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《Behind the truth》 Summ

Late one night, a bizarre murder occurred in the old town of the seaside town. Guan Jingtang, a well-known local elderly man, died tragically in his villa.An Ping, the criminal police captain, was ordered to do so in the face of danger. Shang Jie, a top student in the provincial department, took the initiative to ask for help. The two cooperated fully and launched a meticulous investigation.

However, as the investigation continues to deepen, various self-contradictory doubts emerge one after another. Coupled with the huge amount of missing cash, the familiar woman in red, the flower pattern as red as blood, and the complicated interpersonal relationships of the Guan family, the case...More and more confusing.

Not only that, murders are still happening one after another, and the deceased have a close relationship with Guan Jingtang.Anping and Shang Jie withstood huge pressure, investigated from the source, and uncovered an old case. Anping's master, who was also Shang Jie's father, died because of that case.

Finally, Anping peeled off the cocoon, solved the unresolved case, uncovered the real culprit behind the scenes whose psychology had been distorted, and brought him to justice.Shang Jie also came out of the haze, untied the knot that had troubled her for many years, and determined to inherit her father's legacy and fight side by side with Anping.

《Behind the truth》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

At night, in a luxurious villa, an old man was crawling on the floor with difficulty. A woman wearing a red skirt and high heels stood next to him. The old man raised his head and saw the other woman's face, and his face immediately showed the look of fright.A look of fear.Then, a pair of hands reached out to the old man and grabbed his neck, and the old man immediately began to struggle.

The community security guard drank a lot of wine and walked happily under the villa. He inadvertently raised his head and discovered that in the window on the second floor, a person slowly floated up and then fell heavily to the ground. A man in a red skirtThe woman appeared and then disappeared. The security guard was so frightened that he fled in a hurry.

The next morning, a well-dressed woman opened the door of the villa and walked in. She went upstairs to call Lao Guan, but she found Lao Guan lying there on the ground on the second floor, no longer breathing.

Anping, the criminal police captain of the Jiangcheng City Public Security Bureau, was simulating how a thief would move stolen items outdoors under the supervision of the police. Sure enough, after the thief saw that his criminal behavior was restored, he had no choice but to confess to the crime.

When Anping received the new task, he hurried to the scene of the crime. His teammates quickly reported to him the preliminary situation of the case.The deceased, Guan Jingtang, was once a private entrepreneur. After retirement, he had been living in this villa with his wife Liao Fengqin.He has a son and a daughter who are now in the medical examiner's room.

Anping came to see the children of the deceased and found that they were very indifferent to their father. After identifying and signing the body, Anping interrogated them in the interrogation room. Guan Hongjian was the son of the deceased and ran a hotel in the city. Because his father remarried Liao Fengqin,, so the relationship with Guan Jingtang gradually became estranged. In addition, his hotel's turnover was not good recently, and he wanted to borrow money from Guan Jingtang but was rejected, so he became even more dissatisfied with his father.

Daughter Guan Xinxin has been out of town and recently returned to the city. Her brother asked her to come back to help him manage the hotel.Liao Fengqin also has a son named Yang Ming, who often asks Guan Jingtang for money.Therefore, Anping sent someone to find Liao Fengqin to learn about Yang Ming's situation.Liao Fengqin's son Yang Ming has a gambling habit. Whenever he loses money, he comes to her and Guan Jingtang to ask for money, but now he has been unable to contact him.

Director Liu received a call from his colleague Lao Li, asking him to send manpower to support his area because a murder case there had not been solved. However, Director Liu said that a murder had just occurred here and he could not spare any manpower.Anping was called over by the director to tell him that the provincial department had sent Shang Jie, a top student from the police academy, and assigned him to Anping's team to lead him. Anping was not interested and just said he wanted someone who could work.

Shang Jie rode a motorcycle dynamically to come to Anping to report. Anping asked her to hurry up and complete the formalities and rush to the scene directly.The two inspected the scene carefully and found a special pattern painted in red paint under the carpet.Guan Jingtang's last phone call was made by his former nanny Zhang Limei. When Anping and Shang Jie were inspecting the villa, Zhang Limei appeared shrunken. Seeing them at the villa, she hurriedly turned around and ran away. Shang Jie and Anping immediately split up to chase them., she was quickly caught. After interrogation, Zhang Limei orally stated that she came to deliver mountain goods to Guan Jingtang. According to her account, she had been a nanny in the Guan family for many years, and she had brought up both children.

Later, Guan Jingtang and Liao Fengqin got married before she left. Because Guan Jingtang had always taken good care of herself, she gave him some mountain goods this time. When she came yesterday, she didn't find anything unusual. She heard that something had happened to him in the morning and rushed there soon.Suddenly, that’s why I ran over to take a look again.

When Anping's teammates visited, the security guard described in detail what he saw that night. As soon as Anping heard about the woman in the red skirt, he immediately thought of the murder case that occurred in Lao Li's jurisdiction, so he and Shang Jie rushed over immediately. As a result,The same bloody pattern was also found at the scene, and testing proved that it was made by the same person. Moreover, the deceased once served as Guan Jingtang's secretary in a private enterprise.There are various signs that the two murder cases are related to a certain extent, and the two cases were merged for investigation with the approval of superiors.

《Behind the truth》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

When Xinxin returned home, she heard her father Guan Jingtang cursing someone before entering the door, saying that the other person was an ungrateful thing, just a dog that was not well fed.Xinxin was about to go in when she bumped into the nanny Zhang Limei.Guan Jingtang asked Xinxin to live at home, but Xinxin refused directly, saying that he had already found a house. Guan Jingtang said angrily that he would not come back if he left.

Xinxin saw Guan Jingtang burning a tape, so she deliberately made a noise to attract Guan Jingtang out. Then she quickly took out the tape from the fire. She listened to the tape secretly and covered her mouth in fear.

Guan Xinxin was painting. She was an art lover. Suddenly her husband Chen Hu broke in. Guan Xinxin refused to let him in. Chen Hu repeatedly begged her to give him a chance. The relationship between the two fathers had always been at odds.Xinxin came back this time just to avoid Chen Hu. Chen Hu had originally agreed to divorce, but when Guan Jingtang died, he thought there was an opportunity to divide the property, so he started stalking Guan Xinxin again.

The two had a quarrel when they disagreed. Chen Hu pushed Guan Xinxin on the sofa and wanted to fight. Chang Shun arrived in time. He quickly subdued Chen Hu and taught him a lesson. Guan Xinxin was worried about her life, so she finally managed toAdvising Chang Shun to stop, Chen Hu took the opportunity to run out.Chang Shun is the son of nanny Zhang Limei. He grew up with brother and sister Xinxin in the Guan family since he was a child. He is still working in Guan Hongjian's hotel. He has always loved Guan Xinxin, but he has never expressed it.

The DNA test results of the remaining skin tissue on Guan Jingtang's watch came out. Although it was not Zhang Limei's, it was very similar to her. Anping thought of Chang Shun and brought people to Guan Hongjian. Guan Hongjian's hotel could no longer support it.He distributed the only funds he had to his employees and disbanded them.

