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《Port of lies》 Summ

On a quiet night, a massacre occurred in the Bachimen area of ​​Keelung.An Indonesian fisherman brutally killed three members of the Amis captain and his family. Tong Baoju, a public defender from the same tribe as the deceased, was forced to stand against his tribe and was ordered to defend the fisherman.

Tong Baoju led the court substitute Lian Jinping and Lina, an Indonesian caregiver who knew the suspect's dialect, to form a defense team. They went deep into the case layer by layer, and unexpectedly involved a collusion between government and businessmen.

《Port of lies》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Recently, a piece of news about the death row prisoner Abdul has attracted widespread attention.Amid the heated public discussion on the case, Bao Ge, as Abdul's defense lawyer, made a request to the court to suspend the execution of the death penalty, hoping to find a chance for Abdul to be retried.However, as the referendum intervenes, the case becomes more confusing.

It is understood that Abdul was sentenced to death for being accused of serious crimes.However, Brother Bao firmly believes that Abdul is innocent, and he has been looking for evidence that can prove Abdul's innocence.After learning that the referendum would vote on the case, Brother Bao took active action, hoping to gain a chance for Abdul through the referendum.

The result of the referendum was not what Brother Bao expected.As the public's views on the case were deeply divided, the referendum results did not form a clear trend.This makes Abdul's fate even more uncertain and makes Brother Bao feel unprecedented pressure.

Episode 1

The appearance of Lina brought a turning point to the case.Lina is a senior investigative reporter. During her in-depth investigation of the case, she accidentally discovered decisive evidence.This evidence is expected to prove Abdul's innocence and provide strong support for his retrial.

Lina's discovery gave Brother Bao hope.He said he would submit the evidence to the court as soon as possible and asked the court to give Abdul a chance for a retrial.At the same time, he also called on the public to remain rational, not to blindly follow the trend, and to create a fair environment for Abdul's retrial.

Currently, this case is still under further review.We expect the court to rule fairly and bring justice to Abdul.At the same time, we also hope that the public will continue to pay attention to this case and contribute to the realization of justice.

《Port of lies》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

On a sunny afternoon, Brother Bao found Lina, hoping that she could act as an interpreter and accompany him and his substitute Lian Jinping to the detention center to visit a suspect named Abdul.This visit was not only to gain an in-depth understanding of Abdul's case, but also to re-investigate the crime scene and look for more clues and evidence.

Lina and Lian Jinping met Abdul at the detention center.During the conversation, they found that although Abdul looked calm and composed, his words showed some uneasiness.Through Lina's translation, they learned that Abdul was indeed near the scene on the night of the crime, but he insisted that he knew nothing about the incident.

Later, Lina and Lian Jinping returned to the scene of the murder.They carefully observed the environment at the scene and discovered several doubtful points that had been ignored before.In an inconspicuous corner, they found a broken watch with Abdul's name engraved on it.This discovery made the two of them suspicious. Is this watch inextricably linked to the case?

Episode 2

Immediately afterwards, they found a piece of discarded clothing in the grass, stained with unknown blood.Lina immediately took out the evidence bag she carried with her and carefully collected the blood stain samples on the clothes.This evidence may be the key to solving the case.

As the investigation deepened, Lina and Lian Jinping gradually felt that Abdul was not as simple as he seemed.They decided to conduct a more in-depth background investigation on Abdul and submit these newly discovered evidence to the police, hoping to uncover the truth of the case as soon as possible.

As night fell, Lina and Lian Jinping stood on the dimly lit street, looking at each other and smiling.They know that this battle with evil has just begun, and they will work hand in hand until the final victory.

《Port of lies》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

On a sunny afternoon, in a court in a coastal city, a murder trial was in full swing.The complexity of the case and the intricacies of the people involved made the attack and defense of the trial extremely intense.

Brother Bao, as the main suspect in this case, is facing unprecedented pressure.At the trial scene, he not only had to face the prosecutor's sharp questioning, but also faced joint accusations from hostile witnesses.These witnesses seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, and their testimonies corroborated each other, creating an extremely unfavorable situation for Brother Bao.

At this critical moment, the appearance of a mysterious figure Lin Dingwen made the situation worse.Lin Dingwen is known for his cunning and deepness. He secretly advises witnesses, making an already complex case even more confusing.Lin Dingwen's intervention put Brother Bao into a more passive situation.

Faced with such a dilemma, Brother Bao knew that he had to find a breakthrough.During a court hearing, he decided to turn to his old lover Chen Lingqiu for help.Chen Lingqiu is a smart and wise woman. She once performed well in the police force, but later left the police force due to personal reasons.Despite this, she retains her keen insight and analytical skills in legal cases.

Episode 3

When Brother Bao found Chen Lingqiu, she didn't show too much surprise.She knows Brother Bao well as a person and also understands the complexity of this case.She decided to help Brother Bao and use her wisdom and experience to find the truth of the case.

