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《Jade Whisk Saddle》 Summ

Princess Liu Changsheng of Fuyu Kingdom (Qi Yuchen)The princess (played by Li Xian) was born with the label “Kefu”. When she reached the marriageable age, the princess was also worried about getting married.The emperor wanted to send him to Dhatang, but he had to fight with the jade-faced Rakshasa Qin King Li Jing (Wu Junting) who killed many people on the battlefield.Decoration) and marriage.With Ke Fu's mission to save the country, Chang Sheng and Li Jing started a ridiculous romance.As the two get along, they put aside their prejudices, fear no rumors, pursue love bravely, and find the true meaning of love.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

In the Hongluan Pavilion in Fuyu City, the storyteller Sheng Tiangang was telling the story of Princess Changsheng, the daughter of King Changle.When the Sun Mansion received a letter of greeting from Princess Changsheng to the eldest son, everyone in the mansion was frightened. They hurriedly packed their bags that night and moved the whole family.According to rumors, all those who admired Princess Changsheng did not end well. For example, the tragic experience of the blind school music teacher by Kang'an Lake, or the widower's disregard for blood and tears at the mouth of the East River. Behind all the sorrows, Changsheng seems to be looming.Due to the shadow of the princess' love network, her reputation in Fuyu City has plummeted. She is still waiting in the harem as she grows older. This is closely related to Sheng Tiangang's story.

On the occasion of the New Year, Princess Changsheng went out dressed in men's clothing, but Sheng Tiangang saw through it at a glance. After hearing the news, the onlookers shunned her and regarded it as an ominous sign.The princess held the Geng Tie and threatened to marry Sheng Tiangang if she could not find a good match within this year. As soon as this statement came out, Sheng Tiangang was shocked and quickly mentioned that the legendary Luan Feng Pearl would be on display at the Hongluan Pavilion in half a month.Beads are said to bring about marriage.Princess Changsheng is determined to get this pearl and will keep it in her pocket at all costs, which shows how much she attaches importance to the important matter of marriage.

At the same time, in the Wanshou Hall of the Tang Dynasty, the third prince of Qin, Lu Jing, returned from pacifying Dayu and brought the king's sword into the hall. Not only was he not punished, he used the sword as a birthday gift.The Fuyu Kingdom sent an envoy to propose marriage. King Tang, seeing that the third prince Lu Jing was not yet married, ordered him to go to Fuyu as a marriage envoy to investigate.Half a month later, the Luan Feng Pearl was auctioned at the Hongluan Pavilion. Xiao Zilu, the third son of the Xiao Mansion, deliberately raised the price. In the end, Princess Changsheng won the pearl at a high price of three hundred taels.However, the King of Qin and his party were assassinated near the Hongluan Pavilion. In the chaos, Princess Changsheng's new Luan Fengzhu shattered and she herself was injured. Fortunately, the King of Qin came to the rescue.Sheng Tiangang said that the scars on the princess's hands might indicate a turning point in her marriage.

The King of Qin brought the assassin back for interrogation and easily discovered his identity. He learned that it was the internal forces of Tang Kingdom that had committed the crime.In order to grasp the information about Fuyu as soon as possible, King Qin decided to speed up the marriage affairs.Fuyu Emperor Liu Yu knew that Princess Changsheng's marriage would be difficult, so he specially arranged for the King of Qin to stay in Changle Mansion, with the intention of promoting a marriage between the two, which would not only solve the princess's marriage, but also add support to possible future wars.Although King Changle was reluctant, he had to obey.

Princess Changsheng was thinking about how to deal with this unexpected marriage, when her father informed her of the emperor's arrangements.In order to test the King of Qin, the princess specially decorated the palace in a simple way, using old silks, green plants and Lu'an Guapian tea.Instead of being dissatisfied, the King of Qin showed his fondness for these arrangements, and his true intentions made Princess Changsheng elusive.The princess confided her feelings to her friend Xiao Jin, the sixth lady of the Xiao Mansion, while Xiao Zilu also made jokes on the sidelines. After some argument, Changsheng actually came up with the idea of ​​marrying first.Unexpectedly, Lu Jing's pet duck Xiao Ke accidentally entered the princess's boudoir, just as the princess was taking a bath, causing a misunderstanding and panic.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Lu Jing broke into the woman's boudoir without permission, his behavior was inappropriate, and his tone was naturally condescending.What Changsheng seeks is not something difficult, he just hopes to avoid the fate of getting married.The next day, King Qin summoned everyone from Changle Mansion to the garden. In name, he was to record a confession, but in fact, he recorded the princess's living habits through oral questioning for reference.For this reason, Changsheng cleverly planned a play and deliberately let others belittle her. Unexpectedly, King Qin ordered people to reverse the facts, which made her angry and distorted her face.

In order to help Changsheng escape the fate of getting married, Xiao Jin took great pains to borrow many portraits from the Ministry of Industry, all of which were outstanding princes from the three provinces and six ministries, for Changsheng to choose.Changsheng was grateful for Xiao Jin's help, and at the same time he did not forget to ask Xiao Zilu if he knew about it. Xiao Jin remained tight-lipped, saying that Xiao Zilu did not know about it.The maids showed the portraits one by one, but Chang Sheng was still unable to find the person he liked. Until the last batch of portraits appeared, Chang Sheng finally fell in love with Zhao Huaibi. Unfortunately, he was not in the capital, so he had to give up for the time being.Later, Chang Sheng fell in love with Shen Yao at first sight and chose him without hesitation.

However, at this moment, Xiao Zilu suddenly appeared behind him, and Changsheng slapped him in the face out of desperation.It turned out that Xiao Zilu had a close friendship with Shen Yao. He teased Chang Sheng that he chose Shen Yao to cut off his heirs. These words angered Chang Sheng. The two argued endlessly, and Chang Sheng finally left angrily.On the other side, because Lu Jing wanted to learn about Fuyu through Hu Bu, and the person chosen by Chang Sheng was the Minister of Hu Bu, he deliberately followed Chang Sheng in an attempt to use her to get close to Shen Yao.

During the visit to Shangshu Mansion, although Chang Sheng was not picky about Shen Yao's appearance, she was disappointed by his slovenly image and rude behavior.At the critical moment, Lu Jing intervened, forcing Shen Yao to show his true talents and knowledge. He not only found out Shen Yao's true identity, but also indirectly helped Chang Sheng.Afterwards, Changsheng thanked Lu Jing, but Lu Jing was more convinced that she was the best candidate for marriage because of Changsheng's talents, which made Changsheng feel very helpless.

The appearance of Xiao Zilu interrupted the conversation between Changsheng and King Qin. His feelings for Changsheng were complex and deep, but he often misunderstood Changsheng because of his improper expression.Changsheng made it clear that he would not marry Xiao Zilu, and the emotional entanglement between the two became increasingly complicated.

In addition, Lu Jing has successfully discovered Fuyu's financial situation, and Changsheng's next investigation target is Yang Wulang, the son of the Minister of Industry.Although Xiao Jin reminded Yang Wulang that he was suspected of having a broken sleeve, Changsheng still resolutely chose him.In a moment of excitement, she accidentally hit the ball in her hand towards Lu Jing's window, causing an accident. The embarrassing scene of Lu Jing without wearing a shirt was exposed, causing all the female family members to hide their faces and laugh.

As for the King of Qin, through these few days of contact, he discovered that Changsheng was very talented and quick in thinking, far beyond what outside rumors could match.Among the next objects of investigation, where will Changsheng set his sights?All this has yet to be revealed.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

As night fell, Fuyu City ushered in the brilliant Lantern Festival. Changsheng secretly planned in his heart that he would take advantage of this beautiful scenery to bravely confess his love to Yang Wulang and vow to spend this life with him.If this plan fails, she will ask Sheng Tiangang to help out and use the romantic atmosphere of the Lantern Festival to make Yang Wulang fall in love with her.In short, it was to make Yang Wulang confused and obsessed, and then use her tenderness offensive to facilitate this.However, what Chang Sheng did not expect was that Yang Wulang failed to keep the appointment due to physical discomfort, causing everything she had carefully planned to come to nothing.

At the same time, Xiao Zilu was having a secret conversation with Yang Wulang. Yang Wulang cleverly handed over a flower, meaningfully reminding Xiao Zilu to cherish the person in front of him.Xiao Zilu just smiled indifferently and did not comment.

On the other side, Lu Jing learned that Yang Wulang had a soft spot for Guan Shanqing, so he cleverly took advantage of this. He met Yang Wulang in a teahouse, talked about Guan Shanqing to get closer to him, and took the opportunity to obtain information about Fuyu City..

Concubine Xian summoned all the beauties to the palace to teach them the etiquette of making soup. Changsheng was late due to a traffic jam in the carriage, which further angered Concubine Xian, who was already dissatisfied with her, and she was punished by cleaning the garden.Among those innocently affected were Xiao Jin, who had arrived for Changsheng, and they both went to work together.Princess Guangde, as the beloved daughter of the emperor and the noble concubine Xian, was also a candidate for marriage. She and Changsheng had never been at odds with each other. The two made a bet. Whoever got married first would receive a hundred taels of gold as a gift. The loserThose who want to marry need to travel far away to get married.

After Xiao Zilu entered the palace, he spread rumors, causing the palace ladies to talk about longevity.Although I have heard of longevity, I have become accustomed to it and it has become natural.Later, Lu Jing took Yang Wulang into the palace. It turned out that he had praised longevity in front of Yang Wulang before, which prompted Yang Wulang to show up and agree to participate in the Lantern Festival in the evening.Back home, Lu Jing kindly reminded Chang Sheng that although Yang Wulang looked outstanding, he was not a good match.

On the night of the Lantern Festival, Xiao Jin, Xie Lin and Xiao Zilu all arrived. Changsheng was suffering from being unable to be alone with Yang Wulang, so he tried to get rid of Xiao Zilu and used children to entangle him, and finally he was able to be alone with Yang Wulang.However, things were unpredictable, and Yang Wulang suddenly left, leaving Chang Sheng and Lu Jing looking at each other.At this time, Sheng Tiangang mistook Lu Jing for Yang Wulang and started talking nonsense. Chang Sheng gave various hints, but Sheng Tiangang was completely unaware of it, causing Chang Sheng's plan to completely fail.

