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《Give her a handle》 Summ

The emperor was seriously ill, the prince was young, the rebels were plotting rebellion, and the army was approaching the city. Her country and family were about to be destroyed, so she wrote to the King of Nanchuan and begged him. As long as he could send troops to rescue her, she would agree to any request.He finally came and saved her and her husband and children. No matter how ruthless she was, he was still reluctant to part with her, but the price still had to be paid. What he wanted was never the throne in the world, but just one person.

《Give her a handle》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Yu Wenyuan looked at Su Yan, he knew that she was going to marry the prince.He was a little confused as to why Su Yan decided to get married just after her sister passed away.He came to Su Yan and asked her why she did this.Su Yan answered frankly that she liked the prince.

Yu Wenyuan was silent for a moment. He looked at Su Yan's clothes and praised her for looking good in them.But then he added that the dress was not for him.He knew that the prince's heart had always been with Su Yan's sister and it was impossible to accept Su Yan.But he also firmly believed that Su Yan would eventually belong to him.

When Su Yan talked with the prince, she said she would take good care of Yuwen Chengan.Before, she received a letter from her sister.In the letter, her sister told her that she was seriously ill and knew that her time was short, and that the young Yuwen Yingren was not yet able to live independently.Therefore, she hoped that Su Yan could take care of Yuwen Yingren on her behalf in the next five years.Facing her sister's request, Su Yan was filled with grief, but she still agreed to her sister's request.

Five years have passed by and Prince Yuwen Yingren has ascended the throne.However, at this time, two princes joined forces to launch a coup.Su Yan was so anxious that she decided to write to Yu Wenyuan asking for help.But she was not sure whether Yu Wenyuan would come to the rescue.

《Give her a handle》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Yuwen Yingren hurried over to see Su Yan, his face solemn.Su Yan told him that she had sent a distress letter to Yu Wenyuan, but seven days had passed and he was afraid he would not come.Yuwen Yingren said sadly: “I know my body well, you go first, as long as I am here, I can buy them more time.”

At this time, the maid hurried over and informed that someone was attacking.Su Yan was about to leave, but found that it was too late, the enemy was approaching.At the critical moment, Yu Wenyuan's general suddenly appeared and easily eliminated these enemies.Su Yan was extremely surprised when she saw the general. She didn't expect that Yu Wenyuan would really come to save them.

Later, Yu Wenyuan captured the two rebel princes and asked Yu Wenyingren how to deal with them.The two begged for mercy again and again, trying to persuade Yuwen Yingren with his kind character.But Yu Wenyuan said coldly that since they dared to rebel, they must bear the consequences and ordered them to be put on death row.

Su Yan learned that Yu Wenyuan lived in the Chu Palace. The maid thought this was where the prince lived, so Yu Wenyuan actually moved in.Su Yan decided to meet Yu Wenyuan in person. She thought that she was asking him to come and help. If she didn't meet today, it wouldn't be the case tomorrow.

《Give her a handle》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Yu Wenyuan asked Su Yan why he came, and Su Yan admitted that it was out of gratitude for his previous help and hoped to maintain the family relationship between them.However, Yu Wenyuan expressed doubts about Su Yan's words, thinking that what she said in her previous letter was very different from her current behavior.To show her sincerity, Su Yan knelt in front of Yu Wenyuan and explained that those words were true, but she just hoped that he could give him some more time.

Yu Wenyuan bluntly pointed out that it was Su Yan who asked him for help, and he reluctantly agreed to rescue Yu Wenyingren, the so-called “sick man” and “bastard”.Su Yan retorted resolutely, saying that Yuwen Chengan was her biological son, not a bastard, and Yuwen Yingren was also Yuwen Yuan's cousin.Yu Wenyuan satirized Su Yan, how could she have a seven-year-old son after being married to Yu Wenyingren for only five years, and even provocatively suggested that she give him a seven-year-old son as well.

In order to ask for Yu Wenyuan's forgiveness, Su Yan could only take off her clothes with tears in her eyes.When Yu Wenyuan saw this, he accused her of being a spoiler and ordered her to play the piano.Su Yan followed the order to play the piano, but Yu Wenyuan listened for a while and then asked her to go back.At this time, the soldiers outside were still whispering and discussing.

