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《3 Body Problem Season 1》Episode 2 Synopsis

Episode 2

In news reports of twinkling stars, Saul claimed that this was an illusion, visible only to the human eye but not telescopes, confusing physicists.Oji is waiting for the results of the research at the Nano Research Center, but she suddenly decides to terminate the project, shocking everyone.However, the countdown timer in front of me really disappeared.At this point, Clarence appears and tells Oakie that he knows what she went through and why the stars twinkled last night.

Episode 2

In 1968, the Red Bank Base tried to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, convey good wishes, and hope to create a better life in the vast universe.Ye Wenjie believes that the transmitted power is too low and higher civilizations may not be able to receive it.So, she asked Yang Weining to help secretly contact Dr. Peterson in the United States, hoping to find a solution.Ye Wenjie realized that the sun could amplify signals and emit cosmic waves through the sun.However, Yang Weining reported the idea to Lei Zhicheng first.Although this was Yang Weining's protection for Ye Wenjie, Ye Wenjie believed that Yang Weining was taking credit.In order to confirm his idea, Ye Wenjie secretly modified the coordinates and aimed the signal at the sun.

Back in the present day, Clarence tells Oakie that when she was talking to a woman outside a bar, the woman was not on the monitor, making it appear that Oakie was talking to herself.Clarence also suspected the footage had been doctored.Cheng Jian entered the game again, and this time she met King Zhou Wen and his “followers”.King Wen of Zhou told her that her mission was to solve the mysteries of the world.Cheng Jian chose the name Copernicus and followed King Wen of Zhou to explain to King Zhou the theory of the world's epoch-making operation.In the game, she witnessed the process in which followers were required to “ dehydrate and protect themselves, waiting for the Eternal Era to be soaked in water and resurrected.This is how people survived in the Age of Chaos.Jack also tried the game, and although he wasn't killed immediately, he was sure that the purpose of the game was more than just boring sun movements.

When Clarence missed his lover in the cemetery, he met a girl who claimed that she also liked cakes and believed that life was fragile.Clarence didn't know that this girl was Tatiana, who met Oggy outside the bar, and that she came here to pay tribute to ”Edith Marsh%.And Jack received a helmet just for him, and this time he could finally play the game for real.As he gushes about his crazy experiences to Will in the game, Will reveals that he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and only has two to six months to live.Jack could not accept this fact and was angry at Will's suicidal attitude.

In the game, Cheng Jian explains to King Zhou that King Wen's Book of Changes - the Book of Changes - is only a divination prophecy and not a prediction.For the movement of the sun, astrophysics must be used.Obviously, King Wen of Zhou misjudged the Hengji Era and ushered in a sudden cold winter.At this time, a woman appeared in the game. She praised Cheng Tian that although she failed to allow civilization to survive, she successfully made science defeat mysticism and was able to enter the second level civilization to save the world.Clarence investigated Evans's penchant for sponsoring anti-science politicians and anti-vaccination campaigns.After the stars twinkled, he began to study radio telescopes and discovered that a signal called the exclamation signal also appeared in 1977. Scientists were shocked by this, as if someone was trying to communicate with aliens.

Evans was indeed in China in 1977, and his goal was to save lives, not selfish humans.He was particularly concerned about an endangered bird, so he planted trees to allow the bird to perch.He was dissatisfied when he heard Ye Wenjie say that Hong'an Base would establish an observation station here.Ye Wenjie can agree with Evans's point of view because she has seen human stupidity and deeply agrees with it.She tried hard to prevent the observation station from being located here, but Yang Weining understood her thoughts and mentioned that Tang Hongjing came to the base to work as a laborer.Ye Wenjie hoped that Tang Hongjing could repent for what she had done to Ye Zhetai in the past, but Tang Hongjing did not do so. Instead, she said that Ye Wenjie's brain saved her. People like her who have not studied have no future, so if the time comes again, she will still beWill do the same thing to Ye Zhetai, and no one will repent.

Ye Wenjie found that the receiver received a strong signal. After translating it, she learned that it was a warning from an alien civilization: "Don't answer, I am a pacifist in this world. It is your civilization's luck that I received the message first. WarningYou: don't answer, if you answer, we will come.Your world will be taken over."However, Ye Wenjie decided to send a message and hoped that alien civilization could come to Earth.She intends to help the Trisolaran civilization acquire this world.