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《Stranger Things Season 2‎》 Summ

In 1984, the residents of Hawkins, Indiana lived in an atmosphere that was both strange and terrifying.The town, once overshadowed by the demon king and the secretive Hawkins Laboratory, has still not fully recovered from those horrific memories.Although Will Byers has been successfully rescued from the Upside Down, the new challenges in Hawkins Town have just begun.

In a world filled with mystery and danger, Will Byers' return does not bring complete peace.Instead, his return reveals the existence of a much larger, more sinister monster.This newly emerged monster threatens every resident of Hawkins Town with its powerful power and unpredictable behavior.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 1 Details

mad max

A group of teenagers, Dustin, Lucas, Mike and Will, dressed in clown costumes on a Halloween night, carried out a shocking bank robbery.Their behavior immediately attracted the attention of the police, and a fierce road chase ensued.However, in this seemingly thrilling chase, there is an incredible twist.

As the police car chased the robber's vehicle, a girl suddenly made a gesture, and then the bridge in front collapsed.The driver stopped the car in fear, but was scolded by his colleagues because they discovered that the bridge did not really collapse.It turned out that all this was just the girl's illusion. She reached out and wiped her nosebleed, revealing the tattoo on her arm, which was exactly the same as the tattoo on “11”'s body.

This incident is just the beginning of a series of adventures for them.Although they lost “11” during their adventure, their friendship was not affected.Instead, they came closer together to face the challenges ahead.

They decided to take the money and go to the arcade to play together, everyone raising funds in their own way.Mike was short of money, so he had to borrow some change from his sister Nancy.In the arcade, they are keen to compete with each other in games. The higher the score, the higher their name will be on the ranking list.Game master Dustin has always been at the top of the list, but one day, he found that his name was replaced by a man named “Mad Max”.

mad max

While they were discussing this mysterious game master, Will suddenly noticed something strange outside the door.After he walked out, he found himself in a strange space, which was exactly where he was trapped before.He was frightened and confused when a voice suddenly stopped him.He looked back and found that his friends were all around him, and the surrounding environment had returned to a normal world.

On the day before Halloween, the pumpkins at Merrill Farms were extensively vandalized.Sheriff Jim Hawkins went to investigate and found that the damage to the pumpkin at the scene was very serious, and it was not like ordinary people.When he walked to the dry seedling field, he smelled a foul smell, and there were flies and crows flying everywhere.He looked closer and found nothing strange except a scarecrow.

At the same time, Mike was punished by his parents for borrowing money from his sister Nancy and asked him to throw away two boxes of toys.Will returns home, chats with his brother Jonathan for a while, and soon becomes involved with his mother's new boyfriend, Bob.However, when Will went to the bathroom at night, he found that the otherworldly scene appeared outside the door again.He couldn't help but go out and saw the thick dark clouds, the gloomy atmosphere, the red lightning and the multi-clawed monster again.

Sheriff Jim came to a house in the suburbs. He skillfully avoided all the mechanisms and pushed the door open.At the dinner table, he saw “Eleven” and the two started talking.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 2 Details

Trick or treat, freak.

At the edge of another space, Eleven faced a monster that was about to devour everything. Instead of running away, she decided to sacrifice herself to buy time for her friends.Her determination is like the brightest star in the night sky. Although she is lonely, she is full of courage and hope.When the monster disappeared and Eleven woke up from the coma, she found that she was still alive.She found a way back to the real world and escaped back to the world that was once familiar but unfamiliar to her.

However, returning to the real world does not mean that Eleven can be safe and sound.She was still being hunted by the lab and the police, and she couldn't just go back.In her heart, the only person she cared about was Mike.She ran to Mike's house desperately, only to see the police questioning Mike's family about her.Mike chose to remain silent when faced with the police's questions.Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by the movement outside the window, and he saw Eleven.Their eyes met at both ends of the window, full of affection and sadness.The police noticed something strange outside the window and immediately launched a search. Eleven had to escape again.

Fortunately, she met Jim.Jim provides her with a hiding place, an old house in the suburbs.Here, Eleven can temporarily evade capture and find a way to regain his strength.However, the calm did not last long.Laboratory equipment malfunctioned, and technicians entered a different space to repair the equipment.This glitch appears to be unusual, and it may have unintended consequences.

Trick or treat, freak.

