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《Secrecy breaking》Episode 10 Synopsis

Episode 10

Zhou Mo encouraged Shi Lanqing to boldly confess her feelings to Cai Wei. Shi Lanqing's heart was pounding when she heard it, and he curiously asked her if she had such a sweetheart in her heart.On the other side, Cai Zejuan and others received the message again. According to the past rules, they decoded the message and found that it was all garbled code, which meant that the enemy used a new password and needed to start over.

Episode 10

Since Cai Zejuan played a key role in this battle, the commander ordered someone to make bacon and give it to Cai Zejuan. As a result, Shi Lanqing was about to send it to Cai Zejuan, but found that he was engrossed in deciphering the code and almost burned his pants on the brazier.Cai Zejuan took this opportunity to give the finished shoes to Cai Zejuan, but Cai Zejuan didn't notice it was a pair of new shoes at all. It wasn't until Shi Lanqing took out the old shoes that he suddenly realized it.

Just when Shi Lanqing was about to confess his love to Cai Ze, he unexpectedly learned that Cai Ze already had a wife. He instantly swallowed what he wanted to say and ran to the room to cry sadly.While on duty, Shi Lanqing was absent-minded and failed to respond to the enemy's telegrams. He even copied the wrong telegrams. Cai Zejuo became furious and criticized her in public and ordered Shi Lanqing to be detained for seven days.

Cai Zejuan told everyone present that the content of the telegram was extremely important. Even a small error would affect the enemy's entire combat order and affect the lives and safety of all soldiers in the army.Therefore, Cai Zechuo repeatedly reminded everyone that he is not making a fuss today. Their job is to concentrate and be meticulous. There is no room for any distractions and mistakes. Mishearing and misinterpreting a code, even a slight error will bring greater consequences to the entire army.Big losses, even catastrophe.

Lu Shaowu had never seen Cai Zejuan get so angry, and felt that seven days of confinement was a bit serious, but Zhou Mo said that if it were the Kuomintang, he would be shot for three mistakes like this.Considering that Shi Lanqing was in solitary confinement and someone had to replace her, Zhou Mo encouraged Lu Shaowu to find Cai Zejue and expressed the hope that the organization would approve the two of them to become official telegraph operators.

However, Cai Zechuan said that he has submitted an application, and the details will depend on the organization's inspection.Then Li Guodong and others came to Cai Zejuan and announced that the organization had approved Lu Shaowu to join the news team. As for Zhou Mo's need to continue observing, Cai Zejuan talked about it after returning.Everyone congratulated Lu Shaowu one after another, which made Zhou Mo even more disappointed.

During this period of time, Huang Jibi had been deciphering the Chinese radio station day and night, but still could not find the key clues.Tao Ge sent several documents to Huang Jibi and conveyed Dai Enzeng's meaning. Huang Jibi became impatient when he heard Dai Enzeng's name and said that he would decipher it within a limited time.

Due to the severe interception situation, Cai Zejuan lifted Shi Lanqing's confinement in advance. Xu Dapeng also revealed to Shi Lanqing that all her mistakes were blocked by Cai Zejuan.Shi Lanqing realized her problem and immediately ran to Cai Zejuan, preparing to apologize to him. But she also thought a lot more clearly, put aside her feelings for Cai Zejuan, and found a better man than him after the revolution.

On the other hand, Cai Zejuan continued to work hard to decipher the code, and suddenly he was inspired to think of the secret road that Huang Jibi might use.When Cai Zejuan came out of the room, Shi Lanqing first apologized and promised to become an excellent telegraph operator, which made Cai Zejuan feel very happy.Tao Ge reported to Huang Jibi the news that the Kuomintang had regained Nanjiang and Bazhong cities one after another, and comforted Huang Jibi that he did not have to blame himself for being unable to decipher the Communist Party's code.

On the other side, Cai Zejuan had completely deciphered Huang Jibi's code and promptly sent a telegram to the military headquarters, which detailed the number of personnel, equipment and attack direction. Yang Sen and Liu Cunhou's troops had been dispatched and now officially joined the three-way siege campaign.At dawn on the 13th, they will cooperate with Tian Songyao to attack the Fourth Red Army from three directions: east, west and south. Their strength is more than ten times theirs.