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1. Because they are in the warm stratosphere and have no idea how cold it is outside.

2. Just as he maims others, so will they maim him.

3. If no matter whether I am good or evil in this life, the end point is to reach hell, I will simply choose both sides.

4. The happy and joyous events in life are not just weddings.

5. A bad woman like you is alive and well, why should I die?

6. In this classroom from now on, the following three things will have no power: parents’ career, parents’ financial resources, and parents’ connections.

7. Do you know where the most perfect class system is in the world?On the plane, there is only a curtain separating first class, business class, and economy class, but no one can cross the line.

8. I will dance the sword dance with joy and be your executioner.

9. This flower is called the devil's trumpet, and the other is called the angel's trumpet, because it lowers its head to the ground, and the devil's trumpet has its head raised toward the sky, because in the eyes of God.She is very proud.

10. The drug store doesn’t open until nine o’clock, but it only takes two to walk to the Han River.

11. For poor people like you, the biggest perpetrators are your family.

12. For your final destruction, for my final fall.

13. Don’t apologize. How could I bet my life from my teens to my thirties just to see you apologize?

14. I don’t want to laugh because I’m afraid that if I laugh too much, I’ll forget that I want revenge.

15. You take a salary that is not even enough for a meal, and you stay behind the curtain.

16. I have never forgotten him for a day. Some hatred is like missing him, which cannot be stopped no matter what.

17. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a wound for a wound: as he maims another, so shall he maim him.

18. What I need is not a prince, but an executioner who can dance the execution dance with me.

19. What if I had received help?

20. Don’t look back, the solution is not behind you, it’s always in front of you, that’s how life is.Ten minutes.

21. Do you know what is the benefit of having no religion?The place I want to go to after death has been decided, which is hell. In fact, no matter whether I am good or evil in this life, I will eventually reach hell, so I have to choose both sides.

22. Why do we have to refuel every day?Refueling is tiring, and I’m tired of doing it.

23. I like to try my best in silence.

24. If Go is defined in one sentence, it is a duel in which the player with more territory wins, so we should go from the edge of the board to the middle, surround our own territory, destroy other people's territory at the same time, and slowly surround the middle.Silent but fierce.

25. I check the weather every morning. I heard that a winter that is warmer than previous years is called a warm winter. The thick fog in winter is caused by the warm winter after the cold air mass hits at the end of the year. I think that they are in the warm stratosphere and have no idea what is outside.How cold it is, life is extremely leisurely and carefree.

26. What kind of thoughts can lead to what kind of life you can live; only by looking at things from different angles can you get different results.

27. Even if you are prepared, you will still feel uncomfortable.