Home TV Make yourself at home
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《Make yourself at home》Episode 2 Synopsis

Episode 2

Hongdao unexpectedly lay in Runfu's arms, and Runfu quickly adjusted his posture, straightened her up and stepped back, obviously ashamed of his touch.Runfu commented lightly that this was not their first intimate contact, but then changed the subject lightly.Realizing that his appearance was a little off, and that she was going to leave quickly, he bowed in farewell with an almost royal reverence.She silently prayed that this would be the last time they would meet unexpectedly.

Episode 2

The next morning, Hongdao woke up and rushed to the roof eagerly to do some stretching exercise.However, he unexpectedly spotted Runfu on the roof next door.She hurried back into the house, looked at her appearance in the mirror, and was frightened by her own image.Over breakfast, her brother excitedly announced that he had successfully helped a friend purchase the property next door.He joked, half-jokingly, that maybe he should remind his friends to button their shirts tightly.

When Hongdao carefully slipped out of the house, he unexpectedly bumped into Runfu who had just walked out of the house.She cleverly pretended to answer the phone, scurried past, and hid in the corner store.After several awkward encounters, she is discovered again by Hongdao, but he cleverly pretends to drop his fan, creating a chance for her to escape.However, why did Hongdao deliberately avoid her?Did he do something wrong?

Back at the nightclub, Hong-do waits in line again, showing off his new hatband and North Korean-era style shoes.However, his showing off failed to win the approval of others and he was once again blocked.The next day, he called Hongxue for help, hoping to successfully enter the club and enter the VIP area.They carefully selected items for the event, but Runfu was surprised by the selection.

At the same time, Hongdao asked Daoying to book a couple's seat for her, citing work needs.Daoying agreed to her request without thinking too much.Hongdao booked twenty seats in one breath and invited everyone to attend the dinner hosted by Daoying.However, as the dinner was about to begin, she slipped away and instead met a friend at a club.

Those guys arrived at the same club, and they eased into the venue as Runfu changed into a new outfit that was more conservative and more in keeping with the times.The two women took center stage as they danced their hearts out on the dance floor.One of them, of course, is Hiromichi, who is celebrating her little victory in this way.However, when she was immersed in joy, Runfu suddenly appeared and greeted her, which made her feel embarrassed again.However, Hongdao soon discovered the entrance to the VIP area and successfully entered it with his wristband.

After some searching, she discovered a hidden door and a man tied to a chair.At the same time, in another corner of the club, Hongxue accidentally discovered his sister. He tried to sneak away quietly, but accidentally stepped on the feet of a man in a suit.The man in the suit reacted violently, but Yunya appeared in time and saved Hongxue.When she saw the wristband on Hongxue's wrist, she had an idea.She kicked the man in the suit away and offered to escort Hong Xue into the VIP area.However, as soon as she entered the VIP area, Yunya couldn't wait to find Yunfu.

The man in the suit was drinking in their back room and accidentally noticed that the secret door was open, so he followed the crack in the door to find Runfu.He easily fights them off with his fan, but when they try to fight back with a chair, Yoon-ah bursts out, only to be knocked unconscious.So, Runfu had to ask the two women to call for help.When the police arrived, she and her contact quickly hatched a plan to interrogate the man they had rescued.

On the way home, the rescued man claimed he had witnessed something he was not supposed to see and was tied to a chair.Beyond that, however, he's just a regular guy carrying packages for people to make some cash.When they sent the man home, he was immediately grabbed by a gunman.Runfu stepped in to save him again, and the man noticed that the attacker had a burn scar on his arm.

Runfu brought the old man to Shengshan Village and hid him safely, while convincing the woman responsible for taking care of him to temporarily take on the important task of taking care of and monitoring him.While walking along the paths in the village, Runfu's thoughts couldn't help but drift back to the heavy moment of his father's death.The old man she rescued once displayed a collection of treasures in the hideout of the thugs. Among them was a photo of her father's decoration, which shocked and confused her.

