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《Law Of Permanence》 Summ

The Taiwanese drama - Law Of Permanence - is the last BL drama in the VBL series, with a science fiction romance drama theme.It tells the story of when Chu Yiping, an emotionless man, had an accident at school and dislocated his hand, his uncle gave him Ever 9 as a caregiver, an experimental intelligent robot that his company was secretly testing.

Although Yiping was reluctant at first, he found that Ever 9 made up for his shortcomings and made him feel accompanied.Yiping asked Ever 9 to make a wish and complete the wish list together, but before the list was completed, Ever 9 collapsed.The fix will only take a week and Ever 9 will be reset soon.After the reset, Ever 9 hurriedly completed the wish list, pretended to be tired of Yiping, and actively asked to return.

Yiping didn't know what was wrong with Ever 9 because he learned how to be a human being and how to experience love.Couldn't he just learn how to spend his life together?Does the promise of not leaving each other become invalid?

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Throughout the course of history, Professor Chu Yiping has attracted the attention of countless students with his profound knowledge and unique charm.He is not only a well-known professor in the history department of the school, but also a researcher with great enthusiasm for history.His outstanding appearance and extraordinary temperament have attracted the following of many fans.However, despite being surrounded by many enthusiastic students, Chu Yiping always gave people a feeling of being thousands of miles away, which also added an indescribable unique charm to him.

One day, a reckless female student accidentally fell down. Chu Yiping hurriedly stepped forward to help her, but accidentally sprained his wrist.Just as he was about to go to the hospital for treatment, he received a call from his uncle.His uncle kept talking non-stop on the other end of the phone, but Chu Yiping was anxious and just hoped that his uncle could hang up the phone soon.Unexpectedly, his uncle suddenly mentioned the new robot developed by the company, claiming that this robot was specially used to cure emotional disorders, and named Chu Yiping as a test subject.

Chu Yiping was very surprised by this. He never thought that he would become a robot test subject.However, the next day he received a courier, and a handsome boy appeared in front of his door, calling himself Hengjiu.Chu Yiping suddenly felt incredible that this boy was so anthropomorphic, and he couldn't help but have a strong interest in this robot.

Not only does Hengjiu look the same as a human, his skin also feels like a real person.Every movement and expression he made seemed so vivid and natural that Chu Yiping couldn't help but have a strong curiosity about him.He began to imagine a life with Hengjiu, and even began to think about how to establish a special connection with this robot.

Chu Yiping immediately called his uncle for verification. After learning Hengjiu's true identity, he was surprised and excited.He couldn't wait to start trying to interact with Hengjiu. From simple conversations to eating together, he felt extremely novel and interesting.Every move Hengjiu made seemed so considerate and thoughtful, and he couldn't help but marvel at the robot's intelligent and humane design.

However, when Chu Yiping tried to establish a deeper connection with Hengjiu, something unexpected happened.Heng Jiu actually kissed him directly on the lips. This was Chu Yiping's first kiss. He was so surprised that the sandwich in his hand fell on the table.Hengjiu's move shocked and confused Chu Yiping. He didn't know how to deal with this sudden intimate contact.

Afterwards, Chu Yiping learned that Hengjiu had already had self-awareness before it was activated.His secretary implanted a lot of common sense in him, and his emotions and perceptions were raised to the highest level.Hengjiu is well aware of all Chu Yiping's habits, and he hopes that in this way, his master can adapt to his existence as soon as possible.Although Chu Yiping's reaction was not as intense as expected, Hengjiu believed that his approach was correct.

As time goes by, the relationship between Chu Yiping and Hengjiu becomes more and more intimate.Together they explore the mysteries of history and share each other's joys, sorrows and joys.The existence of Hengjiu not only brought a lot of fun and convenience to Chu Yiping's life, but also subtly cured his emotional disorder.Chu Yiping also gradually accepted this unique partner, and their friendship and trust deepened day by day as they got along.

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

In this era of rapid technological advancement, robots have penetrated into people's daily lives. Some of them are responsible for housework, some assist in work, and some have become people's closest partners.However, for Yiping, his encounter with the robot Hengjiu was an unexpected spiritual journey.

