This drama tells the story of Airi working in a small record store on the streets of Shimokitazawa. She was blankly thinking about living in Shimokitazawa like this, but she still spent the day in her favorite Shimokitazawa.She encountered a theft at a nearby second-hand clothing store. The thief arrested by the criminal police said that he wanted to sell the stolen T-shirts to make some money to buy Fantasy Records.The fantasy record that the thief was looking for was called “Ghost Record”. It was a record that did not exist at all - One Day in SHIMOKITAZAWA - created by the wish of a record collector. Airi became interested in this record after listening to it, but after hearing it,There was record fraud on its sales website.People on the streets of Shimokitazawa saw Airi who was depressed due to being deceived, and came up with an idea...