After seeing him, Anping explained his purpose and asked him about Dong Xiaohui, another murder victim. Guan Hongjian recalled that there was such a person in his father's company. At that time, the relationship between her and his father was rumored. Soon, Dong Xiaohui resigned..Guan Hongjian also said with a relaxed smile that the death of these two people could comfort his mother's spirit in heaven.

Anping approached Chang Shun for questioning. Chang Shun told him that he had gone to see Guan Jingtang on the day of the incident. He had been working with Guan Hongjian. Seeing that his hotel was in trouble, Guan Jingtang refused to rescue him. Chang Shun went to see Guan Jingtang., just wanted to persuade him to help Guan Hongjian, but Guan Jingtang not only refused to listen, but also scolded him for being like his mother, feeding unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, and even tried to hit Chang Shun, but Chang Shun pushed him away.He was also scratched by the watch on Guan Jingtang's arm.

Chang Shun returned home and asked his mother if she had gone to Guan Jingtang again to ask for money. Zhang Limei said that it was natural for her to ask for money, not to mention that she was doing it for him.Chang Shun said that others were laughing at her inappropriate relationship with Guan Jingtang and asked her mother to pay more attention in the future. Zhang Limei said that she was an upright person and was not afraid of a distorted shadow. She also said that Chang Shun had no conscience, and Chang Shun was so angry that she stopped eating.

The investigation found that before his death, Guan Jingtang had withdrawn a huge sum of three million from the bank, but the money was not found at the scene of the crime. Moreover, when Anping was investigating in the villa, he found traces of a suitcase.Jie came to the villa to check on the spot, and found no cameras on the only way to the villa. When they were helpless, Anping suddenly saw a car parked on the roadside, and the driving recorder inside was still working. So, ShangJie immediately contacted the car owner and turned on the recorder, and suddenly found Zhang Limei walking out of the villa pushing a suitcase.Zhang Limei burned incense to Guanyin Bodhisattva at home and was about to open the suitcase on the floor. Suddenly a black figure came in. Zhang Limei looked up in horror.......

Chang Shun returned to the village and his neighbor told him that his mother had been killed. The murderer was in the car that just ran away. Chang Shun chased after her on a motorcycle.When Anping was driving and waiting for a traffic light, he saw the photos of his master and his daughter on his mobile phone. He couldn't help but glance at Shang Jie sitting next to him.At Zhang Limei's house, she was crawling on the ground, and the house was in a mess.

《Behind the truth》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Anping and Shang Jie quickly rushed to Zhang Limei's house, where the police had cordoned off the scene. In fact, Zhang Limei was not beaten to death. The other party's purpose was just to steal money. In a hurry, they just knocked Zhang Limei unconscious to the ground, and then hurriedly took the suitcase and opened the door.He got in the car and left. When the neighbor discovered it in time, he immediately called 120 and called the police. When he saw Chang Shun coming back, he quickly told Chang Shun what had happened, and Chang Shun chased after him on a motorcycle.

Anping and Shang Jie came to the room to check. He sorted out the logic of handling the case in the past few days and concluded that it was Yang Ming who came to steal the money!Zhang Limei was sent to the hospital for rescue. Although the operation was successful, she could not revive for a while. Anping did not dare to slack off and ordered the police to guard the door 24 hours a day.Guan Hongjian and Guan Xinxin both came to visit Zhang Limei. They were both brought up by Zhang Limei, so they have great affection for her.

After leaving the ward, Guan Hongjian suggested going to see Liao Fengqin, who was in the same hospital. Guan Xinxin recalled how Liao Fengqin beat her severely when she was a child, and said that she was determined not to go. She knew that her brother went because of the three million.Guan Hongjian came to Liao Fengqin's ward alone and asked about Yang Ming's whereabouts and asked Liao Fengqin for the three million. Liao Fengqin said that he did not know about this and asked him to leave with a cold face.

After all, Chang Shun was familiar with the road, so he took a shortcut and intercepted Yang Ming. However, Yang Ming wanted to fight to the death. He reversed the car all the way to guide Chang Shun to follow him. As a result, he suddenly braked, and Chang Shun couldn't avoid it and dived out of the car. He fell.Into the river next to it.Yang Ming drove into the forest, then abandoned the car and dragged his suitcase to the forest ranger's abandoned cabin, where he had been hiding from debts these days.

Just when he was about to open the suitcase, he suddenly heard someone coming outside the door. Yang Ming quickly grabbed a wine bottle and hid it behind the door. When he saw someone coming in, he opened the door and picked up the bottle and hit him. It turned out that it was his girlfriend.Yingzi, he was the one who asked Yingzi to come to him. He was so busy grabbing money that he forgot about this.Yingzi told Yang Ming that Guan Hongjian came to him and said that he had taken three million. Yang Ming smiled proudly, looked at the suitcase on the ground and said that the three million was really in his hand.

After saying that, Yang Ming knelt down and prepared to open the suitcase. After he opened it with great expectation, he was disappointed after careful inspection. There were not three million in it, but only a box full of ghost coins.Yang Ming roared angrily and threw the Ming coins in the box everywhere. Yingzi hurriedly persuaded him that it was not her own money that she wanted. She told Yang Ming that she was pregnant and heard that she was going to be a father. Yang Ming felt mixed emotions.Chen, he decided to take Yingzi to have a delicious meal.

The police found Yang Ming's abandoned car and found that it had been modified. After Anping asked his colleagues to investigate, they found that the car belonged to the Chengxi Auto Repair Factory. The boss was nicknamed Lao Si. He asked Shang Jie to clean up the car he was riding on his motorcycle.He went there together. Lao Si's subordinates were a group of social gangsters. He made loan sharks under the guise of repairing cars. It was Yang Ming who borrowed his money and was forced into desperation. After being captured last time, he fought to the death to take it.The fourth child's car escaped.

The fourth child saw that Shang Jie was a female figure, so he was ready to ask his brothers to teach her a lesson. Unexpectedly, Shang Jie was not a vegetarian, and even a group of gangsters were no match for her.At the same time, Anping jumped into the house from the window, carefully searched Lao Si's office, and then went out to deal with Lao Si's men with Shang Jie. Anping quickly grabbed Lao Si with his quick eyes, but Lao Si started the crane, but heThere was no escape. Seeing that both of them were about to be hit by the car, Shang Jie came over in time and pressed the button.

Huang Wei led his brothers to guard outside Zhang Limei's ward. While he was going to the bathroom, Guan Xinxin walked by dressed as a nurse and placed something in the vase at the door.Anping discovered Yang Ming's traces with a sun hat that Yang Ming left at the auto repair shop, so he took people to the cabin where he lived.At this time, Yang Ming took Yingzi to eat and drink in the restaurant. Then he sent Yingzi away on the pretext that he had something to do. He told the boss that he had no money to pay for the meal, so the boss had to let him work in the kitchen washing dishes.

《Behind the truth》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Liao Fengqin couldn't sleep while lying on the hospital bed. She couldn't help but think about what happened on the day Guan Jingtang died. That morning, Liao Fengqin returned to the villa and was shocked to find Guan Jingtang dead on the second floor. The first thing she thought of was that Yang Ming killed Yang Ming for money.Guan Jingtang died. In order to protect his son, Liao Fengqin quickly cleaned up the scene and finally called 110 to call the police.