The three of them walked together and encountered frequent embarrassments. When passing by a lantern riddle stall, Chang Sheng left a riddle, and Lu Jing knew the answer at a glance.At the Lantern Festival, in addition to guessing lantern riddles, there are also wonderful ventriloquism performances that attract everyone to watch.During this bustling time, the assassin quietly approached. Lu Jing quickly sensed the danger and decided to take Changsheng away.He cleverly used candies to disrupt the crowd, took the opportunity to use Qinggong, and led Changsheng to escape from danger.Although Changsheng felt shy, he also warned Lu Jing not to act so rashly in the future.

On the other side, Princess Guangde was separated from her maid during the Lantern Festival, and unfortunately encountered a drunkard. Her cry for help happened to be heard by Chang Sheng not far away.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Several drunken men tried to do evil to Guangde. Fortunately, Zhao Huaibi, the commander of the Kangcheng Guards, took action bravely, like a divine soldier from heaven, driving away the frivolous men and preserving Guangde's innocence.When Changsheng arrived in a hurry, he mistakenly thought that Zhao Huaibi was the person who harmed Guangde, and severely reprimanded him without asking. After Guangde's explanation, Changsheng realized that he had wrongly blamed Zhao Huaibi.Afterwards, Guangde blamed Changsheng for not being able to thank the knight and ask his name due to her impulsiveness.Changsheng was also helpless about his marriage. At this time, Lu Jing said lightly: "The person who is destined is at ease in the world", which confused Changsheng.

Returning to his home, Changsheng thought about it over and over, and suddenly recalled the riddle he had set: "Where to meet the destined person". I expected that Lu Jing had already figured it out, so no wonder he would say such things.Soon, Yang Wulang visited Changle Mansion, intending to visit Lu Jing to drink tea together, not to live forever.Upon learning that Lu Jing was not here, Yang Wulang left immediately, instantly dashing the newly ignited hope for longevity.After Yang Wulang left, Lu Jing arrived. Changsheng naturally had a bad look on the envoy who met Yang Wulang first.Changsheng continued to try to date men, but was repeatedly blocked.

At the same time, Xiao Zilu spread rumors about Changsheng among his friends, causing the men in Fuyu City to avoid Changsheng.Changsheng had contact with almost all men, but he had no interest in Xiao Zilu.Faced with the inevitable fate of marriage, Changsheng decided to find a turning point from the envoy Lu Jing.She designed a fake grave and fabricated rumors that were unfavorable to herself in an attempt to make Lu Jing give up the idea of ​​marriage, but Lu Jing saw through her plan and watched with cold eyes.

After Changsheng returned home, he complained to Jingyanshenxing and decided to resolve the internal conflict first, namely the problem of Xiao Zilu.She plans to use the trap in Muyan Forest to teach Xiao Zilu a lesson.However, Lu Jing has learned that Zhao Huaijin returned to Beijing to report on his duties and was ordered to manage the security around Muyan Forest.Changsheng didn't know this, but still planned to go to Muyan Forest late at night.Lu Jing took advantage of the situation and arranged for Youyong and Youmou to pretend to be gangsters and lure Zhao Huaibi to rescue Changsheng, so that he could use this as an excuse to visit Zhao Huaibi in the future to spy on intelligence.

Jinyan went to Xiao Mansion to invite Xiao Zilu, but learned that he had been summoned to the palace.Changsheng and Lu Jing encountered disguised gangsters when they went to Muyan Forest.Lu Jing originally wanted to be a hero and save the beauty, but he didn't expect that Changsheng would also have extraordinary skills.During the retreat, Chang Sheng accidentally stepped on the air and fell into a deep pit together with Lu Jing.The weather was getting colder and Chang Sheng fell into a coma. Lu Jing had no choice but to fire a signal flare to ask for help.Unexpectedly, the signal bomb attracted Zhao Huaibi, who rescued Chang Sheng and Lu Jing.Changsheng recognized Zhao Huaibi as the man who saved Guangde that day.

Zhao Huaibi was quite dissatisfied with Chang Sheng's behavior with the man in the woods late at night, and decided to keep a distance from her.Back at home, Changsheng doesn't want to argue with Xiao Zilu.At this time, fireworks bloomed in the sky. It was Lu Jing who knew that immortality was the result, and he silently thanked him in his heart.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Today is Chang Sheng’s birthday. Lu Jing knew her love for fireworks and specially ordered You Yong and You Mou to prepare a fireworks feast.Changsheng and Xiao Jin met Guangde by chance in the palace and were shocked to find that she was uncharacteristically not provoking any trouble. They speculated that her temperament had changed drastically.Later, the maid inquired and learned that Guangde's change came from a man who heroically saved a beautiful woman at the lantern festival. She could not forget this man.Changsheng heard this and almost choked while drinking tea. It turned out that the two of them fell in love with the same person.

Later, Guangde brought a bunch of scripts to Changle Mansion as a gift to Changsheng, intending to show fair competition.Changsheng was kind-hearted and accidentally revealed that he was rescued by Zhao Huaibi. Even the reminders to be careful with his words and actions could not stop him.Knowing that Changsheng was also enamored of Zhao Huaibi, Guangde immediately changed his mind, retracted his words, and stopped mentioning fairness.

The emperor intended to marry Xiao Zilu and Guangde, but Xiao Zilu firmly refused on the grounds of leg disease, even risking his life to fight.The emperor had no choice but to give up.Guangde already had Zhao Huaibi in his heart, so he was happy to see Xiao Zilu's refusal to marry.Xiao Zilu and Guangde secretly joined forces and vowed to prevent the combination of Changsheng and Zhao Huaibi.

After Xiao Zilu returned home, Xiao Jin learned that her brother intended to marry Changsheng, and she felt worried, but she preferred to save her brother.Changsheng understood this well and was not angry.She decided to learn fishing from Lu Jing in order to win Zhao Huaibi's favor.Lu Jing also carefully planned an appearance to have Changsheng appear as a flute player to attract Zhao Huaibi's attention.Guangde also received advice from an expert and chose to play the pipa. Both have their own merits.Although Guangde took the lead in introducing Zhao Huaibi into the cabin, Changsheng successfully invited him to fish together based on his understanding of Zhao Huaibi's preferences.

However, Chang Sheng knew nothing about fishing and it was difficult to master the skills in a short period of time.Lu Jing arranged for people to hang fish hooks in the river in advance, but Guang De saw through it and ridiculed him.Changsheng is not willing to be outdone and wants to take the advantage in the next round.The two competed to show their talents, and Zhao Huaibi was involved. He had to taste many delicacies, and finally left the table in a hurry due to gastrointestinal discomfort.

At this time, the Fuyu Kingdom has not yet decided on the choice of family members, while the Tang Kingdom has urged Lu Jing to return to the court and resume his duties.Youyong and Youmou were worried, but Lu Jing was confident and said he had a plan in place.He deliberately revealed King Qin's interest in Princess Changsheng in front of Xiao Zilu, which caused Xiao Zilu to panic and once again spread the rumor that Changsheng Hongluan Star was not prosperous.Lu Jing relaxed and pointed out that King Qin never believed in this.

The next day, Changsheng was going to visit Zhao Huaibi in the military camp. Lu Jing took the opportunity to pretend to be her servant and accompany him, intending to explore the strength of Fuyu's army.Unexpectedly, he ran into Guangde in the military camp, and both of them presented gifts to Zhao Huaibi.Although the gift of immortality seems crude, it is full of her heart and efforts.There was a newly arrived fierce horse in the military camp that was difficult to tame. Zhao Huaibi went into battle in person but was thrown off by it.Upon seeing this, Changsheng stepped forward and actively asked to try to tame the horse.Guangde took the opportunity to ask Zhao Huaibi to teach her how to ride a horse.Lu Jingze looked around in the military camp and found that the Fuyu army was practicing the spear formation.In the end, Zhao Huaibi and Guangde rode away together. Although Changsheng was defeated again, he was not too disappointed with Lu Jing's comfort.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

In front of Changsheng were placed two pitching pots, engraved with Zhao Huaibi's name and the words “ and pro” respectively, indicating that Changsheng would face a major decision.Zhao Huaibi was busy with official duties and needed to escort refined salt to Yan State, so he was unable to accompany Guangde on his trip.The monarch had great trust in King Changle, so he granted the management rights of Muyan Forest to Changle Mansion.The refined salt transported by Zhao Huaibi on this trip came from this precious forest.

Just as Zhao Huaibi was getting ready to go, an anxious palace maid hurriedly came to report the news of Guangde's disappearance.It turned out that Guangde had promised to make fish cakes for Zhao Huaibi, but unexpectedly he disappeared and never returned, and everyone in the palace was searching for him.

Although Zhao Huaibi was anxious, due to his responsibilities, he could only stay in Muyan Forest to wait for the good news.Changsheng and Lu Jing took the initiative to search the palace. Changsheng accidentally cut her palm on a sharp stone in a hurry. However, she ignored the pain and persisted in looking for Guangde.Finally, they found Guangde in the kitchen where they played as children. Changsheng carefully prepared a pair of shoes for her, and then met the king together to reassure her.Changsheng secretly told Guangde to keep it secret, because Zhao Huaibi's salt transportation incident had changed and the bridge was damaged, so the original plan might not be carried out on time.

Changsheng led Guangde to meet Zhao Huaibi in Muyan Forest. She solemnly warned Guangde that delaying the transportation of salt would result in heavy penalties.Changsheng decided to give Zhao Huaibi a night while he tried to solve the problem.The delay in transporting salt may cause discord between Fuyu and Yan State, which may be beneficial to Datang, but Lu Jing is worried about his anxiety about immortality.After a night of hard thinking, Lu Jing came up with the ingenious plan of sailing on the ice to ensure that the salt could reach Yan State smoothly within two days and resolve the crisis.

Changsheng was exhausted from staying up late, so Lu Jing thoughtfully let her rest and went to Muyan Forest to inform Zhao Huaibi of the good news and arrange follow-up matters.During frequent contacts, Lu Jing gradually became more and more attached to Chang Sheng, and this time he helped her out of his deep concern for her.

