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《To Be Continued》Episode 5 Synopsis

Episode 5: Achi becomes his safe haven

Ji was woken up by the alarm clock on his cell phone and was in a hurry to go out. However, August, the kid next door, took a box of food and named Achi and wanted to put a sticky note on Ji. Ji refused Achi to participate in his life again.

Episode 5: Achi becomes his safe haven

In the past, Achi wore a white uniform that would never get dirty and played football, which made Pae couldn't help but praise Achi's handsomeness.He believed Achi could become a star if he wanted to.Ji just casually conveyed Pae's words to Achi, adding that he wanted to have celebrity friends.This has become the driving force for Achi to become a star in the future. He hopes that Ji can only see his existence!

Achi invited Ji to play football, and Ji pushed the task to Pae because he wanted to create opportunities to get along with Prae.He even took advantage of the opportunity and said he would help Prae with her chemistry lessons.Achi said he wanted it too, but Ji said there is Pae and he can teach you.Achi insisted that Ji teach him, and finally Ji thought that he could teach Achi from one to five, study with Prae on Saturdays and Sundays, and even go to the movie that Achi asked him to watch with him last time.This sentence made Achi feel so sad, why Ji couldn't see his sincerity.

Achi accompanied Mona to Ji hospital for treatment, and Pae asked Ji to remember to go to the nursing station so that he would not miss a wonderful accident.It turns out that he had news that Achi and Mona also came to the hospital.When Ji passed by, he just happened to catch up with Achi sending Mona away in a wheelchair.He quickly hid under the table, not wanting Achi to see him.

In the past, Achi watched Ji and Prae walk out sweetly after watching the movie.He found that his heart felt very sad, but in the next second, as long as he said he was lonely, he forgot about being sad and went to look for the other party.

Compared to Mona at this time, she faced Achi. She wanted to try to save this relationship. She wanted to know if she didn't do a good enough job there, so she let her go when her boyfriend said.It turned out that from beginning to end, he had never loved himself, and she was just his temporary choice.But she is very happy that Achi is finally willing to face his true self, and she also hopes that Achi can be with the one she loves.

After the two chatted, they realized that they met in Ji's apartment, and someone was ambushing there, trying to secretly film Achi's scandal.That's why Mona rushed to the elevator desperately and almost hit the little boy.Now that the child is missing, Mona asks Achi to find the child while she finds someone to send her away.

When Achi found the child, he found that Ji was also there, and there was something in Ji's words, as if Achi often left someone or something behind.In fact, he has been complaining that Achi has forgotten his existence for ten years.He has been waiting for the other party to come back to him.

Achi went to tell Ji a story that night, but Ji fell asleep before the story was finished.That story is his love story for Ji.

Ji returned home in the evening and found the same bag hanging outside the door from the morning, which contained pork fried rice.He remembered that he used to pester his mother to make fried rice for him every day, and he never got tired of eating it.And Achi brought a new fried rice at night. He was afraid that the one in the morning would not be edible and would go rancid.Ji no longer chases Achi away. When he sees fried rice again, memories of the past well up in his heart.

From that night on, no matter it was morning or evening, you could see a paper bag hanging on the door, and the bento inside was pork fried rice.The notes above were all taped to the refrigerator, and he and Achi were playing a word game, passing notes to each other.

Ji had just escaped from the clinic. He suspected that the child had cancer, but the child's mother was unwilling to accept the reality. He could only ask the nurse to communicate with the patient's family first.It was just that he leaned against the door, trying to calm down the emotions that were questioned by the patient.However, he found that when he was at his weakest, Achi stood in front of him, as if he could become a safe harbor for him.