《Give her a handle》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

The two rebellious princes were imprisoned in prison, and Yu Wenyuan came to visit.The prince ridiculed Yu Wenyuan for lynching the royal family, completely ignoring the king's laws.However, Yu Wenyuan scoffed at this. He drew a knife and admitted that he had never cared about a good reputation.

Yuwen Yingren met Su Yan. Su Yan felt deeply guilty and thought it was her fault that caused all this.Yuwen Yingren believed that the problem was not with Su Yan, but with her causing Yu Wenyuan to intervene in the matter, or with her protecting children who were not related to her by blood.Su Yan responded that she was alive today thanks to her sister's protection, so she must be loyal to her sister.

Yuwen Yingren held Su Yan's hand tightly, indicating that all this was about to end.At this time, Ye Ruyu, the daughter of Lu Guogong, appeared.Yuwen Yingren was worried that Su Yan would not want to see her, but Su Yan said there was no need to worry.When Su Yan faced Ye Ruyu, although the environment was simple, she did not show any timidity. She simply said that this place could not be compared with the place prepared for her by Duke Lu.

Yu Wenyuan also came to the scene, and Ye Ruyu bluntly said that her father sent her here to be loyal to Yu Wenyuan.She believed that Yu Wenyuan had the ability to conquer the world, and they were willing to help him with all their strength.However, she has one request, and that is to become a queen.Yu Wenyuan held Su Yan's hand tightly, as if he had expected such a request. He knew in his heart that all women seemed to long to become a queen.

《Give her a handle》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Yu Wenyuan expressed that he wanted to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake and asked Su Yan to get a plate for him.When Su Yan came back with the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, Yu Wenyuan pulled Ye Ruyu into his arms.Yu Wenyuan asked Su Yan what she should do if she was not a human being.Because he could only kneel down and bring the sweet-scented osmanthus cake to Yu Wenyuan, Yu Wenyuan asked Ye Ruyu to feed him, and Ye Ruyu took a piece and fed it to Yu Wenyuan.

Ye Ruyu laughed at Su Yan's sister, saying that Su Yan originally liked Yuwen Yingren, so when his sister fell in love with her, she immediately married her brother-in-law. She didn't know what would happen if Su Yan's sister knew about such a thing.What do you think?Su Yan slapped Ye Ruyu to express how noble her sister was and how he could laugh at him at will. She was just a substitute. What was there to be proud of? She also asked whether Yu Wenyuan would be happy if he really became the emperor.?.

Su Yan left directly, and Ye Ruyu asked Yu Wenyuan not to forget her position as queen.Yu Wenyuan said that he was just a substitute, how could he be worthy of being a queen, and asked people to send Ye Ruyu back directly.The maid told Su Yan about this and said that Ye Ruyu was carried back directly in a sack today.If he came to Su Yan and said that he didn't want to wait any longer, he would get the reward he deserved today.Su Yan asked Yu Wenyuan not to be here.

《Give her a handle》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Yuwen Yingren came and revealed that he knew about Ye Ruyu and wanted to visit Su Yan.Yu Wenyuan ordered Su Yan to drive away Yu Wenyingren, otherwise he would ask for payment in person.Su Yan had no choice but to persuade Yuwen Yingren to leave first on the grounds of inconvenience.Yuwen Yingren had no choice but to leave.

Later, Su Yan returned with Yuwen Chengan and unexpectedly found that Yuwen Yuan was also here.Yu Wenyuan also had a bad attitude toward Yu Wen Chengan, who angrily accused Yu Wenyuan of bullying his mother.Yu Wenyuan asked Su Yan to make Yu Wen Chengan leave, otherwise he would act in his face.Su Yan had no choice but to order the maid to take Yu Wen Chengan away. Although he was unwilling at first, he was eventually taken away by the maid.

Yu Wenyuan then asked Su Yan to take a bath for him, but Su Yan reluctantly obeyed.After bathing, Yu Wenyuan asked Su Yan to massage him because his muscles would be sore after practicing sword practice.Su Yan complied with the massage and mentioned that these techniques were taught by Yu Wenyuan.Yu Wenyuan was surprised that Su Yan still remembered these trivial things.Then, Yu Wenyuan ordered Su Yan to fetch wine. When he handed the wine to Su Yan, he told her that Yu Wenyuan drank strong alcohol every day to harm his body, and asked her to warn him.

