Home TV 3 Body Problem Season 1
《3 Body Problem Season 1》Taglines

1. Without the fear of heights, you will not be able to appreciate the beauty of heights.

2. Give civilization to time, rather than time to civilization.

3. Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is.

4. Life on earth is really an accident in the universe. The universe is a big empty palace, and human beings are the only little ants in this palace.This thought gave me a very contradictory mentality for the rest of my life: sometimes I felt that life was so precious and everything was as heavy as Mount Tai; sometimes I felt that people were so insignificant and nothing was worth mentioning.Anyway, the days go by with this strange feeling, and people get old before they know it...

5. There is no bottom in a square inch.

6. “Shooter” Hypothesis: There is a sharpshooter who punches holes every ten centimeters in a target.Imagine that there are two-dimensional intelligent creatures living on the plane of this target. After observing their own universe, scientists among them discovered a great law: There must be a hole every ten centimeters in the universe.“They regard the sharpshooter's random behavior as an iron law in their own universe.

The ”Farmer Hypothesis“ has a layer of unsettling horror: There are a group of turkeys on a farm, and the farmer comes to feed them at 11 noon every day.A scientist in the turkey observed this phenomenon for nearly a year without exception, so he also discovered the great law of his own universe: ”Every morning at eleven o'clock, food comes.“ It announced this law to the turkeys on Thanksgiving morning, but when the food did not arrive at eleven o'clock that morning, the farmer came in and caught and killed them all.

7. Emptiness is not nothingness. Emptiness is a kind of existence. You have to fill yourself with the existence of emptiness.

8. ”The universe is like a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches blocking the road, trying not to make a sound with his footsteps, and even breathing carefully...…

He must be careful, because there are hunters like him stalking everywhere in the forest.If he finds another life, whether it is a hunter or not, whether it is an angel or a devil, whether it is a delicate baby or a tottering old man, whether it is a fairy-like girl or a god-like boy, there is only one thing he can do.: Shoot to eliminate them.

In this forest, other people are hell and an eternal threat. Any life that exposes its existence will be quickly wiped out.This is the picture of cosmic civilization, and this is the explanation of the Fermi Paradox.%

9. Death is the only beacon that is always on. No matter where you sail, you must eventually turn to the direction it guides.Everything will pass away, only death will live forever.

10. Perhaps, the relationship between human beings and evil is the relationship between the ocean and the icebergs floating on it. They are actually huge bodies of water composed of the same material. The icebergs are strikingly recognized only because of their different shapes.It is essentially just a very small part of the entire huge body of water... Human beings' true moral consciousness is impossible, just like it is impossible for them to pull out their own hair and leave the earth.