Chen Lingqiu first conducted a comprehensive analysis of the case, and she discovered some overlooked details and clues.She used her network to gather more evidence and information.At the same time, she also secretly investigated Lin Dingwen's background and motives, trying to find out the connection between him and the case.

With the help of Chen Lingqiu, Brother Bao gradually found a breakthrough in the case.They found some key evidence that proved that Brother Bao was not at the scene when the crime occurred.At the same time, they also revealed the truth about the collusion and collusive testimony between Lin Dingwen and hostile witnesses.

In the final stage of the trial, Brother Bao and Chen Lingqiu presented these key evidences and truths one by one in front of the judge and jury.After fierce debate and cross-examination, the court finally found Brother Bao not guilty and acquitted him.Lin Dingwen and hostile witnesses were punished by law for colluding and forging testimonies.

The trial of this seaside murder case has finally come to an end.With the help of his old lover Chen Lingqiu, Brother Bao successfully got out of the predicament and maintained his innocence.Chen Lingqiu also won people's respect and admiration with his wisdom and sense of justice.This case not only tested the fairness and majesty of the law, but also demonstrated the complexity of human nature and the battle between good and evil.

《Port of lies》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Recently, there have been new developments in the high-profile case of “宝哥attack”.After multiple identifications and in-depth analysis, the expert team discovered significant loopholes in the attack identification report, which provided new directions and clues for the detection of the case.This discovery not only made the case more confusing, but also brought new challenges and opportunities to the three-person team.

The three-person team - an elite team of senior detectives, technical experts and psychiatrists - sprang into action upon learning of the reported vulnerability.They know very well that every clue may be the key to solving the case, and every investigation is related to the truth.Therefore, the three-person team decided to embark on a thrilling journey to find witnesses, hoping to reveal the truth of the case through their testimony.

However, the journey has not been smooth sailing.In the process of searching for witnesses, the three-person team not only had to face various difficulties in the external environment, but also dealt with the emotional conflicts between them.The detective and the technical expert disagreed on the investigation methods, and the psychiatrist was estranged from them because of their different understanding of the case.These contradictions not only affect the efficiency of the team, but also pose a potential threat to the detection of the case.

Faced with these challenges, the three-person team decided to sit down and have an in-depth discussion.They expressed their views and concerns candidly, and through intense discussions and communication, misunderstandings and differences were gradually eliminated.In the end, they reached an agreement and decided to face the difficulties together and work together to uncover the truth of the case.

In the process of searching for witnesses, the three-person team went through untold hardships and finally found a key witness.Through the testimony of witnesses, they not only confirmed the loopholes in the attack identification report, but also discovered new clues, which provided strong support for the detection of the case.

Episode 4

As the case gradually became clear, the relationship between the three-person team became deeper.They support and encourage each other and face difficulties and challenges together.In the end, with the joint efforts of the three-person team, the truth of the case was revealed, the criminals were brought to justice, and justice was served.

The successful detection of this case not only demonstrated the professional ability and team spirit of the three-person team, but also reflected their excellent qualities of firm belief and unity and cooperation when facing difficulties and challenges.Their story spread throughout the city and became an inspiring legend.

And behind all this, they are inseparable from their persistent pursuit of justice and their unremitting exploration of the truth.It is this firm belief and unremitting efforts that allow them to find clues to the truth in the vast sea of ​​​​people, leaving criminals with nowhere to hide.

In the future, the three-person team will continue to work together to contribute to the safety and justice of the city.Their stories will continue to be told and become a source of motivation for future generations to keep moving forward.

《Port of lies》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

In a seemingly peaceful seaside town, a long-unsolved murder case once again caused waves.Since the case occurred, it has attracted much attention due to its confusing circumstances and complex relationships between the characters.The judge's idiosyncratic insights have made the murder case's prospects increasingly bleak, and the tireless efforts of a three-person team have recently led to the discovery of a key witness.However, with the emergence of witnesses, the opinions of all parties differed greatly, and the case once again fell into a stalemate.

This murder occurred one night several years ago. The identity of the victim is a mystery and few clues were left at the scene.During the long investigation, the police and prosecutors tried many times to crack the case, but failed to make a breakthrough.It wasn't until a team of three experienced detectives took over the case that there was a glimmer of hope.

After unremitting efforts, the three-person team finally found a key witness.The appearance of the witness seemed to provide important clues for the solution of the case. However, during the witness's statement, unexpected situations occurred.Significant discrepancies between witness testimony and previous findings sparked heated debate among panel members.

Episode 5

The judge offered his own special insights at this critical moment.He believes that the nature and direction of the case may need to be re-examined based on the available evidence and witness testimony.This insight immediately aroused widespread controversy.On the one hand, some people believe that the judge's insights have brought new breakthroughs to the case; on the other hand, some people are worried that this may make the case more confusing.

As the differences deepened, Hong Zhenxiong, the main suspect in the case, also felt unprecedented pressure.He chose to launch his final counterattack at this critical moment, trying to influence the direction of the case through a series of actions.Hong Zhenxiong's counterattack not only increased the complexity of the case, but also made the three-person team face unprecedented challenges.

