The protagonist played by Inukai Takajo finds himself a resident of the BL comic world and feels at a loss for this sudden change.He tried to find a way back to the real world, but he found himself trapped by the love flag of this BL world.The characters he loved in the comics were now right in front of him. Every smile and look they gave him seemed to be an invitation to fall in love with him.
But he wanted to fall in love with a girl no matter what. In order to avoid the love attacks from the beautiful men around him, he read a lot of reference materials (BL comics), but one after another “BL Love FLAG” were pushed towards him.
Shiono Eihisa/ | Tojo | Asuka Ito/ | Kikuchi | Yutarou/ | Ayato | Inukai Takajo/ | passers-by |
Kikuchi admitted, and admitted that he actually liked him a long time ago, because the protagonist gave him a touch of warmth when Kikuchi was at a low point in his life, and said that he would not put pressure on the protagonist, and that he would be satisfied just like an ordinary friend.
After returning home, the protagonist kept thinking about Kikuchi, and even took out the chocolates he sent and ate them. As he ate, he felt how good Kikuchi was, and immediately rushed to the place where Kikuchi worked and confessed to him.