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《Warau shukujo》Episode 7 Synopsis

Episode 7

With the help of police officer Aso, Nomiya Kyoko finally learned the truth about her father's death.In order to investigate the true identity of Kamao Michiru, she invited Michiru to stay in her home temporarily.Michiru readily agreed.

Episode 7

Kyoko's younger brother Hiroki has just experienced a job search failure and can only help at his father's garbage treatment plant.He was scolded by his father every day and became increasingly dissatisfied with his family.

Kyoko returned home with Michiru and began a wonderful life together.Kyoko sympathizes with Hiroki's situation, and Michiru also begins to get close to Hiroki.They both have their own thoughts.

Kyoko's anger towards Michiru is getting stronger and stronger, and she can't forgive Michiru for what she did.She showed Michiru the brochure of the new apartment and invited Michiru to live together.Michiru agreed to Kyoko's request.

Kyoko took Michiru back home, and happened to meet her father and brother arguing.Michiru says hello to Kyoko's family.

At dinner, Kyoko's father thanked Michiru and compared Michiru to Hiroki, sparking a new quarrel.

The next day, Kyoko came to the garbage treatment plant where Hiroki worked.Hiroki once dreamed of becoming a journalist and fighting for social justice, but after failing to find a job he could only help his father work.Kyoko encourages Hiroki not to give up on his dream and expresses his support.

Aso is investigating the cause of Oshima Mina's death.He learned from the detective in charge of the case that Takeda, who was mentally disturbed, mentioned the name of Michiru Kamao many times.

Aso came to Takeda's ward and asked him if he knew the cause of Oshima Mina's death.Takeda admitted that the murderer was Michiru Kamao and said that he took video evidence.

Aso asked about the whereabouts of the video, but Takeda said that the video was in his notebook.He excitedly told Aso that Michiru Kamao was a character he created and a masterpiece.

At night, Kyoko confessed everything to Hiroki in his room.She told Hiroki that Michiru was a terrible murderer who killed Oshima Mina and tried to control Kyoko.She asked Hiroki to help her kill Michiru, and promised to compensate him with Michiru's property after the incident was completed.

Hiroki rejected Kyoko's request. He believed that killing was wrong. Even if Michiru really committed a crime, she should be punished by law.Kyoko insists that Michiru is a devil, and only killing her can stop her from continuing to do evil.

At the same time, Michiru also noticed Kyoko's intentions.She took the initiative to approach Hiroki and told him about her past.She told Hiroki that she had also been abused by her father, but she eventually overcame her fear and gained freedom.She encouraged Hongshu not to give up hope and to pursue his dreams bravely.

Kyoko felt even more angry when she saw Michiru and Hiroki together.She decided to kill Michiru herself.While Michiru was sleeping, she sneaked into Michiru's room and prepared to stab her to death.However, Michiru had already seen through Kyoko's plan. She pretended to be asleep, suddenly stood up when Kyoko approached, and subdued Kyoko.

Michiru told Kyoko that she was happy that Kyoko was finally free from her control and decided to have a good talk with Kyoko.She invites Kyoko to her workroom, and the two begin a candid conversation.

Kyoko asked Michiru why she wanted to get close to Hiroki, but Michiru said that she just wanted to make friends with Hiroki.Kyoko didn't believe what Michiru said. She thought Michiru was taking advantage of Hiroki.Michiru said that she just appreciated Hiroki's kindness and sincerity.

The two had a heated argument and eventually broke up.