Home TV House of the Owl
House of the Owl

House of the Owl

The battle between father and son
《House of the Owl》 Summ

The Great God Ryutaro (played by Min Tanaka) Owl operates secretly as the country's behind-the-scenes mastermind, sometimes helping many politicians and business leaders to cover up various scandals and sensational events.

However, Ryutaro's son Oishenryu (played by Makensuke Nitta) is contrary to his father and insists on righteous ideas and behaviors.

However, he faces the most difficult challenge in his life - the mysterious death of the son of the next prime minister candidate who has close friendship with the Ogami family. Ryutaro gradually approaches the truth about the great evil hidden in the political world from the dark side of the country and the bright side of the country.

《House of the Owl》Cast
Great God Ryutaro/ | Tanaka Min Great dragon/ | Nitta Makensuke
《House of the Owl》Character Info
《House of the Owl》Stills
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  • House of the OwlStills

  • House of the OwlStills

  • House of the OwlStills

  • House of the OwlStills

  • House of the OwlStills

  • House of the OwlStills

  • House of the OwlStills

  • House of the OwlStills

  • House of the OwlStills

《House of the Owl》Ep Summ
《House of the Owl》Calendar

《The Dark Side》Episode 1 Update time: April 24, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 2 Update time: April 24, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 3 Update time: April 24, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 4 Update time: April 24, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 5 Update time: April 24, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 6 Update time: May 1, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 7 Update time: May 1, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 8 Update time: May 8, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 9 Update time: May 8, 2024

《The Dark Side》Episode 10 Update time: May 8, 2024

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