Home TV Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle
《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle》 Summ

It tells the story of Ding Zhaozhao, a female head catcher from Six Doors, who was involved in a bizarre murder case of a demon fox when he first took office. The deceased had his tongue pulled out and died in a closed room, and was made into a pottery figurine. The subsequent cases became even more bizarre.The academy student whose body caught fire and was burned to death in full public view. After the escort sealed the box and sent it to Baili, the box was finally opened and the frozen body of the escort appeared. The clerk who was hung on the iron tree in the prison died.The cook's family in the blood pool all died under the punishment of eighteen hells.Ding Zhaozhao peeled off the cocoon and discovered that all of this was related to a charity fire case ten years ago. What shocked her even more was that her father was also involved.The thief Chu Bufan joins hands in investigating the case.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle》Full Summary

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 1 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Many people in the capital were killed in strange ways.The Ministry of Punishment ordered Liumen to solve the case in January. Zhu Rong ignored Ding Zhaozhao's eagerness to try and handed the matter over to the experienced He Yuefei.Ding Zhaozhao could only investigate in private. When he went to the woods where the incident occurred to investigate, he was attacked by black mist. Fortunately, Chu Bufan appeared in time.He Yuefei checked past files and tried to find clues from similar cases, but unfortunately he didn't gain much.Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan examined the body of the deceased and thought it was more like symptoms of poisoning.In order to let Ding Zhaozhao participate in the case openly, Chu Bufan quietly approached He Yuefei and asked He Yuefei to ask Ding Zhaozhao to handle the case together on the condition of his own network resources.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 2 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

A Taoist priest Li Zifeng suddenly appeared in the capital. He cured people injured by the black mist in public, attracting the support of the people.Li Zifeng's every move was watched by Ding Zhaozhao and the others. He Yuefei wanted to take Li Zifeng back to the six gates for interrogation, but was stopped by Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan, who stated their interests.Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan discussed inviting Li Zifeng in the name of practice, and the stingy He Yuefei immediately tightened his wallet.Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan pretended to be wealthy businessmen and went to Li Zifeng's house to invite people. Unfortunately, Li Zifeng was out doing something.Ding Zhaozhao pretended to be weak and timid, which made the gatekeeper relent, and then he found out where Li Zifeng was.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 3 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan got into the Zhao Mansion where Li Zifeng was doing the work through the dog hole. Suddenly they saw a strong wind. After that, Li Zifeng finished the method with a look of physical and mental exhaustion. Master Zhao presented him with a lot of gold and silver.Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan took advantage of the chaos to get the incense ash and talisman used in the practice and went out to meet He Yuefei.He Yuefei searched the files but still found nothing, but several people discovered the smell of herbal medicine from the incense ash and talismans they brought back, so they went separately to investigate the places related to the medicinal materials.Ding Zhaozhao seemed to see the late Wen Sixing in a medicine shop. When he chased after him, he saw a woman who looked like Wen Sixing talking to a little beggar.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 4 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

After Ding Zhaozhao, Chu Bufan and the girl who looked like Wen Sixing were introduced in the restaurant box, they learned that the girl's name was Wei Zi and she was a traveling doctor.But Chu Bufan was full of doubts about Wei Zi, but Ding Zhaozhao transferred his trust in Wen Sixing to Wei Zi and handed the incense ashes to Wei Zi for identification.Unexpectedly, Wei Zi really recognized the herbal medicine contained in the incense ash. After learning that the medicine was used to repel mosquitoes, Ding Zhaozhao became more certain that the injuries caused by “Black Mist” were poisoning, and invited Wei Zi to join the team that solved the case..Ding Zhaozhao brought Wei Zi to Wen Sixing's former residence for resettlement.He Yuefei also found out Li Zifeng's identity and secret as a former member of the capital.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 5 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan discovered that He Yuefei, who was known for being stingy, was actually a frequent visitor to the brothel, and the person they were looking for was none other than He Yuefei's lover, Liu Mengyan.Liu Mengyan told everyone the sad past of being sold to Li Zifeng by a trafficker, and then tricked and sold to a brothel by another girl. He Yuefei couldn't help comforting her, which made Ding Zhaozhaochubufan very uncomfortable with this man's tough tenderness.Although Liu Mengyan had no contact with Li Zifeng for many years, when she left, Li Zifeng often hung out with a weirdo who carried various bugs with him, which just confirmed the suspicion that Ding Zhaozhao and others got from Wei Zi..Chu Bufan then asked Liu Mengyan whether Li Zifeng had other hiding places in the capital.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 6 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Liu Mengyan failed to provide any more clues, so Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan wisely left the space to Liu Mengyan and He Yuefei.When the two were walking on the streets of the night market, Chu Bufan saw many children running out of the dark with candied haws on a stick. He was inspired and thought of a way to find Li Zifeng's hiding place.Calling He Yuefei, Wei Zi, and Liu Mengyan to discuss it together, Liu Mengyan suddenly realized that Wei Zi seemed to be someone she knew. Unfortunately, she was killed before she could tell He Yuefei and others.Wei Zi pointed out that Li Zifeng must have committed the murder, but Chu Bufan found that the finger of Liu Mengyan's corpse was pointing to a pot of peonies, and he couldn't help but raise suspicions about Wei Zi.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 7 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan accompanied He Yuefei to bury Liu Mengyan. Looking at the heartbroken He Yuefei, Chu Bufan told Ding Zhaozhao about He Yuefei's acquaintance with Liu Mengyan.Chu Bufan pointed out the anomaly of Wei Zi at the crime scene that day, as well as the relationship between Mu Dan and Wei Zi.Ding Zhaozhao was very angry at Chu Bufan's suspicion of Wei Zi, but after calming down, he still wanted to ask Wei Zi.Unexpectedly, when she came to Wen Si's house to look for someone, she found that Wei Zi was missing and the house was in a mess.Ding Zhaozhao suspected that Li Zifeng was retaliating again, so he made an appointment with Chu Bufan and He Yuefei to chase him to an abandoned house.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 8 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