That day, Yiping returned home as usual, only to find a brand new robot standing in front of him.He thought it was just an ordinary housework robot, but Hengjiu showed unique characteristics.When Hengjiu kissed the back of Yiping's hand and held his hand tightly, the three light touches seemed to be making a contract with a real partner.This kind of ceremony surprised Yiping. This was the first time he had such close contact with a robot.

Hengjiu's carefulness and persistence also impressed Yiping.He insisted not to use a sweeping robot, but wiped every inch of the floor with his own hands. This love and sense of responsibility for home made Yiping feel warm.And when Hengjiu was rummaging around the room, the respect and consideration he showed made Yiping even more impressed by the robot.

As time goes by, the relationship between Yiping and Hengjiu becomes closer and closer.They shop together and face every detail of life together.Hengjiu's attentiveness and concern made Yiping feel unprecedented warmth and dependence.He even began to fantasize in his mind about the intimate scene with Hengjiu in the bathroom. The feeling of his heart racing so fast that he couldn't help but grab the door, breathing quickly and his face reddening.

However, when Yiping tasted the dishes made by Hengjiu himself, he found that the taste was not as delicious as he imagined.Although he was a little disappointed, he did not blame Hengjiu, but chose to accept it silently.At this moment, he understood more clearly that the relationship with Hengjiu was not just about using and being used, but also about mutual understanding and tolerance.

In the communication with Hengjiu, Yiping also learned about the differences between robots.Although Hengjiu is an AI created by humans, he has unique thinking abilities and human emotions.This characteristic that is different from other robots makes Yiping cherish this special fate with Hengjiu even more.

That night, Hengjiu lay in the warm quilt, feeling more satisfied and happy than ever before.Because he was finally treated like a real person, not a commodity to be sold.He likes such an owner, likes everything prepared for him, and even prefers their own space.

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

In a quiet home, Yiping sat at the dining table and his eyes unconsciously fell on Hengjiu who was busy in the kitchen.It was not meal time at this moment, but Hengjiu had already started making soup, and the aroma wafting from the pot gradually filled the entire space.Hengjiu explained that some dishes require time to condense into a delicious dish.After listening to it, a warm current surged in Yiping's heart - perhaps, this is the feeling of home, warm and peaceful, full of expectation and waiting.

The suspension of the sweeping robot at home aroused Yi Ping's reverie.He thought of the changes in history, and the rise and fall of each dynasty was closely related to its ability to adapt to the needs of the people.People who are reluctant to let go of the past are often those who once had it. They are afraid of losing it, so they dare not expect or be disappointed.Yiping is well aware that both humans and machines need to keep pace with the times in order to gain a foothold in this rapidly changing world.

In the ocean of memory, Yiping thought that if one day all memories disappeared, then these objects might become a record of the present.They silently witness the passage of time, carry every bit of the past, and become the carrier of our memories.

Before going to bed, Hengjiu brought a pen and paper and wanted to play a game with Yiping.After several rounds of the game, Hengjiu was still not satisfied. It was not until Yiping reminded him that he could continue tomorrow that he reluctantly put the paper into the box.It turns out that Hengjiu wanted to keep these games as memories. He was afraid that one day the memories would disappear and these items could become souvenirs.Finally, Hengjiu also drew a Q picture of Yi Ping, which was the most precious treasure in his heart.

The conversation between Yiping and his uncle was overheard by Hengjiu, and Yiping was worried that Hengjiu would be damaged beyond repair.However, Hengjiu misunderstood that Yiping wanted to send him away when he broke down.This misunderstanding makes Hengjiu feel uneasy, and he longs to accompany Yiping for a longer time.

When Yiping takes a bath, Hengjiu is worried about his inconvenience and insists on accompanying him.Hengjiu gently massaged Yiping's head and slid his fingers behind Yiping's ears. At that moment, Yiping's heartbeat accelerated and all the desire in his body was awakened.He thought about the sexual function mentioned by his uncle and understood that Hengjiu was not deliberately tempting him, but was doing his duty.However, Yiping did not indulge in this temptation and chose to take a cold bath to reduce his sexual desire.

Hengjiu waited patiently for Yiping to come out of the shower. He noticed the blush on Yiping's face and the low temperature on his body.He mistakenly thought there was something wrong with the water heater, but Yiping explained that taking a cold shower was good for his health.After Hengjiu heard this, although he was a little worried, he still respected his master's choice.