The next day, Changsheng woke up and proposed to go out for fun to fulfill his friendship as a landlord.She made candies with her own hands and led everyone to listen to a play and enjoy the snow, creating a lively atmosphere.However, Changsheng accidentally contracted the cold and coughed continuously. His face turned pale, but he still insisted on entering the palace to pay homage to the virtuous concubine.Fortunately, Lu Jing asked for leave in advance for her and told her to take a good rest.

Zhao Huaibi returned from transporting salt and went to Changle Mansion to express his thanks after returning to the emperor. It happened that Guangde came to deliver medicine for Changsheng.Unexpectedly, Zhao Huaibi expressed his willingness to marry Changsheng in public.As soon as this was said, Guangde left angrily, and Changsheng allowed Zhao Huaibi to go and comfort him.Zhao Huaibi has a deep love for Guangde, but Guangde knows nothing about it, let alone why he wants to marry Changsheng.

Changsheng had a clear idea in his heart, and he knew that the law of Fuyu prohibited the prince-in-law from becoming an official, so Zhao Huaibi's move was actually an expedient measure.After learning that Guangde was ill, Changsheng went to the palace to visit.The two once again played pot throwing, but an incident occurred unexpectedly. Changsheng almost fell down. Fortunately, Lu Jing came to his rescue in time, and the two accidentally kissed in the snow.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Chang Sheng and Lu Jing accidentally kissed, and both parties felt extremely embarrassed. It happened that the arrow fell into the pot of He Qin, which seemed to be a trick of God.When Changsheng heard the name of King Qin, he was afraid of him. Because of his ugly woolen clothes, cruel temperament, and rumors of cannibalism, he was extremely resistant to the marriage.Lu Jing came up with a plan to help Chang Sheng face his heart.He guided Changsheng to close his eyes and meditate, and look back at the past moments of laughter and touching. The person who came to mind was Lu Jing. Changsheng exclaimed and quickly searched for the reason, urging him to leave.

Changsheng was filled with doubts, why did Lu Jing become the person in her heart?She knew that she had a bad reputation in Fuyu and that her marriage would not be successful, but she did not expect that she would be trapped in marriage.In order to avoid getting married, she had approached Shen Yao, Yang Wulang and Zhao Huaibi in a panic, but it was not her intention and was actually an expedient measure.Lu Jing's words finally made her realize her emotional direction, but it was difficult to express her feelings in words. Because Lu Jing was the envoy of Tang Dynasty, the road ahead for the two of them was bleak.

The next day, Changsheng went to Muyan Forest, and Lu Jing insisted on accompanying him.The two of them had a great time collecting salt together, watching the salt water field, and playing with noodles.Guangde went to Zhao Huaibi despite being ill, and was full of plans to win his heart back, but he suddenly realized the true meaning of love: not to hit him with your palm, but to wish him well.Guang De left sadly, and Zhao Huaibi also felt pain, due to the great disparity in status and the shallow love between them.

Guangde was immersed in sorrow and could not eat. The noble concubine cried to the emperor. The emperor summoned Zhao Huaibi, but heard that he was going to marry Changsheng.Xiao Jin felt alienated from Chang Sheng, but after Xie Lin's analysis, he mistakenly thought that Chang Sheng annoyed him.When Changsheng comes to visit, Xiao Jin feels guilty, but Changsheng is not angry. He knows that Xiao Jin cares about Xiao Zilu, and he has no intention of falling in love with Xiao Zilu. The two have a deep friendship, but it is not a relationship between a man and a woman.

Changsheng asked Zhao Huaibi about his intention to marry, and got a positive answer.Ran Changsheng decided to throw the gift into the charcoal fire, but Zhao Huaibi was stunned but did not stop him.Changsheng wanted to give up Guangde's gift, but Zhao Huaibi hurriedly snatched it away.This move enabled Changsheng to gain insight into Zhao Huaibi's intentions, persuade him to pursue Guangde, and let him know that the marriage matter was under discussion.Zhao Huaibi resolutely went to the palace to request a decree and was willing to marry Princess Guangde, which shocked the government and the public.

Guangde was surprised when he heard the news.Although Changsheng was unwilling, he still blessed the two of them, knowing that he was ruthless to Zhao Huaibi.Faced with the fate of marriage and marriage, Changsheng is afraid and regretful, but the boat is done and he can only move forward.She knew very little about Datang and felt uneasy, but there was no way out.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Mi Lan stayed up all night, staying by Shen Zhiheng's side. It was not until Situ Weilian arrived the next day that she felt relieved, as if she had grasped a life-saving straw.Situ Weilian comforted her gently, saying that this was not the first time Shen Zhiheng had been in such a situation, and advised her not to worry too much.However, Mi Lan insisted on waiting and never left until Shen Zhiheng's body gradually recovered.

Mi Lan entered Shen Mansion for the first time and was quite unfamiliar with this new environment. She looked around and seemed both curious and embarrassed.Shen Zhiheng also felt uncomfortable. He occasionally forgot the fact that Mi Lan had poor eyesight.One time, Mi Lan accidentally broke in when Shen Zhiheng was bathing, and the situation was awkward. Shen Zhiheng stood still, even breathing cautiously. When Mi Lan noticed it, he hurriedly fled the scene.

Jin Jingxue visited Li Yingliang with dumplings, and the dense iron fence in his home made her worried.Her words sounded critical and disgusting to Li Yingliang. In anger, Li Yingliang kicked her out of the house.

Situ Weilian was confused by Shen Zhiheng's decision. He originally opposed bringing Mi Lan back, but now he placed her in his own home.He was worried about his position in this emotional entanglement, while Mi Lan avoided the topic due to shyness and was instead concerned about Shen Zhiheng's increasing sleep time.She explored with her breath and almost got close to Shen Zhiheng's face, causing him to remind him softly. Mi Lan was ashamed and anxious and fled again.

At the dinner table, Situ Weilian was amused by the report in Haidong Daily that Shen Zhiheng and Mi Lan had a kiss. Shen Zhiheng was displeased and quickly took the newspaper back.Mi Lan obeyed Shen Zhiheng's words, and even if she didn't like milk, she would drink it all according to his wishes.Shen Zhiheng took Mi Lan to visit the newspaper office, and she was full of curiosity about the scholarly atmosphere there.Shen Zhiheng explained that founding a newspaper was the best way to realize his ideals.Colleagues from the company went to the police station to save him. Although he was rude, he also rewarded him and severely criticized the gossip about himself.

Mu Lihua led the crowd to Haidong with a high profile, targeting Shen Zhiheng.Chi Yingshan ordered Li Yingliang to assist her.Situ Weilian gave Mi Lan a nine-link toy, and she was overjoyed.There are still many snoopers outside Shen Mansion, but Shen Zhiheng has his own pursuits.He discovered that Mi Lan's pupils had abnormal changes when she kissed him, and speculated that his blood might help her regain her sight.So Situ Weilian planned a test and let Mi Lan drink milk containing Shen Zhiheng's blood.A miracle happened and Mi Lan briefly regained her sight, but like the previous two times, it was fleeting.

Shen Zhiheng and Situ Weilian took Mi Lan to see a doctor, but the doctor said there was little hope of curing congenital blindness.Mu Lihua claimed to have a secret weapon against Shen Zhiheng, and let Li Yingliang witness its power that night.Shen Zhiheng and Mi Lan went to the theater together, and Mi Lan had a soft spot for Zhu Yingtai's story.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

In the blur of the dream, Li Yingliang glimpsed Shen Zhiheng's phantom in a trance. In panic, he suddenly raised his gun and fired several bullets at the empty chair. He felt relieved when he held the handle of the gun, and then fell into a deep sleep.go.Mu Lihua was eager to get more information about Shen Zhiheng from Li Yingliang.

In the Shen Mansion, Shen Zhiheng is patiently guiding Mi Lan to learn to write. However, Mi Lan cannot read because of her blindness. Her parents have never given her the opportunity to receive an education. Now she only knows the words “深” and “诺”..

On the other side, Jin Jingxue met Li Yingliang and Mu Lihua walking together by chance. She was furious and wanted to go forward to question them, but was dissuaded by Shengzi in time, and she was full of displeasure.Later, while Li Yingliang was dining and drinking with Jin Jingxue, he overheard someone in the casino downstairs making rude and vulgar remarks to Jin Jingxue.He immediately became furious and led his son to teach everyone in the casino a lesson.

Mu Lihua firmly believes that Shen Zhiheng is the key person they are looking for, and Li Yingliang is also a force she can use.Considering that no one in the Mu family could escape the age of thirty, Mu Lihua would never give up on any possible opportunity.

Shen Zhiheng, who learned that Mulihua had arrived in Haidong and was in her thirties, felt deeply that the situation was serious.He secretly investigated Mu Lihua's residence and went to investigate in person. Unexpectedly, he was injured without confronting Mu Lihua, which made him realize that Mu Lihua was no ordinary person.

In the early morning, Shen Zhiheng prepared hot steamed buns for breakfast for Mi Lan and told her that he was about to leave Haidong for a few days to deal with important matters.If Haidong is no longer safe, they will need to find another place to live.Although Mi Lan was eager to go with her, Shen Zhiheng insisted on letting her stay and orchestrated a quarrel to confuse the monitors. Then Mi Lan returned to Mi Mansion alone, where Zhang's mother took good care of her. At the same time, she was worried about whether Shen Zhiheng would return.Mi Lan firmly believed that he would not abandon her.

After Li Yingliang received the news that Shen Zhiheng had fled Haidong, he vowed to pursue it to the end. The grudge between the two has not yet been resolved.Mu Lihua was even more furious when she learned that Shen Zhiheng's whereabouts were unknown. She traveled thousands of miles to Haidong just to find him.Chi Yingshan ordered Li Yingliang to find the whereabouts of Shen Zhiheng, while Mu Lihua decided to wait and see what happened. She believed that as long as Shen Zhiheng was found, the family curse could be solved.

