Home TV My Journey to You
《My Journey to You》Finale

Gong Ziyu and Gong Shangjiao teamed up and used Shangguan Qian and Yun Weishan to pass false news to Wu Feng's people, successfully setting a trap.On the day of Gong Ziyu's wedding and taking over the sword, Wu Feng assassins broke into the palace gate in an attempt to seize Wuliang Liuhuo and destroy the palace gate.In this battle, Mr. Hua, Mr. Xue, Elder Hua and others all died heroically, and Jin Fan almost died in the battle, but in the end Gong Ziyu and Yun Weishan teamed up to defeat Gong Huanyu and eliminated the threat of boundless flowing fire.12

Shangguan Qian took away Wuliang Liuhuo in the chaos, but was eventually intercepted by Gong Shangjiao.Shangguan Qian revealed that she was pregnant with Gong Shangjiao's flesh and blood, which allowed her to leave the palace.Although Shangguan Qian chose to retire, she did not know that once the Infinite Flowing Fire was activated, the activator himself would also die. This was something Gong Huanyu once mentioned.In addition, Shangguan Qian didn't know that activating the infinite flow of fire also required the secret words behind the sword. If she left the palace gate, she would definitely be attacked by Wu Feng.

Mr. Yue helped Gong Ziyu in the battle, but ended up alone because his beloved woman Yunque was killed by Wu Feng.Yun Weishan betrayed Wu Feng and teamed up with Gongzi Yuli to eliminate Wu Feng's four kings. However, her fate is unclear in the end and she may be executed by Wu Feng or continue to be threatened.

Jin Fan and Gong Zishang are the only happy couple in the ending. They experienced life and death and finally came together.