Home TV Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace
《Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace》Episode 58 Synopsis

The Queen Mother protects her concubine

Recently, turmoil in the palace has resumed. Yan Wan was confused and made a big mistake because she was jealous of Concubine Shu's pregnancy.She begged the Queen Mother for mercy, and explained with tears in her eyes that she did not intend to poison the tenth prince, but only hoped to make Concubine Shu look disfigured and lose the emperor's favor.Unexpectedly, things developed beyond her expectations, and she accidentally injured the innocent tenth prince.In addition, she also admitted that it was her own fault that made Imperial Doctor Jiang fall ill in the post house.

The Queen Mother protects her concubine

Faced with the Queen Mother's questioning, Yan Wan showed unprecedented humility and sincerity.She admits that she is jealous but does not mean to cause harm to others.She promised the Queen Mother that she was willing to serve the Queen Mother and hoped that the Queen Mother could protect herself.At this time, the queen sent Rong Pei to ask about Yan Wan's situation. Yan Wan was frightened and eagerly hoped that the queen mother could give her shelter.

The Queen Mother understood the Queen's thoughts and decided to let Rong Pei slap Yan Wan ten times a day to calm the Queen's anger.Although Yan Wan was in pain, she was grateful for the Queen Mother's decision.She swore to Ruyi that she had never harmed Concubine Shu, but only did something wrong out of jealousy.However, the truth of the matter could no longer be found out, and Ruyi could only accept the Queen Mother's solution.

When Rong Pei carried out the order of the Queen Mother, he severely punished Yan Wan.Although Yan Wan insisted that she had not harmed Concubine Shu, Rong Pei believed that she was guilty for failing to discover Concubine Shu's abnormality and report it in time.Yan Wan could only bear all this silently, her heart filled with endless regret and pain.

At the same time, Hailan also discovered something wrong with Concubine Shu's death.Ruyi told her that Concubine Shu had seen something about Yan Wan, but the Queen Mother had already intervened in the matter, and Ruyi was helpless.On the other hand, in order to check and balance the forces of various ministries, the emperor named Balin's daughter as concubine Ying and doted on her very much.Seeing this scene, Yan Wan was determined to regain the emperor's favor.

The emperor's love for concubine Ying reminded Ruyi of what happened to Concubine Shu, and she couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.Rong Pei reminded Ruyi that he should consider the future of the twelfth prince, but Ruyi believed that the twelfth prince was still young and there was no need to worry too much for the time being.She had thought many times that if the fifth elder brother could be capable and responsible, it would be great to make him the crown prince.Rong Pei saw that Ruyi treated fifth elder brother sincerely, so it was inconvenient for him to say anything more.

One day, when the emperor was dining with Ruyi, Concubine Ying came to serve the meal.She sent Wuxi Dafu as a gift to the queen, for which the queen was extremely grateful.At the same time, in another corner of the palace, Yan Wan was being visited by Jin Zhong.Jin Zhong reminds Yan Wan that she can sing somewhere else to attract the emperor's attention, and even hints that performing at Mulan Paddock will definitely touch the emperor's heart.However, the emperor had no intention of taking Yan Wan there when Mulan was in autumn.Yan Wan came up with a plan and decided to turn to the Queen Mother to change her destiny.

The next day, news came from the palace that Yan Wan was ill.She took the opportunity to request to return to the palace to recuperate to avoid the emperor's punishment.Ruyi also agreed to her request.Since Ruyi had just given birth and was unable to accompany her, the emperor could only let her stay in the Old Summer Palace to recuperate.Before leaving the Old Summer Palace, Yan Wan carefully planned a plan to regain her favor.She came to meet the emperor dressed as a Mongolian servant who came to give the emperor a relaxing massage and squeezed his shoulders behind his back.The emperor didn't notice anything unusual at first, and it wasn't until Yan Wan spoke that he realized that this person was actually Yan Wan.

Yan Wan expressed her longing to the emperor and said that now there is dragon energy around the emperor to protect her and all her illnesses are gone.The emperor thought that Yan Wan had the intention to let her get up.Then Yan Wan mentioned that she had practiced some new songs and wanted to invite the emperor to taste them.After hearing this, the emperor was very satisfied and asked her to come down to serve him.The news that Yan Wan successfully regained his favor quickly spread throughout the harem. Concubine Ying and Concubine Ke were very dissatisfied with this and thought Yan Wan was charming and seductive to the master.Li Yuze speculated that Jin Zhong played a role in fueling the flames, but Jin Zhong ignored himself.Li Yu then passed the news to Ruyi to keep her alert to the changes in the harem.