Shen Zhiheng is well aware of the complicated background behind Mr. Mo, and he suspects that the Mo family is closely related to the theft of the Xuanyang Stone.Although the Mo family became immortal due to the power of Xuanyang Stone, Shen Zhiheng vowed to get to the bottom of it.At the same time, Situ Weilian frequently visited Jin Jingxue's house to have meals and give gifts. After Shen Zhiheng left, he became more diligent in working.Li Yingliang regarded Zhang Ma as a breakthrough, and took quick action to lead people into Mi Mansion after her flaw was exposed.Facing Li Yingliang's anger and questioning, Mi Lan remained calm and firmly refused to disclose Shen Zhiheng's whereabouts. However, Zhang's mother revealed that Shen Zhiheng would come to pick up Mi Lan, which made Li Yingliang decide to set up an ambush here.

When Shen Zhiheng returned to Mi Mansion, he found that he was in many crises. The mysterious armored warriors sent by Mu Lihua made it difficult for him to resist.Mi Lan was imprisoned in a cage and became Li Yingliang's bargaining chip to blackmail Shen Zhiheng, forcing him to leave with them.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Lu Jing was the first to return to the capital of Datang due to his swift walking.After hearing the news that His Highness King Qin returned to the court, the people in the city stopped one after another. Many women even imitated the ancient custom and threw fruit into the cart, and the streets became lively for a while.Lu Jing came to the palace to report on his duties. He had always advocated conquest and territorial expansion as his strategy, but this time his attitude changed drastically. He believed that it would be unjust to use troops against Fuyu State, which might damage the future trade between Datu and other countries.King Tang did not comment on this, saying only that it needs to be discussed in the long term.

The second prince Lu Hou complained to the king because of the inability to provide relief, and the king then transferred this important task to the fifth prince Lu Ke.After the princes dispersed, only Lu Jing was left alone by the king.Lu Hou privately tried to drive a wedge between Lu Ke and Lu Jing, but Lu Ke was indifferent and expressed his unwillingness to get involved.

The King of Qin ordered the state advisor Lu Jingwei to reselect an auspicious date for his marriage to Changsheng, and warned him not to say too much to avoid attracting criticism.The Imperial Preceptor was puzzled. Since the marriage team was already on the road, why would there be another change?It turned out that Changsheng frequently complained of illness during the journey. Although Dr. Liu responded to the call many times, he was always refused to check his pulse. In fact, Changsheng was delaying time on the grounds of illness.

Finally, Dr. Liu persisted and diagnosed Changsheng's pulse. He found that his pulse was abnormal and he mistakenly thought that he was seriously ill.At the same time, the eldest princess Lu Wan was busy repairing the Xiuwen Pavilion and implementing the four seasons to manage it in an orderly manner.The veterans in the Xiuwen Museum were very concerned about Lu Wan's marriage and tried to take the opportunity to replace him, but Lu Wan's talent left them with nothing to do.Lu Jing accidentally visited the Xiuwen Museum and learned from Lu Wan that Chang Sheng had been ill for three days, so he immediately went to visit.

Lu Jing understood Chang Sheng's delaying plan, so he pretended to severely punish the misdiagnosed doctor Liu. Upon seeing this, Chang Sheng quickly stated that he had recovered and did not want innocent people to be affected.However, this time Changsheng did fall ill due to the cold, and Lu Jing decisively decided to return to the inn to recuperate, regardless of whether the wedding date would be affected.

After recovering from the illness, Changsheng wore the gorgeous imperial robes given by King Datang. Although he felt heavy and uncomfortable, he still managed to go to the palace to pay his respects.At the banquet, King Qin was absent due to illness. Changsheng only saw two princes, but it was difficult to tell which one was her future husband.She asked Jinyan and learned that even Yi'an could not meet her, and she couldn't help feeling a little lonely and confused in her heart.

Despite encountering many twists and turns, Chang Sheng still decided to take things as they come and wait and see what happens.Although the King of Qin did not show up, he had carefully arranged a comfortable residence for her. The beautiful scenery in the mansion gave Changsheng a sense of hope despite the loss - maybe this King of Qin, whom he had never met, was, as Yi'an said,...A good man with a gentle manner and a kind heart.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

The imperial master worked tirelessly and stayed up all night to choose an auspicious day until the first light of dawn.Although Lu Jing himself did not like red bean cakes, he specifically ordered Youyong and Youyou to purchase them, intending to give them to Princess Changsheng.Late at night, Changsheng was hungry, so he and Jinyan sneaked into the kitchen to look for food. They met the chef by chance and took the opportunity to inquire about the character of His Highness King Qin.In view of the various rumors about King Qin's reputation for tyranny, Chang Sheng was dubious about the chef's praise and secretly speculated on its opposite.The chef was very resourceful and understood Chang Sheng's hunger, so he offered to cook noodles to satisfy his hunger. Chang Sheng happily accepted, and specifically requested that the egg yolk be runny, while Jin Yan preferred fully cooked eggs.

King Tang summoned the imperial advisor to the palace and mentioned that he wanted to find another suitable date for the wedding of King Qin and Princess Changsheng.The Imperial Master immediately responded, saying that he had stayed up all night and selected the third quarter of the seventh lunar month as the best wedding date. King Tang immediately decided that the wedding and the canonization ceremony would be held on the same day.Following Lu Jing's instructions, Chang Sheng's favorite dishes were carefully prepared in the kitchen.Changsheng sent Jinyan to collect information about the King of Qin, and wrote a letter to Xiao Zilu personally, ordering it to be delivered with caution.Xiao Zilu smiled happily after reading the letter, and ordered Shenxing to tell Changsheng that he would visit him after the wedding banquet.

After reviewing the information collected by Jinyan, Changsheng was deeply shocked by King Qin's evil deeds and believed that his crimes were countless.At this time, Yi'an appeared, and Changsheng asked about King Qin again, but because he was so anxious, he mistakenly thought that something unexpected had happened to King Qin.As night fell, Changsheng dressed in night clothes and masked himself into the residence of King Qin, intending to spy on his true appearance. Unexpectedly, he was noticed by the guards and had to reveal his identity as the princess.The guards were suspicious because the image of Immortal was so different from the rumored virtuous and gentle princess.

When Changsheng was speechless, Yi'an appeared in time, skimmed the water with Qinggong, and steadily caught the falling Changsheng.When the guards saw this, they all knelt down and worshiped King Qin.Changsheng suddenly realized that Yi'an was actually the King of Qin himself. Recalling all the criticisms against him in the past, he couldn't help but feel ashamed.Lu Jing teased him at the right time, which made Chang Sheng feel ashamed and angry, so he turned around and left.However, recalling the time spent with Yi'an, Changsheng couldn't help but feel sweetness and excitement in his heart, but it was difficult to accept his identity as King of Qin.

For several days in a row, the King of Qin avoided seeing him, and even those who were brave and resourceful were turned away by cautious words and cautious actions.Although Lu Jing was worried, seeing that Changsheng was eating and drinking as usual, he guessed that she was waiting for the King of Qin to show his kindness.One day, Lu Jing put down his official duties and went to find Changsheng. Changsheng learned that the Muyan sapling was in danger and was extremely anxious to check it out.Lu Jing took her there on horseback. When he arrived, he found that the sapling was safe and sound.To express his apology, Lu Jing personally watered each sapling and took the opportunity to apologize to Changsheng.

It turns out that in the letter Lu Jing wrote to Chang Sheng earlier, the first two lines of poems already implied that he was the King of Qin, but Chang Sheng did not realize it.Now that Lu Jing is so humble and begging for peace, the anger in Changsheng's heart has long since dissipated, but he is still pretending to be reserved because of his face.On the other side, the eldest princess accidentally dropped the ancient book into the water and bent down to pick it up. Xiao Zilu happened to be passing by. He mistakenly thought that she was seeking suicide and hurriedly stepped forward to pull her. Unexpectedly, they fell into the water together, causing a misunderstanding.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

The water in the pool was shallow, and compared to the calm eldest princess Lu Wan, Xiao Zilu's reaction seemed too panicked.He warned Lu Wan not to commit suicide again without asking him in detail. This move made Lu Wan feel helpless, but he didn't bother to clarify.After returning from the Muyan Forest, Changsheng harbored a grudge and remained polite to Lu Jing.Lu Jing revealed that there would be a banquet the next day and was worried that the newly arrived Changsheng would be the target of trouble at the banquet, especially those who were accustomed to encouraging people to perform in front of the emperor.Immortal but fearless, he took this as an opportunity to claim that he needed to prepare for a performance in front of the emperor, but in fact he used this to escape.

Lu Wan was deeply impressed by Xiao Zilu's strangeness, so he ordered his servants to investigate his identity.At the same time, Chang Sheng secretly arranged to be cautious in speaking and acting, and he also had plans of his own.At the big soup dinner, King Qin walked in with Changsheng and introduced the royal family members one by one.During the banquet, the princesses were whispering, comparing Changsheng and Rujing girl, and there was a lot of discussion, hoping that Rujing's return would dampen Changsheng's spirit.However, Changsheng did not hear these rumors.

The dinner started, and as expected, someone suggested that Changsheng perform a performance.King Qin and Xiao Zilu declined one after another, but for the sake of the overall situation, Changsheng volunteered and gave a wonderful performance of dancing and painting at the same time.During the performance, a sudden bead almost made her lose her composure. Fortunately, King Qin came to her aid in time to resolve the embarrassment.However, before the turmoil subsided, some people found fault with Chang Sheng's improper choice of encouragement, which made King Da Tang look dissatisfied.Changsheng responded wittily, and Lu Jing also assisted, and finally won the favor of King Tang, and the dinner ended successfully.

Lu Wan spied Xiao Zilu behind the screen and found out that he was the envoy of Fuyu.It was spring, and Lu Wan wanted to go to the Imperial Hospital to seek medicine due to a cough. He had a premonition that he would meet Xiao Zilu again soon.Regarding the bead, Lu Jing knew everything about it, so he stepped up his guard to ensure the safety of his life.Xiao Zilu angrily went to the Prince of Qin's palace to raise troops to question the crime, but Lu Jing cleverly resolved the problem.King Qin's words were both a warning and a reminder, implying that if you missed something, you would miss it, and even chasing it to the ends of the earth would be of no avail.

