This drama tells the love story of Sakuya Kataoka, the god of death who came to the world for the first time, and Nayuki Mochizuki, who lost his father at a young age and dedicated his life to raising his only relative, his younger brother. The two gradually get to know each other and fall in love with each other.However, in front of these two people, what awaits them is a destiny that changes their lives.
Screenwriters: Nana, Chichi Yoko
Director: Kaede Kaedani, Shinichi Kitabou
Actors: Riya Miyayo, Karin Ono, Ryosuke Soda, Yoshi Iwase, Riku Shiga, Hibiki Yagi, Kodai Fujimoto, Rohio Ehira, Koshi Furukawa---Morita Amanji, Nekobe Tsubaki, Sugimoto Tetsuta