《Give her a handle》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Su Yan brought wine and tried to persuade Yu Wenyuan to drink less, but Yu Wenyuan ignored her advice.He ordered Su Yan to serve him the same way he had served Yu Wen Yingren. If Su Yan refused, he would bring Yu Wen Chengan over and let him witness it with his own eyes.Su Yan had no choice but to agree.

The next day, Yu Wenyuan questioned Su Yan's whereabouts and learned that she first visited Yu Wen Cheng'an, and then Yu Wen Cheng'an came to see Su Yan again.Yuwen Chengan angrily wanted to kill Yuwen Yuan because he bullied his mother.However, Yuwen Chengan was no match for Yuwen Yuan.At this time, a father-in-law reported to Yuwen Yingren that Yuwen Yuan had been pestering Su Yan and attempted to kill the little prince.Yuwen Yingren fell into deep thought and considered whether he should summon Su Yan.

Su Yan arrived in a hurry, and Yu Wenyuan accused Yu Wen Chengan of trying to kill him and had nothing to do with him.Yuwen Chengan's eyes were red, obviously from anger. He claimed that Yuwen Yuan had bullied him, and that his father never made Su Yan cry.Su Yan firmly stated that no one can bully her and asked Yuwen Chengan to go back quickly.

Later, Yuwen Yingren sent someone to summon Su Yan.Su Yan left first and asked Yu Wenyuan to wait here.Yu Wenyuan said that he would not wait for Su Yan.Su Yan came to Yuwen Yingren and asked him if his old illness had relapsed.

《Give her a handle》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Yuwen Yingren said that there was nothing wrong with him. Su Yan also saw a sword mark on Yuwen Yingren's neck. The two princes were tied up at that time. It was impossible for there to be such a sword mark. It could hurt him.The only possibility is Yu Wenyuan.When Chu Li saw Yu Wenyuan here, he was also very depressed. He felt that people outside the city were already impatient, but Yu Wenyuan was still in the mood to fight for women with His Majesty here.Yu Wenyuan asked him to tell him the military situation quickly.Chu Li said that a large number of people had gathered outside the city. There were 200,000 troops on the Duke of Lu's side, and there were others. The total number was 500,000 troops, which was much more than the people on their side. He felt that they were stillIt's better to go back to the southern border.Su Yan came over and heard that Su Yan saw that Yu Wenyuan was still busy here, so he just let Yu Wenyuan do his own thing, and she could grind it for him. Su Yan asked about a peace charm of hers, and Yu Wenyuan said that it was given away.How can I take the things back? Su Yan said that she just wanted to ask, and it would be fine if they disappeared.Su Yan called Yu Wen Chengan over to have dinner together, hoping that Yu Wenyuan would not lose his temper. Yu Wenyuan said that Su Yan wanted to be someone else's stepmother, but he did not want to be someone else's stepfather.Yu Wenyuan said that Yuwen Yingren went through so much after becoming emperor, and he chose it all by himself, and he could not blame others.

《Give her a handle》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Su Yan was deeply moved after hearing this, and believed that Yu Wenyuan was still the young man who was willing to dedicate himself to the country. He had never changed, so he would not really hurt Yu Wenyingren.However, Yu Wenyuan misunderstood Su Yan's emotions and thought she was crying for Yu Wenyingren, which made him very angry.

Su Yan asked Yuwen Chengan to leave first, and then Chu Li came to discuss military affairs.Su Yan said she would wait for Yu Wenyuan to come back.Yu Wenyuan and Chu Li went to investigate, but were accidentally discovered by Lu Guogong and others.On the way back, Yu Wenyuan found that his peace charm was lost. When he returned to look for it, he was discovered by Lu Guogong and others.

Yu Wenyuan came back to find Su Yan, handed her the peace charm, and asked her to tie it with a rope and hang it on her waist.The reason why he came back was because he didn't want Su Yan to discover the wounds on his body.The next day, Su Yan and Chu Li came to see Yu Wenyuan, but Chu Li said that Yu Wenyuan had not slept well last night and asked Su Yan to go back first.Su Yan handed the Peace Talisman to Chu Li and asked him to pass it on to Yu Wenyuan.Chu Li looked unhappy and said that Yu Wenyuan was very busy and asked Su Yan not to come to him if she had nothing to do.

