《HIKARU NO GO》Time meets a thousand years of HIKARU NO GO

When I was a child, I was like a blank sheet of paper, pure and ignorant.He is full of curiosity and exploration of the world around him, always looking at every novel thing with his clear eyes.However, among these many interests, there was one special thing that caught his attention, and that was all kinds of cars.
In the eyes of time, the car seems to be a magical existence.He likes to push them with his little hands and let them gallop on the ground. The sense of speed and control makes him feel extremely excited.Whenever he got a new car, he would play with it excitedly for a long time, as if he was establishing a special connection with them.
However, just as time was immersed in the world of cars, a thousand-year-old soul, the chess god Chu Ying, quietly walked into his life.Chu Ying, this legendary figure in the Go world, has superb chess skills and profound wisdom, as if he is a wise man from ancient times.His appearance was like a bolt of lightning, illuminating a time-confused soul.
Chu Ying patiently guided the time, allowing him to gradually appreciate the charm of Go.From the initial explanation of the rules, to the later strategic layout, to the complex chess game analysis, Chu Ying used his unique way to pass on the wisdom of Go to time.Time also began to be immersed in this black and white world, feeling the competition between the chess pieces and the collision of wisdom.
Under Chu Ying's leadership, Shi Guang's Go level improved rapidly.He gradually understood that Go is not only a game, but also a way of thinking and a philosophy of life.Every game of chess is like a microcosm of life, with ups and downs, losses and wins.In the process, he also learned how to face setbacks, how to adjust his mentality, and how to find opportunities in difficult situations.
In this way, with Chu Ying's company, Shi Shi embarked on the road of Go step by step.His heart was filled with gratitude and respect. He knew that without Chu Ying's guidance, he might never be able to appreciate the mystery of Go.And he also understands that he still has a long way to go and needs to continue to learn, explore and improve.But he believes that as long as there is love in his heart and his passion and pursuit of Go, he will be able to keep going until he becomes a true Go master.