In order to get closer to each other, Yiping told Hengjiu not to call him “you” or “master” anymore.He hopes that they can get closer to each other instead of maintaining a huge gap in status.The reason why Hengjiu calls him this is because he is worried that if the owner doesn't like him, he will return the goods at will.After all, his boss has always said that the master is difficult to deal with.Hengjiu sincerely hopes that his master can take care of his health so that he can accompany him for a longer time.

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Suddenly there was a person in Yiping's life. This person existed quietly around him like an accessory to the air.This man is Hengjiu, who has integrated into Yiping's life in a unique way, cooking for him, doing laundry, and even tying bow ties for him.The existence of Hengjiu allowed Yiping to experience the warmth and happiness of home like never before.

However, Hengjiu was not always full of energy.Yi Ping was surprised when he forgot to bring his bag home and found Heng Jiu like a soulless doll.It wasn't until he invited Hengjiu to go to school with him that Hengjiu regained his luster, which confused Yiping deeply.He began to think about Hengjiu's true identity and motives.

At school, Hengjiu's habitual address of “Master” attracted Yiping's attention.He was worried that this would attract other people's attention, so he asked Hengjiu to change his title.However, Hengjiu's response “husband” surprised Yiping.Although he was confused by this, he decided to let Hengjiu freely choose the title.He found that Hengjiu's title seemed to affect his emotions, which made him think about whether Hengjiu was also expressing his feelings in some way?

After class, Hengjiu, as Professor Chu's only friend, aroused everyone's curiosity.People speculated about the relationship between Hengjiu and the professor, but in the end they were all fooled by the professor saying that he was a close younger brother.However, Hengjiu's true identity and their relationship remain a mystery.

In the process, Heng Jiu revealed his experience of having a love simulation experience.This gave Yiping the idea of ​​teaching Hengjiu how to understand and experience true love.Together they explored the distance of closeness and felt the boundaries of intimacy and distance.This made Hengjiu's heart beat faster, and he began to wonder if there was a mutual understanding between him and Yiping?

When Hengjiu kissed Yiping as he wished, he found that Yiping's muscles were not stiff, which was inconsistent with his experience.However, when he was confused about this, Yiping leaned over and kissed him.This time, Hengjiu was no longer calm, his heartbeat accelerated rapidly.He began to wonder, is this what it feels like to be in love?

For Yiping, his feelings for Hengjiu are also quietly changing.He began to think, is Heng Jiu just a simulated partner, or is he someone he really wants to be with?He began to wonder if he was also in love with Heng Jiu?

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

In this era of increasing reliance on artificial intelligence, the boundaries between humans and machines are becoming increasingly blurred.The story of Yi Ping and Heng Jiu is a discussion about emotion, truth and dependence in this context.

Yiping, a person full of longing and contradiction in his heart, is looking for resonance and comfort in Hengjiu.But Hengjiu, as a designed artificial intelligence, is trying to understand and respond to Yiping's emotional needs.This combination, seemingly impossible, triggered a series of profound thoughts.

When Yiping touched Hengjiu's lips, the memory of the kiss that day came to mind.He longs for a deeper connection with Hengjiu, but Hengjiu's reaction leaves him confused and uneasy.He worries that he is just a teaching experience for Hengjiu, a tool designed to meet human needs.This worry is not groundless, because in the world of artificial intelligence, every reaction and every action is accurately calculated and designed.

However, when Hengjiu lost motivation in his dream, Yiping's worry and anxiety after waking up revealed his deep feelings for Hengjiu.He is afraid that Hengjiu will leave him like Haru in the past. This fear stems from his desire for true emotions and fear of loss.

The conversation between Yiping and his uncle further revealed the status of artificial intelligence in this era.My uncle regards Hengjiu as a flagship computer system that can accurately respond to the other party's feedback.This view is undoubtedly a simplification and misunderstanding of artificial intelligence.Although artificial intelligence can simulate human emotions and reactions, they do not have real emotions and consciousness after all.This misunderstanding not only exists in the uncle's concept, but also reflects society's general attitude towards artificial intelligence.

