《ONEY FOR LOVE》Episode 18 Synopsis

Episode 18

Episode 18

Episode 18

Zheng Shuyi then ran over to find his beloved with his things. Shi Yan quickly caught up and actively helped the other person carry the things he was holding. After seeing that he was jealous, the person in front of him did not hesitate to carry the things with him.The thing was about to turn around and leave, but Shi Yan took the initiative to stop the person and took the person away in a car.While sitting in the car, Zheng Shuyi looked at the person in front of her who continued to be angry with herself. She took the initiative to confess that she was planning to go out to eat hot pot with her best friend Shanshan and the others. She didn't know that the other party came back to visit her. When she saw the other partyNot wanting to take advantage of her own move, she directly used her special skill and posted it coquettishly. After the two reconciled, Shi Yan took the initiative to reveal that she had finished her business trip this time, and even sat there specially.After flying back to celebrate the New Year with the beloved in front of him, Zheng Shuyi's frown finally relaxed after hearing what he said, and he felt very excited inside.When it was New Year's Eve, Qin Shiyue was sitting at the table eating with her family. She kept staring at her mobile phone to send messages to Yu You on the other side, preparing to spend New Year's Eve with him. The whole family was busy., Zheng Shuyi on the other side continued to stay with Shi Yan eating Western food, and the other party took the initiative to go up and grab a steak for her. The person in front of him was also very satisfied with the meal. The two people who were full and drunk continued to go outside hand in hand.Looking at the stars, after hearing Zheng Shuyi's suggestive words, Shi Yan took the initiative to say that the stars he saw outside were not as beautiful as they are today.Taking advantage of the New Year's Eve, Guan Ji took the initiative to run outside and call Shanshan on the other side to ask about her situation. Unexpectedly, after Shanshan heard the female voice, she started to find this excuse to escape again.Qin Shiyue looked at the beautiful fireworks in the sky, and couldn't help but take pictures and send them to Professor Yu You on the other side. She also asked if she could watch the fireworks with him after that. After seeing the other party hesitate again,She did not hesitate to cycle through whether she could pursue the person on the other side. After seeing this message, Yu You immediately started staring at the phone again and fell into silence. He continued to reject the other person with inappropriate excuses. The two of them met again.While sending the message, Qin Shiyue's mother noticed something was wrong with her daughter and began to wonder who she was dating.After going back, Shi Yan deliberately delivered the people in the car to the door of his house. Before leaving, he stopped them directly. Zheng Shuyi hurriedly turned her head, expecting the other party's confession. Unexpectedly, the person in front of her wished her a happy new year.Her wish came true, which immediately made her feel a little disappointed.On the second day, Zheng Shuyi and his best friend Shanshan ran to the racecourse to relax. Unexpectedly, they met Shi Yanguan Ji and the others by chance. The two teams gathered together to actively attackAfter saying hello and preparing to ride horses together, Guan Ji also took the initiative to run over to help Shanshan ride horses, and ran up to his good friend Shi Yan to let him entertain the guests.Unexpectedly, Zheng Shuyi had been sulking while changing clothes. Her conversation with her best friend was overheard by Shi Yan who came over. After noticing, Zheng Shuyi had no intention of explaining and continued calmly alone.After hearing this, Shi Yan took the initiative to run over and tie her belt, and stuck close to her.After finishing all the preparations, Shi Yan continued to ride forward on the same wild horse with Zheng Shuyi. As he went down, he took the initiative to ask the other party the purpose of approaching him and what happened next.