Anping and Shang Jie took people to the small wooden house where Yang Ming lived, but found that the place was empty. They found a suitcase containing Ming coins in the house. Anping sorted out the whole story and concluded that Zhang Limei probably came from GuanWhat Jingtang got from Jingtang was real money, because the weight of the suitcase along the way was three million yuan. As for the link at which it was exchanged for ghost coins, only Zhang Limei could tell clearly.

After careful search, the police found a pregnancy test stick used by women in the cabin, indicating that Yang Ming was not alone here, but also a pregnant woman. Anping hurriedly arranged for other colleagues to find Yang Ming's girlfriend, and heHe was lying on Yang Ming's bed meditating immersedly. Yang Ming needed the money very much. Now that his package had been transferred, he was very upset. But he definitely couldn't go to Zhang Limei's house anymore because he knew that the police were already there., just waiting for him to throw himself into a trap, then who will he go to?

Anping's eyes lit up, yes, he would go find his mother, Liao Fengqin.Guan Xinxin's husband Chen Hu temporarily stayed in Guan Hongjian's hotel. Because he bought shares in the hotel at that time, Guan Hongjian couldn't get into trouble with him. Chen Hu gloated in front of Guan Hongjian that Chang Shun fell into the river.He was washed away by the water, but it was a pity that he had not taken revenge on Guan Xinxin, the little adulterer. Guan Hongjian told him to keep his mouth clean and not to cause trouble if he wanted to continue living here.

After hearing this, Chen Hu closed the door angrily and went out.As expected, Yang Ming came to the hospital and saw cameras everywhere. He lowered his hat and walked into the men's locker room. Then he changed into a white coat and went to Liao Fengqin's ward. After seeing his son, Liao Fengqin felt mixed, excited and scared., Yang Ming told her that he owed a lot of loan sharks, and now that his girlfriend was pregnant again, he asked his mother to help him find the three million.

Liao Fengqin always believed that Yang Ming killed Guan Jingtang and called him stupid, but Yang Ming repeatedly denied it. At this moment, Guan Hongjian also rushed in, grabbed Yang Ming's collar, and said that he was the one who killed his father.and robbed three million.Liao Fengqin saw the two fighting together and hurriedly tried to persuade them.

At this time, Anping and the police had arrived at the hospital. Yang Ming saw the police from the window and hurriedly broke away from Guan Hongjian and escaped. However, it was too late. Anping and Shang Jie led people to block him on the stairs of the hospital.When they were about to arrest him, Liao Fengqin suddenly blocked him at the security door, took out a knife and put it on his neck, saying that if they didn't let Yang Ming go, he would die here.

After Yang Ming escaped, Anping and Shang Jie came to Liao Fengqin's ward and severely accused her of interfering with the police's handling of the case. However, Liao Fengqin was not moved at all and directly opened the quilt and covered her head and fell asleep.After Anping saw the bracelet under her pillow, he signaled Shang Jie to come out and deliberately loudly said to the policeman guarding her that there was no longer duty here, so everyone should withdraw.In the evening, Liao Fengqin packed up and left the hospital secretly. Anping and Shang Jie, who had been lying in wait, immediately started their car and followed Liao Fengqin's taxi.

Liao Fengqin found a prenuptial agreement when she returned home. When she took it out to read it carefully, she suddenly found Anping and Shang Jie standing behind her.Liao Fengqin had no choice but to tell them the past events between herself and Guan Jingtang.When she got married to Guan Jingtang, she planned to live a good life. In order to prevent Guan Jingtang from thinking that she was seeking his money, she signed a prenuptial agreement with Guan Jingtang. But then Liao Fengqin felt that she was losing money and wanted to terminate the agreement.However, Jingtang delayed in making changes because his children did not agree.

Guan Jingtang took three million, and Liao Fengqin thought it was for Yang Ming, so she told Yang Ming in advance. She always thought that Yang Ming couldn't help himself and went to Guan Jingtang to ask for money, which finally led to Guan Jingtang being tricked by Yang Ming.Killing, but seeing Yang Ming's attitude in the hospital today, Liao Fengqin firmly believed that Yang Ming did not kill anyone. She had liver cancer and had a long time to live. She just wanted to consider more interests for her son.

After coming out of Liao Fengqin's house, Shang Jie asked Anping to treat him to dinner, and asked him why he always lived in the office. Anping said that an old criminal policeman once went to handle a case and called him before, but because he was delayed on the road, he waited until he arrived.The old detective has died.But Shang Jie felt that he was not completely telling the truth.

《Behind the truth》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Anping and Shang Jie received calls respectively and rushed to the hospital. Zhang Limei, who was already out of danger, suddenly died. The death certificate issued by the doctor was due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Guan Xinxin was calmly watching everything happening in the hospital in front of the computer. It turned out that she had placed a small camera in front of Zhang Limei's ward.

Guan Hongjian came to see his sister. Guan Xinxin had always been lukewarm towards this brother. Guan Hongjian told her that Aunt Mei died. He felt that Guan Xinxin was not surprised. He came to Guan Xinxin this time to discuss whether Guan Jingtang should stay.How to distribute the inheritance? He asked Guan Xinxin if she knew that her father had taken away three million before his death. Guan Xinxin said casually that he didn't know. Guan Hongjian thought that his sister was too selfish. Guan Xinxin immediately became angry. Guan Hongjian didn't dare to do anything at the beginning.Confronting Guan Jingtang, he even teased Liao Meiqin himself or got beaten for him, and now he even calls himself selfish.

Guan Xinxin told her brother that he could handle the inheritance however he wanted, and that he was not interested.Guan Hongjian himself felt that his brother was not responsible, and finally left in disgrace.Chang Shun was found. He burst into tears after seeing the body of his mother Zhang Limei in the morgue. He believed that Yang Ming had killed his mother and insisted on seeking revenge from him. Anping and Shang Jie stopped him and persuaded him to cooperate with the police.Solve the case.

Chang Shun told the two about his interactions with Guan Jingtang.Since his mother worked at Guan Jingtang's house all year round, outsiders kept making irresponsible remarks about the relationship between his mother and Guan Jingtang, and even said that he was Guan Jingtang's bastard. Chang Shun was very angry with his mother because of this.

Before Guan Jingtang died, Zhang Limei came to see Guan Jingtang. Chang Shun followed secretly. Outside the window, he heard Guan Jingtang scolding Zhang Limei for feeding an unfamiliar wolf. Zhang Limei said calmly that it would be over after getting the money.Otherwise he knows the consequences.Guan Jingtang angrily scolded Zhang Limei for not counting her words, and pointed at her nose and told her to get out. When Zhang Limei came out, she met Guan Xinxin who had come back. Guan Xinxin returned home and said she was going to rent a house. Guan Jingtang complained again, and thenWhen Chang Shun started to burn something, he accidentally made a noise. Guan Jingtang immediately chased him out to check.

The second time Chang Shun saw Guan Jingtang losing his temper was on the night of his death. Guan Jingtang angrily asked Chang Shun if he was eavesdropping outside the window that day and what he heard?Without Chang Shun telling him, Guan Jingtang wanted to attack Chang Shun, but Chang Shun threw him aside and scratched his arm by Guan Jingtang's watch.I didn't explain it to the police before because I didn't want to involve my mother. Now it seems that there is some agreement between my mother Zhang Limei and Guan Jingtang.

