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《The Eagle of the sea and sky》Episode 22 Synopsis

Episode 22

It was obviously a very complicated issue, but Wu Jingtian made Qin Dadi admire him with just a few words. He also had his own regret, that is, he would never be able to fly a plane again.Because every test flight involves huge dangers, Wu Jingtian believed that Qin Dadi had a heavy responsibility and reminded him to pay attention to Yu Tao, a very good Harrier pilot who was both an Air Force member and very experienced.

Episode 22

Lao Jin and others went to the hospital to pick up Wu Xiao's mother and son. Wu Xiao accidentally discovered that someone had advanced 50,000 yuan in medical expenses, but Lao Jin concealed something and did not tell the truth.On the other hand, after Xie Zhenyu received the news, he asked Kang Yancheng if he had tried Harrier flying. Kang Yancheng responded that he had trained many times on the game console and personally taught him some theories and gave him guidance.

Later, Qin Dadi went to visit his master Yu Zhaonian in person, wanting to know the details about the angle of attack of Harrier flight.Yu Zhaonian said that there was no Harrier flight at all back then. They could only fly at low altitude and at high speed. The key to the so-called Harrier flight technology for high-speed landing was to maintain the balance between angle of attack and speed in the dynamic process.

But if you want to maintain balance in dynamics, a few words that sound very simple on the surface are extremely difficult to operate.Yu Zhaonian did not want any soldier to die, and told Qin Dadi to give him a chance and come over at any time if necessary. He even sang the military song of the year when Qin Dadi left to cheer him up.

At present, the first phase of work has been completed. Director Liu convened a meeting of all doctors and decided to immediately start dividing work into groups in order to implement it to every member of the test flight team.Except for Yu Tao, Qin Dadi, Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao, who were put in charge of Director Liu and Xia Chu, everyone else had their own support targets.Kang Yancheng couldn't hide his disappointment when he saw that his one-on-one doctor was not Liu Nina.

Lao Jin took his comrades to send Wu Xiao and Qin Yi home, which was regarded as completing the task assigned to them by Qin Dadi.At Qin Yi's reminder, Wu Xiao thought that the person who helped them pay the hospitalization fee in Shanxi Hospital was Tao Siyong, so she quickly called Qin Dadi to tell him about it.

Tao Siyong knew that Qin Dadi wanted to take the risk behind everyone's back to test the Harrier flight and high-speed landing, and strongly opposed it. On the one hand, he believed that Qin Dadi's attitude towards the Harrier flight afterburner landing was too fast and too extreme; on the other hand, he evenReluctant to give up, Qin Dadi was the first to rush forward and sacrifice his life.

During lunch, Qin Dadi took the initiative to chat with Tao Siyong, but Tao Siyong responded coldly and left first, then asked him to come to his office.Although Qin Dadi knew Tao Siyong's concerns, he was confident enough that no one in the entire team could overcome this difficulty except himself.

Qin Dadi originally thought that Tao Siyong would understand him, but he did not expect that he would have the same view as others.Qin Dadi tried hard to persuade Tao Siyong, but Tao Siyong still refused to let him fly. Qin Dadi became more and more excited, saying that at this critical moment, if he gave up, no one would dare to fly.Before leaving, Qin Dadi handed the IOU to Tao Siyong, but Tao Siyong threw the IOU directly into the trash can.

On the other side, Director Liu called frequently and provided psychological services to Qin Dadi with Xia Chu.Xia Chu knew that Qin Dadi was busy with something, and told him to come over anytime if there was anything in the future. Qin Dadi was also very happy and supported their work more and more.Director Liu incidentally suggested that the test flight team take a three-day holiday on May Day, but Qin Dadi did not give a clear response.

When it was Yu Tao's turn to come in, Director Liu seemed particularly cordial and said frankly that she knew Yu Tao's whole family, but she had not yet fully gotten to know Yu Tao.Director Liu talked a lot to Yu Tao and revealed his deepest concerns with one word. He kindly reminded Yu Tao to be strong because he still had his mother and grandfather to take care of behind him.