Changsheng had dinner with Lu Jing. The dishes were all made by Lu Jing and had profound meanings.Changsheng chose to trust, and Lu Jing also vowed not to bully him again.During the dinner, Lu Jing pretended to be drunk, while Changsheng half pushed and half treated his burns on the spot.There was no one in the house, so Changsheng had no choice but to help Lu Jing back to his room, and the two of them slept in the same bed until dawn.After waking up, Chang Sheng was shy and unbearable, but Lu Jing enjoyed it and teased him frequently.Returning to another courtyard, Changsheng couldn't calm down, so he turned to copying scriptures to calm his mind.

After reading Yi'an's letter, Changsheng's heart surged with longing for him, but he refused to admit it.Cautious words and careful deeds look at each other and smile, understanding each other tacitly.Knowing that King Qin often lived in the study, Changsheng took advantage of a walk and quietly approached the study. He learned that King Qin had not returned yet.It was night, and the rain was pouring down. Changsheng was concerned about the safety of the saplings, so he rushed into the rain regardless of everything, and rode straight to the Muyan Forest.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Changsheng arrived at the Muyan Forest in a hurry, and Lu Jing followed suit. He humbly asked Changsheng for advice on how to properly care for these young Muyan saplings, and Changsheng informed him of all the key points in detail.Xiao Zilu, who was witnessing the cooperation between the two, felt ripples in his heart. He recalled the words Lu Jing once said and lamented that the fate that may have been missed cannot be restored even if he pursues it all the way to Datang.

After finishing taking care of the saplings, Changsheng and Lu Jing returned to the mansion. On the way, Changsheng teased Lu Jing a few words in a relaxed tone, and then left.However, due to the rain the night before, Chang Sheng unfortunately contracted a cold the next day, but she insisted not to let Jin Yan and Shen Xing tell Lu Jing about this.On the other side, Youyong felt deeply guilty and knelt in front of Changsheng to admit his mistake, thinking that he had failed to fulfill his duty to protect the princess.

Lu Jing did not blame Youyong for his self-blame, but instead asked about the reason for Changsheng's visit yesterday.After listening to Youyong's narration, Lu Jing just smiled slightly and chanted as if he had some understanding: "Walking around the tree three times, there is no branch to rely on."%Later, Lu Jing went to visit Changsheng and found that she had fallen asleep, so he gently picked her up and placed her on the bed.While arranging pillows, he accidentally discovered a secret book about reconciliation between husband and wife, and couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, although the eldest princess Lu Wan suffered from a chronic cough, she had a special liking for medical skills and personally dried the damp medical books one by one.When the maid suggested that Dr. Yuan be invited to come, Lu Wan specially ordered that Xiao Zilu, Fuyu's medical officer, be invited as well.

After Xiao Zilu learned the news that Chang was ill, he was extremely anxious. He was about to go to visit, but was stopped by Dr. Yuan.Doctor Yuan told him that Doctor Ma had gone to treat Changsheng, and they needed to treat the princess first.Xiao Zilu was curious about how everyone avoided the eldest princess, so Doctor Yuan explained why the eldest princess was difficult to get along with due to her cold temperament, aversion to marriage and many demands.

After arriving at the eldest princess's residence, Lu Wan deliberately left Xiao Zilu alone.When the curtain opened, Xiao Zilu was surprised to find that the eldest princess was the woman who fell into the water with him that day.He quickly adjusted his mentality and actively diagnosed the princess's pulse and performed acupoint massage.The eldest princess was also quite satisfied with Xiao Zilu's medical skills and was not picky about the prescriptions he prescribed, which surprised Dr. Yuan on the side.

On the other side, Dr. Ma hurried to another hospital to treat Changsheng. King Qin was a little bit dissatisfied with his lateness.At this time, Lu Jing was personally taking care of Changsheng. He carefully arranged for Youyong to wait outside to prevent others from disturbing him.After Changsheng woke up, Lu Jing personally handed her the warm medicinal soup.Later, Xiao Zilu also came to visit, and Lu Jing thoughtfully prepared a handkerchief to prevent direct contact with Changsheng's skin when diagnosing the pulse.

After recovering from the illness, Changsheng suddenly remembered the secret book under his pillow, only to find that it was gone.Although she felt embarrassed, she still mustered up the courage to ask Lu Jing.At this time, Concubine De's invitation arrived and invited Changsheng to enter the palace.Lu Jing was well aware of Concubine De's dissatisfaction and calculations against Lu Jing, so he formulated a response strategy for Changsheng.

According to Lu Jing's words, Chang Sheng did not reveal any flaws. After a while, Lu Jing came to look for him.The two of them came out of the palace together and met Lu Hou and Liu Yiyi. They were pretending to be powerful, but in reality they were just two embroidered pillows.The real people behind the conspiracy are the fifth prince Lu Ke and his concubine Ge'er.They did not take any action themselves. After sending people to Fuyu to investigate Changsheng's situation, Ge'er deliberately told Liu Yiyi about Changsheng's deeds in Fuyu. Overtly and covertly, she wanted Liu Yiyi to be the leader in front of the emperor.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Although Dayu's power had been eradicated, General Lu Jing did not dare to slack off and still personally led his troops on patrol. Although this move caused confusion and criticism from Youyong and others.One day, the team walked to the edge of the bamboo forest and was suddenly ambushed by men in black.Fortunately, Lu Jing was prepared and quickly subdued the man in black.However, these men in black were all loyal warriors and committed suicide by taking poison before being questioned. Only the totems on their sleeves were left, vaguely pointing to the descendants of Dayu.The battle for the throne between the second prince and the fifth prince is intensifying. If they really collude with the remnants of Dayu, it will undoubtedly be a disaster.Lu Jing was determined to investigate the matter thoroughly, strengthen the security of the Hua Lantern Hall, and strictly prohibited Princess Changsheng from going out to ensure her safety.

Princess Changsheng was lively by nature and longed for freedom. She was dissatisfied with Lu Jing's ban and tried to go out many times, but she gave up because the soldiers followed her.One day, she climbed onto the roof when no one was around, but accidentally fell. Fortunately, Lu Jing rescued her in time.Changsheng took the opportunity to steal his waistband in an attempt to escape, but unexpectedly what he stole turned out to be a fake.After some inquiring, Changsheng learned that assassins had been appearing frequently in the city recently, so Lu Jing was relieved of his painstaking efforts.

From then on, Changsheng restrained his mind and no longer insisted on going out, and instead enjoyed catching ants.When the banditry subsided, Lu Jing took her out of the house to play.Changsheng saw the prosperity of the outside world for the first time. Although he remembered Lu Jing's teachings, he still couldn't hide his curiosity and left the team to explore alone from time to time.As night falls, the enemy peeping in the dark finally finds an opportunity to use the frightening horse to create chaos.Lu Jing protected Changsheng in the chaos, but unfortunately was injured by an arrow.

Later, a group of dead warriors appeared, but were quickly subdued with the combined efforts of Youyong, Youshou and Shadow Warrior.These dead soldiers also committed suicide by taking poison, and the totems on their bodies were the same as those of the previous assassins, pointing directly at the second prince Lu Hou.However, Lu Jing realized that the matter was full of doubts and ordered an in-depth investigation to continue without letting go of any clues.

The assassination of King Qin quickly spread throughout the market, and rumors about Changsheng being the lone star of the evil sky also arose.Jin Yan and Shen Xing angrily defended the princess, while Lu Hou took the opportunity to cause trouble in front of the emperor, intending to link longevity with an ominous omen.Although King Tang had doubts, he still summoned Changsheng to the palace to inquire.Changsheng responded wittily. He first showed that he was not alone in the evil spirits, and then showed his ability to read and digit, winning the appreciation of King Tang.Faced with the second prince's overtures, Changsheng showed obvious wariness, and finally hesitantly revealed his worries after receiving assurance from King Big Tang.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

King Tang insisted on questioning, and Changsheng had no choice but to tell the truth. There were rumors that the second prince was actually the son of the Supreme Emperor, and that the second imperial concubine was ordered by the Queen Mother.As soon as these words came out, King Tang's expression suddenly changed. Seeing this, Lu Hou quickly knelt down to explain.Changsheng mentioned the discovery of the sacred stone in the backyard of the second princess, and was worried that this might trigger unfounded rumors.At this time, Lu Jing walked in, and King Tang asked concerned about his injury. Unexpectedly, Lu Jing denied that he was injured.Lu Hou didn't believe it and wanted to step forward to check his injuries, but Lu Jing restrained his wrist and screamed in pain. Under this scene, Lu Hou looked embarrassed.

Regarding the rumors, King Tang asked Lu Jing for his opinion. Lu Jing expressed his doubts, and Lu Wan also echoed.King Tang then ordered that if such rumors spread again in the palace, they would be severely punished.

Lv Jing was entrusted by Changsheng to present the painting to Lv Wan to express his gratitude for his advance warning and the imperial garden's help.At the same time, Lu Jing was also worried about the future and asked Lu Wan for continued help.Lu Wan admired Changsheng's talent and suggested that she join the Xiuwen Museum to help her repair books.Lu Jing brought the painting back to his home, and he was brave and wise to call Changsheng to come and appreciate the painting. In fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to let Changsheng know that Lu Wan had both political integrity and talent.Changsheng deeply admired Lu Wan's abilities and immediately decided to visit him the next day.

Lu Jing arranged for You Yong and Cunning to inform Lu Wan that immortality was imminent.Lu Hou came back drunk and criticized Liu Yiyi for digging up the holy stone. Liu Yiyi started crying and Lu Hou quickly comforted her.Changsheng had a hard time choosing a gift for meeting, and finally chose an ink pen, which coincided with Lu Jing.

The Xiuwen Museum needed to restore medical books, so the eldest princess ordered the imperial hospital to send talented people. All the imperial doctors declined, but Xiao Zilu was persuaded by everyone to take over the task.When Changsheng first arrived at the Xiuwen Museum, he changed into clothes in a daze and sat at the table to study. However, he was at a loss because of his lack of experience and ended up scribbling on the paper.When the eldest princess arrived, she saw that he did not know how to cultivate books and ordered him to leave.Changsheng was inspired and determined to study seriously.Ling Zhi was puzzled, but Lu Wan explained that this was a strategy to stimulate the potential of immortality.