The police investigated and found out that Yang Ming's girlfriend was named Lu Xianglan. Anping ordered Huang Wei to take people to arrest Yang Ming as soon as he arrived.To be on the safe side, Huang Wei and his colleagues also asked the street leaders for help. They disguised themselves as workers repairing gas pipelines and went into Lu Lanying's home to check. They found that Yang Ming was indeed not there, so they were relieved to monitor the surroundings.Lao Si's men received a commission from Chen Hu and asked them to pay a lot of money to take revenge on Chang Shun. Seeing Chen Hu's generosity, Lao Si agreed, but at the same time he arranged for people to go to Lu Lanying's house to find Yang Ming.

Yang Ming came to Lu Lanying's house, and several gangsters followed him. Huang Wei and his colleagues felt something was wrong and hurriedly broke in. As a result, Yang Ming and Lu Lanying took the opportunity to escape, and Huang Wei only captured Lao Si's men.Chang Shun came to see Guan Xinxin and said sadly that her mother was dead. Guan Xinxin couldn't bear it when she saw her former playmate looking sad in the fishing tackle shop. She couldn't help but hugged Chang Shun and let him cry in her arms.Had a great time.

In the evening, Chang Shun curled up on the sofa and fell asleep after eating the noodles cooked by Guan Xinxin. Guan Xinxin covered him with a quilt and closed the door and went out.She drove to the villa alone, struggled to load a heavy box into the trunk of the car, and at the same time moved an identical empty box back to the villa.These actions of hers were clearly seen by Yang Ming who was hiding in the dark.Chang Shun woke up from a nightmare and couldn't find Guan Xinxin anywhere. When he saw her computer, he opened it and saw the video she shot on the camera installed in the hospital.

Guan Xinxin sat back in the car. Yang Ming suddenly greeted her from behind and said that he wanted to call 110 to call the police. Guan Xinxin stopped her. At this moment, Chang Shun suddenly pounced on Yang Ming and beat him, saying that he would kill him.Guan Xinxin hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, and Yang Ming took the opportunity to get in the car and run away.Anping and Shang Jie suddenly appeared in front of them and asked them what they were doing here, but Guan Xinxin excused them on the grounds that she and Shunzi had something personal to say.

After leaving the villa, Chang Shun didn't understand why Guan Xinxin didn't tell the truth to the police. Guan Xinxin turned around and said that they should not meet again in the future, and then turned around and left. Chang Shun was surprised when he was intercepted by the fourth man and his men.After confirming that it was Chang Shun, he ordered his men to beat him severely.

《Behind the truth》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Hu Si's people stopped Chang Shun, compared it with the photos, and prepared to teach Chang Shun a lesson. Guan Xinxin, who had already left, suddenly turned back. She blocked Chang Shun behind her, rebuked Hu Si severely, and was determined not to let Hu Si.Hu Si finally compromised and poured some ketchup on Chang Shun's face, took a photo and sent it to Chen Hu, lying that his brothers had taught Chang Shun a lesson for him.

Anping and Shang Jie continued to stay in the Guan family's villa to study the case. After many experiments, they concluded that the murderer used magnetic levitation technology to kill people and then made the illusion that the body was floating in the air, so the security guard looked through the window on the second floor.That's the situation.Moreover, they also discovered that the sofa stool in the villa was actually brand new.

Yang Ming struggled to move the sofa stool from the car back to Lu Lanying's residence. After he opened the sofa stool, he couldn't understand the settings inside, so he told Lu Lanying not to leave fingerprints, because this sofa stool could earn them a huge sum of money..Hu Si called a person and said he wanted to meet him.

Chen Hu came to harass Guan Xinxin again and sent photos of Chang Shun being beaten to Guan Xinxin, threatening that if she continued to ignore him, he would make Chang Shun, a little puppy, die even worse.At this moment, several people rushed over and beat Chen Hu with his head covered. Chen Hu only saw the tattoo pattern on the opponent's arm, but did not even see clearly what they looked like.After being beaten, Chen Hu secretly hid outside Guan Xinxin's residence and saw Hu Si swaggering into Guan Xinxin's room.

Guan Xinxin was lukewarm towards Hu Si, but Hu Si greeted Guan Xinxin like an old acquaintance, asked her when she came back, and said to herself that Guan Xinxin's temper was exactly the same as her mother's. Hu Si persuaded Guan Xinxin toXinxin, you should let go of the past, otherwise you will suffer hardships and harm the people around you.When Hu Si left, he left an electric baton for Guan Xinxin, saying that he wanted her to use it for self-defense.

Guan Hongjian invited Chang Shun to drink. After asking him to express his condolences, he directly mentioned the three million to him. He also said that Aunt Mei was gone and only Chang Shun could help him with this matter.Chang Shun believed that Guan Hongjian should not only care about money at this time, but Guan Hongjian said that he would not be able to get through the hurdle before him without the three million.Chang Shun said angrily that he would definitely give him an explanation.

When Yang Ming snatched Guan Xinxin's car and sofa stool, he said that Guan Xinxin would come to him with three million to exchange for things. He thought that Guan Xinxin was more anxious than him, but he didn't wait until Guan Xinxin arrived.I waited for Hu Si’s reminder call.So, the anxious Yang Ming called Chang Shun. He knew that Chang Shun and Guan Xinxin had an extraordinary relationship.

Chang Shun always believed that Yang Ming was his mother-killing enemy, so he emotionally wanted to fight with him. Yang Ming asked him to send a message to Guan Xinxin, saying that if she didn't exchange three million for something, he would be handed over to the police.Chang Shun came to Guan Xinxin to tell her about this matter. Guan Xinxin took down Yang Ming's phone number and asked Chang Shun to stop caring about this matter and contact Yang Ming herself.

Chang Shun was worried that Yang Ming was not good for Guan Xinxin and expressed that he wanted to stay with her. Guan Xinxin suddenly turned pale and said, Chang Shun should not think too much about her, he is not worthy of her.According to the agreement with Yang Ming, Guan Xinxin brought the suitcase to the agreed place. The cunning Yang Ming did not show up. Instead, he sent a stranger to pick up the suitcase. At the same time, a group of unidentified people also surrounded Guan Xinxin., thanks to Chang Shun who appeared on a motorcycle in time and rescued her.

When Yang Ming saw from the suitcase left behind that it was not money but some books, he angrily threatened Guan Xinxin that if she continued to be insincere, he would really hand over the things to the police.Guan Xinxin was anxious, but she didn't know where to find the three million.Chang Shun thought of a place and rushed over with Guan Xinxin. This was Chang Shun's grandmother's hometown. Zhang Limei often came here to clean, so the yard and house were clean.

When Chang Shu saw the tape left by his mother, he turned on the tape recorder and listened. Listening to the voice inside, Chang Shun's face became ugly.But Guan Xinxin found three million in the kitchen water tank.Yang Ming received the call and asked Chang Shun to open the video and see the real money, and then agreed to take the things to the park to meet and exchange. Before leaving, Yang Ming and Lu Lanying said goodbye. Hu Si's people suddenly rushed up and took Yang Ming away. Lu Lanying repliedShe chose to report the crime at home, but Guan Hongjian also came to her home to look for Yang Ming. Lu Lanying had an argument with him, but Guan Hongjian strangled Lu Lanying and knocked her unconscious.

