Home TV A Romance Of The Little Forest
《A Romance Of The Little Forest》Episode 15 Synopsis

Episode 15

The younger brother appears and starts assisting

Episode 15

In the morning, the beauty specially waited for Professor Zhuang at the intersection where he was running. After waiting for a long time, she didn't see anyone. She thought he hadn't gotten up. As a result, Zhuang Yu came out from behind and shocked the beauty. However, Zhuang Yu's attitude was still very cold.Yes, the beauty asked him why his mother wanted him to take care of her. He looked reluctant. Professor Zhuang didn’t hear it because he was wearing headphones. The beauty asked him and herself to get the black sesame paste that her mother brought. If you don’t want it, you have to, Zhuang Yu.He also secretly laughed and said he would get it when he had time.The beauty asked him to keep running while tugging on his arm. Zhuang Yu only reacted after giving him a look.

The beauty had been waiting for him at home for a long time. It had been more than ten minutes and she still hadn't come. She couldn't wait any longer, so she packed it up and was about to take it over. As soon as she stood up, she suddenly thought that she was in a hurry and couldn't do it at all. ThenHe threw the things away and sat down, muttering to himself about him, then stamping his feet crazily to let him do what he wanted.

Zhuang Yu was eating when his senior brother came over to tease him and try to trick him, but Zhuang Yu retorted him. Why were he still hiding since it was announced by the official circle of friends? Zhuang Yu explained that the relationship between them was not that kind of relationship, but the senior teacherBrother didn't listen, and Zhuang Yu didn't want to continue eating. Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by his senior brother. There were no arrangements in the laboratory today. It wasn't like him to come over for breakfast early in the morning by himself. The strangest thing was thatXiaolongbao, who are you bringing this to?Zhuang Yu didn't want to talk nonsense, so he gave it to him directly, then got up and left.

Meiren and Tiantian were also having breakfast, and they happened to be eating xiaolongbao. While eating, Meiren praised that xiaolongbao must be a specialty of BGI, and the others are really not as good as it.Tiantian realized that what was important was not the steamed buns, but the feelings behind the steamed buns. At this time, the beauty was looking at Zhuang Yu's rising sign.But the more the beauty thought about it, the more something was wrong. How could someone like him know his rising sign? Some woman must have told him.

I went to look for him the next day, but couldn't find him. I was wondering if he was looking for a sweetheart, but I saw him when I turned the corner, but I didn't ask him anything when I saw him. After all, I had already untied him after leaving Qingshui Village.He heard Zhuang Yu making a phone call and secretly suspected that he was entangled with his ex-girlfriend and was sulking. When he got home, he saw a little boy at Zhuang Yu's door.The beauty was a little whimsical, and even thought about whether he had an illegitimate child, but he was just his younger brother. Fortunately, the beauty was relieved now.I originally wanted to get close to my younger brother, but it turned out that my younger brother didn't seem to like beauties very much and even called her aunt.

In the evening, Zhuang Yu read a book for a while, then became absent-minded. He also opened Moments to look at photos of himself and the beauty. His younger brother asked him what he was looking at. He looked at the beauty with a smile and said he was looking at flowers. He also took away his brother's phone and let himWent to bed.As soon as Zhuang Yu lay down to go to sleep, there was a noise upstairs. Although his younger brother thought it was very noisy, Zhuang Yu smiled, maybe he thought it was cute.

The next day I sent the beauty a morning message, and the beauty felt happy when she saw the message.The beauty has already arrived at the company, but Jin Dong gave Tiantian a day off, but she still went. He hurriedly asked Tiantian to go home so as not to meet Poppy. He also gave Linda a wheelchair because there was really no room in the office., and also took the opportunity to inquire about Tiantian's news.

Zhuang Yu took his younger brother to the supermarket and saw a mermaid with long legs. The younger brother looked rude and was given a lesson by Zhuang Yu.In the evening, when the beauty attended the party, she found out that Lu Jian was the son of Qinya's raw material supplier, and he was very considerate in bringing the beauty food.The beauty noticed that her fellow countryman was there at the party, so she went to argue with her and warned her that she could compete fairly and not make secret tricks.The younger brother was bored at Zhuang Yu's house. He originally wanted the beauty to play with him, but when the younger brother mentioned the beauty, he called her aunt, but Zhuang Yu changed his mind with a look.Zhuang Yu even went to buy lollipops for him in the evening, but his younger brother didn't like eating lollipops at all. He even took his younger brother downstairs to buy them. In fact, he just wanted to wait for the beauty. When the beauty came back, he thought they were enjoying the cool air. When he sawThe younger brother brought the lollipop over if he didn't want to eat it. The cute look of eating the lollipop made Zhuang Yu fall for it again.