Changsheng submitted the results of the book revision, but the eldest princess thought it was unqualified and asked for a re-repair, and arranged for Changsheng to be responsible for the cleaning of the revision hall.When Xiao Zilu saw this, he mistakenly thought that Lu Wan was making things difficult for Changsheng and wanted to stand up for him.Changsheng didn't want the situation to escalate and silently accepted the arrangement.Late at night, Lu Jing arrived to help Changsheng copy, and then returned to the mansion together.The next day, Xiao Zilu realized his impulse yesterday and apologized to Lu Wan.

Changsheng was tired for days, so he was brave and resourceful and mistakenly thought that he needed comfort, so he informed Lu Jing.Lu Jing came to visit in the name of sending warmth, but instead kissed him, which was beyond Changsheng's expectation.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Chang Sheng, half shy and half surprised, gently pushed Lu Jing away and then closed the door.Lu Jing was immersed in the kiss just now and smiled involuntarily.When Youyong and Youmou saw this, they stepped forward to tease him, but instead they were sent to run on the school field.The next day, Lu Jing made a special trip to the Xiuwen Museum, nominally to perform official duties, but in fact he was thinking about longevity.Under Lu Wan's teasing, he learned that Changsheng was in the book repair room at the back.Walking into it, I saw Changsheng sleeping at his desk, with a painting spread out in front of him.Lu Jing quietly added a few strokes, Chang Sheng woke up, glanced at him secretly, and then fell asleep again.When she woke up again, Lu Jing was no longer beside her, leaving only a dictionary with rare words lying quietly on the table.

After the work of repairing books came to an end, Changsheng walked out of the repair hall and met Xiao Zilu who had not yet left. He invited him to have dinner with him, and Xiao Zilu happily agreed.The two of them walked out side by side. Unexpectedly, Lu Jing was waiting in front of the door. This scene made Chang Sheng feel even more embarrassed.She quickly explained that she invited Xiao Zilu to dinner to thank him for his previous help.However, Lu Jing also insisted on going with him, Xiao Zilu did not give in, and the atmosphere was tense for a while.In the end, the three of them rode in a carriage, which was a little crowded but also had a unique flavor.

Arriving at the restaurant, there was an undercurrent between Lu Jing and Xiao Zilu, competing for performance.Changsheng was caught in the middle, extremely embarrassed, and found an excuse to leave.Inadvertently, she heard someone in the private room talking about herself as the Princess of the Five Extremes. Rumors spread everywhere and were unbearable.Changsheng didn't want to pay attention to her, but the other party actually started to slander the eldest princess Lu Wan, and her words became more and more bad.Unable to bear it any longer, Changsheng broke in and argued with him.The other party didn't know about immortality and had an arrogant attitude, but he didn't know that Lu Wan was sitting next door. Their conversation was transmitted to Lu Wan's ears word for word.

At the critical moment, Xiao Zilu and King Qin appeared one after another. The rumormongers were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy. They were completely different from before.Lu Wan appeared, leaving Xiao Zilu alone.Lu Jing saw that his aunt was interested in Xiao Zilu, so he followed the trend and asked her to help send Xiao Zilu, who was handicapped, away, while he and Chang Sheng took a carriage back home.On the way, Lu Wan confessed her love to Xiao Zilu, but he declined, mistakenly thinking that she was joking, which made Lu Wan feel even more disappointed.

After Changsheng learned about this, he decided to help Lu Wan and give her advice.On the other side, when Xiao Zilu was worried about how to reject Lu Wan, he received her invitation.To Changsheng's surprise, Lu Jing also showed up at the banquet.In her haste, she devised a plan to entangle Youyong and Youyou with careful words and deeds, while she led Lu Jing to another private room.Unexpectedly, the waiter mistakenly led Xiao Zilu here, and Changsheng hurriedly pulled Lu Jing and hid in the cabinet.When he couldn't help himself, Lu Jing kissed Chang Sheng gently.At this time, Xiao Zilu noticed something strange and almost opened the cabinet door. Fortunately, Miss Ling Zhi appeared in time and led him to the private room where Lu Wan was.

Faced with Lu Wan's affection, Xiao Zilu bluntly said that he had no other intentions and left in a hurry, leaving Lu Wan full of sadness.Changsheng recalled the intimate actions with Lu Jing in the cabinet, and his cheeks couldn't help but turn red and hot.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

All the Buddhist books in the Zen temple have been repaired and a copy has been copied. King Tang asked Lu Wan to return the Buddhist books to the Zen temple.In addition to Lu Wan, Changsheng and Xiao Zilu were also escorting the Buddhist books to the Zen temple. Lu Jing also went with them.Changsheng thought of being kissed by Lu Jing last night and felt very unnatural, so he wanted to ride in the carriage with Lu Wan, but Lu Jing refused. He also intended to let Xiao Zilu and the eldest princess have more contact, and in the end, Xiao Zilu and the eldest princess sat in the same carriage., Lu Jing and Chang Sheng were sitting together.Xiao Zilu heard Lu Wan coughing in the carriage and expressed some concern. However, since Lu Wan was rejected last time, she deliberately kept a distance from Xiao Zilu and declined his kindness.

Arriving at the Zen temple, the abbot invited them to visit the restored Zen temple.Xiao Zilu was very interested when he heard that there was an unsolved problem in the temple that had not been solved for a hundred years, but Changsheng had not had a good rest last night and just wanted to find a guest room to rest.After resting, Changsheng came out and saw Lu Jing flying a kite. She thought it was fun, and Lu Jing taught her step by step. Changsheng was no longer as awkward as he was this morning.Xiao Zilu played chess with the eldest princess, and they played like crazy.The kite was entangled in the marriage tree. Changsheng did not let Lu Jing rush up to get it. Instead, he hung another kite up so that the two kites could become a pair.Lu Jing hugged Chang Sheng and put him up, and the two almost fell.

In a panic, Chang Sheng pulled off a red string and note. At this time, Lu Jing was called into the palace. Chang Sheng made the red string by himself. He heard from the little novice monk that the marriage tree was very effective and could ensure a happy and smooth marriage. However, Chang Sheng accidentally pulled down the note.There are four words for life written on it.King Tang only summoned three princes to the palace. Youyong and Youmou were left by Lu Jing to escort Changsheng back to the palace.Changsheng returned to Prince Qin's Mansion, woven the red rope into a bracelet, and picked up a box to put the bracelet in and give it to Lu Jing, but found that the box contained a plan to attack Fuyu.King Dadang summoned the three princes into the palace, mainly to ask them what they thought about Lu Jing's plan to cancel the attack on Fuyu.

Both Lu Ke and Lu Hou felt that they wanted to attack Fuyu, but Lu Jing said that they had just destroyed Dayu, and it was time for Da Tang to recuperate, and Da Tang had already married Fu Yu. It would undoubtedly be an act of treachery to attack Fuyu.King Dadang was convinced and no longer asked to attack Fuyu.Lu Ke didn't say anything on the surface, and he did whatever he said when facing Lu Hou, but when he returned to the house, he showed his true colors and looked extremely dissatisfied.Youmou followed Lu Jing's instructions and gave Changsheng her favorite food, but Changsheng didn't move at all. Youmou brought it back as it was. Lu Jing was very surprised. He took the food box to find Changsheng, but Changsheng was nowhere to be seen..

Lu Jing went to the kitchen to look, but saw no one.He felt more and more strange that Changsheng would not disappear for no reason.Lu Jing asked Youyong and Youmou and learned that Changsheng had been to his study. He suddenly felt bad. When he went to the study, he saw that the plan to attack Fuyu in the box was gone. Apparently Changsheng had seen it and was carrying the plan.I don’t know where I went.Now the city gate is locked, Changsheng will not leave the city, and according to Lu Jing's understanding of her, she will not act rashly before the matter is fully understood.After analysis, Lu Jing suspected that Changsheng went to the Xiuwen Museum.The Xiuwen Hall had not been occupied for a long time, so Lu Wan asked someone to clear out a room and let Changsheng deal with it for one night.

The next day Lu Jing came to Xiuwen Museum, but the eldest princess said that it was closed today.Lu Jing was eager to see Chang Sheng and clear up the misunderstanding, but Lu Wan asked him to think clearly.Xiao Zilu was talking to Lu Wan, and while they were talking, Lu Wan suddenly kissed him, which caught Xiao Zilu off guard.Xiao Zilu then went to see Changsheng, but the image of Lu Wan kissing him lingered in his mind, and he ran away as if running away.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Lu Jing entered the Liangyuan Pavilion to seek a way to reconcile with Changsheng, and was given two large bags of money. Lu Jing suddenly understood after only hearing a few words, and then left.As soon as Lu Jing and Youyong Youmu left, the fortune teller was knocked unconscious and taken away by the man in black.Lu Ke and Ge'er soon learned that Lu Jing had gone to Liangyuan Pavilion, and it was not difficult to figure out that he had a conflict with Chang Sheng.The pavilion master guessed that Changsheng ran away from home, which was exactly what Lu Ke wanted.Lu Jing wrote poems on the kites and flew them all over the city. Lu Ke sent people to mix a batch of fake kites with signatures into them. At this point, the people in the city knew that Liu Changsheng was willful and ran away from home.Changsheng received the kites and heard from Jin Yan and Shen Xing that some of the kites were signed and some were not, so she knew someone was up to something.

The eldest princess told Chang Sheng that Lu Jing came into the palace last night to cancel the attack on Fuyu.Xiao Zilu went to the Xiuwen Museum and took Changsheng to the street. Lu Jing was preparing to fly a kite on the tower.Chang Sheng walked up and asked her if she could trust him.Lu Jing said that the warlike King of Qin in the past no longer exists, and now there is only Yi'an in Datang who is devoted to longevity.Changsheng forgave Lu Jing, and they flew kites on the tower to pray for Datang.Xiao Zilu saw Lu Wan in the crowd. Lu Wan wanted to turn around and leave when he saw her. Xiao Zilu stopped her and said that he had completely let go of Chang Sheng and Lu Jing.There was a locust plague in Dongpei, and he was worried that the locust plague would spread to Datang. King Datang asked Lu Jing for his opinion on the matter.

