Home TV Mr. Bad
《Mr. Bad》Episode 2 Synopsis

Xiao Wudi follows Nan Xing home

Before the summoning occurred, Xiao Wudi's heart captured Nan Xing's subtle emotional fluctuations.It was an emotion mixed with fear and curiosity, like an irresistible attraction that he couldn't ignore.He heard her inner words clearly, and every word was like a drum beating in his heart, making him almost convinced that his journey across time and space was closely connected with this woman.

Xiao Wudi follows Nan Xing home

Xiao Wudi, a soul from ancient times, seems out of place in modern society.However, in order to solve the mystery between himself and Nan Xing, he decided to go deep into her world and help her get out of her predicament.His appearance caused waves in Nanxing's originally peaceful life.

Nan Xing, an ordinary modern woman, lived a simple and ordinary life.However, when the man in costume appears in front of her, her world is completely turned upside down.She finally connected the person in front of her with Xiao Wudi, who was described as the %Devil in the book. Fear made her want to run away, but Xiao Wudi followed her like a shadow until she reached her home.

Nan Xing was afraid that Xiao Wudi would do all kinds of evil things as described in the book, so he had to keep him temporarily.She faced his pickiness and indifference with kindness and patience, hoping to influence him and let him integrate into the world.And Xiao Wudi gradually realized that returning to ancient times did not happen overnight. He must learn to adapt to this new world.

With his excellent IQ and photographic memory, Xiao Wudi began to imitate the lifestyle of modern people and quickly integrated into this society.He learned the language, understood the culture, and even began to try to accept modern technology.His changes surprised Nan Xing and made her full of expectations for his future.

However, just when Nanxing felt relieved that her life was about to get on the right track, fate brought her new challenges.The call from the public security bureau forced her to identify the suspect who had been reported as a speeding robbery. On her way home, she received another call from the X Culture HR department informing her that she had been admitted.This series of good news made Nan Xing ecstatic, but he did not expect that behind this, there was a greater crisis hidden.

Someone began to follow Nan Xing, with unknown intentions.Faced with the sudden danger, Nanxing was not afraid and faced them bravely.However, at the critical moment, an unexpected flame triggered her panic disorder, putting her at a disadvantage.At this moment, Nanxing is facing an unprecedented dilemma, and her fate will be closely connected with Xiao Wudi.