if looking for something.

Zhao Li began to get close to An Mei, trying to unlock the secrets in her heart.He found that Anmei was not only beautiful, but also extremely smart. Every move she made revealed a mysterious atmosphere.Under Zhao Li's patient guidance, Anmei finally began to reveal her secrets.

It turns out that An Mei was a slightly famous singer before she became Lu Di's manager.However, Lu Di was jealous of her voice. In order to suppress her, Lu Di used all means to frame her, causing her voice to be damaged and she could no longer sing.Anmei has always kept this secret deep in her heart and dare not tell anyone.

After learning the truth, Zhao Li felt deeply sympathetic to Anmei's experience.He decided to help Anmei and free Lu Di's ghost, while also allowing Anmei to regain her voice.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 17 Details

Secret (Part 2)

As night fell and the stars lit up, Zhao Li accompanied Anmei to the beach.The sea wind roared and the waves were rough, as if they could swallow everything.Zhao Li hopes that this vast ocean can become a harbor for Anmei to confide her secrets, because here, any secret can be taken away by the strong sea breeze.

Anmei stood on the beach, looking into the distance, with a complicated light shining in her eyes.She took a deep breath and began to slowly tell her feelings for Lu Di:“ If an agent wants to be a good artist, he must have a feeling similar to love.You think about one person and worry about one person every day, and he has taken over your entire life.” Her voice echoed in the night sky, with a hint of helplessness and affection.

Secret (Part 2)

Not far away, Zhao Li, Dongqing and Xuannv sat together, holding skewers in their hands, chatting about Zhang Ailing and love.Xuannv couldn't help but lament the sufferings of being a human being: birth, old age, illness and death, love and separation, resentment and hatred, and never getting what you want.Even after he died, he was still held back by his obsession and could not reincarnate.%Her words reveal a deep understanding of the impermanence of life.

And on this beach, Xie always followed Anmei and refused to leave.It seems to be waiting for Anmei to reveal the final truth.Anmei faced the sea in the middle of the night, and the secrets in her heart surged like waves.She finally couldn't help but screamed at the sea, her voice full of pain and release.

At that moment, she seemed to pour out the deepest imprint of her soul to the sea, letting the sea breeze take away her secrets.Although Zhao Li and others could not hear her roar clearly, they could feel her inner struggle and release.

As the night deepened, Anmei's roar gradually disappeared in the sea breeze.She turned around and walked towards Zhao Li and others, with a firm light shining in her eyes.She knew that after this confession, she had bravely faced her secret and was ready to face the challenges ahead.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 18 Details

Starfall (Part 1)

On a quiet night, three friends, Dongqing, Zhao Li and Xuannu, met at the beach to watch the spectacular Leonid meteor shower.The Milky Way pours down, as if it has put a mysterious veil on this night.However, just as they were immersed in this sea of ​​stars, a dazzling light suddenly flashed across the sky, followed by a deafening bang on the beach.

The three of them hurriedly ran towards the source of the sound, only to see a huge pit appearing in front of them, with a man in strange clothing lying in the pit.His clothes were unlike any on earth, and seemed to come from a faraway land.Xuannv knelt down curiously and called the man softly.

Slowly, the man opened his eyes. He claimed to be an alien from the Andromeda Galaxy.His words shocked Dongqing, Zhao Li and Xuannv.The alien explained that he had been to Earth before and had formed a deep friendship with a girl from a fishing village named Xiaoyu.They once looked up at the stars together and shared the beauty of their respective hometowns.

Starfall (Part 1)

Now, he returns to Earth, only to find that the fishing village he once remembered has disappeared.He anxiously asked the three people, hoping to find clues about Xiaoyu.

Dongqing, Zhao Li and Xuannv decided to help the alien find traces of Xiaoyu.They took the aliens to a nearby town, only to find that the world had changed dramatically.With the process of urbanization, many fishing villages have disappeared, replaced by high-rise buildings and bustling streets.