Lu Jing believed that it would be beneficial to Tang Bai to help with disaster relief and resolve conflicts.Not only did the kite incident fail to affect Lu Jing in the slightest, King Tang also handed over the disaster relief task to Lu Jing, which made Lu Ke go crazy.Ge'er said that King Qin may not be a good expert in controlling locust plagues, but Lu Ke said that Lu Jing had invited Mr. Huaishan back to help.Mr. Huaishan's granddaughter, whose name is Rujing, was childhood sweethearts with Lu Jing. She traveled with Mr. Huaishan and wrote home letters to Lu Jing wherever she went. That's why Lu Jing contacted Mr. Huaishan so quickly.However, Ge'er thought that Rujing could be used. The folk customs of Fuyu were different from that of Datang, so Ge'er was sure that Changsheng would not accept two women serving one husband together.

Lu Jing was about to tell Changsheng that Rujing was coming back with Huaishan, but was interrupted by Xiao Zilu who came to see him.It turns out that last time Xiao Zilu overheard the eldest princess Lu Wan's strange laughter, and Lu Wan always avoided Xiao Zilu.Xiao Zilu had no choice but to come to Lu Jing for help.Lu Jing made an appointment with Lu Wan in his own name, creating an opportunity for Xiao Zilu to meet Lu Wan.Xiao Zilu took Lu Wan to the theater and specially replaced the funny opera. However, Xiao Zilu's embarrassing fall still made Lu Wan laugh out loud. Then the others couldn't help laughing when they heard her laughter.Lu Wan left in shame and anger, and Xiao Zilu caught up with him, saying that because he cared about her, he cared about what she cared about.

Lu Jing asked Changsheng to greet Mr. Huaishan with the courtesy of a mistress, and with caution in words and deeds, he gave Changsheng a mistress's bun.Lu Jingshenzhi personally taught her the matronly etiquette of Datang. At this time, Lingzhi came over and said that something had happened to the eldest princess. Changsheng hurriedly went to check, but found that it was just an error.Seeing that the mistress costume Changsheng was wearing was out of date, Lu Wan asked Ling Zhi to bring another set. The next day, he taught Changsheng some of the mistress etiquette of Datang in detail. It can be said that he did his best.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Mr. Huaishan and Rujing arrived at the Prince of Qin's Mansion together. Changsheng and Lu Jing were already waiting outside the door, welcoming them warmly.During the dinner, Changsheng was distracted and swayed, but he accidentally backfired. Not only did he tear Rujing's clothes, he also sprained his ankle, and he felt very regretful.Lu Jing knew that he didn't mean it, and Mr. Huaishan didn't show any anger, so he comforted Chang Sheng and didn't need to worry about it.

Recently, Xiao Zilu rarely visited the princess mansion, and the mansion seemed particularly peaceful.Lu Wanzheng devoted himself to copying the poems. Although there were occasional clerical errors, they still had a unique flavor.Ling Zhi's joke made Lu Wan's expression suddenly change, and he immediately ordered him to retreat.

Rujing confided her true feelings to Lu Jing again, but was rejected again.Lu Jing's love has long been tied to eternal life, so he cannot respond to the meaning of Ru Jing.Rujing was heartbroken, and when Changsheng asked, she left in a hurry without saying a word.Unexpectedly, Lu Ke paid a surprise visit, which made Ru Jing shocked and even more thoughtful.

Mr. Huaishan secretly reported to Lu Jing that the Dongpei locust plague will invade Datang in the near future.Lu Jing originally wanted to report to the court to collect grain in advance as a precaution, but Huaishan dissuaded him, saying that although this was feasible, it would easily arouse public anger.The grain is not yet ripe, and it is difficult for the people to see the pressure of the locust plague. They only fear that harvesting grain will damage the harvest.Lu Jing weighed the pros and cons and finally decided to take the risk.

Changsheng mentioned the allusion of supporting fish, which gave Lu Jing inspiration, and he might be able to imitate the sages and discuss countermeasures with the people.Lu Ke secretly provoked Rujing's relationship with Lu Jing and Changsheng. Although Rujing didn't stay for a long time, there were already waves in his heart.

Rujing accidentally saw Lu Jing playing with Chang Sheng, and mistakenly thought that Lu Jing was indulging in love and ignoring the locust plague.The next day, Lu Jing presented a report to King Tang, proposing to collect grain in advance and open treasury subsidies, and even voluntarily donated 40“ of his private grain.This move attracted Lu Ke, Lu Hou and other princes to follow suit. However, Lu Hou was dissatisfied because he was not praised by his father.

Changsheng and Jinyan calculated the palace's food reserves and found that they could only contribute 30”, so Changsheng decided to make up for it with dowry.I would like to say that worrying about dowry is the foundation of my life, but my real support for longevity is Lu Jingye.Ru Jing witnessed the deep love between the two, but failed to see the hard work behind eternal life.Mr. Huaishan understood everything and advised Rujing to leave, fearing that his good intentions would turn into a burden, and Rujing could not understand his meaning.

Ge'er offered advice to Lu Ke, hoping to take advantage of the people's harvest to increase the burden of donating food to the Qin Palace.Youyong led the crowd to rescue Lu Jing from the siege. Changsheng ignored Rujing's dissuasion and resolutely went to help.When they returned, both of them were injured. Lu Jing was concerned about immortality and turned a blind eye to the mirror-like delicacies.

Xiao Zilu was invited to treat Changsheng's foot injury, and Lu Wan also came.The two of them left after talking, but invariably looked back at each other. Lu Wan finally let go of his guard and showed his true self in front of Xiao Zilu.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Changsheng knew that the challenge the next day would be difficult and Lu Jing needed to recharge his batteries, so he did not stay long.Unexpectedly, Rujing caught a glimpse of the two talking and mistakenly thought that they were intimate before they were married. This was inappropriate and left angrily.Immediately, Changsheng said goodbye to Lu Jing and did not stay together.The next day, the emperor heard that Lu Jing had been humiliated and was furious. He also heard that the King of Qin had forcibly requisitioned grain, and the situation became tense.Lu Ke proposed to recall Lu Jing.

Changsheng learned that the food and grass had not arrived and was eager to help, but was blocked by Rujing.Chang Sheng was not willing to be outdone, so as the mistress of Prince Qin's palace, he ordered people to take Ru Jing away.The father-in-law summoned Lu Jing back to the palace according to the order. Lu Wan warned him in a low voice the danger of resisting the order and advised him to return to the palace first.At this time, Changsheng arrived with Zhao Huaibi's letter.

The farmers had doubts about Changsheng's identity, but seeing that he firmly supported Lu Jing, their doubts were slightly reduced.Lu Jing resolutely resisted the order and insisted on collecting grain.Lu Wan deployed his government troops to confront the Imperial Forest Army.Huaishan failed to persuade Rujing to leave, so he left on his own.Rujing was so anxious that he wanted to save Lu Jing in the imperial study.In the hall, everyone knelt down to wait for the emperor to abdicate, and the atmosphere was solemn.

After careful consideration, King Tang adopted Lü Ke's strategy, imprisoned Lü Jing for careful consideration, and promised to return the food.Changsheng was willing to accompany Lu Jing to suffer the punishment, but King Tang only ordered him to stay in the Qin Palace to reflect on his mistakes.Shensi prison is extremely harsh, and Lu Jing's fate hangs in the balance due to the locust plague.

Changsheng couldn't sleep at night and was worried.While Ge'er and Lu Ke celebrated, they also reminded that the root cause needs to be eliminated quickly.Rujing begged Changsheng to go to see the saint, but after being rejected, he spoke fiercely, and Changsheng was shaken in his heart.

In both the government and the public, there were calls for impeachment. Lu Hou fanned the flames, and King Tang angrily rebuked him.Lu Ke suggested reducing his power and demoting him, but King Tang reluctantly agreed.Changsheng knew that it was not appropriate to express support at this time, lest he anger the Sacred Heart.

Lu Ke cleverly used Rujing's feelings for Lu Jing, intending to use the opportunity to deepen the emperor's suspicion.The ministers' pleas for mercy made King Tang more determined to assign Lu Jing.Chu Ge provokes Changsheng and induces him to leave the palace against the order. Shenxing notices and asks for help from the princess palace.

Lu Ke misled King Tang and ordered the pursuit of Chang Sheng and Lu Jing.On a rainy night, Lu Jing and his party were ambushed, and their lives were on the line.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Lu Jing and Youmou were forced to the edge of the cliff with no way out, pursued by the assassins.At the critical moment, Lu Jing tried to save him, but unfortunately he was stabbed in the back and kicked off the cliff.At this time, the eldest princess Lu Wan appeared in time and heroically rescued Youyong and Youmou from danger.

King Dadang learned that Changsheng had disobeyed orders and was furious and summoned him to the palace to question him.Lu Wan appeared at the right time and confirmed that Lu Jing was indeed besieged by assassins. When she arrived, he was unable to save himself and Lu Jing had fallen off the cliff.This bad news made King Tang greatly shocked and his eyes widened.Chang Sheng saw this scene and couldn't believe it, and then he fainted.The emperor immediately ordered a search for Lu Jing, but found nothing. Instead, he was attacked by a locust plague. The sky was covered by locusts, and everything he passed was a mess.

Faced with the raging locust plague, King Datang entrusted the responsibility of governance to the fifth prince Lu Ke and sent people to the Prince of Qin's Mansion to ask Lu Jing if he had any countermeasures.Changsheng recalled that there was indeed a good strategy, but thinking about the emperor's misunderstanding and injustice towards Lu Jing, he denied it at first, but later recalled that he was brave and resourceful, and struggled in his heart.In the end, she decided to put the overall situation first and handed over this valuable strategy.

Lu Wan ordered the literary library to be on standby to prevent locusts from invading precious classics.Changsheng resolutely guarded 40% of the food in Prince Qin's palace and refused to use it in any way. He had his own plans in mind.Lu Ke's request for food failed, and Chu Ge offered a plan to damage Chang Sheng's reputation. However, King Tang still felt guilty about Chang Sheng because of Lu Jing's incident.

