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《Fresh History》The second season continues the style of the first season, but deepens and expands the content. The length of each episode is increased to 25 minutes and will be broadcast between 2023 and 2024.This season focuses on four literary masters from the Song, Qing and modern times who had a profound influence on food culture: Lu You, Yuan Mei, Li Yu, and Wang Zengqi. Through their works and lives, the richness and diversity of Chinese food culture are explored.

Lu You Chapter: Through Lu You's poems, it shows the food style of the Song Dynasty. From his nostalgia for the food in his hometown of Zhejiang to his delicate description of natural ingredients, it reflects the life interests and food philosophy of the literati in the Song Dynasty.

Yuan Mei's chapter: Yuan Mei's Suiyuan Food List is a treasure of Qing Dynasty food culture. Through Yuan Mei's food concepts, this episode explores the exquisiteness and exquisiteness of Qing Dynasty food, as well as his unique insights into food and culinary art.contribute.

Li Yu: Li Yu is not only a writer, but also an advocate of the art of life. This episode shows how he records and praises the food in life in "Xian Qing Ou Ji", which reflects his pursuit of quality of life.

Wang Zengqi: Wang Zengqi is known for his delicate descriptions of food. This season, special attention is paid to the food in Yangzhou and Gaoyou in his works, revealing how he integrates local characteristics into literature and demonstrating the inheritance and innovation of contemporary Chinese food culture.

《Fresh History》The second season not only tells about food, but also explores the close connection between food, culture and life attitude through the perspectives of these literary giants, and how food reflects the background of the times and personal emotions.Through rich historical materials, quotations from literary works and interpretations from modern perspectives, this documentary provides viewers with a journey through time and space in food culture.