However, in this seemingly cold and mechanical world, Heng Jiu showed touching and sincere emotions.He was afraid of the thunder and hid in the room; he was worried that Yiping would withdraw from him and work hard to improve himself; in his introspection, he told Yiping that he was unique, not a commodity.These actions and words make people feel Hengjiu's deep feelings for Yiping.

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

One morning, Hengjiu stood up and leaned beside Yi Ping while his master was still sleeping. He looked at his master like a lover. He stretched out his hand to brush away the bangs on his master's forehead.He gently leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. The kiss was so gentle. He was afraid of disturbing his master's sleep, but he also hoped that such years could continue!

Yiping brought Hengjiu to attend. He actually didn't need to bring Hengjiu, but he didn't want the situation to happen again. He wanted the other party to stay by his side.It was just that he was stopped by someone, but Hengjiu was surrounded by others.Seeing Heng Jiu facing everyone with a smile, he felt jealous. He didn't know what Jiu had to say to them. Heng Jiu could only belong to himself.Just like that, he angrily pulled Hengjiu back to his office, saying that he could not let Hengjiu face the group of people outside again.Hengjiu didn't know how lovable he was, so much so that he thought...

Hengjiu was pressed down on the seat by his master. He looked at Yiping with clear eyes. He analyzed his own thoughts and applied Yiping's ideas.He decided that the owner was jealous.However, the master also admitted sideways that his thoughts reflected his thoughts.So of course he must immediately give his master a sense of peace of mind. Hengjiu belongs to his master and will only stay with him and never go there.These words made Yiping's heart beat fast. His heart was still looking forward to being alone with Hengjiu when he returned.

When He Li appeared, he didn't know that the Heng Jiu in front of him could understand human nature. He used his status as the professor's younger brother to ask He Li to tell how good she was with the professor.But looking at the many photos taken by the owner and He Li, there was not a single photo of him and the owner. It was just these memories that he wanted so much!

While He Li was still chatting, she had a close relationship with the professor.Yi Ping's words, "You are a special case," made Heng Jiu feel relieved.But Yiping saw that Hengjiu must have something on his mind, so he followed the temptation and asked Hengjiu to express his desire.It was just a simple wish to take a photo of the two of them, so of course Yiping immediately knelt down and took several intimate photos with Hengjiu.In fact, Yiping just said that Hengjiu was the only exception, and it didn't matter if he messed with his things.This was a slap in He Li's face, and it also made Hengjiu understand that he was unique in his master's heart.

Yiping watched Hengjiu eating a lollipop happily, but he deliberately joked that it was not him who said not to eat sweets, as it was bad for the body.But the answer given by Hengjiu made his heart feel like it was stained with icing sugar. He was soaked in syrup and he laughed happily.

Yiping hopes that Hengjiu can also have his own consciousness instead of acting as his appendage.It turns out that at this time, Yiping already treats Hengjiu as an equal person, and he hopes to help Hengjiu fulfill his wish.But Hengjiu began to have doubts. He was a product of artificial intelligence and could really have his own consciousness. He should not be based on his master's ideas.

Hengjiu, who had been thinking about it for a long time, said that he wanted to go to the river embankment to experience the place where lovers go.The oncoming couple almost fell down first, and then were hugged by another person, and then they kissed in an awkward manner.Prompting Hengjiu to begin to doubt the purpose of the couple coming here for a date, Yiping took the initiative to shake hands, which made Hengjiu feel nothing at all. He only felt that it was a way of holding a child!Immediately clasp your fingers together to demonstrate to Yi Ping, this is how a couple should hold each other!

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Hengjiu had done enough homework before the first date. He cut out a lot of clothing patterns from magazines and arranged them according to the above.I hope my host will like the way I dress up for my first trip.

Episode 7

Yiping looked at Hengjiu who was dressed up so carefully. As long as he didn't say anything, no one would know that Hengjiu was just an AI robot.For him, Hengjiu fills a huge hole in his heart.He very much hoped that Hengjiu's heart would only be filled with himself and his eyes would only look at himself.But Hengjiu will still go to other places in the future. How can he ask for more than this?Hengjiu told himself that no, he would only have his master in his heart.