Outside the palace of the King of Qin, the people were misled and blamed the locust plague on Changsheng, and gathered to denounce it, calling it a "broom star".Despite the stigma, Changsheng resolutely entered the palace to face the saint, insisting that the food should not be touched.At this time, shocking news came from the palace: Lu Jing's body was found.Changsheng was shocked, but he firmly refused to believe it, and went to identify it himself. He firmly believed that Lu Jing was not dead.

The emperor ordered Lu Jing to be restored to the title of King of Qin and planned to give him a grand burial as a prince, but Changsheng found it difficult to accept it.She strictly ordered the palace not to perform funeral rites without permission, and violators would be severely punished.King Tang was immersed in the pain of losing his son, while Lu Ke took the opportunity to seek immortality and wanted to get rid of it quickly.

Regarding the whereabouts of Changsheng, Xiao Zilu and Lu Wan each have their own considerations. The former is worried about his future, while the latter proposes that the worst-case scenario is to repatriate Fuyu.However, the situation took a turn for the worse. Lu Ke asked Changsheng to be buried for Lu Jing, and King Tang agreed.At the critical moment, Lu Wan and Xiao Zilu acted separately, but neither could stop them in time.

Just when Lu Ke was about to attack Chang Sheng, Lu Jing miraculously appeared, saved Chang Sheng, and defeated Lu Ke.This scene undoubtedly brought an unexpected end to the storm.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Lu Jing miraculously survived, King Tang was so excited that he not only restored his title as King of Qin, but also gave him a Langhuan Jade Talisman that symbolized nobility, giving him a status comparable to that of a prince.The important task of post-disaster reconstruction was also given to Lu Jing.Lu Wan reminded the king to investigate the assassination case, but was interrupted by the king.The king knew that Lu Jing had a bright future and Changsheng's personality was not in line with the master of the harem, so he advised Lu Jing to think twice.However, Lu Jing has made up his mind and is willing to give up his future and choose immortality.

Lu Jing returns to his mansion and reunites with Chang Sheng, recalling that he was assassinated and fell off a cliff. Fortunately, he survived and drifted to a village. He discovered that the mystery of the misappropriation of food during the locust plague warning was suspected to be related to Lu Ke.Then he went to Lu Ke's house to recover the grain, and Lu Ke agreed to make up for it.Since then, Lu Jing devoted himself to controlling the locust plague and opened warehouses to help the people, which won the hearts of the people.The locust plague subsided, and the king held a banquet to celebrate.

At the banquet, the king used the opportunity of telling stories to test Lu Jing, but Lu Jing understood and remained silent.This move frightened Lu Ke, who mistakenly thought that the king wanted to appoint Lu Jing as his heir apparent, so he urgently sought help from Chu Ge.Lu Ke's attitude toward Chu Ge changed, but he did not reflect on his mistakes.Lu Jing was dissatisfied with what Lu Ke had done, so he was not in a hurry to express his position on the marriage, and asked Changsheng to choose his son-in-law.

Xiao Zilu teased Changsheng for his rich experience in blind dates, and Changsheng retorted.She used the method taught by Xiao Jin to choose a husband for Ru Jing, but was misunderstood by Ru Jing and left angrily.Lu Jing, who was advised by Changsheng, pretended to ask for marriage like a mirror in order to get away. Unexpectedly, the deep love between the mirror and the deep meaning made the situation embarrassing.

Lu Ke felt guilty because of his evil deeds and suffered from nightmares. He was afraid of Lu Jing's revenge and decided to strike preemptively.In Prince Qin's palace, preparations for the wedding are in full swing. Chang Sheng laments the bumpy road to marriage, but he also cherishes his deep affection with Lu Jing.After going through ups and downs, the two will finally have a sweet wedding day. They have invited Changle Wang, Xiao Jin and other relatives and friends to participate in the grand event. Changsheng is full of joy.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Lu Wan was immersed in "Xiao Lin's Notes" in the Xiuwen Museum, bursting into laughter from time to time.Changsheng and Lu Jing had good intentions and wanted to find out Xiao Zilu's current situation. As soon as his name was mentioned, Xiao Zilu happened to appear. They were so anxious that they hid behind a pillar.Xiao Zilu was usually very eloquent, but at this moment he seemed speechless, unable to express his proposal of marriage.Seeing this scene, Lu Wan quietly walked into the garden.Changsheng and Lu Jing then appeared and urged Xiao Zilu to follow.

In the garden, Xiao Zilu was extremely nervous and his words were clumsy, but he finally plucked up the courage, took out his jade pendant, and confessed his love to Lu Wan, asking her if she was willing to spend the rest of their lives together.At this time, King Tang quietly appeared behind Chang Sheng and Lu Jing, becoming even more anxious about his sister's marriage.Seeing Xiao Zilu kneeling down to propose marriage, Lu Wan was hesitant. Seeing this, the three of them hurriedly stepped forward to help, and finally a good match was achieved.

The second princess was worried about choosing wedding gifts for Chang Sheng and Lu Jing. Every piece was so good that it was difficult to part with it.Lu Hou wanted to ask Lu Ke for help, but was stopped by the second princess. Although she was not the wisest of immortality, she was aware of Lu Ke's treachery and worried that Lu Hou would be used by him.

On the other side, Lu Ke lost power, and those who used to follow him avoided him.He mistakenly believed that Chu Ge would also leave him. Because he heard with his own ears that Chu Ge sold off his property and deliberately concealed it, he became suspicious, so he poisoned the wine with the intention of harming Chu Ge.However, Chu Ge was smart and knew that there was something strange in the wine. He did not drink it. Instead, he recalled the past with Lu Ke and expressed his wish to take him to a new life together.However, Lu Ke's obsession was hard to get rid of, and Chu Ge had no choice but to stun him.

Chu Ge had a deep love for Lu Ke and was willing to sacrifice to plan his future.On the eve of the wedding, Prince Changle and his wife, Xiao Jin and Guangde gathered at the Prince of Qin's Mansion. Changsheng was overjoyed.On the wedding day, Guangde set up a riddle to test Lu Jing. However, the questions were written by Chang Sheng, and Lu Jing could not solve both questions.Despite this, Changsheng has made up his mind and vows to go with Lu Jing.At the same time, Lu Wan also chose Xiuwen Hall as the place to get married.

Ling Zhi used Lu Wan's name to ask for a heavy gift from Xiao Zilu.After Xiao Zilu thought deeply, he promised to give it to him. Lu Wan smiled like a flower and regarded it as the most precious gift.On that day, Double Happiness came to Da Tang. Lu Wan and Xiao Zilu, Chang Sheng and the King of Qin all got married, and it became a good story.

Lu Ke woke up in the carriage, his hands were tied, and he rushed out of the carriage angrily. He learned that Chu Ge had sold his property and arranged for him to leave the country, while he was determined to assassinate the King of Qin, and his life or death was uncertain.Chu Ge went to the banquet alone. Lu Jing was suspicious and ordered someone to monitor him.During the banquet, Chu Ge's true colors were revealed. The men in black raided the Prince of Qin's palace and everyone was stunned.Fortunately, Lu Jing and Youmou fought hard, but they were outnumbered and Lu Jing was seriously injured.Chu Ge took Rujing hostage, but fortunately the Yulin Army arrived in time to resolve the crisis.

《Jade Whisk Saddle》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Although the assassin did not damage Lu Jing's vitals, his weapon was coated with poison.Without an antidote, Lu Jing's life would be in danger.King Tang was furious when he heard the news and ordered Chu Ge to be severely interrogated in order to force him to hand over the antidote.Changsheng stepped forward and asked to interrogate Chu Ge alone, and King Tang agreed.He fabricated a lie, claiming that Lu Ke had returned, begged the king to forgive Chu Ge, and revealed that the appearance of the imperial guards was his fault.Changsheng tried to induce Chu Ge to hand over the antidote to save Lu Ke from death.However, Chu Ge believed it to be true at first, but soon he came to his senses and realized that Lu Ke was selfish and afraid of death, so he would never risk returning for her.Therefore, she would rather die than surrender and vow not to hand over the antidote.

His plan for longevity failed, so he knelt down and begged Chu Ge, confessing that he and Lu Jing had no intention of harming him, but Chu Ge coldly rejected him.It turns out that the poison Lu Jing was poisoned by was called "Biemenghan". This poison caused people to fall into hallucinations, fall into a deep sleep, and repeatedly experience frightening things until they died of heart failure.Fortunately, Lu Jing regained consciousness, but his face was still pale, the poison had not been removed, and his body had not yet recovered.The two of them made a tacit agreement to avoid talking about the poisoning, and instead shared their happiness and the joy of their wedding. Although they suffered this change, their hearts were inevitably heavy.

The next day, Lu Jing fell into a deep sleep again, and the imperial doctor and Xiao Zilu urgently consulted medical books to find an antidote.Lu Wan also interrogated Chu Ge, but found nothing.She realized that Chu Ge was not asking for death, but was looking forward to Lu Ke's return.Chu Ge firmly believes that if Lu Ke is willing to risk returning for her, it will prove that she has an extraordinary status in his heart.Just when everyone gave up hope on Lu Ke's return, he unexpectedly appeared in the royal study to meet the king.Lu Ke expressed his willingness to bear all the culpability in exchange for the antidote, but put forward one condition.In prison, Chu Ge's face was haggard and stained with blood. Lu Ke desperately opened the chains and met her.

Later, Chu Ge was taken out of the cell, mistakenly thinking that he would be executed, but was accidentally released.It turned out that Lu Ke had shouldered all the charges for her and exchanged her life for her freedom and antidote.The antidote was delivered in time. After Lu Jing took it, he vomited a large amount of congestion and his pulse was weak. The imperial doctors were extremely anxious.Changsheng recalled the note left by Guangde. When he left, he found another village with dark flowers and dark willows;% She deeply felt that she might be Lu Jing's nemesis, and finally decided to leave a letter of divorce and leave sadly, praying that God would give Lu Jing a chance of life.

Time flies, and three years pass by in a blink of an eye.Lu Jing has recovered as before and was named the Prince of the Supervisory State.There was no news from Changsheng, and Lu Jing searched everywhere to no avail.Until one day at Fuyu where they were guessing lantern riddles, the two unexpectedly reunited, and their relationship resumed and they finally got married.