Meanwhile, Halloween is approaching in the real world.Mike and a few friends put on Ghostbusters suits and returned to school excitedly.However, when they saw other students in school wearing neat uniforms, they felt embarrassed and humiliated.In the game console room, Dustin discovered the transfer student Max's superb gaming skills. They suspected that Max was the “Mad Max” on the game list.Out of curiosity, they began to follow Max, but were soon discovered.Although the scene is awkward, Dustin and the others just want to make new friends, and Max seems to have his own difficulties.

Barbara's disappearance became a mystery in the hearts of the people in the town.As Barbara's good friends, Nancy and Steve still occasionally visit Barbara's parents at her home.However, when they discover a %For Sale sign hanging in front of Barbara's house, they realize that Barbara's parents may have given up hope of finding her.On Halloween night, Nancy and Steve were having a blast at a party, but Nancy didn't seem to be in a relaxed mood.She missed Barbara all the time and was disappointed with the indifference of her friends.Although Jonathan and Will parted ways, Jonathan still cared about Nancy.When he saw Nancy drunk, he decided to take her home and take care of her.

At the same time, Jim is also trying to find a confession from Eugene.Eugene insisted that he was innocent and that there were many more farms affected.Jim began to investigate these farms and found that many crops had been damaged and were surrounded by unknown viscous liquid.This discovery made him realize that things might be more complicated than he thought.When he remembered his promise to Eleven to spend Halloween with her, he hurried home, only to find that Eleven had locked himself in the room.Jim felt guilty and helpless, while Eleven tried to use his superpowers to communicate with Mike in the room.However, what she saw about Mike disappointed her.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 3 Details


Dustin found a strange creature in the trash can in front of his home. It was only half the size of a hand and looked very much like a lizard, but its appearance was unprecedented.Dustin, who is passionate about biological sciences, found a treasure and thought it was a new type of reptile species he had discovered.He decided to take careful care of the little creature and took it back to school the next day to share the discovery with his friends.

Meanwhile, Jim's promise to Eleven has gone unfulfilled for nearly a year.Eleven is trapped in a house in the outer suburbs. Her life is full of loneliness and irritability.During an argument with Jim, she accidentally used her superpower and almost hurt Jim.This caused her to begin to feel fearful and confused about her abilities.

Bob's affection for Joyce also extended to her family.Although Jonathan's eccentric personality makes Bob a little at a loss, he has a special affinity for Will.When Bob sees a video of Will being bullied on Halloween, he decides to use his own experience to comfort Will.He told Will about his experience of being frightened by a strange bald man as a child, and encouraged Will to use his courage to overcome his inner fear.


When Dustin brought the little creature back to school and showed it to his friends, they discovered that the creature was not simple.Mike thinks this is not an ordinary creature, but a dangerous creature from another world.Just as they were discussing how to deal with the creature, the box containing it suddenly shook violently, and the creature actually sprouted two extra legs.

At the same time, Eleven saw the scene of mother and daughter playing when she sneaked out, which made her miss her mother strongly.She decides to sneak to school to meet Mike, but unexpectedly sees Mike and Max skateboarding.Eleven felt jealous, teased Max and left.

Will found the creature in the toilet, but it seemed very frightened and shouted, taking Will into another world.Will is chased by monsters in this world, and he tries to use Bob's words to drive them away, but it doesn't work.This world is real, not an illusion.

On the other hand, Nancy and Jonathan decide to find out the truth about Barbara's disappearance and tell her mother.However, their phone calls were monitored by someone from the lab.All this seems to indicate that a greater crisis is coming.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 4 Details

Will is invaded by shadow monsters and Dada grows out of control

On an ordinary autumn day, Eleven, a young boy in a small town, ran away from home without authorization because of a quarrel.She wandered the streets aimlessly, filled with dissatisfaction and rebellion against her family.Just then, she met a seemingly ordinary mother and daughter.However, the mother and daughter have different abilities. They can sense the fluctuations in Eleven's heart.After a brief exchange, the mother and daughter chose to call the police.

Jim, as the town policeman, immediately returned home to look for Eleven after learning the news.He did not punish her severely, but simply banned her from watching television as punishment.But Eleven became more and more excited. She couldn't control her superpowers and attacked Jim angrily.Then, she turned back to her room, closed the door tightly, and stopped communicating with the outside world.Although Jim was helpless, he could only let her be like this.

