This drama tells the story of Abuta Torataro (Takasugi Mazu), the director of Abuta Law Firm.) inherited his father's business.After his father's era of having many lawyers, he now has only one lawyer, Torataro.One day, the suspicious woman Tendo Ryuumi (Kamishiraishi Moe) met in the court...) suddenly handed him an envelope.
In the envelope written “Sealer”, there was a prediction of the outcome of the verdict, and it completely came true.Although she had no experience as a lawyer, Torataro and his paralegal Gan Lijiang admired her vision and decided to try to hire Long Mei as a lawyer.Ryuumi, who originally played shogi, guided and solved the incident according to the rules of shogi!?
After giving up the path of becoming a professional shogi player, Ryumi (Kamishiraishi Moe) transformed into a lawyer. The law firm she chose to work for was Abuta Law Firm, where Torataro (Takasugi Mazu) is the director.
Everything here seems to be subtly related to Shogi, and Torataro is confused by Ryuumi who behaves a little strangely.Just then, a commission suddenly arrived.The client is a woman named Kinuko (Matsusaka Keiko). She hopes to file a lawsuit to recover her husband's belongings that were stolen by the “Scrap Purchase” fraud gang.
Her client is Reiko Seyama (played by Sayaka Yamaguchi), a cleaning company employee. She unplugged the heat preservation device while cleaning the laboratory and destroyed the experiment, so she was required to pay 100 million yen in compensation.The plaintiff is university professor Kurashiki (played by Masaya Kato).
Although the situation is quite unfavorable, Ryuumi (Kami Shiraishi Moe) categorically stated that there was no game where the outcome was decided before the chess was played.Accepting the defense without listening to Torataro (Takasugi Masuo)'s opinion...!?