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《Reblooming Blue》Episode 34 Synopsis

Episode 34

Reblooming Blue Episode 34 Plot Introduction: Zhao Jundong gets married

Episode 34

Chen Xiaoman and Keyan began to discuss the next plan. Different from Chen Huafeng's conservative approach, Chen Xiaoman planned to use the power of capital and combined with the Chen family's porcelain making technology to build the Jifeng brand. Keyan fully agreed, and the wine was also afraid of the deep alley, after so many years of polishing, Jifeng really needs people to witness its ingenuity and craftsmanship.

After Chen Huafeng handed Ji Feng to Chen Xiaoman, he began to focus on making porcelain and his favorite things. Thinking that Xu Man always complained that he was not romantic enough, Chen Huafeng began to study how to make pear tea and serve it to Xu Man.Chen Xuntong and Chen Xunyao couldn't help laughing when they saw how caring their father was to their mother.

Xu Man saw that his wife was idle at home, so she encouraged him to learn to enjoy life. What they most dreamed about was traveling abroad. Now they can put it on the agenda. Why not go to New Zealand, where the air is good and there are few people, which is convenient for taking care of the body. Chen Huafeng is completelyAgreeing, he immediately started preparing his luggage as if he could go to the airport tomorrow. Xu Man couldn't help laughing and reminded Chen Huafeng that he still needed to apply for a passport and other procedures. Xu Man realized that Chen Huafeng was still so innocent in his seventies, so he finally married the right person.

Zhao Zhihong originally signed a gambling agreement with Zhen Zhen and Liu Shang, agreeing to bring down Ji Feng within a certain period of time. To this end, Zhen Zhen and Liu Shang also spent a lot of money. Now they see that Ji Feng not only has not collapsed, but has also seen a surge in orders recently,Became dissatisfied with Zhao Zhihong.Zhao Zhihong had no money to compensate for the losses, so he reasoned that he could get the antiques from Lao Chen's family. These antiques were priceless treasures and could offset the previous losses.

During the days when Zhao Jun was ill, Dunge was taking care of him. Someone cared and accompanied him every day, which brought a lot of comfort to Zhao Jun. After Dunge got to know Zhao Jun's family and the trauma he suffered when he was a child, he cared more about him.After understanding and pity, and agreeing to Zhao Jun's proposal, Dunge decisively left Mange Studio in order to start their small family without being disturbed. When taking away his personal belongings from the studio, Dunge saw an exquisiteThe bottle was left by Chen Huafeng to Chen Xiaoman.Zhao Jun drove to pick up Dunge, and Dunge accidentally mentioned the Shoudao porcelain vase.

Dunge and Zhao Jun went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their certificates. The two officially became husband and wife. Zhao Jun decided not to be used by Zhao Zhihong anymore and did not intend to listen to his father to steal the bottle. However, the ringtone of his cell phone kept ringing, and Dunge couldn't help it.When he went to see Zhao Zhihong, Zhao Zhihong used a bitter trick, saying that he was at the end of his rope and only the antique bottle could make him stand up.In order to make Zhao Jun obey, Zhao Zhihong also specifically told the magic tricks he loved to do for Zhao Jun when he was a child. After all, he was his own son. Zhao Jun couldn't bear to see his father being forced into debt and left in tears.

Zhao Jun deceived Dunge and asked her to invite Chen Xiaoman out for dinner. He said it was because of the marriage. Dunge believed it and waited for Chen Xiaoman in the restaurant for a long time without seeing Zhao Jun.Zhao Jun took advantage of Chen Xiaoman's absence and sneaked into Chen Xiaoman's workshop and tried to steal the porcelain bottle.

That night, when Zhao Jun tried to open the safe, he happened to be caught by Chen Xiaoman's camera. He thought the camera was broken, so Chen Xiaoman asked Dunge to take it back and take a look. As a result, Dunge discovered that Zhao Jun had deliberately stolen the porcelain bottle.