Home TV The Ferry Man
《The Ferry Man》Taglines

【1】The long-awaited unknown is nothing but death, only death!

【2】Don’t dare to burn raw rhinoceros, as it will have a strange fragrance when burned.If you touch your clothes and belt, you can communicate with ghosts.

【3】I shouldn’t just wait, I should look for it.

[4] On the banks of the River of Forgetfulness, I rested with you for a long time. In the mud, my hair was tangled with yours. There was no expression of my heart, only a wisp of my soul, which ignited a furnace of soul, and a mandala grew out of the dry bones.

【5】God is born in human heart and dies in human nature.Please have mercy on me and let me look after you again, my beloved ones.

【6】Acha: I can make you resist the invasion of time. The blind piano player: Then will I also lose time?

【7】Have you ever had something like this, that has touched your body temperature and listened to your heart?They receive love and love back.Have you ever discarded such things? They are in dark corners, missing you.Even if they are broken into pieces, even if many years have passed, one day, my thoughts will bring them to you.

【8】You'd better forget me, but no matter where you are, I can find you.

【9】Death and night are friends, uncovering a corner of the underworld and placing your trust in this life. When the time comes, he will come to you.

【10】None of them know how good they are, they just want to be what others want them to be.

【11】 Born in the imagination, spread in the mouth and tongue, desire exists forever, endlessly...

【12】Everyone is equal and free at birth, but what really constrains us is our hypocritical hearts and endless desires...

【13】 Meng Tang is hard to drink, please take a look back.After thousands of reincarnations, I will always look at you with tears.

【14】 When you come to the next life, I will pay you back for the rest of your life.

[15] In this world, there are five kinds of eyes, the heavenly eye, the wisdom eye, the Dharma eye, the Buddha's eye, and the physical eye. The physical eye is dark and unclear. It can see near but not far, see forward but not behind, and see light but not darkness.Does what you see and believe really exist?

【16】They would rather be queens for a while than be mediocre for the rest of their lives.

【17】 We come from the void, everyone holds good and evil, some ascend to heaven and some fall to hell.In the boundless fire of karma, I think of you and how we were so close in the past.

【18】 People are born with a desire to do evil and a weak will. God says that people must be responsible for their own sins because they are given free will. If they sincerely repent of their sins, God will remove the sins from their bodies.

【19】 You gods always have wishful thinking and always think that people in the world should smile. Isn’t that cruel?

【20】 Doctor, what’s your look? Who is the doctor? Have you ever seen a doctor in a black coat?

【21】 People are born with a desire to do evil and a weak will. God says that people must be responsible for their own sins because they are given free will. If they sincerely repent of their sins, God will remove the sins from their bodies.We come from the void, everyone holds good and evil, some ascend to heaven, some fall into hell, in the boundless fire of karma, I think of you, I think of the past, we were so close.

【22】 Our ordinary present! is a future they will never reach.

【23】 Loneliness, do you know what loneliness is? I grew up in an orphanage. I can see ghosts. I have no family, no friends, no one loves me or understands me. I am alone every day for a long time.After I died, even I was doubting whether I was a human or a ghost. This is the real loneliness.

【24】 Don’t you have any humanity at all? Humanity? I have met countless Yaoyin, and I would ask them if they would like to change back to their original form, but what? All of them are unwilling! This is what you fucking call humanity.!

【25】 People will lose while they are alive. What you lose will never come back. What you strive for will always be lost!

【26】The Kongming Lantern is really beautiful, just like the sound of stars flowing across the Milky Way.

【27】 If there is still a chance, I will definitely let you come back to me. I don’t want you to marry anyone else.

【28】 If you want to become a Buddha and become an immortal, I will go with you. If you want to go to the eighteen levels of hell, I will go with you.You want to be reincarnated, but I won’t agree!

【29】Everyone has a fragile side in their heart. If this vulnerability is magnified, no one will want to live.

【30】 While we are still alive, the survivors have passed away. When the future arrives, we no longer belong to the future. The long-awaited unknown is nothing but death, only death.

【31】If the hour hand could be reversed.If you could create a soul out of thoughts.If humans can use technology to break the boundaries of space, will humans become the new gods of this world?“

【32】” Are you willing to come with me? If you come with me, you won’t have to live, grow old, sick, or die. There will be no pain of separation. You won’t have to experience the pain of life. Your eyes can see the world again. You can play the piano happily forever without worrying about the world.distressed.“”Do you have to take me away? I have parents, friends, people I love, and people who love me. I can't leave them behind. They are my concern.“”But these ties are all sorrow! Human weakness and suffering, at first glance, these are beautiful, but they will become painful due to loss! People will lose while they are alive, and what you lose will not come back. What you strive for willYou will always lose it! Because you can't resist time, come with me, I will make you resist the invasion of time.“”Then will I lose time? People have seven emotions and six desires, and they will feel bitter only when they don’t have what they want. It is precisely because of these depressions that the occasional sweetness will make people feel more beautiful. If I have principles, please let meI stayed…%

【33】 On the banks of the Forgotten River, I rested with you for a long time. In the mud, my hair was tangled with yours.

【34】 God is born in human heart and dies in human nature.

【35】If you don’t ask, you won’t lose.