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《Good Doctor》Episode 15 Synopsis

Episode 15: Kai is forced to resign

Zhang Ming came to Professor Ding Mingzhang's office and saw him carefully studying Chen Hui's surgical plan for Yu Yang.Professor Ding Mingzhang looked up and saw Zhang Ming, and asked Chen Hui about his interpersonal relationships at Puyun Hospital.Zhang Ming said bluntly that Chen Hui had offended everyone.

Professor Ding Mingzhang then asked Chen Hui whether he would participate in Yu Yang's surgery.Zhang Ming firmly stated that if Chen Hui participated in the operation, Professor Ding Mingzhang would not participate.Zhang Ming then broke the news, saying that Chen Hui had plagiarized Professor Ding Mingzhang's paper, and the hospital had fired Chen Hui for this.

Professor Ding Mingzhang was very surprised after hearing this. After thinking for a while, he asked Zhang Ming to make an appointment with Dean Chen Hui to meet in his office tomorrow morning, and emphasized that Chen Hui must be present.The vice dean informed the dean of the matter. The two were worried that the conflict between Professor Ding Mingzhang and Chen Hui would affect the operation, so they decided not to let Chen Hui come until they could see Professor Ding Mingzhang first.After the deputy dean left, the dean immediately called Yuan Ye.Yuan Ye rushed to Chen Hui's house and knocked on the door to persuade Chen Hui to plead his case, but Chen Hui never opened the door.

The next day, Professor Ding Mingzhang came to the dean's office and found that Chen Hui was not there.The vice president told him that Chen Hui did not dare to come because he was afraid of meeting Professor Ding Mingzhang.Professor Ding Mingzhang said that what he wanted to talk about was a personal issue between himself and Chen Hui. The dean and deputy dean could not solve it, and only Chen Hui could talk about it.The resolute Professor Ding Mingzhang made the dean feel a little nervous, so he immediately contacted Yuan Ye and He Tong.

Yuan Ye and He Tong half-carried Chen Hui and took him to the dean's office.After that, they left Chen Hui behind.Professor Ding Mingzhang looked at Chen Hui and asked him to leave the office and talk at the door.He expressed his unwillingness to stay under the same roof as Chen Hui.Chen Hui didn't want to see Professor Ding Mingzhang either, so he walked out without looking back, but was stopped by He Tong at the door.

Upon seeing this, the dean began to break up the fight.Finally, Professor Ding Mingzhang compromised and decided to talk face to face with Chen Hui.He first stated that Chen Hui's expulsion had nothing to do with him. He never reported Chen Hui for plagiarizing his paper, and he did not need the hospital to expel Chen Hui for him.The dean was happy about this and confirmed to Professor Ding Mingzhang that Chen Hui had not plagiarized the paper.

But Professor Ding Mingzhang thought this was not important. The deputy dean immediately said whether Chen Hui plagiarized was important and asked Professor Ding Mingzhang to explain clearly.Therefore, Professor Ding Mingzhang emphasized that he had never reported Chen Hui for plagiarizing his paper.Then, he began to talk excitedly about his views on Chen Hui. He felt that Chen Hui was a selfish, narrow-minded and heartless villain.

He listed the care he and Chen Hui's senior brothers and sisters gave to Chen Hui, and asked Chen Hui why he didn't let his senior brother fail.Chen Hui didn't understand and asked Professor Ding Mingzhang why he gave it to his senior brother.Professor Ding Mingzhang was even more excited, because with this signature, Chen Hui's senior brother could stay in school and obtain a household registration, thus solving the problem of the couple's separation.

Chen Hui's senior brother is different from Chen Hui. Chen Hui wants to become a doctor and engage in medical practice, while senior brother Chen Hui wants to stay in school and engage in education and scientific research.However, due to Chen Hui's stubbornness, he did not allow his senior brother to sign. As a result, the senior brother is now divorced and his professional title has not been awarded.But Chen Hui still couldn't figure it out.

Professor Ding Mingzhang became even more angry. He explained to Chen Hui that he had given the project and provided Chen Hui with a laboratory. The paper was the joint result of the laboratory and could not be attributed to Chen Hui alone.After hearing this, Chen Hui said that he had figured it out and should sign his name to Professor Ding Mingzhang, but he still could not sign his name to his senior brother.

This made Professor Ding Mingzhang even more angry.When the dean saw this situation, he asked Chen Hui to go out first.He comforted Professor Ding Mingzhang and pointed out Professor Ding Mingzhang's logical errors.At the same time, he told Professor Ding Mingzhang that Chen Hui suffered from moderate Asperger's syndrome and asked him to try to see the problem from Chen Hui's perspective.

Dr. Wang, who had just learned that he had not been awarded the deputy senior professional title, was already depressed. When he came to the medical office, Zhang Ming told him that the investigation results about receiving red envelopes had come out and that he was basically innocent.This made Dr. Wang even more angry. He felt that he had clearly never done such a thing, but he had lost his deputy senior rating because of an inexplicable report.

Zhang Ming began to accuse Dr. Wang of not reflecting on himself, and took out the attendance records and performance appraisals of the past three months, pointing out that his performance had been at the bottom for three consecutive months.Then, Zhang Ming told him that the year-end bonus was closely linked to attendance and performance, and he might have to deduct half of the year-end bonus.Upon hearing the news, Dr. Wang immediately exploded. Not only did he lose his deputy senior rating because of the inexplicable report, but now he also had to have half of his year-end bonus deducted, which made him feel very aggrieved.

Seeing Dr. Wang so angry, Zhang Ming began to comfort him in a hurry.At this time, Yuan Ye came in and called Dr. Wang to see his sick mother.Dr. Wang left in a hurry, but he was still very uneasy.His mother seems to be getting sicker again, and they haven't found the cause yet.Yuan Ye suggested that Chen Hui come for diagnosis, and Dr. Wang agreed.

Chen Hui read Yuan Yefa's test report, thought for a while, and told Yuan Ye that his mother suffered from non-Langerhans cell histiocytic syndrome.Dr. Wang, who happened to be nearby, heard the diagnosis and hurried to find Chen Hui.Chen Hui explained his mother's condition to Dr. Wang in detail, expressed his disapproval of surgery, and gave the conservative treatment plan and his reasons.After hearing this, Dr. Wang was very grateful to Chen Hui and shook hands with him to thank him.

Dr. Wang felt relieved after receiving an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan from Chen Hui.However, when he returned to the hospital, his mood became heavy again.He found Director Liu and submitted his resignation letter.Director Liu was stunned when he saw it, and Dr. Wang said that he could no longer bear it.The two of them talked a lot, and finally Director Liu signed.

Dr. Wang's departure left the surgical staff short, and the vice president and Zhang Ming had to select a few candidates to fill the vacancies.They asked Director Liu to choose the right candidate.Director Liu hoped that Chen Hui could return to the Department of Surgery, but the vice president said that Chen Hui's hiring back shortly after his dismissal would have a bad impact on the hospital.Director Liu pointed out that at the last meeting where Chen Hui's resignation was decided, many doctors and department directors, including himself, did not sign to agree to Chen Hui's resignation, so Chen Hui did not actually resign officially.The vice president said that he could not make decisions for the organization without authorization, but would do his best to protect every doctor.After hearing these words, Director Liu smiled and expressed his gratitude to the deputy dean.