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《South City Banquet》Episode 14 Synopsis

Episode 14

Yan Changyun felt deeply guilty for failing to save the old members of the Qin family, and was extremely hostile to Xiao Quan, vowing to be irreconcilable with him.And Mingxiao was rewarded with a large amount of gold and silver because she was pregnant with Longzi.She excitedly put on those luxurious jewelry and prepared to show off to the Qianyu Guard.Everyone in Qian Yuwei was shocked when they saw Xiao Qiangzi dressed up like this. What shocked them even more was that Xiao Qiangzi turned out to be the emperor's woman.

Episode 14

Mingxiao was so happy that she came to Yan Changyun's room and deliberately showed off her jewelry.However, Yan Changyun was in a heavy mood because of the incident involving an old member of the Qin family, so he drank alone in his room to soothe his sorrows.Dawn mistakenly thought that he was drinking because of her, and actually hoped that he could retain her before he canonized her.Facing Mingxiao's inquiry, although Yan Changyun had love in his heart, he said words that made her recognize her identity.Dawn left sadly, while Yan Changyun was in deep pain because of his low self-esteem. Even the Qin family couldn't protect him, so how could he have the right to like her?

At dawn, sadness turned into appetite, and she enjoyed a table of delicious food alone.Brother Dao was worried that she would spoil Long Zi, so he quickly tried to dissuade her.Dawn decided to apologize to the queen to make up for the previous deception.Although the queen was angry at Liming's deception, she still couldn't help laughing when she saw Liming clumsily mending her handkerchief.She stroked Mingxiao's cold hand and told her servants to take good care of her.

The concubines in the harem showed great enthusiasm for the arrival of Mingxiao. They took good care of Mingxiao and restricted her from eating to walking.Mingxia felt unbearable and asked the emperor to let her go.In order to comfort her, the emperor specially prepared pillows of various months for her to put on her belly.He even joked that Liming was pregnant with Nezha.

In the court, Xiao Quan questioned whether he was considered a rebellious minister, and complained that Yan Changyun was ostracizing him everywhere, and even the Xiao Mansion was not allowed to enter and leave freely.Yan Changyun retorted that Xiao Quan had a guilty conscience as a thief, while Xiao Quan tried to use Chu Yue's life experience to accuse him of colluding with the rebels.Yan Changyun firmly denied it, pointing out that Chu Yue was only implicated in the Guan You Incident, and the truth could be found out from the files.The emperor stepped in to mediate and tried to remain neutral.

When the emperor announced that Mingxiao was pregnant with Longzi and planned to adopt a concubine, he was opposed by the ministers and the empress dowager.The concubines in the harem were happy about this, and the queen even stroked Mingxiao's belly, looking forward to Nan Guo finally having an heir.At dawn, I saw Yan Changyun in the distance and went to find him on the pretext of feeling sick to my stomach.On the way, he met the emperor and learned that Yan Changyun was in a bad mood because of Chu Yue's incident, and that in the last incident, he chose to save Chu Yue instead of Dawn.

Uncle Lei, who was recovering from his injuries in the secret room, reminded Yan Changyun that Mingxiao was a killer after all, and that once his memory was restored, it might cause endless troubles.Although Yan Changyun needed to use dawn to find out the whereabouts of the jade ring, he could not hide his attraction to her.He told himself that he could not fall into the love between children, because his childhood experience made him deeply aware of the pain involved.

Xiao Quan suspected that Yan Changyun was Qin Yan and informed Bai Yi about it.Bai Yi insisted that he killed Qin Yan with his own hands and pushed him off the cliff.Xiao Quan said that as long as he could sit on the dragon throne of the Southern Kingdom, he would help him seize the Ning Kingdom.The queen hoped that her brother Xiao Quan could help Liming go to the Queen Mother to ask for canonization. Although Xiao Quan had no choice but to agree.However, he later arranged for the queen's personal maid Xueru to get rid of Longzi.

Dawn doesn't understand why the queen tolerates other women competing with the emperor for favor.In the middle of the night, the masked woman found Mingxiao again, and Mingxiao put down her guard because she thought of her classmates.But when the masked woman took out a dagger, Li Ming fought back vigilantly and pulled off the opponent's veil.At this time, Yan Changyun also arrived in time to help.Xueru, who was caught, lied and claimed that she was fighting for the queen, because the queen was so good to Mingxiao, but Mingxiao still wanted to fight for her favor.The queen found this unbelievable because she grew up with Xueru and knew her well.Yan Changyun decided to take Xueru back for interrogation to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.However, Xueru chose to commit suicide in order to protect Xiao Quan.

The emperor sipped tea leisurely, and Dawn came to accuse him of only drinking tea and not caring about the queen's sadness.The father-in-law scolded Li Ming for not knowing the rules, but the emperor asked him to treat the prince's mother well.When Mingxiao heard about it, he immediately expressed that he wanted to remove the prosthetic belly and no longer wanted to put it on.The emperor told her seriously that once the false pregnancy was revealed, she would face death.In order to get rid of Long Zi, Li Ming planned a flopping scene.However, when she just stood on the table, she met Xiao Quan head-on.She deliberately walked towards him, pretended to fall and shouted in pain when the two passed each other, in an attempt to frame the crime on Xiao Quan.