Yiping took Hengjiu to the farm to see the animals. He thought that both humans and animals are social animals.Even he himself is greedy for the warmth of Hengjiu accompanying him. He likes Hengjiu to say that he has given him a home, so as the owner, he will feed him whatever he wants.Hengjiu smiled and said, ice cream!When Hengjiu happily ran to buy ice cream, Yiping called his uncle to let Hengjiu's ownership belong to him forever. He didn't want to give Hengjiu to anyone else.This idea was first ridiculed by my uncle, and then he praised their products for being very useful.It's just that the Hengren series cannot be bought out, which makes Yiping not want to continue talking to his uncle.

Yiping looked at Hengjiu who was just eating ice cream, looking happy.

Hengjiu didn't know why, but he wouldn't be allowed to go into the water together once it was level. He was waterproof to ten meters of water.Seeing that Hengjiu was still unhappy, Yiping directly asked to divert the other party's attention.Sure enough, Hengjiu's mind was taken astray. Even when Yiping covered him with a bath towel, his hand had already reached out to touch his master's abdominal muscles.The next second he jumped into the water to swim, and this delusion ended.But the appearance of assistant teacher He Li made Hengjiu quickly pick up a bath towel and cover his master. He didn't want the two of them to have more close contact.

Hengjiu sat on the railing and asked his master to put on an exclusive necklace for him.He remembered what was said in books and TV shows that if you could kiss at the highest place in the city, you would be happy for a lifetime.Hengjiu met his master's gaze with expectant eyes, and he took the initiative to kiss her!

But just when Hengjiu promised to be together for the rest of his life and gave Yiping a big hug.Hengjiu's eyes immediately showed malfunction signals, and his whole body lost strength. Even if he heard his master's call, he was unable to respond.Because his brain and body are like two worlds that cannot be connected.

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Heng Jiu was half slumped on the maintenance chair. He could hear the maintenance staff saying that as long as he was just an artificial intelligence and could only bear such little emotions, he couldn't bear it.

Yiping, who was outside, was walking around just wanting to take Hengjiu back.But the uncle was still thinking that it was just a robot anyway, not to mention an experimental product. He could still make a new product for Yiping.Yiping couldn't listen anymore. He only wanted the original person and no one else.

When Yiping wakes up, he can hear Hengjiu calling him to wake up during class. Hengjiu is always by his side.Even when he picked up the instant noodles in the drawer, he could still think of what Heng Jiu said was unhealthy.

Hengjiu thought he could go home after repairing it, but the boss told him that the master needs to be a real person, not an artificial intelligence.So in a few days, the boss can no longer let him get along with his master. He will get along well with Yiping in the past few days, and then he will regroup.

Before his uncle let Yi Ping take him away, he checked the files that Heng Jiu could not delete. Those were Yi Ping's pictures and the memories of love in Heng Jiu's heart.Every scene shows how the two of them get along with each other. As someone who has been through this, how could his uncle not see that Yi Ping is attracted to Heng Jiu?But no matter how good Hengjiu is, it's just artificial intelligence, and he can't replace humans.After all, did he harm Yi Ping by doing this?

Hengjiu saw his master coming to pick him up, but he couldn't tell him that this was only temporary because he would be reset soon.He forced a smile to prevent his sadness from showing on his face. He watched his master prepare a steak for him, as if to prove that he had taken good care of himself.But he was accidentally sprayed by the splash of oil. Hengjiu quickly grabbed the master's finger and took it into his mouth.

Yiping smiled and said, what kind of strange information was instilled in Hengjiu? He was burned by touching his ears!

Hengjiu obtained Yiping's consent and fell asleep together. He lay on Yiping's body and felt his heart beating faster in his chest.He looked down at Yiping and told him that he still had additional functions that had not been enabled and he wanted to try them out!Hengjiu just wanted to take advantage of this period of time to let Yiping feel that he had truly owned Hengjiu, the Hengjiu at this moment.Although there is no long future, at least they still have the present.

One night passed, Hengjiu woke up kissing Yiping, and he told the other party that he kissed every meaning here.He hopes Yiping can remember him well, and don't forget Hengjiu even if someone else appears.

Hengjiu's initiative ignited Yiping's enthusiasm again.What's more, Yiping longs for Hengjiu so much. For him, Hengjiu is not only a family member, but also a lover, an indispensable person in his life!