《Behind the truth》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Hu Si's people took Yang Ming to the wilderness. In order to force Yang Ming to pay back the money, Hu Si dug a big hole in advance and threw him down, saying that he would bury him alive.Shang Jie discovered that Anping was hiding something from him about Hu Si's treatment. The last time he went to find Hu Si, he deliberately asked himself to be the first to attract Hu Si's attention, but he climbed in through the window and put a newspaper about Dong Xiaohui's murder.At Hu Si's table, Shang Jie asked Anping why this was?Anping did not explain much and threatened to hand Shang Jie back to the provincial department, so the two broke up unhappy.

In fact, Anping has been arranging police to monitor Hu Si's movements. After receiving the alarm call from Lu Lanying, he immediately led people to follow Hu Si to the place where Yang Ming was arrested. Hu Si's men fled after seeing this, and Hu Si drove the car.Guan Xinxin's car that Yang Ming snatched fled immediately, and Anping and Shang Jie drove and drove respectively to catch up.Huang Wei pulled Yang Ming up from the pit. Yang Ming said in shock: Comrade police, we have finally come to you. Huang Wei took out the hand buckle and fastened it on his wrist, and humorously replied: Yang MingComrade, I finally caught you.

Guan Xinxin and Chang Shun, who could not wait for Yang Ming on the other side, had to prepare to go home with a huge amount of cash.But when they left home, something happened to Chen Hu.Chen Hu found out that Hu Si came to see Guan Xinxin, so he came to the door and made a fuss. He thought that Guan Xinxin and Hu Si were also having an affair. Seeing that no one answered in the room, Chen Hu became even more frantic and kicked the door open to prepare.When I went in to catch the rapist, I saw no one in the house, so I wandered around. Finally, I sat down in front of the sofa. When I opened the drawer, I found a tape, so I curiously put it in the tape recorder and started listening. Chen Hu, who was wearing headphones, listened.As he spoke, an intriguing smile appeared on his face.

Chen Hu loaded up the tape and went downstairs as if he had found a treasure. After getting into his car, he was about to start the car and leave. However, the person behind him suddenly strangled his neck and suffocated him to death.Guan Xinxin and Chang Shun returned home and found the door open and hurried in to check. Guan Xinxin found that the tape was missing and immediately became nervous. Chang Shun saw Chen Hu's car parked in the community from the window, so she and Guan Xinxin hurried downstairs., it turned out that Chen Hu had died in the car.

On the way to arrest Hu Si, Anping's car suddenly overturned and blocked the road. Shang Jie arrived but was blocked here, so she became more suspicious of Anping and even thought that Anping was deliberately covering Hu Si's escape. AnpingI wasn't angry after hearing this.In the interrogation room, Yang Ming explained the conflict between himself and Guan Jingtang. That night, Yang Ming went to Guan Jingtang to ask for money. Guan Jingtang said very unpleasant things, telling him not to talk about him. Even his mother Liao Fengqin didn't give a penny.No, I would not give him the money even if I threw it away. Yang Ming got into an argument with him in anger. Guan Jingtang stepped forward and pulled Yang Ming. Yang Ming suddenly threw him to the corner of the table and saw Guan Jingtang lying on the ground.Without moving, Yang Ming was so frightened that he immediately ran away.

He knew that Zhang Limei had also been to Guan's house that day.Then he followed to find Zhang Limei. Zhang Limei was packing the suitcase. She was very panicked when she saw him coming in. Yang Ming grabbed the suitcase and was about to leave. Zhang Limei had already fallen to the ground and pointed to Yang Ming to get the medicine for herself.Ming got several bottles of medicine on the cabinet and didn't know which one was right. Zhang Limei grabbed him tightly. In panic, Yang Ming spilled all the medicine on the ground and drove away in a hurry.Is Yang Ming's confession true or false? At least he didn't tell the truth about Guan Jingtang's death. Otherwise, how can we explain the floating body?

In order to impress Yang Ming, the police arranged for him to meet his mother, Liao Fengqin.When he learned that Liao Fengqin was in the advanced stage of liver cancer, Yang Ming was filled with grief. Mother and son hugged each other and cried.After Lu Lanying woke up, she reported the case to the police. Shang Jie and his colleagues went to understand the situation. They met Guan Hongjian who went to apologize to Lu Lanying. He sincerely said that he was too anxious that day, so he accidentally injured Lu Lanying and caused her coma. Guan HongjianTaking out a wad of money as compensation, Lu Lanying accepted his apology after weighing it.

Anping was having breakfast in the office. A colleague came over and said that Director Liu asked him to come over. When Anping arrived, he saw that Shang Jie was also there. It turned out that Shang Jie had reported his views on Anping to Director Liu, and Director Liu gave him fifty for each.The two people came out from behind the big board, and Shang Jie told Anping regardless of previous suspicions that the family members of the patients opposite Zhang Limei's ward reported an issue worth noting, saying that she had seen a strange pattern appear in Zhang Limei's ward opposite.

Anping and others hurried over to check. After careful inspection, they found that the walls of the ward were indeed different from others. After the air conditioner was turned off and the temperature in the room rose, the figure that had appeared in the Guan family villa and the scene of Dong Xiaohui's murder gradually appeared on the wall.The same pattern as the flowers on the other side.

《Behind the truth》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Anping and Shang Jie found the “Bana flower” that appeared at the scene of the last two murders on the wall of the ward where Zhang Limei lived.After repeated tests, this pattern will disappear when the temperature rises, and will appear on the wall when the air conditioner temperature is very low.Shang Jie explained that a special paint was used on this wall, which can change color due to the influence of temperature.

Zhang Limei was frightened to death precisely because she saw this pattern.But what puzzled Shang Jie and Huang Wei was how the murderer knew that Zhang Limei would be admitted to this ward, and how he could paint the walls in advance.Anping said this was easy to handle, and he ordered Huang Wei to find the nurse on duty. Nurse Wang was then taken back to the police station. According to her account, before Zhang Limei was hospitalized, a middle-aged woman with her face wrapped tightly came to her., said that her relative wanted to live in this ward, and asked Nurse Wang to accommodate her, and gave her a lot of benefits.

The middle-aged woman later told Head Nurse Wang that her good friend Zhang Limei would be admitted to the hospital in a few days because she had a heart disease and needed treatment, and she wanted to trouble Head Nurse Wang to arrange her into this ward as well.It seems that this middle-aged woman is a key figure, and she was able to predict Zhang Limei's hospitalization.At this time, Anping received a call saying that Liao Fengqin died suddenly.Everyone rushed to Liao Fengqin's residence. Forensic doctor Zhu Yuan told them that after preliminary testing, Liao Fengqin died of carbon monoxide poisoning. It seemed that Liao Fengqin felt hopeless and committed suicide by burning charcoal because she took out a huge insurance policy before she died.The beneficiary is her son Yang Ming.

