Home TV Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
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《Oh No! Here Comes Trouble》Episode 2 Synopsis

Episode 2

On the street late at night, a motorcycle was speeding through the silent night.Bang!A loud noise broke the tranquility, and the motorcycle hit a tree on the roadside and burst into flames instantly.The fire spread quickly, engulfing the motorcycle and driver in flames.

Just when the fire was raging, a figure broke out of the sea of ​​​​fire. His body was covered with scars and his skin was scorched black, as if he had just escaped from hell.The man dragging his broken body was named Pu Yiyong. He staggered away from the fire scene and looked for a safe refuge.

Ichinaga burst into an abandoned room, panting and trying to calm his breathing.At this time, a voice came from the room: “Do you need help?” Yiyong looked up and saw a man named Yiyong standing in front of him.Yiyong's appearance made Yiyong feel fear in his heart. His face was distorted and his skin was scorched, as if he was an undead coming out of hell.

He told Yi Yong what happened to him.He was originally an ordinary motorcyclist. That night, while driving on the road, he suddenly felt a strong dizziness and then lost consciousness.When he woke up, he was in flames.Yi Yong asked Yi Yong to help him find out the truth why he met such a bad fate.

Although scared, he decided to help Ichiyong.He took Yiyong back to the scene of the incident, trying to find clues.At this time, the police officer in charge of the incident scene, Chen Chuying, was also investigating the case.From hundreds of monitor images, she found Ichiyong returning to the scene of the crime.Chuying suspected that Yiyong was related to the case, and she decided to go to Yiyong in person to find out.

When Chuying found Yiyong, she was shocked by what she saw.She saw Yi Yong standing with a ferocious-looking man, and that man was Yi Yong.Chuying couldn't believe her eyes, but she also realized that this traffic accident was not as simple as it seemed.

Yi Yong told Chu Ying his experience. He told Chu Ying how he escaped from the sea of ​​fire and how he met Yi Yong.Although Chuying didn't completely believe Yiyong's words, she also realized that this accident might hide a deeper secret.

So Chu Ying began to re-investigate the case.She carefully analyzed the surveillance video of the incident and discovered some details that she had overlooked before.At the same time, she also found some witnesses who provided more information about the accident.

After some investigation, Chu Ying finally revealed the truth.It turns out that Yiyong is not an ordinary motorcyclist. He was once an excellent racing driver, but due to an accident, he lost his family and himself was seriously injured.From then on, his life fell into darkness, and he spent every day in pain and self-blame.

That night, while driving on the road, he suddenly felt a strong dizziness. This was due to the recurrence of his old injury.He lost consciousness, causing the motorcycle to lose control and hit a tree on the side of the road.The fire spread because the fuel tank on the motorcycle leaked, causing an explosion.

After escaping from the fire, he met another self.This self is the embodiment of his inner fears and self-blame, and he represents the darkest side of Yi Yong's heart.Yiyong asked him to help him find out the truth, but also to face his past and inner fears.

Chuying told the two Yiyong the truth.After hearing the truth, Yiyong finally understood that what happened to him was not accidental, but was caused by the fear and self-blame deep in his heart.He decided to let go of the shadows of the past, face reality bravely, and start his life over again.

And Yiyong also grew up in this process.He realized that his fear and self-blame could not solve the problem. Only by facing reality bravely could he find true relief.He decided to let go of the pain of the past and start his life over again.

Although this accident brought great pain and trouble to Yiyong, it also allowed him to find his inner courage and strength.He thanked Yi Yong for his help and Chu Ying for his investigation and the truth.He knew that this accident would become a valuable experience in his life, making him stronger and braver.