Runfu's grandfather, as the village's cultural heritage representative and second-in-command, was full of praise for her achievements, especially in retrieving cultural relics stolen from Shengshan Village.He explained to Runfu her real purpose of returning to Seoul - to track and destroy the theft gang named Gamjjok.The grandfather's worry was palpable. He was afraid that Runfu would make the same mistake as her father and suffer something unexpected.

At this time, restaurant manager Junhao drove into the village to purchase ingredients for the restaurant.However, he was reprimanded by villagers for dressing inappropriately.The van he drove also inadvertently scared some women, which prompted the village's first elder, Runfu's grandfather, to give him another severe reprimand.

In distant Seoul, Doyoung suddenly appeared at the door of Hongdao's house. He humbly begged Hongdao for forgiveness and hoped that she could resign from her current job so that he could get rid of the psychological burden in the workplace and express himself more freely.When Hongdao firmly refused, he impulsively grabbed her arm.This scene happened to be caught by Runfu, who intervened decisively and pushed Daoying away.Hongdao had mixed feelings in her heart. Every time she felt helpless and insignificant, Runfu always appeared by her side like a patron saint.However, every time at her most vulnerable moment, he always chose to leave quietly, which made her both touched and disappointed.

At home, Runfu recalled the encouragement and comfort she had given Hongdao, and he couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart. Why was he deliberately avoiding him now?Was it because she stumbled upon one of his lies?Or did some of his actions make him feel uncomfortable?Runfu began to reflect on whether he was too rude and put pressure on Hongdao.

However, when she walked out of the house, she was surprised to find Runfu kneeling at her door, apologizing for an unforgivable mistake - he had crossed the boundary between teacher and student.Faced with Runfu's questioning, he had no choice but to explain awkwardly that he chose to avoid it because he felt ashamed and embarrassed.After hearing this, Runfu felt relieved. She told Runfu that actually she didn't mind those past things.After hearing this, Runfu repeated what she once said: “You are cool like this.” He promised that as long as Hongdao no longer deliberately avoids him, he will pay more attention to understanding and caring about her inner world.

After hearing this, Hongdao felt moved tears flashing in his eyes.She was finally impressed by Runfu's sincerity and agreed to celebrate with him the good news that he had moved to the neighborhood.The two came to the corner shop to toast and celebrate. Although they were sitting at different tables - because their status differences prevented them from getting too close - Hongdao finally plucked up the courage to turn around and talk to Runfu.She told him that she actually felt uncomfortable sitting and talking like this.So Runfu thoughtfully moved to another table on the diagonal, and the two were finally able to communicate more comfortably.

In order to make Runfu happy, Hongdao deliberately praised his confidence, while Runfu modestly said that it was because of an excellent teacher like her.He affectionately told Hongdao that she was the most precious person in his life.On the way home, Runfu was filled with joy, but he also understood that he could not live in Hongdao's shadow forever.So when Hongdao tried to make small talk with him, he tried to stay calm and polite and not let his emotions show too much.When Hongdao confirmed that he didn't have a girlfriend, she offered to add his contact information using her mobile phone, since they were neighbors after all.However, Runfu knew in his heart that he could not treat Hongdao as an ordinary friend.

Early the next morning, Hongdao faced the polite student Runfu again, and she decided not to let herself appear too weak.In the office, when her predecessors were praised for their work, she bravely stood up and pointed out that those results were actually her designs.However, her outspokenness drew reprimands from her seniors.Amid everyone's accusations, Hongdao took out a photo as evidence - it was a photo of the bag she designed for Daoying.However, Doyoung did not take her side and instead revealed the fact that she had used his money to treat everyone to dinner.When Hongdao couldn't help crying, the situation turned and the people who originally blamed her began to blame Daoying.

Hongdao, who was in a depressed mood, went home alone in the rain.At this moment, Runfu came over holding an umbrella and happened to catch what fell from her bag.He was the only one who reached out to her instead of adding insult to injury.

Runfu couldn't help but recall the time he spent with Hongxue.When it started to rain, he couldn't help but worry about whether his sister had brought an umbrella.