Faced with such a situation, the three-person team must quickly adjust strategies, reorganize case clues, and conduct in-depth communication with the judge and other relevant parties.They understand that only by working together can they break through the fog and uncover the truth about this seaside murder.

Currently, the case is still under further investigation.

《Port of lies》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Jin Ping left in anger due to a dispute.He originally thought that he could face various difficulties in life independently, but the reality was more cruel than he imagined.After leaving, Jin Ping gradually felt lonely and helpless, and began to miss the past days.But at this time, he had no way out and could only bite the bullet and continue moving forward.

On the other side, Lina is being threatened by her employer.She was a loyal employee who suffered retaliation for exposing her employer's illegal behavior.Faced with the threat from her employer, Lina did not back down, but firmly chose to stand on the side of justice.She knew that her choice might bring her trouble, but she still chose to do so without hesitation.

Episode 6

Brother Bao felt deeply guilty for missing his father's call for help.

At this critical moment, both the pros and cons tried their best to solve the problem.They hired lawyers, collected evidence, and prepared defense statements in an attempt to gain an advantage in the upcoming trial.The battle between justice and evil is about to take place, and everyone is fighting for their own interests.

In this suspenseful moment, we also see the brilliance of human nature.Jin Ping gradually matured during the struggle and learned how to face difficulties; Lina bravely stood on the side of justice, showing her courage and determination; although Brother Bao made mistakes, he was willing to take responsibility and work hard to make up for his mistakes.

As the court date approaches, tensions come to a head.How will the fates of Jin Ping, Lina and Brother Bao be intertwined?How will they deal with the challenges from both sides?The answers to these questions will be revealed when the trial begins.

《Port of lies》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

On a quiet night, Lao Tong's falling into the sea caused an uproar in the coastal city.Why did he suddenly fall into the sea?This question not only troubles citizens, but also arouses great concern from the police.Especially Liu Jian, an experienced and keen detective, he knows well that there may be unknown secrets hidden behind it.

Liu Jian quickly organized a capable investigation team to launch an in-depth investigation into the incident.During the investigation, they discovered a man named Ahan.Ahan is Lao Tong's neighbor and an enthusiastic community worker.He took the initiative to provide some key clues to the police, pointing to a man named Amin.

However, under Ahan's investigation, signs of serious suspicion gradually emerged.Ahan revealed to the police that Amin behaved abnormally before Lao Tong fell into the sea, frequently appeared near Lao Tong's house, and had fierce disputes with Lao Tong.These clues made the police a little more suspicious of Amin.

Episode 7

The investigation of the case has entered a critical moment. Brother Bao and Lina, two lawyers who insist on justice, decided not to give up the pursuit of the case.They believe that there must be a more complicated truth behind the case.Therefore, they decided to conduct a third trial of the case, hoping to find more evidence and seek justice for Lao Tong.

Jin Ping, a deeply moved citizen, also actively participated in the investigation of the case.He used his influence to help the police collect clues and provided strong support for the investigation of the case.However, it was his participation that brought the seaside murder case to an unexpected ending.

With Jin Ping's help, the police finally found key evidence and revealed the true identity behind A Min.It turned out that there was a deep grudge and grudge between him and Lao Tong.In an unexpected conflict, Amin accidentally pushed Lao Tong into the sea, resulting in his unfortunate death.

The truth of the case finally came to light, and Amin was arrested by the police in accordance with the law.In court, Brother Bao and Lina relied on conclusive evidence to successfully seek justice for Lao Tong.Although the outcome of the case is regrettable, it also demonstrates the power of justice and the majesty of the law.

《Port of lies》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

The case recalls a few months ago, when the tranquility of the coastal city was broken by a sudden murder.As the investigation progressed, Abdul was identified as the main suspect and sentenced to death.However, as Abdul's defense lawyer, Brother Bao firmly believes that he was wronged and has been working hard to find opportunities for a retrial.

The result of the referendum further complicates the situation.Brother Bao, who originally hoped to gain more support for Abdul through a referendum, unexpectedly discovered that the results of the referendum made the case even more complicated and confusing.In this case, Brother Bao had to seek more help.

He made a request to his old lover Chen Lingqiu.As a senior legal professional, Chen Lingqiu has rich connections and resources.Brother Bao hopes that she can suspend the execution and gain more opportunities for Abdul to be retried.

Episode 8

While Brother Bao was running around, Lina accidentally discovered decisive evidence.This evidence points directly to the real murderer and provides strong proof of Abdul's innocence.Lina immediately informed Brother Bao of this discovery, hoping to win a chance for Abdul.

The development of the case has not become clear.The collusive testimony of hostile witnesses and Lin Dingwen's secret suggestions made the situation go from bad to worse.Brother Bao and Chen Lingqiu faced tremendous pressure, but they did not give up and were still working hard to find a breakthrough.

In the court battle for this seaside murder case, the competition between various forces made the case more complicated.But with the emergence of conclusive evidence discovered by Lena, Abdul can bring a turning point.