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《our inthepreter》 Summ

Lin Xi, the witch in the translation world, reunites with her ex-boyfriend Xiao Yicheng.Eight years ago, in order to fulfill Lin's mother's unfinished career dream, Lin Xi reluctantly broke up with Xiao Yi and became a professional translator for the United Nations.Eight years later, Lin Xi is already Huasheng’s youngest chief interpreter expert and “Performance Queen”, while Xiao Yicheng has also transformed into the chief technology officer of Translation World—Lin Xi’s client and potential client.

In order to win Xiao Yicheng's contract, Lin Xi had to deal with Xiao Yicheng.As a translator, Lin Xi also used his expertise to help Xiao Yicheng's company go public.On the surface, this process was Xiao Yicheng's revenge on Lin Xi. In fact, he was not only ruthless, but also showed mercy to her.While working and getting along, the passionate relationship between the two when they were young was rekindled.

Xiao Yicheng gradually understood the truth about Lin Xi's breakup with him at that time, and also saw Lin Xi's efforts step by step as she approached her dream. He chose to be her strong support in pursuing her dream, encouraging her and accompanying her when she was at her lowest point..The two went from estrangement and misunderstanding to mutual understanding and mutual achievement. In the end, the lovers finally got married and realized their career dream of "speaking for the country".