At the same time, Will accidentally fell into a different world while searching for his friend Dada at school.There, he is attacked by shadow monsters and puts himself in danger.Joyce discovered traces of these shadow monsters in the video tape. She quickly rushed to the school, only to find that Will's body was left on the playground in the real world, and his consciousness had been completely lost.After the efforts of his friends, Will finally regained his consciousness, but his consciousness was still somewhat chaotic.

Will is invaded by shadow monsters and Dada grows out of control

Joyce had no doubts about Will's experience, and she promised to face these difficulties with her son.With the comfort of his mother, Will finally poured out his inner fears and grievances.Joyce noticed that Will's body temperature was unusually low and she tried to warm his body with hot water.However, Will stopped when he was close to the hot water, as if there was something lurking in him that didn't like heat.

On the other side, Nancy and Jonathan also realized that Barbara's disappearance was not simple.They felt that their whereabouts were being monitored, so they decided to take the initiative to expose themselves as bait to elicit the truth behind them.Sure enough, the two attracted four mysterious figures in the park.It turned out that these people came from a laboratory, and they accidentally discovered a gap leading to a different space while conducting biochemical experiments.In order to control the state of the alien space, they had to adopt some technological means.

Dustin, on the other hand, suffered terrible things because he brought Dada home without telling his friends.One day after school, he found that the cat he kept in a glass box had been brutally eaten by Dada.This scene shocked and horrified Dustin.

A series of events in the small town seem to point to an ulterior secret.Eleven, Will, Nancy, Jonathan and Dustin all had to face their inner fears and insecurities.They begin to realize that this small town hides many dark secrets, and that they themselves may become victims of these secrets.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 5 Details

Will's mind is invaded by monsters

Jim accidentally fell into a mysterious tunnel hidden beneath the ground.This tunnel is filled with a strange atmosphere, with unknown floating objects scattered everywhere, and vibrant vines growing around it.At the same time, his friend Will also fell into an unknown danger.Will feels himself resonate with a creature called the shadow monster, and he can feel its pain, discomfort and bloodthirsty nature.

After Mike learned of Will's experience, he came to visit.He comforted Will, thinking that his current state was like a spy, and he could sense things through the shadow monster that ordinary people could not detect.Dustin, on the other hand, realizes that his pet Dada has turned into a dangerous monster and he has to take steps to trap it.Dustin manages to lure Dada into the underground utility room after his mother leaves home, but he is confused about what to do with the monster and turns to his friends for help.However, everyone was busy with their own affairs and no one responded to his request, so Dustin had to turn to Steve for help.

Will's mind is invaded by monsters

At the same time, Eleven sensed that her mother was still alive through her superpower and found her residence.There, she saw her and her mother's past and learned that her original name was Jane.But when she saw her mother again, she found that her mother had gone crazy and kept chanting some strange words: “rainbow, sunflower, turn left three times, turn right four times...”

Nancy and Jonathan decided to continue searching for the truth, so they found a strange phenomenon researcher, hoping to get clues from him about Barbara's whereabouts.Although the short time together did not lead to any major discoveries, the relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds during this period.When a new day comes, they kiss passionately as soon as they meet.

Jim's disappearance worries Joyce.Will drew many pictures of vines based on his feelings. After joining these pictures together, Joyce found that they formed a huge vein diagram.Mike combines Jim's disappearance with Will's description and marks a point on the map, thinking Jim might be there.

At this time, Bob accidentally visited Joyce.Although he was full of doubts, under Joyce's order, he had to suppress his curiosity and observe the pictures carefully.Suddenly, he spots familiar shapes and deduces that the vines are actually a map depicting the town's underground tunnels.Joyce, Mike and Will immediately set off to the location marked on the map in hopes of rescuing Jim.

They finally found Jim entangled in vines in the cave, and after some efforts, they finally freed him.However, just as they were about to leave, a group of lab personnel wearing hazmat suits appeared and took them back to the surface.Just when Joyce thought it was over, Will suddenly fell to the ground and began twitching and screaming.It turned out that the laboratory personnel were burning the vines with fire, and Will felt the pain of the vines.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 6 Details

Demonic vines grow underground and monsters invade the hell on earth.