Yu Wenyuan understood Su Yan's worries, so he did not stop her from leaving.Then, he called Chu Li over and gave him a severe scolding.

《Give her a handle》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Su Yan heard some people talking here, saying bad things about Yu Wenyuan, saying that he was very arrogant and violent and had killed many people.Su Yan was very surprised when she learned that Yuwen Chengan was missing, and hurriedly came to look for Yuwen Yuan.Su Yan said that the palace was heavily guarded and not even a fly could fly out. If it wasn't Yu Wenyuan, who else would take Yu Wen Chengan away.Yu Wenyuan was also very sad. He did not expect that Su Yan would doubt him.Yu Wenyuan said that even if he really took Yuwen Chengan away, what could Su Yan do to him?Even if Yuwen Chengan was taken away by Yuwen Yingren, people would still send Yuwen Chengan away.I chased after him and was about to take Yu Wen Chengan away when suddenly many black people appeared here. Yu Wenyuan got into a fight with these men in black and was hit by an arrow in his waist.Yu Wenyuan finally got rid of these people and took Yu Wen Chengan to rest in the woods. Su Yan had already said that Yu Wenyuan was a good person before, so Yu Wen Chengan was not so afraid of Yu Wenyuan now.Su Yan originally didn't want to tell Yuwen Yingren, because she was worried that his body wouldn't be able to bear it, but now that so much time has passed, she could only tell Yuwen Yingren the news. Su Yan felt that it was all her fault, and Yuwen YingrenI don't think I can blame him.

《Give her a handle》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Yuwen Yuan successfully found Yuwen Chengan and sent him back, but accidentally bumped into the scene of Yuwen Yingren and Su Yan holding hands. He felt that it might not be the time for him to come back.Therefore, Yu Wenyuan chose to leave first.Yuwen Yingren comforted the frightened Yuwen Chengan and asked Su Yan to stay with him.Yuwen Chengan told Su Yan that Yuwen Yuan injured his waist while trying to save him.Su Yan asked Yuwen Chengan if he remembered what happened that day, and Yuwen Chengan mentioned that he met Grandma Li.

This news shocked Su Yan, because Grandma Li was her sister's person.Her subordinates were confused about this. Since Su Yan had a good relationship with Yu Wenyuan, why not use this relationship to win over Yu Wenyuan.Yuwen Yingren said angrily that Su Yan could only belong to him.Su Yan felt that the whole thing was very strange. The kidnapping of Yuwen Chengan seemed to be just to convict Yuwen Yuan, and had no other actual purpose.

Su Yan went to Yu Wenyuan and asked about his injury.She hopes that Yu Wenyuan can go back, because the purpose of inviting him here is to relieve the crisis, and now the crisis has been resolved.However, Yu Wenyuan was not happy to hear this suggestion.Su Yan thinks Yu Wenyuan is too cowardly to fight for herself, even though she has given him a chance.Yu Wenyuan angrily asked Su Yan to leave before he changed his mind.

《Give her a handle》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Su Yan talked about Yuwen Chengan and felt that Yuwen Chengan should have been carefree at a young age, but he ended up being involved in disputes.Yuwen Yingren asked Su Yan to see if Su Yan knew who was behind this incident. Su Yan said that if the person behind the scenes was powerful and cruel, what should Yuwen Yingren do.

Yu Wen Yingren expressed whether Su Yan was talking about Yu Wenyuan and thought it was impossible. If Yu Wenyuan wanted to deal with them, he could kill him when he entered the city.Su Yan said that she did not say anything about Yu Wenyuan, why did Yu Wenyingren defend Yu Wenyuan.Su Yan said that she asked Yuwen Chengan, and Yuwen Chengan said that she had met Grandma Li.Yuwen Yingren said that he had long discovered that there was something wrong with Grandma Li, and she must have been bribed.

Yuwen Yingren asked Su Yan if she regretted it and if she wanted to abandon everything now and return to Yu Wenyuan.Su Yan said that she and Yu Wenyuan were over, and she would protect Yu Wen Yingren and Yu Wen Chengan.Yuwen Yingren said that if her sister was still here, she would definitely not be like this.