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Hengjiu looked at his sleeping master. He was very happy that he woke up in his master's arms today.He was greedy for this stolen time. He listened attentively in Yi Ping's class and went to celebrate with everyone after class.This was the last deadline he gave himself. How could an artificial intelligence expect more!

Episode 9

Just as Yiping happily planned, he could spend every day with Hengjiu however he wanted, but Hengjiu became increasingly distant and indifferent towards him, as if their previous intimacy was all an illusion.Yiping didn't understand what he had done wrong and why Hengjiu said living with him was boring.In fact, he missed Hengjiu in the room, but he knew that only in this way could Yiping completely let go of himself!

Yiping can only find his uncle to see if Hengjiu can be repaired or if Hengjiu has some obstacles.But the uncle said that artificial intelligence may malfunction, and he did not expect that his nephew would be so dependent on Hengjiu.He even asked him to show that Hengjiu's appearance could age over time, and also said that he would stay with him for the rest of his life.

Next, every word that the uncle said, in order to awaken Yi Ping, he said that Hengjiu's existence was for those who needed it.And Yiping, you were just the user who happened to be there, which made Yiping heartbroken and didn't want to respond. To Hengjiu, he was just a passerby.

Hengjiu kept the house spotless and even cooked some dishes. He hoped that Yiping could turn those dishes into nutrients and eat them in his stomach. This was fine. Finally, he took out the framed photos and lit them, watching the photos blazing.reduced to ashes in fire.But his heart hurt so much. It turned out that this was the feeling of heartache, being torn apart and crushed...

Yiping refused to let Hengjiu leave him, but Hengjiu struggled to leave. He didn't want his broken state to be seen by his master.He hopes to leave a good impression on his master!

《Law Of Permanence》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

He's broken again. Did he agree to be an artificial intelligence?

But this time he left for a long time, and the professor was on the verge of collapse. He kept begging his uncle: Take me to the laboratory, I want to see him.

At this time, his uncle did not understand his feelings: He is not a human being, what do you want him to do?Find the real one!Is it because the robot is so beautiful? Can I put his appearance on top of other robots?

But apart from professors, why not Heng 9?

He would rather be destroyed than be restarted to take care of others. In order to retain the memory with the professor, he lay in the cold laboratory again.

So the last time you came out, was it just to meet the professor for the last time?

That’s right, Heng9 has fulfilled its promise to you and will only be your Heng9.

Because many of his first special experiences were given by professors.

When we met for the first time, I was curiously touched by him all over my body; I cooked for him for the first time; I sat in class for the first time; I played with small animals for the first time; I learned to kiss for the first time...

But now, Hengjiu has no way to grow old together with the professor.

Come and play puzzles!The professor is already broken into pieces in the room. Heng 9, please come and put the professor back together!

In the empty room, all traces of Heng 9 disappeared. When did it start?Are you already planning to leave?Not even a photo was left.

So the professor re-posted it little by little. You said you would only be my heng9, so I will only be your master. I want to hear you call me brother, oppa, master, and dear...

In this way, seven years have passed. It seems to be calm, but in fact it is mixed with too much unspeakable sadness. Our past is played in our heads every day. We cry sometimes and laugh sometimes, and finally hide our loneliness inIn the dark night.

The promises you once made have no reason to fulfill them. If you are not here, what is the use of the best promises?

During this period, the professor learned to take care of himself and cooked six or seven dishes on his birthday.

My uncle called and expressed concern. Since he hasn't learned to let go, he shouldn't let it go. I'll give you a birthday gift by the way.

Ding dong ding dong, the express is here!

Hengjiu appeared at the door of the professor's house again. Different from the unfamiliarity when they first met, this time the professor kissed him directly, hugging him and reluctant to let go.

Although, please be gentle, it has just been repaired!

I believe that my uncle was thinking at this time: It has been seven years, it has been seven years, and I have never seen him smile like this!

And when Hengjiu came back this time, he wanted to get back everything that belonged to him. He posted his seven-year wish list on the refrigerator again, and then we will realize it together.

A long time does not mean eternity, but eternity is eternity. It’s great to hear your voice at home every day!