Anping did not believe that Liao Fengqin would commit suicide. He took Shang Jie to investigate near Liao Fengqin's home, and found a person in a live video of an internet celebrity: Guan Hongjian.At the same time, Huang Wei was preparing to drive Guan Jingtang's car back to the police station, but found that the car key he got under Guan Jingtang's body could not open his Mercedes-Benz. Huang Wei recalled that Guan Hongjian also had a Mercedes-Benz that was exactly the same as Guan Jingtang's car.After seeing Guan Hongjian's Mercedes-Benz in the parking lot, Huang Wei opened the car with one click. Just as Guan Hongjian was about to step forward to argue, Huang Wei pushed him down on the car and locked him up..

Anping rushed back to interrogate Guan Hongjian, but Guan Hongjian looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water and just didn't speak.In the end, the police applied for a search warrant and found many things related to the case at Guan Hongjian's home: books on the application of magnetic levitation technology, a red dress and paint on the wall of Zhang Limei's ward.However, Guan Hongjian talked eloquently, arguing that he had no motive to kill these people at all, and Anping decided to continue looking for evidence.

Yang Ming asked to see Lu Lanying, and Anping asked people to arrange it immediately, and deliberately left time for them to talk. Yang Ming motioned to Lu Lanying to find Hu Si, and Anping immediately asked people to keep an eye on Hu Si.Unable to contact Yang Ming, Guan Xinxin felt anxious. She decided to ask Hu Si for help. When she learned that Hu Si was smashing the wall in the middle of the night, Anping thought it was time to close the network.But this time he left Shang Jie aside.

Guan Xinxin brought Chang Shun to see Hu Si, wondering why Hu Si was hiding in such a secret place.Hu Si said that only she could find him, and he had been hiding from the police these days.Guan Xinxin took out the photo and asked him to help find Yang Ming. After Hu Si looked at it, he told them that Yang Ming had been arrested. He asked why Guan Xinxin was looking for Yang Ming and whether he wanted to get the car back. Guan Xinxin nodded repeatedly, HuSi took them to his hidden car. Guan Xin was overjoyed when she saw that the sofa inside was intact. She gratefully said to Hu Si, "Thank you, Uncle Hu."

At this moment, Anping and his men arrived and captured everyone present. Guan Xinxin's car was also driven away.After the police took Hu Si and others away, Anping carefully inspected Hu Si's residence alone. He saw the hole that Hu Si had made in the wall. Anping followed the clues and used his expertise in immersive crime solving to find a hole in the ceiling.The box hidden by Hu Si was found on the Internet.Anping drove away holding the box. What he didn't know was that Shang Jie had been silently observing his actions in the dark.

《Behind the truth》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Anping returned to the police station with the box he got from Hu Si and put the box in the cabinet in his office. Hu Si, Guan Xinxin and Chang Shun were detained in the interrogation room respectively, waiting for questioning.Huang Wei and Wang Song had opened the sofa stool, and hidden inside was the magnetic levitation device they were looking for.Anping suddenly came in and asked Huang Wei to hurry up and activate the device.

At the same time, Shang Jie came to Anping's office and took away the things he had just put in the cabinet. Then she also came to see Huang Wei and others. After seeing Shang Jie, Anping was surprised. Shang Jie said that she would come and get it.thing, and asked why so many people were arrested in the interrogation room today. Huang Wei quickly explained that it was because the outside line supervising Hu Si noticed something unusual today, and the security team immediately arranged a raid. Because the time was urgent, they did not notify her.

After the magnetic levitation device was activated, it was indeed able to withstand the weight of an adult, and Liao Fengqin's fingerprints were found inside.Anping led people to interrogate Hu Si, Guan Xinxin and Chang Shun respectively. As a result, the three people said that the donkey's head was not like the horse's mouth. Guan Xinxin only admitted that Hu Si was his uncle and had been friends with his mother before.Fortunately, Guan Xinxin's search warrant was issued, and they found the tape in Guan Xinxin's studio, and the tape had been burned and repaired.

At the same time, a tape with the same content was also found at Zhang Limei's mother's house.In the tape, Guan Jingtang secretly brought Dong Xiaohui to his home for a tryst while his wife Li Shuhua was not at home.And the three million was also found in Guan Xinxin's home.After seeing the tape, Guan Xinxin began to tell the story of what happened to her.When she was very young, her mother disappeared. Guan Jingtang told her that her mother left with another man, but Guan Xinxin did not believe it because her mother loved the two brothers Guan Xinxin and Guan Hongjian.

Later, Guan Jingtang married Liao Fengqin, and Guan Xinxin hated this family even more, so she left home early to live in another city.After her father died, she returned home and found that the sofa stool at home was very heavy, so she went to buy an identical one. She replaced the old sofa stool and prepared to load it into the car and take it away to see what was inside. Unexpectedly, it wasYang Ming took away the car and the sofa, and even asked himself to give three million in exchange.

She discovered the tape accidentally, but she didn't tell anyone. She just wanted to find out the truth herself, and the police knew what happened next.Although a lot of evidence related to the case was found in Guan Hongjian's home, Guan Hongjian did not have time to commit the crime because his employees voluntarily came out to testify for him.So who killed these people?Shang Jie tried to sort out the context of the case and gave an answer: Liao Fengqin was the murderer.

Liao Fengqin discovered Guan Jingtang's secret, and saw that Guan Jingtang gave Zhang Limei and Dong Xiaohui a lot of money. She felt unbalanced, so she returned to the villa that night, strangled Guan Jingtang who fell on the ground, and used the magnetic levitation device inside the sofa to createSupernatural events confuse everyone.Due to a conflict with Guan Hongjian, Liao Fengqin, who was concerned about the key to Hongjian's home, put the items used in the crime into Guan Hongjian's home to frame him.

Liao Fengqin hated Dong Xiaohui and Guan Jingtang for their constant collusion, so she killed Dong Xiaohui. After Zhang Limei was admitted to the ward she had arranged in advance, Liao Fengqin turned the air conditioner temperature very low by remote control, and the pattern on the wall immediately appeared. Zhang Limei died of fright after seeing it..In order to leave a huge sum of money to Yang Ming, after doing this, Liao Fengqin arranged the scene and burned charcoal to commit suicide, misleading everyone into thinking that she died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

After listening to Shang Jie's analysis, everyone felt that it was reasonable and reasonable. Although Anping thought that the pattern matter was a bit far-fetched, he could not find any reason to refute it for a while.Several suspects were released. When Yang Ming learned that his mother was dead, he knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.Anping knew that Shang Jie had taken away the things in his cabinet, so he came to tell the director. Shang Jie ostensibly returned them, but Anping looked at them and found that something was missing.

The case came to an end for the time being. Huang Wei suggested that they go have a meal and relax together. They came to an old restaurant. When the restaurant owner saw that Shang Jie was new, he touted his restaurant as a time-honored restaurant and even took out and popularShang Jie took a group photo of the singer to show off. Seeing that the red dress on the female singer's body in the photo had turned yellow, Shang Jie suddenly had an idea. She once saw a photo of Guan Xinxin's mother, Li Shuhua, in Guan Xinxin's home. She was wearing a yellow skirt..

Now it seems that it was not a yellow dress, but a red dress. Therefore, Li Shuhua was not dead at all, and if she was the murderer, there would be a motive for the murder of these people. Guan Xinxin and Guan Hongjian deliberately concealed the evidence.Just to protect their mother.

