Home TV Their wonderful time
《Their wonderful time》Episode 3 Synopsis

Episode 3

Seeing Song Lingling like this, the police once again confirmed with Xiao Ran whether they really wanted to take Song Lingling back (Song Lingling is Lan Yao's real name).Xiao Ran had no choice but to lie and say that they often played and played like this during their relationship, and then quietly reminded Song Lingling that if she didn't want to be trapped here for the rest of her life, she'd better be honest and peaceful.Only then did Xingtian put aside his hatred for the time being.

Episode 3

Song Lingling's best friend Liu Yiyi and Xiao Ran's eldest brother Lin Qiao also came to the police station.After coming out of the police station, they saw Song Lingling rushing towards Xiao Ran again and hurriedly caught him.Xiao Ran arranged her clothes and told Liu Yiyi to keep an eye on Song Lingling.

Liu Yiyi took Song Lingling home, but Song Lingling disappeared in the blink of an eye.Xing Tian found Shanhai Group and slipped in quietly while the security guard was unprepared.After finding Xiao Ran, he put down the iron rod in his hand and decided to fight Xiao Ran with his bare hands.Xiao Ran comforted him with words while thinking about countermeasures.He knew that Song Lingling had a split personality, so he tried to use the first method to wake her up.Xiao Ran took advantage of Song Lingling's unpreparedness and hit her hard on the back with an iron rod.

Seeing that this method was useless, he adopted the second method - male hormone stimulation method.When he kissed Song Lingling, Song Lingling suddenly fainted.After waking up, he returns to his original self.Song Lingling looked at Xiao Ran with strange eyes, and Xiao Ran showed her the surveillance video of Queen Xing Tian.

Xiao Ran sent Song Lingling home. Song Lingling was wearing a seat belt and sitting in the passenger seat. She fell asleep in the car and turned into Xing Tian again when she woke up. Xiao Ran repeated his old trick, grabbed her hand and was about to kiss it, but found two peopleAfter holding her hands together, Song Lingling changed back to her original state and couldn't help but mutter: “ I wouldn't have kissed her if I had known.”In order to prevent Song Lingling from transforming, Xiao Ran held her hand and slept in the car all night.

Shanhai Group held a board meeting today, and he brought Song Lingling to the meeting and asked her to talk about ideas for solving game bugs.Seeing Song Lingling talking freely at the board meeting, Xiao Ran couldn't help but be impressed by her, and promised the board of directors on Song Lingling's behalf that the problem would be solved within two weeks.In order to supervise Song Lingling's work and prevent her from transforming, Xiao Ran took the initiative and moved all her luggage and office supplies to his home.

Song Lingling thought Xiao Ran's move was too overbearing, so Xiao Ran took out the surveillance video to remind her that there were only two weeks left.Xiao Ran wanted to go to bed and rest, forcing Song Lingling to stop working.The two of them were lying on the bed holding hands, separated by pillows.Before he fell asleep, Xiao Ran received a call from his brother, asking him to meet Mr. Chen from Australia.Before Xiao Ran left, he asked Song Lingling to get up and continue working, and told her not to sleep until he came back.Song Lingling looked at the benefactor's father in front of her and felt that he looked like Zhou Bapi.