Steve and Dustin stood in front of the dark basement entrance, filled with doubts and nervousness.They opened the heavy iron door, but what greeted them was silence.Steve suspected that Dustin was up to something, but Dustin's expression clearly meant he wasn't joking.He pointed to the depths of the basement, where there was a layer of creepy molted skin, as if telling some unknown secret.

Just as Steve called Dustin to come down and check, a loud bang broke the silence.The wall cracked and a huge monster burst out, digging an underground tunnel and quickly escaping.Its escape seems to indicate that a greater crisis is coming.

Although Jim and Will were rescued by laboratory staff, their hearts were full of uneasiness.Jim decided to ask the professor in the laboratory what happened.The professor took Jim underground and revealed the truth about the laboratory research - they had been exploring the mysteries of another world, and the recent research findings were closely related to the shadow monster that Will perceived.These monsters not only grow like vines, but can also open underground tunnels.

Will's condition was getting worse and he was screaming and feeling pain all over his body.Joyce felt sorry for her son, but was unable to provide help. She could only watch Will being taken into the operating room by the laboratory staff.After the operation, Will lost his memory, but he still remembered his good friend Mike.Mike stayed with Will throughout and listened to him talk about his feelings.

Will told Joyce that the laboratory personnel angered the “it”, and this “it” was the vine shadow monster.In order to verify whether there is a sensory connection between Will and the vines, the laboratory deliberately hurts the vines to make Will feel pain.The results of the experiment showed that Will did have some connection with the vines.However, a common clinical examination revealed that Will was in good health, which baffled everyone.

Demonic vines grow underground and monsters invade the hell on earth.

Joyce couldn't bear to let her son continue to suffer, and she stopped the laboratory personnel from further experiments.Will also found temporary peace.However, when Will was chatting with Mike, he suddenly offered to help the laboratory eliminate the vine shadow monster.Based on his memory, he pointed out a very important location for the shadow monster in the picture.

The laboratory immediately dispatched a specially equipped army to the location.However, as they approached the location Will said, several monsters suddenly appeared.These monsters were extremely ferocious, and members of the special biochemical team were eliminated one by one in the tunnel.Professors and experimenters witnessed all this in the control room, and they were shocked and overwhelmed.

At this time, Mike suddenly remembered the spy thing he had talked about with Will before.It turns out that it wasn't Will who became a spy, but the shadow monster who was secretly manipulating everything.Will cried and told Mike that the shadow monster asked him to do this and that it was all a trap.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 7 Details

A journey of 11,000 miles to find sisters, only in times of crisis do you realize your true friends

Eleven uses her psychic powers to try to communicate with her crazy mother.Her mother, the woman who had suffered a lot and was even cruelly driven crazy trying to find the missing Eleven, now revealed her past in front of Eleven's eyes.

A picture appeared in front of Eleven's eyes. A little girl appeared in her mother's dream. The girl was exactly like her when she was a child. She was locked in a secret room and had the same special abilities as her.Eleven immediately realizes that this girl is her sister and her mother wants her to find her.

With this belief, Eleven embarked on a journey to find this girl.She came to Illinois, in a slum, where she found Carly and her companions.Although both sides were suspicious when they first met, their special physiques soon attracted them to each other.When they confirmed each other's identities, they were all excited because they had finally found someone like themselves in this world.

A journey of 11,000 miles to find sisters, only in times of crisis do you realize your true friends

Carly wanted to treat Eleven as her own family, and Eleven was very touched after hearing this.She also wants to live with Carly and regard this place as her home.Carly introduced all her companions to Eleven. They were all outcasts from society and were imprisoned in lunatic asylums, mental hospitals, and prisons.Although they saw the innocent Eleven and felt that she was different from them, they did not know that Eleven was more powerful and even more vicious than they imagined.

However, Eleven doesn't let her past affect her relationship with Carly.She gets along well with Carly's companions and is even willing to join them in their efforts to punish evil and promote good.During one operation, they met a man who had hurt Eleven's mother, Ray Carlo.Carly planned to let Eleven kill him, but Eleven relented after discovering that he had a child.She stopped Carly and decided not to take part in such an action.