《Behind the truth》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Twenty years ago, Anping just arrived at the police station. The police arranged for him to report to Captain Wang Mian. At this time, Wang Mian was immersed in solving the case. He asked his colleagues to put him in a suitcase and carry him out. Anping ate it after seeing it.Startled.Wang Mian did this just to investigate the disappearance of Jingtang's wife Li Shuhua. At that time, everyone in the police station believed that Wang Mian was mentally unstable, and the chief even suspended him from his job.Before Wang Mian left, he left his experience and diary of solving the case to his apprentice Anping.

After reasoning, everyone thought the woman in red was Li Shuhua, so they started to act separately.Anping handed over the task of leading the team to Shang Jie, saying that he had other things to be busy with.Shang Jie had already seen the videos in Hu Si's box, and asked Anping directly why he wanted to investigate Hu Si without telling him.Anping said it was because her father was her master Wang Mian.Only then did Shang Jie realize that Anping had known his identity for a long time.

Although Shang Jie has always taken his mother's surname, Anping recognized Shang Jie at a glance from the photos taken by his previous master.Shang Jie interrogated Guan Hongjian, and Guan Hongjian told his mother's past.At first, Li Shuhua's father ran a factory, and Guan Jingtang was a technician in the factory. But he was eager to get ahead, so he began to pursue the factory director's daughter Li Shuhua crazily. In the end, he became the factory director's son-in-law and successfully took over after the factory director's death.The factory.

But Li Shuhua already has a pair of children, so she can take care of them at home.After Guan Jingtang became the boss, he immediately changed his face. He disliked Li Shuhua very much. He would hit or scold her whenever he disagreed with her. Guan Hongjian was often beaten as well.

And in the end, Guan Jingtang got even more serious and hooked up with others outside.Li Shuhua had heard about him for a long time, so on Guan Hongjian's birthday, Li Shuhua sent her two children to relatives and gave the nanny Zhang Limei leave. Guan Jingtang thought there was no one at home, so he took his secretary Dong Xiaohui home for a tryst..Zhang Limei did not leave at that time, she just hid in her room singing and recorded her songs with a tape recorder, because she wanted to realize her ambition on the singing stage.

Just when Guan Jingtang was thrown to the sofa by Dong Xiaohui, Li Shuhua did not expect that Li Shuhua returned home and caught the two of them.Li Shuhua angrily grabbed the fruit knife and tried to fight the two of them. During the tearing process, Dong Xiaohui accidentally inserted the knife into Li Shuhua's waist, and blood immediately flowed out. Dong Xiaohui was frightened and kept saying that she did not kill him.When Zhang Limei heard the noise outside, she was so frightened that she dropped the tape recorder in her hand under the table. She ran out quickly and was stunned when she saw this scene.

The tape recorder she dropped completely recorded all these situations.Li Shuhua fainted, and Guan Jing asked Zhang Limei to bring over the suitcase. They hurriedly stuffed Li Shuhua into the suitcase, and then took it to the wild to bury it.During this period, the three people took turns digging a hole, burying the suitcase in it, and then covering it with soil.On this side, Anping is also interrogating Hu Si.Hu Si told everything about that year.

Li Shuhua was kind to Hu Si. When Hu Si came to this city alone, he had no friends and suffered from asthma. Li Shuhua had been providing financial support and taking care of him. Hu Si was still a young boy, but he did something strange to Li Shuhua.emotion.After Li Shuhua's accident, Guan Jingtang said she ran away with another man. Guan Xinxin and Guan Hongjian didn't believe it, and Hu Si didn't believe it either. He wanted to find out the truth, so he went to find Captain Wang Mian, who had been in charge of the case. Unexpectedly, Wang Mian had been suspended., but Wang Mian never gave up investigating the case. He was moved by Hu Si's sincerity and asked him to follow him to investigate. At the same time, he asked Hu Si to take videos to record the process of handling the case.

In order to experience the feeling of Li Shuhua being buried underground, Wang Mian specifically asked Anping to put himself in a suitcase and bury him underground, and then asked Hu Si to do the same for a while.Hu Si's video recorder captured these scenes completely.Guan Hongjian continued to tell the past. On the night when Li Shuhua was buried, it rained heavily. The rain washed away the soil on the suitcase, and Li Shuhua was able to struggle out of it. A passing driver happened to save her, but the driver did not intend to.With good intentions, he sold Li Shuhua to an old bachelor in Laolin Village in the mountains. Li Shuhua once tried to escape, but the old bachelor caught her and beat her up every time, and finally handcuffed her.

Guan Hongjian only recently found his mother and conspired with her to kill the people who caused her mother's death one by one.Anping asked Hu Si why he took out these videos from the crack in the wall. Hu Si said that he thought these murders were all committed by Guan Xinxin, and was worried that she would become red-blooded and kill him too.In fact, he had already avenged Li Shuhua back then.

Wang Mian died unexpectedly in a cave while investigating the disappearance of Li Shuhua. Based on the words Wang Mian wrote before his death, Hu Si judged that Xiao San bought Li Shuhua, so he found Xiao San. Unexpectedly, Xiao San told him that Li ShuhuaAlready dead, Hu Si did as he said and dug up a female corpse in his pigsty. In anger, Hu Si beat Xiao San to death because it rained heavily that day and all the evidence was washed away, so Xiao SanThe Trinity case became an unsolved case.At the same time, Guan Hongjian was brought to find Li Shuhua.

《Behind the truth》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Shang Jie took Guan Hongjian to find Li Shuhua. When they arrived, Guan Hongjian asked to speak to his mother alone. After Shang Jie agreed, Guan Hongjian went to the room by himself. Then he suddenly came out wearing a red skirt and holding a knife in his hand.They waved wildly when they saw someone, and Shang Jie and Huang Wei quickly took their uniforms back to the police station.

At the same time, Anping found the village chief in Xiaojialin Village to understand the situation. The village chief told him that Zhang Laosan did bring back a woman many years ago, but Zhang Laosan and his wife both fell off a cliff a month ago.After he died, the villagers helped bury him in the end. A distant nephew of Zhang Laosan's family came back and erected a monument for Lao Zhang and his wife. Anping immediately came to the graves of Lao Zhang and his wife.

Seeing that Li Shuhua's photos and Lao Zhang's photos were clearly posted on the tomb, Anping couldn't help but ask a few more questions. This nephew is still a careful person. No one in the countryside has ever seen anyone paste photos on a tombstone.The village chief vaguely said that it was all done by Lao Zhang’s nephew.Shang Jie continued to interrogate Guan Hongjian and asked him why he wore his mother's red dress. Is Li Shuhua alive?

However, Guan Hongjian pretended to be crazy, as if he was possessed by Li Shuhua, and kept speaking in Li Shuhua's tone. The interrogation could not proceed at all, so it had to be brought to an end for the time being.After Anping came back, he found Shang Jie and handed her master Wang Mian's relics. He told Shang Jie the real cause of master's death.In order to investigate the disappearance of Li Shuhua, Wang Mian personally went to the cave to solve the case. He stayed in the cave for a day and a night. As a result, he was bitten by fire ants, the wound became infected, and finally died of an accident.