After Yuwen Yingren came back, he asked his subordinates how come Yuwen Chengan saw Grandma Li.The subordinate said that he was negligent.Yuwen Yingren went to bring Yuwen Chengan over. Su Yan found that Yuwen Chengan was missing and was very anxious.

《Give her a handle》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Yuwen Yingren invited Yuwen Chengan to stay for dinner. Although Su Yan was a little hesitant, Yuwen Chengan expressed his willingness to stay, so Su Yan said nothing more.At this time, Yu Wenyuan suddenly appeared, which surprised Su Yan.Yu Wenyuan asked Yuwen Chengan if he intended to lead the army in the war. Yuwen Chengan expressed his willingness to follow Yu Wenyuan, which made Yuwen Yingren very angry.Yuwen Yingren emphasized that Yuwen Chengan was the prince and did not need to learn these things, while Yuwen Yuan believed that if he did not learn, the country would be in jeopardy, and talking on paper was useless.

Su Yan tried to stop Yu Wenyuan and asked him about his intentions.Yu Wenyuan said that no matter what Su Yan wanted to do, he would never let her do it.Afterwards, Yu Wenyuan left with Yu Wen Chengan, followed closely by Su Yan.Yuwen Yingren was extremely angry and began to curse loudly.Yu Wenyuan took out his sword, and Yu Wen Chengan chose the sword made by Yu Wenyuan himself.Yu Wenyuan proposed to compete with Yu Wen Chengan. If he wins, the sword will belong to him.Although Yuwen Chengan's skills were not as good as Yuwen Yuan's, he never gave up.

In a confrontation, Yuwen Chengan successfully hit Yuwen Yuan in the stomach.Yu Wenyuan recognized Yuwen Chengan's performance and believed that he knew how to attack weaknesses.Later, Su Yan applied medicine to Yu Wenyuan. Yu Wenyuan mentioned that Su Yan no longer hesitated when applying medicine to others. Looking back at the time when she applied medicine to herself, she still seemed very unfamiliar.Yu Wenyuan, Yu Wen Chengan and Su Yan played together and had a good time.

《Give her a handle》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

When Yuwen Yingren learned about this, his anger erupted like a volcano.As Yuwen Chengan fell into a deep sleep, Su Yan apologized to Yuwen Yuan and said that she had caused trouble to him today. When Chengan woke up, she would take him home.Yu Wenyuan asked her, didn't she think Chengan was safer here?This sentence made Su Yan wake up from her dream and realize that Yu Wenyuan actually knew everything.Yu Wenyuan asked Su Yan why she didn't trust him. Su Yan said frankly that she didn't want her trust to become a constraint on Yu Wenyuan and affect his decision-making.

At this moment, Yu Wenyuan hugged Su Yan tightly, and Su Yan also felt his determination. She asked Yu Wenyuan not to shake her heart again.Yu Wenyuan firmly told her that no matter what happened, he would never let go of her hand again.Su Yan couldn't help but hug him back.

Yu Wenyuan showed Chu Li the letter from Duke Lu and asked Duke Chu how sincere he was in surrendering.Chu Li believed that since they had a large number of troops, their surrender should be true.However, the appearance of Ye Ruyu disrupted Yuwen Yingren's plan. He was surprised by Ye Ruyu's mistake and decided to kill her because the only queen in his heart was Su Yan.He sent a letter to Duke Lu to inform him of Ye Ruyu's death. Duke Lu was furious and vowed to take revenge on Yu Wenyuan.

Chu Li told Yu Wenyuan the news, but Yu Wenyuan expressed doubts because that man had been loyal to the emperor for generations, and it was impossible for him to go to see Duke Lu without Yu Wenyingren's order.

《Give her a handle》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Chu Li was filled with anger. They tried their best for the sake of the people in the world, but unexpectedly the emperor actually wanted to kill them.He angrily proposed to do the opposite, but Yu Wenyuan severely stopped him, saying that such words were treasonous.Yu Wenyuan decided to let Chu Li take Yu Wen Chengan away first, while he stayed to deal with all this.

Chu Li prepared clothes for Zhi Lan, while Su Yan entrusted Yuwen Chengan to Zhi Lan and asked her to take him to the south for refuge.Chu Li told Su Yan that these clothes were for Zhi Lan and that he would pick her up when the situation stabilized.Yu Wenyuan had asked Chu Li before if he was afraid, and Chu Li firmly stated that he was not afraid.Yu Wenyuan predicted that when Chu Li has someone he wants to protect, he will understand what fear is.