Eleven feels homesick, missing her friends who have been with her through life and death.She decided to return to Indiana, her true home.She picked up Mike's clothes and felt his position through her powers.When she saw Mike in danger, she decided to go back and help them right away.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 8 Details

The brave man sacrifices himself heroically

Jim and the professor stood next to the otherworld hole in the laboratory, staring at the strange underground world.Will's cry broke the silence, and he told Mike in horror that the shadow monster and its followers were coming.Mike's heart tightened and he realized that the danger was approaching, but it seemed that it was too late.

Through the solid glass observation room, Jim and the professor saw several devil dogs climbing up with difficulty.Although the professor was frightened, he tried to remain calm and told Jim that the glass in the observation room was very strong.However, his words soon proved to be untrue.There are more and more demon dogs, and they are attacking the glass crazily, and the cracks in the glass are expanding under their claws.

The professor made a quick decision and decided to abandon the observation room.He quickly locked the door and led Jim out of the laboratory.Meanwhile, Steve, Dustin, Lucas and Max are on the trail of the demon dog.They arrived at the laboratory unknowingly, only to find that the laboratory was dark and even the security guards were missing.Steve's heart moved, and he felt that something was wrong.

Soon, the demon dogs broke through the door lock and the laboratory fell into chaos.Joyce, Bob, and Mike took Will on a run for cover, eventually meeting up with Jim and the professor.In this chaotic building, very few people survived.They united as one, searching for equipment and weapons, intending to find a way to escape.

The brave man sacrifices himself heroically

The professor discovered through the footage in the monitoring room that although force cannot defeat these monsters, the monsters' movements can be restricted by controlling the opening and closing of the door.However, the power is cut off and they must venture to the electrical room to restore power in order to operate the door lock.As a programming master, Bob took the initiative to ask Ying to complete this task.The professor provided him with guidance through monitoring, helped him avoid monsters, and successfully connected to the power supply.

However, just when they thought they could escape, a greater danger was approaching.Dustin and Steve were at the door trying to find a way in.After the power was turned on, the door finally opened.Dustin mistakenly thought he had opened the door, but in fact a greater danger was approaching them.

Joyce quickly rushed to the door with Will and the others, insisting on waiting for Bob to leave together.However, during his escape, Bob was attacked by a pack of demon dogs.Although he fought hard, he eventually became food for the demon dogs.Jim pulled Joyce and Will out of the laboratory, crying.

Everyone finally escaped from the laboratory and met Dustin and the others.However, before Joyce could recover from Bob's death, the demon dogs quickly came here because of Will's relationship.At this time, they have been surrounded by demon dogs, and their life and death hang on a thread.

Just when they were desperate, there was a sudden sound of flesh tearing.Immediately afterwards, the door lock was opened by strong force.Eleven opened the door and reappeared in front of them.

《Stranger Things Season 2‎》Episode 9 Details

Everyone works together to exorcise monsters and Eleven has a new identity

Will, once mentioned that the shadow monsters don't like heat.This key information made Eleven and his friends suddenly realize that they had been keeping Will in a cold environment, but instead helped the shadow monster.So, they decided to change their strategy and use light and heat to drive away the monsters in Will's body.

After everyone's joint discussion, they decided to divide their troops into three groups.Eleven and Jim went to the Department of Energy laboratory and entered the underground tunnel to close the entrance; Steve, Dustin, Lucas, and Max entered the underground tunnel and set fire to the place where the monster had made; Joyce, Jonathan and NanQian went to a place unknown to Will and used light and heat to drive away the monsters in Will's body.

However, plans never keep up with changes.Max stayed away all night, making Billy very worried.In order to find his sister, Billy came to Mike's house. Through his handsome appearance, he confused Mike's mother and learned the location of the children's gathering.When he found the cabin, he was surprised to find Steve there.The two clashed as soon as they met, which eventually turned into a fierce fight.Fortunately, Max appeared in time and subdued Billy with a needle, allowing everyone to set off smoothly.

Everyone works together to exorcise monsters and Eleven has a new identity

With the joint efforts of everyone, they finally arrived at the Department of Energy laboratory.Eleven and Jim found the entrance and bravely entered the cave.At the entrance, they encountered a powerful shadow monster.Despite facing great danger, Eleven did not flinch. She used her powerful abilities to successfully close the entrance.

As the entrance is closed, the power of the shadow monster gradually dissipates, and the monster in Will's body is also successfully expelled.However, it's not over yet.The shadow monster is still ready to take action in another world, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.