Home TV Day and Night
《Day and Night》Taglines

1. People are slaves of habit.

2. I regard you as my brother, but you regard me as my cousin?

3. How dare you go to the detachment alone? Are you afraid that you won’t be able to come back after dark?

“Being a human being, walking on the beaten track, bumping into ghosts and walking on ghost roads. It’s time for me to take the road at night”

“Do you hate me”

“Do you know how likely a person is to be born with a twin brother? Even though we have the same appearance, the same voice, and even the same blood flowing in our bodies, our relationship has never been as close as it is now.If it is fate that we share the same mother, then it is fate that we can walk side by side today. Listen, I don’t know what you have done to me, let alone what you have done to yourself, and I don’t understand why you are doing it.I just want to tell you that if I were you or if one day you fell to my level, I would never leave you alone."

4. Sometimes what the police hold in their hands is not justice and truth, but the lives of innocent people.

5. People make choices throughout their lives. No matter whether the choice is right or wrong, you cannot expect others to pay for you.

6. On the road of pursuing the truth, day and night are always equally long.

7. A cruel criminal will not consider the feelings of the victim's family when committing a crime. They will not take into account morality, law or even emotions.Sometimes they appear to be powerful because they have no bottom line at all.But we are different. We pursue these people in order to restore the innocence of the victims and at the same time defend the law.Therefore, we cannot punish crimes at the expense of breaking the law.Otherwise, what is the difference between us and these criminals?

8. “I said I would convict him, but in the right way, and legally.”

9. People know clearly that they can't do anything, but in their hearts, they are always thinking about doing something.

10. Brother “, it’s your turn to do push-ups this time.”

“You should gain weight.”

11. Do you think this is a stupid movie? Press the Enter key and you can watch it in the White House toilet.

12. “ Brother, I will never abandon you at any time, just like you have never abandoned me.”

13.“Fifteen years, I still haven’t made you as my friend”

14. As police officers, in order to uphold law, discipline and justice, we must have the spirit and consciousness of sacrifice. We are the last line of security for the people. Only by being firm and fearless can we ensure the safety of the people. That’s why we are called people’s police.