At that time, Shang Jie's mother went to the bureau leaders specifically for Shang Jie and asked that the true cause of Wang Mian's death not be announced to the public.Because in Shang Jie's mind, her father is a great hero.Such a cause of his death would inevitably make Shang Jie very disappointed.Wang Mian's death made Anping feel depressed for a long time.He told Shang Jie that he sometimes felt powerless.Seeing his disappointed look, Shang Jie said, "But you are a policeman."

Anping said that I just want to make the world less evil. Shangjie encouraged him that the police are to protect the light, and their efforts will definitely usher in the dawn.The case was over for the time being, and Shang Jie was about to return to the provincial office. Everyone gathered together for dinner. During the dinner, Huang Wei and Wang Song wrestled with each other and played a small game. Huang Wei failed, and Wang Song used both hands.Anping was inspired after seeing it and recalled how Guan Hongjian went to Lao Zhang's house and smashed the cabinets.

At this time, Wang Song received a call from the Public Security Bureau of a neighboring city and found that a body was missing from the funeral home run by Chen Hu. However, Chen Hu did not report the case. On the contrary, he wanted to cover up the matter, indicating that he knew who stole the body., and then recalling that Chen Hu treated Guan Xinxin, and that Guan Hongjian could let him check into his hotel in a dignified manner, Anping suddenly thought of Zhang Laosan and his wife falling off a cliff and dying.

Anping led people to find the village chief again. The village chief finally told the truth this time. Zhang Laosan did not have any distant nephew at all. It was he who received an anonymous letter with 30,000 yuan and asked them to help bury Mr. Zhang.Three couples, and specifically asked to put a photo on the tombstone.If he doesn't comply, report him for helping to traffic in women.Things became clearer and clearer, but Guan Hongjian still didn't say anything, so Anping sorted out the order of Guan Hongjian's crimes.

Guan Hongjian found Zhang Laosan's family from Li Shuhua's bracelet. Li Shuhua just couldn't bear it anymore and killed Zhang Laosan. Guan Hongjian then stole a female corpse and pretended to be Li Shuhua. He threw both corpses off the cliff and pretended that they had accidentally fallen..Later, Chen Hu kept threatening Guan Hongjian with this incident, and Guan Hongjian simply killed Chen Hu.

After Li Shuhua returned to the city, she found Dong Xiaohui and killed her. In order to help her mother get rid of her guilt, Guan Hongjian deliberately pretended to be mentally ill and put on her mother's red dress.After hearing this, Guan Hongjian looked unconvinced and asked Anping for evidence.At this moment, Anping's cell phone rang. After listening to the call, Anping said solemnly that something happened to Huang Wei.After hearing this, Guan Hongjian had a weird smile on his face. He asked to talk to Anping alone. After everyone else went out, Guan Hongjian proposed to make a deal with Anping.

《Behind the truth》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

The case has been basically clear. The key now is to find Li Shuhua. Guan Hongjian is currently in custody. Li Shuhua is most likely to be with Guan Xinxin. According to the investigation of Guan Xinxin's whereabouts, it was found that she appeared at Tianlai Resort. Therefore, Huang Wei led the teamRushing to the resort, after checking Guan Xinxin's room number at the front desk, Huang Wei rushed up with his colleagues, but they were suddenly attacked. Huang Wei and his colleagues fainted and fell to the ground.After the colleague woke up, he found that Huang Wei was missing and hurriedly called Anping to report.

After everyone left the interrogation room, Guan Hongjian proposed not to look for Li Shuhua anymore because he could ensure Huang Wei's safe return.Anping scolded him for wishful thinking.Guan Hongjian proposed that he wanted to drink cat poop coffee, and Anping arranged for Wang Song to buy it. It turned out that the coffee cost nearly 200 yuan a cup.Anping satisfied Guan Hongjian just to see what he was up to. He asked Guan Hongjian when Guan Xinxin participated in his plan, because during the last interrogation, it was obvious that Guan Xinxin had no idea about Guan Hongjian's series.plan.

Guan Hongjian said that he didn't want to get his sister involved in all he did, but Guan Xinxin found a cake made by his mother in his office. Guan Hongjian saw that he couldn't hide it and told Guan Xinxin everything. After hearing this, Guan Xinxin said,Weeping bitterly over her mother's tragic experience, she immediately expressed that she would do anything for her mother.Guan Hongjian made a request. He had admitted all his culpability. The Public Security Bureau could publish the news of the case being solved in newspapers and media, and then he would tell Huang Wei where he was.

Anping ignored Guan Hongjian, but picked up his notebook and turned around to walk out. In fact, he was very anxious because Huang Wei had been out of contact for three hours. At this time, he received a video from an anonymous phone call. It was Huang Wei talking in a mouth.Video of the struggle in the dry well.Anping believed that based on the time, Huang Wei could not have moved very far away, so he suggested searching around Tianlai Resort. Director Liu also asked his superiors to send more police to help search.

Guan Hongjian once again asked for king crab claypot rice, which cost more than two thousand yuan a portion, but Anping arranged it for him without saying anything.Guan Hongjian ate with gusto and said he didn't eat for free. He told Anping that Huang Wei was not in his designated search range.Anping carefully checked the video and found that the stones inside were round pebbles. He immediately ordered the police to withdraw, and then searched along the coastline. The targets were no longer limited to dry wells, but also abandoned construction sites and factories.Shang Jie was responsible for tracking down the mysterious phone number that sent the video, but found out that it was tied to a truck, so they were led by the nose and ran away for a long time.

Anping ordered them to continue searching Guan Xinxin's residence. At Guan Xinxin's house, Shangjie and the others found the packaging bag from the drugstore. After going to the drugstore to verify, they learned that Guan Xinxin had bought medicine for motion sickness.After listening to the report, Anping suddenly realized that Guan Hongjian had deliberately confused everyone, and his real purpose was to buy time for Guan Xinxin to transfer Li Shuhua out of the country.Based on the search of Guan Hongjian's hotel, it can be judged that Li Shuhua must be staying in a certain room in the hotel, so Shang Jie hurriedly led a team to surround Guan Hongjian's hotel. They searched one by one and found hot tea in a room.At this time, Anping also led people to find the dying Huang Wei in an abandoned factory by the sea.

After careful deployment, the police blocked all roads leading to the dock, and police were guarding every intersection. Only public security vehicles were allowed to travel with them.However, a suspicious vehicle still mixed in with the police convoy and arrived at the pier. Guan Xinxin, wearing a police uniform, helped Li Shuhua out of the car and told her that she could leave here immediately.At this moment, Shang Jie and her colleagues surrounded them. In fact, Shang Jie had already seen through the car in their convoy and followed them with the intention of catching them in one fell swoop.

All the criminals were arrested and brought to justice. The truth of the case was finally revealed and the criminals received the punishment they deserved.Lu Lanying came to see Yang Ming. She was five months pregnant. Yang Ming said that when he went out, he would never let Lu Lanying suffer with him again.Guan Xinxin was sentenced to three years. Chang Shun came to see her, and Guan Xinxin greeted him with a relaxed look.

The case was finally broken, and An Ping took everyone to drink skewers again. Huang Wei also suffered a light injury to participate. Shang Jie officially joined the criminal police team of the Jiangcheng Branch.Anping also told everyone that everyone can have a drink and relax tonight.