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《Pyramid Game》Episode 3 Synopsis

Episode 3

In the 14th Pyramid Game, Sung Suzy (played by Kim Ji-yeon) got 5 votes and Myung Ja-eun (played by Yoo Da-bin) got 2 votes, but the most important thing is why Ji-ae is F?Myung Ja-eun was shocked that Pyo Ji-ae got 0 votes because it was unplanned. Sung Suzy explained that it should be because Pyo Ji-ae and Zhou Chengyi (Yin Keer) had a falling out and became good friends and betrayed each other. In other words, Zhou Chengyi had a new relationship.Only three of her friends would get three votes, and Myung Ja-eun wanted Cheng Su-ji to quickly find a way to save Pyo Ji-ae. When Cheng Su-ji hesitated, she discovered that Cheng Su-ji was just like a calculating liar. Cheng Su-jiShowing that she is not as kind as Ming Zien, she is just an ordinary person. This kind of game will only make her a selfish bystander. There is no crime in selfishness, so why should she unilaterally help Zhi Ai?

Episode 3

Even though she had said that she would eliminate the game before, now that Sung Suzy is no longer F, she will not have the stand to eliminate the game.Baek Charin (played by Zhang Duoya) deliberately approached Sung Suzy. Sung Suzy felt that there was no need to be hostile to Baek Charin, so she superficially accepted Baek Charin's friendship.Kim Da-yeon had planned to perform a "declaration ceremony" to Pyo Ji-ae in the classroom, but was stopped by Seo Do-ah (played by Shin Seul-gi).When Zhao Shenghe met Sung Suzy in the supermarket, he accidentally discovered this Pyramid Game. Sung Suzy said that she thought the people in the class were very cunning, but she was almost the same from today.Among the middle class, Cheng Xiuzhi saw that those who bullied her in the past had become hypocritical again. She still behaved very tactfully and lived comfortably with this group of people.But later Sung Suzy found out that her votes came from Yelin, but it meant that someone else voted for Sung Suzy, who could it be?And why should they vote for Sung Suzy?

There was a weird activity in class where students graded each other's art. It turned out that Bai Xialin asked the principal to order the class teacher to do this, and Bai Xialin had already deliberately arranged everyone's grades. Even though Zhao Youlin was an excellent art student,But she still didn't dare to stand in a position with too high scores. Cheng Xiuzhi suddenly discovered that everyone was choosing scores according to their own Pyramid Game level. In other words, the level had penetrated not only the bullies, but also the upper class people..In order to know who voted for her, Sung Suzy encouraged other students in the class to know the benefits of upgrading. She said that the results of the Pyramid Game were all the same and the A-level people were all the same, so she asked everyone to write anonymously.Voters of the 14th session, this comparison will help you know whether Pyramid Game's program is cheating.But the purpose was to collect who voted for him. This plan was discovered by Seo Do-ah. Finally, Sung Suzy found out that the people who voted for her were Baek Charin, Kim Da-yeon, and Bang Woo-yi (played by Ha Luli).That is to say, it was Baek Charin who led her to get out of F class this time. Sung Suzy knew that if Baek Charlin regretted it, it would not be difficult to ensure that she would not fall into F class again next time.At this time, Pyo Ji Ae was being bullied. Myung Ja En couldn’t stand it anymore and came to the rescue. Bai Xia Lin suddenly stopped Yu Yi. Cheng Xiuzhi’s arrogance made Yu Yi unable to stand it and wanted to take action. However, according to the rules, Yu Yi onlyIt's Class B, so Class C can't be touched either.

Sung Suzy suddenly said that she would agree to Myung Jaeun's promise.This made Bai Xialin a little stunned.Sung Suzy told Myung Ja-en that she was not trying to save everyone, but that she wanted to destroy the game because she was afraid that she would fall into F level again. So instead of pleading with Myung Ja-en, she asked Myung Ja-en to cooperate with her in exchange.Through Soo Ji-ae's explanation, Sung Suzy learned that this class was not like this before. Although they were all rich children, everyone got along normally. Until a year ago, Kim Da-yeon suddenly proposed to complete Pyramid Game, andBai Xialin kept watching like this. In the beginning, the game gave privileges to people of higher class, but these privileges deteriorated, that is, some people began to look down on people lower than themselves, and then there was differential treatment and violence, and then it turned into...In this way, this is completely consistent with Suzy's theory that "becoming a monster is contagious", and the F-class is in such a position that it is isolated over time.Sung Suzy accidentally discovered that the fixed F in her freshman year of high school was Zhao Youli. After her sophomore year in high school, Youli and Myung Ja-en had not been F. However, Youli dropped out of school a few months before the summer vacation.Sung Suzy discovered that the photos and videos of her leaving with the tutor were secretly sent by Seo Doah to Myung Ja Eun. In other words, why did Seo Doah help Seong Suzy?In fact, Seo Do-ah wants to protect F, but the reasons cannot be too obvious and expressive. Therefore, the person who protected F in the game in the past was Seo Do-ah (no one can touch the rule of F after the bell rings). NowSung Suzy needs Seo Doah's help to establish a D-class alliance, but Seo Doah is bound by her father's career and connections, so she cannot choose to help Sung Suzy, nor will she step outside the circle she has drawn.And she knew that Sung Suzy couldn't give anything to the D-class alliance she wanted to establish. After all, A-class people had a lot to give, but Sung Suzy didn't have the capital to fight.

However, Sung Suzy felt that Seo Doah was the only one who objected in Pyramid Game, because Sung Suzy discovered that Seo Doah secretly said that these high-class people are actually related. It was not accidental, and they were all raped because of their parents' company.Forced to identify with this Pyramid Game.Bai Xialin and others found that Bai Xialin and Sung Xiuzhi seemed to have an intersection. Yu Yi was also worried that Xu Duya would betray them. These words made Bai Xia Lin very upset. She also felt that Yu Yi was too involved in the affairs of the Yu Yi Pavilion, so she warned Yu YiBe a little more self-aware.In fact, this Pyramid Game was started by Bai Xialin and used this game to determine the class. At that time, Xu Duya was hesitant.

As for how Sung Suzy can eliminate this game?It is to take advantage of the desire for advancement of the people in the D-class alliance. As long as the pyramid does not look like a pyramid in the end, it will be easily destroyed.Therefore, the first step is to find D-level characters who are not related to high-level people so that they will not be bribed.The three then began to act out and woo each other in front of their classmates, trying their best to keep others unaware of their alliance.However, Bai Xialin soon discovered that Ming Zien's behavior was strange, and even felt that Ming Zien had become bolder in wanting to get rid of the F class recently, so she began to threaten Ming Zien again.Cheng Xiuzhi thought that if she approached Yin Ruiyuan, she might have a chance to get more people's information. However, Cheng Xiuji found that she had misjudged the situation, because the friend of Yin Ruiyuan's religion was a rich man! In this way, Ming Zien would definitely be around soon.The purpose will be discovered.