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《Bodkin》Episode 1 Synopsis

Episode 1

At the beginning of the story, Gilbert Ball's voiceover slowly sounded, telling us about his podcasting career and a mysterious woman named Dove.

At this moment, Dove was in the apartment, anxiously looking for a man named Ketke.Unexpectedly, she found Ketke hanging from the ceiling. This scene was shocking.Just as she was about to flee in panic, a man wearing a devil mask suddenly blocked her way.However, the man was simply looking for a Halloween party by mistake and did not pose any threat to her.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye we are in the future.At this moment, Dove has devoted herself to the work of the Guardian.While investigating a case, she was surprised to find that the hanged corpse was her former informant.Her editor warned her to keep a low profile and leave the city as soon as possible.In order to allow her to escape the limelight for a while, the editor arranged a new assignment for her-to travel to Ireland to co-produce a true crime podcast with Gilbert.

At the airport, Gilbert was having a heated conversation with Amy.Amy is an excellent researcher at the Guardian and is looking forward to this collaboration.Gilbert was equally enthusiastic, but Dove seemed a little distracted.

The trio then arrived in Cone and were driven to their destination by designated driver Sean.Gilbert reveals to Sean that the purpose of their trip is to uncover the mystery behind Samhain.This is a mystery that has plagued the town for 25 years.On the legendary "Night of the Dead" in Ireland, three people who did not know each other mysteriously disappeared and their whereabouts are still unknown.Now, as the town prepares for its Samhain celebrations, Gilbert sees a rare opportunity to add a touch of mystery to his podcast.

On the way, they stopped at a picturesque place to rest.Gilbert asks Sean about a man he saw on a billboard.Sean casually calls him “Shit Pants”, a local who once went to Silicon Valley to work in Silicon Valley and now returns to his hometown with a huge amount of cash.He now runs a server farm nearby and leads a peaceful and prosperous life.

As the car slowly drove into the village, the team met two elderly locals - Barry and another unnamed man.Gilbert enthusiastically introduced his podcasting career to them and asked about the three people who disappeared 25 years ago.Barry speculated that it might be related to the tsunami, or inextricably linked to the legendary “Stone” (the legendary place where elves live).

Eventually, they arrived at Mrs. O'Shea's residence, which would be their home for the next few days.Dove explores around the house and unexpectedly encounters a wolf.She panicked and asked Mrs O'Shea if she had a dog, but the woman denied it.Fortunately, the wolf did not attack, but quietly left from the window.

Amy reminded Gilbert that if they wanted to get to Albu Hollow on time for the interview, they had to leave quickly.After hearing the news, Mrs. O'Shea began to behave strangely, but they had no idea why.

In El Buhoro, they finally met Dara, the owner of this land.A group of people stood next to the mysterious stone, which is where the Samhain Festival is held in the town. It is also the place where the three missing people last appeared many years ago.

As night fell, the team members gathered in a bar to discuss the progress of the case.From the conversation, they learned that one of the missing persons was named Malachi O'Connor.In addition, a boy also disappeared mysteriously, but Amy was unable to find any information about him.

While Amy and Gilbert were immersed in analyzing the case, Dove was silently checking her phone.Suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on her face - she saw a piece of news about the death of the whistleblower.Realizing that this might be related to their case, she immediately summoned her teammates to another bar, hoping to get more clues about the case from there.As they were talking to the locals, a strong man named Teddy suddenly stood up and began to sing an Irish song affectionately.The atmosphere in the bar instantly became solemn and solemn, and everyone listened quietly to this song full of stories.

Gilbert tried to communicate with the thoughtful Teddy, but the other person seemed to be immersed in his own world and had no interest in talking.Later, Gilbert meets Sims by chance and reveals to him his Irish heritage.He mentioned his great-grandfather, Michael Ball, a man from County Cork.Simms smiled playfully and told Gilbert that Michael was a thief who stole land from his grandfather.However, Sims's smile soon turned to friendliness, and it turned out that he was just kidding Gilbert.

Across the street, Dove meets a mysterious man who claims to hold the truth behind the Samhain disappearances.He claims that the missing persons were attacked by horses, but when he mentions the bizarre experience of witnessing a horse transform into a woman, Dove immediately senses his absurdity.Not long after, she caught a glimpse of the mysterious wolf again, and she couldn't help but wonder: What was the connection between this wolf and her?

The next morning, Gilbert spoke on the phone with his wife, who was far away at home, and the two discussed their current financial struggles.After hanging up the phone, Gilbert had breakfast with Amy.Amy tells him that she can't reach Sean, which means they won't have a driver when they head to the police station.

Meanwhile, Dove decides to investigate on her own.She asked a store owner for directions to Portola Road, where Sean lived, but the owner seemed indifferent to her inquiry.Despite this, Dove used her perseverance to find Sean's home, but he was nowhere to be found.As she was looking around outside the house, Sims suddenly appeared in her sight, acting strangely.Dove quickly hides, and Sims is seen trying to call Sean's number, but no one answers.

On the other side, Gilbert and Amy came to the police station and met with Officer Ball.The police officer assured them that Ireland was not as crime-ridden as other places.However, when Amy mentioned the mysterious “Disappeared Delta Incident”, the police officer's face became solemn.He became emotional when talking about the missing people, insisting that the disappearances had nothing to do with Samhain.The officer relented slightly when Gilbert revealed they had the same last name, but he was still curious about their relationship.

In Dove's shots, we see her quietly stalking Sims through the streets and alleys of the city.Eventually, she followed Sims to a secluded cliffside.Sims is seen holding flowers in his hands and lovingly scattering them into the sea.Dove's heart was full of doubts. She didn't know what story was hidden behind these flowers.

Soon after, Sims discovered Dove's presence.He didn't appear surprised or angry, but spoke to her calmly.He tells Dove that she doesn't have to go to such trouble to track him.When the conversation turned to Gilbert's podcast, Sims suddenly became emotional.He warned Dove: “Let the past be the past.” Listening to his words, Dove felt an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in her heart. She seemed to recognize Sims from somewhere.

Shortly after Sims left, Dove walked down the path alone.Suddenly, she sensed a dangerous aura - a car was quietly following her.She quickened her pace in an attempt to escape pursuit, but the car was hot on her heels.Finally, around a corner, the car suddenly accelerated and hit her.Dove instantly lost consciousness.

At the same time, Gilbert and Amy were busy in the police station.Amy takes a document from the officer's office that she thinks may be relevant to their case.The two decided to return to their residence immediately and tell Dove this important clue.

However, when they returned to the residence, they discovered that Dove was not in the room.An uneasy premonition filled their hearts.Just then, they found Sean's car parked not far away, but it had been engulfed in flames.The two looked at the fire in front of them in horror, filled with doubts and worries.

In another corner, Dove slowly woke up.She found herself being threatened by two masked men.They told her in cold tones that there would be serious consequences if she continued to investigate the case.Dove tried to stay calm, but her heart was filled with fear.

Meanwhile, Gilbert and Amy decide to find Dove immediately.They walked through the city streets, looking for any possible clues.Eventually, they found Dove in a remote corner.When she saw them, there was a flash of surprise and relief in her eyes.However, when she told them what had happened to her, all three fell silent.They knew that the case was far more complicated and dangerous than they imagined.