At this moment, a group of people hurriedly arrived, claiming that King Nanchuan was rebelling and would kill him without mercy.Yu Wenyuan also started a fierce battle with Lu Guogong and others at this moment.The battle was extremely fierce, and finally Yu Wenyuan beheaded Duke Lu.Su Yan went to find Yuwen Yingren. Her arrival made Yuwen Yingren quite unhappy.

Su Yan admitted that she came here to ask Yuwen Yingren to open the city gate.Yuwen Yingren asked her sarcastically if she knew what opening the city gate meant.Su Yan firmly stated that she knew, but all this happened because of them. As long as the city gate was opened, it would give Yu Wenyuan a chance to breathe.Yuwen Yingren proposed to drink a glass of wine with Su Yan as a condition. Su Yan nodded helplessly and got the wine.

《Give her a handle》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Yuwen Yingren said lightly that he never tested the wine Su Yan brought for poison.After the two drank together, Su Yan felt dizzy and shocked.Afterwards, she passed out, and Yuwen Yingren said coldly that he was doing it for selfish reasons.

When Su Yan regained consciousness, she asked Yuwen Yingren why he did this with a shocked face.If Yu Wenyuan hadn't come to the rescue in time, they would have perished long ago.Yu Wenyingren responded coldly. As his younger brother, Yu Wenyuan coveted the throne and his woman.He admitted that he saw everything that day but didn't go in.

Yuwen Yingren asked Su Yan if she wanted to leave and find Yuwen Yuan.He made it clear that he would not let Su Yan leave, she could only belong to him.Su Yan picked up a hairpin and pointed it at herself, threatening that if Yuwen Yingren did this again, she would rather choose death.Yuwen Yingren sneered and asked Su Yan, wasn't she afraid of Yu Wenyuan's death?

He revealed that he had fallen in love with Su Yan for a long time, but because she was a concubine and as the prince, he could not marry her, so he married her sister and got the support of her father.Later, the Duke of Lu was willing to support him, but asked that his daughter be the queen.Yuwen Yingren refused on the surface, but secretly, Lu Guogong's people gave him poison, thinking that as long as Su Wan died, it would be fine.

《Give her a handle》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Su Wan accidentally heard all this, and then died suddenly.Su Yan was devastated. She thought it was Yuwen Yingren's selfishness that killed her sister.However, Yuwen Yingren said coldly that Su Wan was willing to die for him because she loved him deeply.

Yuwen Yingren then walked up to Yu Wenyuan. He took out an imperial decree and claimed that Yu Wenyuan supported his own troops and intended to seize the throne, so he decided to abolish his title.Yu Wenyuan retorted angrily that Yu Wenyingren was doing all this to frame him for rebellion and to make himself bear this crime.He denounced Yu Wen Yingren as the emperor for having only this little thought. It would be the end of the world if he handed it over to him.

At this moment, the sight of Su Yan being tied aside caught Yu Wenyuan's attention.He looked at Su Yan in shock, but Su Yan said that she was the one who caused Yu Wenyuan's problems.She admitted that she had always been concerned about Yu Wenyuan's news. Every time he went on an expedition, she was very worried, but luckily he returned safely every time.Su Yan deeply felt that she was sorry for Yu Wenyuan. She said that if there was an afterlife, she would marry him even if Yu Wenyuan didn't want to.Yu Wenyuan looked at Su Yan deeply and finally agreed to her.

At this time, Yu Wenyingren ordered the soldiers to come over, claiming that Yu Wenyuan was rebelling, and asked them to shoot arrows.Facing the approaching soldiers and arrows, Yu Wenyuan hugged Su Yan tightly and asked her if she was afraid.Su Yan firmly stated that she has nothing to fear with Yu Wenyuan by her side.However, arrows fell like raindrops, and Yu Wenyuan was hit by several arrows and finally fell to the ground.Su Yan looked at Yu Wenyuan covered in blood, her heart filled with endless grief and despair.She thought of every bit of time since she met Yu Wenyuan. Those warm and happy times seemed like yesterday.

