In the sixty-year history of the magnificent Sea Kingdom, there was once a name that frightened the enemies - Xu Weiguo, Lord of Wu'an.When Haiguo faced a joint invasion from ten major enemy countries and the country was in danger, he emerged from the sky and led the soldiers of Haiguo to fight bravely against the enemy. In the end, he became a god in the battle, slaughtered millions of enemies, and defended his homeland.

However, this invincible God of War on the battlefield has an unknown family connection behind him.Xu Weiguo's wife, who was far away in Jinhai, unfortunately became seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital during his bloody fighting days.When he finally defeated and returned, what awaited him was the sad news of his wife's death and his young daughter Xu Tong.The victory of the war could not make up for the family's regret, and Xu Weiguo's heart was filled with guilt and pain.

In order not to let tragedy happen again, Xu Weiguo decided to retire from the world and disappear from everyone's sight.He buried himself deeply in ordinary life and used time to heal his inner wounds.However, fate seemed unwilling to let go of the former God of War.

One day fifteen years later, Xu Weiguo accidentally rescued Chu Nan, the daughter of the Chu Group, who was being bullied.This scene happened to be seen by his daughter Xu Tong. Under the misunderstanding, she thought that her father had an improper relationship with Chu Nan.Xu Tong was in great pain. She wanted to ask her father for an explanation, but she was treated coldly.In anger, she decided to accept the proposal of Chen Ping, the eldest son of the Chen family, hoping to escape family disputes through marriage.

Xu Weiguo was heartbroken when he learned of his daughter's decision.He knew that the Chen family's purpose was not pure, but for the sake of his daughter's happiness, he had to temporarily put aside his doubts.However, when the truth came out, everything was irreversible.Xu Tong left him because of misunderstanding, and Xu Weiguo once again tasted the pain of losing a loved one.

At this desperate moment, Chu Nan's appearance became a bright spot in his life.After experiencing a series of twists and turns together, the two gradually developed a deep relationship.In the end, Xu Weiguo and Chu Nan came together. They faced the challenges of life together and used love to heal the wounds in each other's hearts.

Although his daughter Xu Tong will never come back, Xu Weiguo knows that he must go on strong.In his own way, he continued to protect family and love, and became an eternal legend in the hearts of the people of Haiguo.