The three of them found that the well in the courtyard was unusual, and after going down, they entered a cave.Ding Zhaozhao accidentally triggered the mechanism, and rows of steel nails attacked the three of them. Fortunately, they escaped in time.The three of them continued walking deeper into the cave. A Bagua door blocked the way again, and countless insects came out.After finally escaping the insect attack, the three of them inhaled the poison gas again, and Ding Zhaozhao and He Yuefei fell into a coma.Chu Bufan had no choice but to put He Yuefei down first and send Zhao Zhao out first, but he couldn't hold on for long before he fainted.After Chu Bufan and Ding Zhaozhao woke up, they found themselves tied up and suspended from the beam by Li Zifeng, with a hot oil pan underneath them.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 9 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Chu Bufan wanted to get information from Li Zifeng, but he was discovered by Li Zifeng. Li Zifeng cut off Ding Zhaozhao's rope, and Chu Bufan struggled to save him.But the thin hemp rope could not bear the weight of the two people. Seeing that they were about to fall into the oil pan, He Yuefei led the people from the six doors to arrive in time, surrounded Li Zifeng and rescued Zhao Zhaofan.He Yuefei counted the evidence to arrest Li Zifeng. Li Zifeng suddenly threw a large amount of powder into the air in excitement, but died on the spot.The six-door police officers discovered Wei Zi hiding in the secret room.He Yuefei asked Wei Zi about being kidnapped by Li Zifeng that day. Wei Zi claimed that he was knocked unconscious and when he woke up again, he was rescued by everyone.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 10 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Li Zifeng died. Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan were drinking and celebrating in the courtyard. However, Chu Bufan still felt that there were many doubts about the matter. Ding Zhaozhao got angry and blamed Chu Bufan impatiently.Chu Bufan found out that Wei Zi was another girl who followed Li Zifeng back then, but Wei Zi hid it because she was worried that she would cause the same murderous disaster as Liu Mengyan.Regarding Liu Mengyan's story about being tricked and sold into a brothel by Liu Mengyan when she was young, Wei Zi could only explain it by saying there was a misunderstanding between the two.And when He Yuefei was investigating Li Zifeng's residence, he discovered that there was someone else who was really leading the “Black Mist” disaster.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 11 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Late at night, Wei Zi secretly destroyed all the evidence of his crime. As soon as he threw the things into the well, he was stopped by Chu Bufan who suddenly appeared.Chu Bufan questioned Wei Zi in an attempt to expose it, but Wei Zi admitted it frankly and told Chu Bufan that Li Zifeng was doing things for him and that he was the real person behind the scenes.She also planned Li Zifeng's death, and she was the real person who killed Liu Mengyan.Chu Bufan was very shocked, and did not expect that Wei Zi was actually Wen Sixing's sister. She tried her best to get close to him and Zhao Zhao, but came to seek revenge because she believed that Wen Sixing's death was the fault of Ding Zhaozhao and Chu Bufan.

《Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty: Rove Beetle》Episode 12 plot introduction

Unsolved cases of Ming Dynasty:Rove Beetle

Wei Zi witnessed Chu Bufan surrendering at the six gates before leaving with peace of mind.After He Yuefei learned about this, he went to Ding Zhaozhao to ask the reason, only to be told that Wei Zi was behind everything.Ding Zhaozhao went to Liumen to rescue Chu Bufan.The three intercepted Wei Zi in the woods outside the city.In desperation, Wei Zi was so angry that he released the Hidden Winged Insect, which was the true face of “Black Mist”. Unexpectedly, several people had already found a way to crack it.Wei Zi refused to admit that he was wrong until his death. He actually sprinkled all the powder that attracted the cryptids on himself and ended his life.Peace returned to the capital, and Ding Zhaozhao kissed Chu Bufan firmly.