After some twists and turns, they finally found Xiaoyu's family in a remote seaside town.It turned out that Xiaoyu had passed away long ago, and her family had kept her belongings well.The alien saw the necklace Xiaoyu once wore and burst into tears.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 19 Details

Starfall (Part 2)

In the vast universe, the love story between Xing and Xiaoyu is like a bright star, still shining brightly after thousands of years.Their love, although separated by life and death, transcended the boundaries of time and space and became an immortal legend.

Xing, a being with magical power, did not hesitate to use Kana to summon power in order to see Xiaoyu again.With the help of the three Zhao officials, Xing finally found the legendary magical thing-Kana.However, after learning that Xiaoyu was born in the distant Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Xing faced unprecedented challenges.

Starfall (Part 2)

In order to fulfill his wish, Xing decided to travel through time and space and possess Xia Dongqing, an ordinary young man who lived two thousand years later.Xia Dongqing, an ordinary boy from a fishing village, embarked on an extraordinary journey due to the arrival of Xing.Their adventure through time and space is not only their persistence in love, but also a challenge to their destiny.

Returning to the fishing village two thousand years ago, Xing met Xiaoyu as Xia Dongqing.At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and the eyes of Xing and Xiaoyu met, telling a thousand years of longing.Xing fulfilled his wish to give Xiaoyu Xingxing, and at that moment, their love reached its peak.

However, the energy of the space-time channel gradually disappeared, and Xia Dongqing faced the crisis of being unable to return.At the critical moment of life and death, he successfully returned to modern times by relying on his deep attachment to Xiaoyu.Although this pursuit across time and space ended in regret, the love legend between Xing and Xiaoyu will always be engraved in people's hearts.

《The Ferry Man 2》Episode 20 Details

Extra chapter

As time goes by, the wedding of Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya was filled with happiness and warmth.In the literary circle, a series of novels called Soul Ferryman is becoming popular, and its author Zhou Zheng has become famous because of it.The novel has attracted the attention of countless readers with its profound philosophical thinking and fascinating supernatural elements.

However, behind the glamor, an unexpected interview revealed the secrets hidden beneath the surface.Reporter Xu Chong, who claimed to have the ability to see supernatural phenomena, paid an uninvited visit to Zhou Zheng.He tried to touch the pain of the death of his wife that he didn't want to mention in Zhou Zheng's heart, but unexpectedly aroused Zhou Zheng's dissatisfaction and anger.

At dinner, the atmosphere was originally harmonious, but Xu Chong suddenly pointed out the cause of Zhou's wife's death, with sharp words, as if everything was under control.Zhou Zheng lost control of his emotions instantly and seemed to have the urge to silence him.At this moment, the phantom of his deceased wife suddenly appeared in front of them, catching both of them off guard.

Extra chapter

However, as the story progresses, the truth gradually emerges.It turns out that Xu Chong is not a real reporter, but a talented writer.And Zhou Zheng is not the protagonist in the novel, but a hidden reporter.Zhou Zheng used his keen insight and in-depth study of Xu Chong's novels to successfully deduce the truth behind Xu Chong's murder of his wife.

Before the police intervened, Xu Chong finally suffered a mental breakdown and was sent to the hospital.In the hospital, he claimed to have yin and yang eyes and could see things that ordinary people could not see.This may be a lie he weaved to cover up the truth, or it may be the guilt and longing for his deceased wife deep in his heart.

This incident not only revealed the intricate relationship between literature and reality, but also triggered people's in-depth thinking about supernatural phenomena and the real world.Behind the glamor, there are often unknown secrets and truths hidden.In this suspenseful incident, the contest between Zhou Zheng and Xu Chong, as well as their different interpretations of the truth and the supernatural, add a layer of mystery to the world.

With the in-depth investigation by the police, Xu Chong's true identity and motive for killing his wife gradually emerged.It turns out that his novel - Soul Ferryman - is based on his own real experience.During the creative process, he tried to explore and explain his inner conflicts and pain through words.However, these words inadvertently became Zhou Zheng's clue to decipher the truth.