Home TV Day and Night
《Day and Night》Episode 24 Synopsis

Episode 24

The woman in leather clothes is Lin Jiayin, the undercover editor installed by the police next to Jinshan, but she has now betrayed the police and become Jinshan's right-hand assistant.She recognized the man as Guan Hongfeng, the former detachment leader of Changfeng, and said that Guan Hongfeng's purpose of coming this time was to continue the police's undercover infiltration work.Jinshan tied up “Guan Hongfeng” and wanted to get clues about the police from him. Guan Hongyu tried his best to defend himself, claiming that he was here to cooperate and had no ambiguity.

Episode 24

Lin Jiayin checked Guan Hongyu's cell phone and found that there was indeed no location. Jinshan was a little lax about Guan Hongyu, but Lin Jiayin still insisted that Jinshan not let Guan Hongfeng go. She even held a gun and prepared to kill.Jinshan stopped her and prevented her from succeeding, so Guan Hongyu finally broke into Jinshan.After Jinshan left, Lin Jiayin still had a tough attitude towards “Guan Hongfeng”. When “Guan Hongfeng” asked him why he hated her so much, Lin Jiayin whispered to Guan Hongyu that he was not Guan Hongfeng and that he died innocently.It turned out that Lin Jiayin was Guan Hongfeng's apprentice. How could Guan Hongfeng not recognize her when they met today? So she concluded that the person coming was Guan Hongyu and not Guan Hongfeng.

Zhou Xun suspended Gao Yanan's job to give her a chance to have an abortion, but Gao Yanan decided to be the liaison between Guan Hongfeng and Zhou Xun during this period.She informed Zhou Xun of the news that “Guan Hongfeng” had gained Jinshan's trust. On the way back to the police station, Zhou Xun suddenly discovered that his brakes had failed!The situation got out of control, and he quickly turned the car around and hit a barrier on the roadside, stopping the car. Fortunately, no one was injured.After returning to the office, Xiao Wang investigated that his car's brakes failed because someone had tampered with the brake disc. Zhou Xun knew that someone was at fault, but he did not let Xiao Wang investigate further.

Zhao Qian reported to Zhou Xun what she and Zhou Shutong found at Anting's house: Anting's house was extremely clean. Someone should have packed up and taken away Anting's personal belongings after Anting's death. She suggested that the surveillance video of the community be retrieved..Zhou Xun asked her to give up this case and follow up Ji Jie's case. Both Zhou Shutong and Zhao Qian were a little surprised.

After getting in touch with Meng Zhongmou, Jinshan agreed to discuss cooperation with Guan Hongyu. Guan Hongyu pretended to be disappointed and wanted to leave, but Jinshan persuaded him.Guan Hongyu took the opportunity to ask Meng Zhongmou why he came to Tianjin. Jinshan replied that he was just here to talk to old customers, not to ship goods.Guan Hongyu's cooperation was to steal the physical evidence of the police guns and sell them to Jinshan. Lin Jiayin revealed that once such guns entered the market and one was seized, the incident would be revealed.But Jinshan was still interested in cooperating, and he spent a sum of money to buy the sample gun brought by Guan Hongyu.Since Lin Jiayin already knew that he was not Guan Hongfeng and that he wanted to die, Guan Hongyu made a condition that the prerequisite for his cooperation with Jinshan was to kill Lin Jiayin.

Guan Hongfeng was very angry when he learned that Guan Hongyu asked Jinshan to kill Lin Jiayin. He was sure that Lin Jiayin would not betray.So he insisted on meeting Jinshan in advance, but now it was night, and Guan Hongyu confirmed that Lin Jiayin was a traitor, and he did not want his brother to take risks.Guan Hongfeng had made up his mind and went to Jinshan. Guan Hongyu and Gao Yanan drove at the door to monitor the surrounding area.

Jinshan announced that he would kill Lin Jiayin as long as they cooperated, and Guan Hongfeng asked him not to do so.Going back on one's word is a taboo in the underworld. Jinshan is suspicious by nature. He feels that Guan Hongfeng is too suspicious and unlike the reckless person he was during the day. There is an undercurrent between the two of them, and they are both competing to see how true each other's words are.At this time, Guan Hongyu was a little worried when he saw that his brother had not come back after being out for a long time. He put on a hat and mask and went in to rescue Guan Hongfeng, and asked Gao Yanan to notify Zhou Xun to lead a team to arrest him.

Jinshan really injured Guan Hongfeng and gave the gun to Lin Jiayin to kill Guan Hongfeng.Lin Jiayin recognized that the person this time was really Guan Hongfeng, and she struggled for a long time before shooting.Fortunately, this was just Jinshan's test, because there were empty bullets in the gun. Lin Jiayin and Guan Hongfeng both breathed a sigh of relief.Jinshan helped Guan Hongfeng up and said that both Guan Hongfeng and Lin Jiayin had passed the test.At this time, several people came outside the house, led by a woman named Cindy, and Jinshan introduced Guan Hongfeng to her as a partner.

Zhou Shutong became more and more suspicious of Zhao Qian, so she told Liu Changyong about it. Liu Changyong didn't want his daughter to be in danger, so he discussed it with Zhou Xun.Zhou Xun explained to him that it was Lao Guan's intention to let Zhou Shutong and Zhao Qian go to Anting's house to search together, because they had been to Anting's house before. His house was clean and tidy, even the fingerprints had been wiped clean, but they happened to leaveA photo of Antin and Zhao Qian.Obviously, someone deliberately let them know that Zhao Qian was Anting's adopted sister.Therefore, Zhou Xun and Guan Hongfeng's plan was to use their tactics to make Ye Fangzhou and the people behind him mistakenly think that the police were following the route they induced. Only then did Liu Changyong suddenly realize.

Lin Jiayin took Guan Hongfeng to wash her face and tidy up. Guan Hongfeng asked why there was a problem with the operation three days ago and why she broke off contact with the task force.Lin Jiayin changed the topic and persuaded the Guan Hongfeng brothers to leave as soon as possible, because they were not here to cooperate, but she really wanted to cooperate with Jinshan.Guan Hongfeng figured out that Lin Jiayin did mean to rebel, and his heart skipped a beat.

Gao Yanan contacted Zhou Xun's leader, but Zhou Xun did not notify the city bureau. He came to Gao Yanan's car alone and fell into deep doubts after learning that editor Lin Jiayin was once Guan Hongfeng's apprentice but had now betrayed him.