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《Phon Cheewan》 Summ

The eldest son Asira and Luangpa's daughter Dujapsorn.

In order to avenge her mother, Dujapsorn (Langpa's daughter) decided to work in a real estate company.She happens to be close to Tharathorn's eldest son, Asria.Asira was so impressed by her beauty and bravery that she remembered her.In order to avenge their mother, their love will be in trouble.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Duj Apsorn is assigned by her ailing mother Wilairumpa to avenge the Juthathep family for past broken promises.

The targets were M.L. Ronachak and M.L. Ronnaphum Juthathep, son of M.R. Ronnapee Juthathep, who began applying for jobs at JT Company.

Real Estate Co., Ltd., one of Juthathep's businesses, which led him to meet M.L. Asir Jutathep, the only son of M.R. Tharathorn Jutathep, whom he met two years ago.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Duj Apsorn received a call reporting an emergency.On the other hand, Khun Chai Tharathon and Khun Chai Ronnapee came to the company to meet Asir and told him about the latest letter sent to him by Wiairumpa's grandfather On, but something was wrong with him.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Upsorn became estranged from Asir after meeting Chalisa, whom he planned to marry.

Coupled with Wilairumpa's worsening condition, Dujapasorn had to rush to implement his planned plan. Chawit began to express his inner feelings to Anitha, but still did not dare to express them.

with Charlotte The difference is that Charlotte is a handsome young man from a foreign country who takes the initiative to flirt with Cha Rush.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Asira felt guilty for saying something that made Duj Apsorn sad, so he tried to find a way to apologize.

As for Wilairampa, he wrote another letter to his great-grandfather Ann and used his illness toDuj ApsornPut pressure on him to follow the plan he had laid out.

On the other hand, AsiraBecause I was worried about my great-grandfather An, I decided to investigate carefullyWilairampa.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Ronnapoom came to know Duj Apsorn, who entered Duj ​​Apsorn on Wilairumpa's orders, hoping to get close to Ronnapoom in exchange for his mother receiving treatment.

On the other hand, Asira learned the truth about Duj Apsorn's family.The relationship between Care Wongwachira and Sin Passarakorn progresses when Asira expresses his thoughts.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Ronnapoom took Duj Apsorn to Ayutthaya in private to worship Buddha and admitted to Asira that he was interested in Duj Apsorn.

AsiraWas sad but didn't show it.Ranaphum meets Duj Apsorn's mother and becomes suspicious.So tellAbout AsiraDuj Apsorn's mother may be what everyone is looking for about Wilairumpa.

On the other hand, Asirad, like Apsorn, goes to Chutathep palace to talk about Phuthanet and Laorchan's wedding.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

After learning that Asira would take Duj Apsorn to Wang Chuthathep to meet Laochan, Wilairampa pressured Duj ​​Apsorn to speed up the plan.

Talking about Phuthanet and Laochan's wedding, but Duj Apsorn felt stressed after meeting his great-grandfather On, Khun Chai Ronapir and Phiangkwan.

For the first time, Asira began to have doubts. At the same time, problems arose in the Chiang Mai project.Asira takes Duk Apsorn along with Kanlaya and Mina to Chiang Mai to deal with the situation.

At the same time, Chawit's feelings for Anitha became more and more obvious, and Chawit decided to invite Anitha to be his girlfriend.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Asira took Dujapasorn to Chiang Mai to resolve complaints about the housing project and resolve issues regarding the company's reputation.Including investigating evidence of corruption in the Chiang Mai project that led to the couple spending the night in Chiang Mai, Wilairumpa secretly ran away from home for some purpose and returned to Thevaphrom Palace.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Asira An attempt was made to find evidence of corruption among employees responsible for a housing project in Chiang Mai.Meanwhile, Duj Apsorn is under pressure as rumors spread that she was secretly in love with Asira after returning from Chiang Mai, until she became the talk of the company.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Duj Apsorn decided to resign from the company to resolve the rumors with Asira, but Asira refused and tried to prevent Duj Apsorn from leaving.Asiriphon suggested that Duj Apsorn go to Thewaprom Palace to find out the truth about the past grudge between Wilairumpa and Chutathep Palace.But something unexpected happened.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

When Ronapoom steps in, there's a thin line between Asira and Duj ​​Apsorn, especially the strong-willed Duj ​​Apsorn who is under pressure to distance himself.Chavez decided to meet with Villalempa at Dugui Apzon's house.

For some purpose, Sarah invited Chalisa to travel to various provinces privately to strengthen their relationship.On Ronaphum's side, Chawit is warned to be careful of Sarach, for Sarach's safety.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Anitha saw Chawit hugging Duj Apsorn in a private room.I feel so sad that my lover betrayed me.As for Salah, she secretly poisoned Charissa in hopes of catching her.Meanwhile, the relationship between Asira and Duj ​​Apsorn has reached a point where a decision must be made.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Anitha plans to break up with Chawit because she learns that Chawit and Duj ​​Apsorn are secretly dating Sira. Chawit prepares to deal with Sarach and decisively protects Chalisa from Sarach who is still following her.But the story spread further.prompting Asira to decide to do something.

《Phon Cheewan》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Asira knows the truth about Duj Apsorn and wants to take revenge on the Juthathep family.Targeting the families of Khun Chai Ronnapee and Phiangkwan, Sarah, who fled the police and came to Chiang Mai, met Asira and planned full revenge.Putting Asir's life in danger.