《Give her a handle》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Yuwen Yingren was very happy to see Su Yan and said that Su Yan was finally willing to come to see him.Yuwen Yingren asked Su Yan if she had figured it out. He was willing to give all the good things in the world to Su Yan. He would only have Su Yan as his queen, and he would love her for the rest of his life and take her to see thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.Su Yan said that she had decided to stay with Yuwen Yingren for the rest of her life and would not go anywhere.

Yuwen Yingren was very happy to hear this and asked Su Yan if it was true.Su Yan brought two glasses of wine over and said that they would start over after drinking this glass of wine.Su Yan said that they did not drink Hexin wine when they got married before.Yuwen Yingren said that Su Yan knew that he would never test the things he sent for poison.

Su Yan and Yuwen Yingren drank this glass of wine. Su Yan vomited blood and wondered if her sister was in the same pain at that time.Yuwen Yingren also vomited blood and fell to the ground.Su Yan saw Yu Wenyuan and said that if there was an afterlife, she would not go to Yu Wenyuan again. She only hoped that Yu Wenyuan would be safe and not be involved by herself again.The antidote Yuwen Yingren took out was originally intended to be given to Su Yanqu, but it was too late.

Yu Wenyuan felt that he only wanted to protect Su Yan. What should Su Yan do if he was not there?Yu Wenyuan was originally following Su Yan, but he disappeared.

《Give her a handle》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

When Su Yan learned that she was going to marry Yu Wenyuan, she was very reluctant and ran away from the marriage because she didn't want to marry someone she had never met.Yu Wenyuan was chased and injured. When he saw Su Yan here, he forced Su Yan to heal his injuries.Yu Wenyuan said that if Su Yan did not help him heal his injuries, he would kill her, and Su Yan could only agree.

Chu Li came over the next day and felt that the journey was very dangerous, but Yu Wenyuan didn't take it to heart.Su Yan was kidnapped by people in the village, and Yu Wenyuan quickly went to find him.Yu Wenyuan saw Su Yan and the people in the village on the road. Yu Wenyuan told these people that he just wanted to find a backer. Seeing that they were so tall and powerful, he wanted to go back with them and find a backer. These two peopleAgreed and asked Yu Wenyuan to go back with them.

Su Yan was brought back, where Su Yan saw Yu Wenyuan.Su Yan asked why Yu Wenyuan was here. The boss of the cottage came over and said that his subordinates were ignorant and made the wife suffer. He took Su Yan there and asked Su Yan to be his wife.Su Yan asked Yu Wenyuan to save him, but Yu Wenyuan ignored Su Yan, which made Su Yan very depressed.

Yu Wenyuan was brought over. It turned out that Su Yan had slapped the boss of the village. Yu Wenyuan was also surprised. He didn't expect that Su Yan would hit others.Chu Li came over and dealt with these people.

《Give her a handle》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Su Wan said that it would be fine if Su Yan was unwilling to marry, but Su's father disagreed.The subordinates asked Su's father why he wanted to marry Su Yan to Yu Wenyuan. Su's father said that the emperor was critically ill and specially called Yu Wenyuan back. They didn't know whose hands the world would fall into, so they had to make two preparations.Ask Su Wan at any time where Su Yan has been hiding, Su Wan is also very unhappy, saying that Yu Wen Yingren was excited when he heard about Su Yan.

Su Yan came back, and Su Wan was surprised. She originally wanted to give them a chance to make a new choice, but she didn't expect that Su Yan would come back.Yu Wenyuan said that Su Yan was the woman he mentioned in the letter, and Yu Wenyingren was very unhappy after hearing this.Previously, Yuwen Yingren asked Su Wan if she was really willing to marry him, a powerless prince. Su Wan said that instead of marrying anyone casually, it would be better to marry the person she likes.

Su Wan came to Yuwen Yingren and said that she said the wrong thing today and went to apologize to Yuwen Yingren.Su Wan was very sad after hearing what Duke Lu's men said to Yuwen Yingren. She wrote the letter to Su Yan, forcing Su Yan to take care of her son and marry Yuwen Yingren.Su Yan had no choice but to agree.Yuwen Yingren brought osmanthus candy to Su Wan. Su Wan ate it and felt that the osmanthus candy was so bitter that she closed her eyes.